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I♥Jesus ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 04 December 2009 Status: Offline Points: 100 |
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I would like to make two comments here.
First, regarding Matthew 24:4-8 Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. It is interesting to compare Matthew 24:4-8 to the hadiths: 004.056.803 - Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions - - - - Narrated Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman The people used to ask Allah's Apostle about good, but I used to ask him about evil for fear that it might overtake me. Once I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We were in ignorance and in evil and Allah has bestowed upon us the present good; will there by any evil after this good?" He said, "Yes." I asked, "Will there be good after that evil?" He said, "Yes, but it would be tained with Dakhan (i.e. Little evil)."I asked, "What will its Dakhan be?" He said, "There will be some people who will lead (people) according to principles other than my tradition. You will see their actions and disapprove of them." I said,"Will there by any evil after that good?" He said, "Yes, there will be some people who will invite others to the doors of Hell, and whoever accepts their invitation to it will be thrown in it (by them)." I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Describe those people to us." He said, "They will belong to us and speak our language" I asked, "What do you order me to do if such a thing should take place in my life?" He said, "Adhere to the group of Muslims and their Chief." I asked, "If there is neither a group (of Muslims) nor a chief (what shall I do)?" He said, "Keep away from all those different sects, even if you had to bite (i.e. eat) the root of a tree, till you meet Allah while you are still in that state." )009.084.065 - Dealing with Apostates - - Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Yasar That they visited Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and asked him about Al-Harauriyya, a special unorthodox religious sect, "Did you hear the Prophet saying anything about them?" Abu Sa'id said, "I do not know what Al-Harauriyya is, but I heard the Prophet saying, "There will appear in this nation---- he did not say: From this nation ---- a group of people so pious apparently that you will consider your prayers inferior to their prayers, but they will recite the Quran, the teachings of which will not go beyond their throats and will go out of their religion as an arrow darts through the game, whereupon the archer may look at his arrow, its Nasl at its Risaf and its Fuqa to see whether it is blood-stained or not (i.e. they will have not even a trace of Islam in them)." Clearly both Jesus and Muhammad have prophesied the same thing here: Evil leaders and sects will arise out of both religions. They will appear to be the most authentic, but will actually be completely without God. I think there are sects of Christians and Muslims now which appear to fulfill these prophecies, and that the agreement of BIble and Hadith on this is notable. Second is regarding this conclusion: "Well if Jesus is a true prophet then whatever he said should be heeded. Jesus claimed to be the only way to God. If Jesus is right then Mohammed is wrong. If Jesus is wrong, Mohammed is still wrong, because he said that Jesus was right." This conclusion is wrong because Islam agrees with Christianity that it is the Jesus who will be the righteous judge of everyone. ![]() Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it." Abu Huraira added "If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): -- 'And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) Before his death. And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness Against them." (4.159) (See Fateh Al Bari, Page 302 Vol 7) Jesus exact words were, "No one proceeds to the Father except through me". Islam (Sunni Islam, at least) is in agreement here that Jesus is the Just ruler of humanity and our final arbiter with God. It is especially convincing if one removes the parenthetical comments added in by the translator and just reads the hadith as it was written. |
If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. 5:48
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Mansoor_ali ![]() Senior Member ![]() Male Joined: 25 September 2008 Location: Pakistan Status: Offline Points: 584 |
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JOUBERAR Where did the bible agree with Quran it never ever agreed with Quran because it was writen long before Muhammad apeared in the lime light and the QURAN disagree with the bible cos it mentioned that the bible was corrupted, I do not want fracments of his self imposed laws that he never obeyed. Response I have shown you some similarities but if you donot want to agree with me then i cannot do any thing. Source of Quran and Bible is same that is GOD(ALLAH ALMIGHTY) but we believe in that Bible which was revealed to Jesus Christ.Bible of today is corrupted form of that Bible. Not all parts of Bible are corrupt but mostly are. Visit Examining The Bible briefly discuss the problems in the Bible. Another and my favorite Dr.Bart Ehrman "The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why" JOUBERAR Mathew 24 make it very clear that Muhammad was a deceiver of mankind. 3As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" 4Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. 5For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,a]'>[a]' and will deceive many. 6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains. Response Jesus says that many will come IN MY NAME claiming I AM THE CHRIST. The prophet Muhammad never claimed he was the Christ, that title was never given to him in the Quran, the term Christ is only given to Jesus in the Quran. Secondly, Muhammad never came in Jesus' name; Muhammad came for Allah's cause, not Jesus'. So therefore as we already see, the prophet Muhammad does not match the description given by Jesus. JOUBERAR The Comforter: Muslims claim that the Bible has been corrupted. One of their chief arguments refers to the Greek rendering for Comforter "paracletos" which means "advocate" or "helper". Their scholars translate this "paraclytos" and use this to point to Mohammed. The Muslims see Jesus' reference to the coming of the Comforter or helper (the paraclete) as fulfilled by Mohammed. They base this on quaran 61:6 where Mohammed is reckoned to be ahmad ("paraclytos"), "Jesus, the son of Mary, said 0 children of Israel! I am the apostle of God ... giving glad tidings of an apostle to come after me whose name shall be ahmad." In all 5,366 manuscripts of the New Testament there is no reference to paraclytos (praised one,) so there is no textual evidence for this claim. Response Shabir Ally in his debate with Anis Shorrosh shed light on the issue of "paracletos" and "paraclytos" .I donot know the exact words of Shabir so i am quoting his debate. Muhammad in the Bible?Debate between Shabir Ally and Anis Shorrosh JOUBERAR in sura 16:102 and sura 26:192-194 Mohammed's call was issued by the Holy Spirit who according to their teaching is the angel Gabriel. In contrast according to the Bible the Comforter is the Holy Spirit (John 14:26) who is God. This conflict certainly shows the Biblical illiteracy of the Koran's author. Response It just shows how Quran improves the Bible on the issue of Holy Spirit.Trinity is a major problem in the christianity which christianty also cannot explain.But according to Bible Holy Spirit is not God. Read John 17:3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. Notice how the Father is being referred to as THE ONLY TRUE GOD.How is it possible for the Father to be the ONLY true God, while at the same time the Holy Spirit God as well?If the Holy Spirit is God as well, then it is false to say that the Father is the ONLY true God. JOUBERAR What's more according to the Bible the very purpose of the coming of this helper is to bear witness to the truth who is Jesus (c/f John 14:6). Response Yes Muhammad did.Quran rightly witness to the truth who is Jesus.For example: 1.Jesus is not God.So there is no trinity. 2.Jesus didnot die for the sins it is just man-made ancient stories which you can find before the birth of Christ. 3.He is just Prophet.etc etc If you donot want to believe then you are not true follower of Jesus Christ.It doesnot carry any weight if you say that i love my Jesus he is my savior etc etc JOUBERAR And furthermore this helper whom Jesus and the Father would send would be in Christians and would abide with them forever (John 14:17). How can Mohammed be said to be living in Christians today after being dead 13 centuries? Response No where it is written that Muhammad would be in Christians.Jesus Christ never use this word.The word christian was derived after Jesus Christ.Show me where disciples were called christians.So it is fake to claim that Muhammad would be in christianity. Now how he may abide with you forever?Simple,it is a message of Quran and Sunna of Prophet that is abide with you forever.You are going to take meaning literally. JOUBERAR In John 16:13 Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will not speak on His own authority but that. He will glorify Christ (v. 14) and will take what is Jesus' and declare it unto you. In Sura 33:40 Mohammed says of himself that he is the apostle of God, the seal of the prophets. This means that he supersedes Jesus who is an inferior prophet. He is speaking on his own authority, which is something that Jesus said his helper would not do. (Jesus also said that John the Baptist is the greatest prophet ever among men - Matt 11:11.). Response Show me where Quran and Hadith say that Jesus is an inferior Prophet?There is not a single verese you can point out. Yes Muhammad didnot speak on his own authority.Quran exactly says in 53:3-4 "Nor does he (Muhammad) speak of his own desire. It is but an Inspiration that is inspired [unto him]" I agree that John the Baptist is the greatest prophet even greatest than Jesus Christ. JOUBERAR One of the arguments for Mohammed being the helper is that Jesus promised to send another of the same kind (like Himself). Since Muslims look upon Jesus as being only a man, a prophet, to them this had to mean that He was going to send another man. They reject Jesus' deity and the fact that He pre existed as God's Son, who is spirit and that this was His eternal nature. He took upon Himself a human nature as an addition but He always existed as God's Son. The Bible clearly teaches that the Holy Spirit is also God and that when Jesus said that He would send another like Himself it was to be of the same kind (eternal) in like nature. The Spirit would be with us forever which is something only God can promise and perform. Response Show me your Holy Spirit.Can you show me?No.You even whole christianity cannot show me.But i can show you Prophet Muhammad in terms of his teachings and Quran but you cannot show me your Holy Spirt.So why i need to follow you? Further Jesus is God's Son but in terms of servant.It is a common term that is used even before Jesus Christ. There is not a single verse which talks about deity of Christ. Now you are talking about that Holy Spirit is God.I already quoted John 17:3 to show that it is impossible for Holy Spirit to be God. JOUBERAR The timing of when the helper would be sent certainly contradicts the Koran. Jesus said that it "would not be many days from now" - see Acts 1:4-5. This was to be at the close of the 40 days, that he appeared after His resurrection. We know that this was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost, 50 days after His crucifixion. Mohammed did not come until 600 years later so this would mean that the disciples did not have the Comforter (paraclete) nor do we today since Mohammed is no longer here. Response Many times Jesus Christ also speak in parables. Any way here is response by brother Umar Hassan: If it is said that the Comforter was promised to the immediate disciples of Jesus � peace and blessings of Almighty Allah be upon him � and not to a people six hundred years later: "and he (God) shall give You another Comforter, that he may abide with You for ever." John 14:16 (Emphasis mine) Surprisingly, the Christian sees no difficulty in justifying the fulfillment of prophecies "since the world began," (Acts 3:21) and after over a millennium when Peter in his second sermon to the Jews, reminds them: "For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord Your God raise up unto You of Your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear In all things what-so ever he shall say unto You." Acts 3: 22 (Emphasis mine) All these "YE, YOU and YOURS" are from the Book of Deuteronomy, chapter 18, when Moses � peace and blessings of Almighty Allah be upon him � addressed his people and NOT the Jews at the time of Peter, thirteen hundred years later. The Gospel writers have put the same compromising words in the mouth of their Master which are begging for fulfillment for two thousand years. I think just one example will suffice: "But when they persecute You in this city, flee Ye into another: for verily (most assuredly) I (Jesus) say unto You, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel till the son of man (Jesus) be come." Matthew 10: 25 (Emphasis mine) Secondly, this claim made by the Christians is not up to the status, because according to the Bible, Disciples were already having the Holy Spirit "...as my Father hath sent me, even so I send you (the disciples of Jesus), And when he had said this, be breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive Ye The Holy Spirit." John 20:21 �22 (Emphasis mine) The disciples receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So if the "Holy Spirit" was with (1) John the Baptist, (2) Elizabeth. (3) Zacharias. (4) Simeon. (5) Jesus and (6) the Disciples of Jesus; then all this makes nonsense of the saying that "Another Comforter" and "if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you." Therefore the Comforter is not the Holy Spirit. You see, so simple it is to find the reality. You just have to use a common sense and there you are with the SOLUTION. JOUBERAR Another Biblical event that makes this claim by Muslims even more illogical is that the paraclete, who is identified as the Holy Spirit, was brooding over the waters in Genesis 1 and taking part in creation. It is obvious that this could not be Mohammed. Further it was by the same Holy Spirit that the egg inside Mary was impregnated so that she conceived. This certainly is not Mohammed! In addition we are told that the Comforter would be in us. Christians will all have in them the same Holy Spirit. How could this be Mohammed? He was a flesh and blood person who is no longer alive. How could he inhabit Christians , of all people, who do not believe in His teachings? Despite all this evidence, Muslims insist that the paraclete is a person of flesh and blood and not the Holy Spirit who is God Himself. Response Now please show me your Holy Spirit? I can show you Muhammad in terms of his teachings and Quran.Just show me what Holy Spirit did for christianity? if you believe that Holy Spirit is God then you contradict with John 17:3 Note:I want to make it clear that what Muslims actually believe. We believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was predicted in the original Torah and Gospel revealed to Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them both) respectively. Some of these prophecies happened to remain preserved and found their way into the Bible, which also contains much falsehood according to Islamic teachings. Thus, it is not a surprise for a Muslim to find that the predictions of Muhammad (peace be upon him) are vague and some how isolated from the context of the entire Bible. The reason for this is because there is also falsehood in the Bible, which would distort the truth. Thus, the Muslim is not required in any way to prove that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is clearly predicted in the Bible by taking all the verses in the Bible into consideration. This is simply the Muslim position regardless of one likes it or not. JOUBERAR In conclusion: The fact that Mohammed said that Jesus was a prophet is a very strong argument that can be used by Christians in their dialogue with Muslims. Just ask the question, "Is Jesus a prophet?" The answer will be "Mohammed said he was." "Can a true prophet lie? Muslims will answer in the negative. "Well if Jesus is a true prophet then whatever he said should be heeded. Jesus claimed to be the only way to God. If Jesus is right then Mohammed is wrong. If Jesus is wrong, Mohammed is still wrong, because he said that Jesus was right." Response Now you said that whatever Jesus said should be heeded.Now how much Jesus said? Words of Jessu himself which constitute less than 10% of the NT. Nobody knows who wrote the Gospels.There is still debate over their authors. Yes Jesus is a true Prophet in a same way as Muhammad.It is another thing that true teachings of Jesus Christ is lost. The books [canonical gospels] are not heard of till 150 A.D., that is, till Jesus had been dead nearly a hundred and twenty years. No writer before 150 A.D. makes the slightest mention of them." (Bronson, C. Keeler, A Short History of the Bible) "The Four Gospels were unknown to the early Christian Fathers. Justin Martyr, the most eminent of the early Fathers, wrote about the middle of the second century. His writings in proof of the divinity of Christ demanded the use of these Gospels had they existed in his time. He makes more than 300 quotations from the books of the Old Testament, and nearly one hundred from the Apocryphal books of the New Testament; but none from the four Gospels. (The Book Your Church Doesn�t Want You to Read, Tim C. Leedom) �Each of the four canonical Gospels is religious proclamation in the form of a largely fictional narrative. Christians have never been reluctant to write fiction about Jesus, and we must remember that our four canonical Gospels are only the cream of a large and varied literature� (Rendal Helms, Gospel Fictions p.11) |
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Larry ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male Joined: 16 April 2010 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 632 |
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Just wondering which of these quotes came first, the Bible or the Qur'an? I think the better question is what parts of the Qur'an agree with the Bible?
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honeto ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male Islam Joined: 20 March 2008 Location: Texas Status: Offline Points: 2487 |
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Larry, I am talking about major issues, like God, Jesus, and Salvation. Upon careful study, Christians and their source, the Bible disagree or contradicts with all those three issues. And that is being truthful, not disrespectful. In the Quran those three fundamental issues do not contradict. Hasan Edited by honeto - 10 June 2010 at 10:19pm |
The friends of God will certainly have nothing to fear, nor will they be grieved. Al Quran 10:62
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Larry ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male Joined: 16 April 2010 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 632 |
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You are talking about "God, Jesus and Salvation" as being contradictory in the Bible. There is only one God, the Father.
When Jesus was 12 years old He and His parents went to Jerusalem for the Passover. On the way home Mary and Joseph could not find Jesus among the group and went back to Jerusalem to find Him. "After three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers." When His mother, Mary, asked Him "Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously. And He said to them 'Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business'?" Jesus prayed to His Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, shortly before his capture and execution, saying, "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours be done." The whole point of Jesus's terrible death was to be the sacrifice that would give sinners, who could not earn Salvation on their own, attain salvation through belief in Him as the Son of God. His resurrection after being dead for three days is the miracle that binds all Christians together, for without His sacrifice Christianity would not exist. When John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the river Jordan, "...Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, 'This is My beloved Son, In whom I am well pleased." This is the Trinity that Christians worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are one and the same substance, not three separate "gods". When Jesus was born one of the names that He was given was Emmanuel, meaning literally, "God with us." And, His birth, life and death had been Prophesied 700 years before his birth, by the Prophet Isaiah in the 53rd Chapter of Isaiah in the Old Testament. Isaiah speaks of his painful death but adds that "by His stripes (literally, blows that cut in) we are healed." Every single prophecy of Isaiah concerning the life and death of Jesus Christ was fulfilled by Jesus, even the manner of his death "with the wicked" and "with the rich" at His burial in the tomb of a rich man (Joseph of Arimathea). The Trinity is hard for many non-Christians to understand, but it in no way represents three separate 'gods'. But everyone has their own religious beliefs and if it fulfills their faith then it is right for them. But I believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and will judge the world at the end of days as written of in the 'Revelation of Jesus Christ', the last book of the New Testament. Peace! |
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JOUBERAR ![]() Guest Group ![]() ![]() Joined: 13 March 2009 Status: Offline Points: 573 |
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Mansoor It seems to me you are realy :ignorant" either you don't know who the "holy spirit" is, or you don't want to know who the "holy spirit" is, simply because of your tradisional back ground and your islamic education you don't want to "know better' and that is complete arrogance.
Was it God who change the bible and now all of a sudden God also changed I don't care who changed the bible, but the Quran is completly false Muhammad and his compannions made up thier own "r�sum�" which cotradict the bible in every the way. The nearest that Quan have EVER came to bible is when you put a bible next to the Quran The Quran is plagiarized with apocryphal Scriptures and pre - islamic Arabic poetry excerpts.
The Quran was never and will never be God's word or a god's word not even and idol's word it was Muhammad who made himself a god because it was his own words and his companion's "words' so listen to what I have to say to you, that "one day" you will stand before "God" and so that you can gave whitness to him that" I" have told you that "Muhammad's Quran" is not and was not from God, and so that you can't denie this before God that nobody gave you that information that isalm was a false way to worship some sort of a god and lay claim that it was the "REAL GOD", "so mark my words", so that you can not turn back and say that I have not "told" you THAT islam was false.
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Sign*Reader ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 02 November 2005 Status: Offline Points: 3352 |
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Nice try with scripted spam so what else is new? Can't you look inward and ask why are you selling the bill of goods that no one will buy'm here! Edited by Sign*Reader - 12 June 2010 at 9:24pm |
Kismet Domino: Faith/Courage/Liberty/Abundance/Selfishness/Immorality/Apathy/Bondage or extinction.
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Mansoor_ali ![]() Senior Member ![]() Male Joined: 25 September 2008 Location: Pakistan Status: Offline Points: 584 |
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JOUBERAR Mansoor It seems to me you are realy :ignorant" either you don't know who the "holy spirit" is, or you don't want to know who the "holy spirit" is, simply because of your tradisional back ground and your islamic education you don't want to "know better' and that is complete arrogance. Response Same thing i can say about you but anyway it is not my way to response. Here is further response why Paraclete is not Holy Spirit. The Gospel of John identifies the Comforter (Paraclete) as the Holy Spirit. The word comforter in the Old Testament can refer to human beings or angels distinctively: So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter. (Ecclesiastes 4:1, LXX) The Comforter is a helper, and hence the Prophets were comforters sent by God: The Paraclete is a
parallel figure to Jesus himself; and this conclusion is confirmed by the fact that
the title is suitable for both. It is clear from 14:16 that the source thought there were
sendings of two Paracletes, Jesus and his successor, the one following the other. (Rudolf Bultmann, Gospel of John, A Commentary, p. 567) JOUBERAR Was it God who change the bible and now all of a sudden God also changed I don't care who changed the bible, Response No it was not God who changed it but people.Still today Bible have grave mistakes even i can show you.And there is no logical reply to those mistakes. Visit : "Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why" By Dr.Bart Ehrman JOUBERAR but the Quran is completly false Muhammad and his compannions made up thier own "r�sum�" which cotradict the bible in every the way. The nearest that Quan have EVER came to bible is when you put a bible next to the Quran The Quran is plagiarized with apocryphal Scriptures and pre - islamic Arabic poetry excerpts. Response There are some similarities between Quran and Bible(and i have shown you but you didnot reply) and ofcourse they are contradict with each other. But Quran is not plagiarizrd from any other source. JOUBERAR The Quran was never and will never be God's word or a god's word not even and idol's word it was Muhammad who made himself a god because it was his own words and his companion's "words' so listen to what I have to say to you, that "one day" you will stand before "God" and so that you can gave whitness to him that" I" have told you that "Muhammad's Quran" is not and was not from God, and so that you can't denie this before God that nobody gave you that information that isalm was a false way to worship some sort of a god and lay claim that it was the "REAL GOD", "so mark my words", so that you can not turn back and say that I have not "told" you THAT islam was false.
Response And on that day Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them) will witness against you. |
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