Your question: "Do you think Muhammad is a true Prophet from God? If so, why?"
Yes, Muhammad is a true Prophet from God.
Before I answer the second part of your question, I think it would be better to define what a Prophet is, so that we can remain at the same frequency to hear each other.
A prophet can be regarded as:
1. A teacher or interpreter of the Will of God.
2. A person who could foretell events or prophesise.
3. A person who speaks and coveys the message of God.
In case of Muhammad, he conveyed the same message which was given to Moses and Jesus, i.e., "There is no God beside Me", "You shall not worship any other beside me."
The crux of the message is "You will worship only your Lord Almighty with all your hearts, all your minds and all your souls."
When I read Qur'aan, the message given to him, I find that message remains constant and consistent with not an iota changed.
For example, I would not consider Paul an apostle or a prophet, for he changed the messages of his master.
Another example: Muhammad's message talks only about The Lord Almighty. Ther is no self-praise by him. In fact, his name appears in Qur'aan only four times. A Prophet of God will always talk about God and remain humble to God.
That is what makes Muhammad different from many of the biblical and a few self-appointed prophets or apostles. Muhammad even did not declare that he was a Prophet until quite some time, are you aware of that?
Edited by bmzsp