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seekshidayath View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 September 2008 at 7:28pm

Now answering your question

You asked :
y dint h.Fatima (a.s) know that she had no inheiritence??? infact it is not important for Abu Bakr to know about the fact that Prophets (a.s) dint leave any inheiritence...are u trying to tell me that the Prophet (a.s) dint do his job well??
I don't understand why your assumptions go wrong always. When i said, fatima RA, did n't know of this hadith which forbaded the inheritance, it does n't mean, Prophet {Pbuh} had n't done his job well !!!
These hadiths get spread from another. Its not necessary that as soon as Prophet {Pbuh}, say anything, be heard by all. Esp, to those women who stayed at homes. Anyways, after the death of Prophet { Pbuh}, there were confusions and disagreements regarding his burial. Abu Bakr said: "I heard the Messenger of All�h [pbuh] say: �A dead Prophet is buried where he dies.� Why did all those companions, not know of it then ? Its not necessary that all the sahabas, stay around  24/7.
Similarly, we have n number of examples which can be cited to prove that, the sahabas, learnt even the hadiths from each other.
Just an other short example : During the early days of ISLAM, the way of offering salah was different. They used to lift there hands from within there legs. But by the time, it got changed, few sahabas who migrated {hijrah}, did not know of it and they used to offer the way they learnt. Later, when they came to know thru other sahabas of it, they immediately learnt.
Anyways, we don't consider it as a sin when fatima RA, did not know of that hadith and claimed her right. Neither do we consider Abu Bakr RA, wrong as he was stricly following the saying of Allah 's messenger.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 September 2008 at 8:44pm
Originally posted by asda asda wrote:

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

now i will look into the i have already mentioned that i knw the source of this article...and that has helped me a lot in doing my research to collect a reasonable answer...inshallah the writer of this article will be exposed in his faulty quotes and inshallah i will show how he is misleading the ahlus sunnah....

Originally posted by seekshidayath seekshidayath wrote:

Now coming to the hadith u had been repeating

Before going into it, let me help you learn a small but important point. A hadith can be well understood, infact can know it in real when, you go thru its context. Welll, here is a hadith from your own source  of ahle byth.


�Fatima is a part of me, and he who makes her angry, makes me angry.�


Well, this is the hadith na, which you quoted. Now, read its explanation. Let's read it in its context


This incident is narrated by the esteemed founding father of Shia theology, Ibn Babaveh Al-Qummi, better known as Al-Sadooq. In his book, Al-Sadooq relayed the following narration on the authority of Imam Jafar as-Sadiq. This narration is also available on


Translation: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Abdullah Jafar Al-Sadiq: A miserable of the miserables came to Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, and said to her: �Did you not know that Ali proposed to marry (Khataba) the daughter of Abu Jahl?� She said: �Is it true what you say? He said three times: �What I say is true.� Jealousy entered into her (heart) to an extent she could not control, for Allah has ordained that women be jealous and that men perform Jihad, and He has made the reward of the patient (woman) similar to that of the Murabit and Muhajir in the way of Allah.


He said: And Fatima�s anguish became severe and she remained thinking about it until night time�she moved to her father�s residence. Ali came to his residence and did not see Fatima and his anguish increased and became great on him, even though he did not know what happened, and he was ashamed to call her from her father�s house so he went to the Masjid and prayed as much as Allah willed, and he collected some of the sand in the Masjid and laid on it.


When the Prophet saw how sad and anguished Fatima was, he poured water over himself and wore his clothes and entered the Masjid. He kept praying, making Rukoo and Sujood, and after every time he completed two Raka he made Du�a that Allah remove what Fatima had of sadness and anguish because he left her turning over and breathing heavily. When the Prophet saw that she could not sleep and could not rest he said: �O daughter, rise!� So she rose and the Prophet carried Al-Hassan and she carried Al-Hussain and took hold of Umm Kulthoom�s hand until they reached Ali (AS) while he was sleeping.


The Prophet put his foot on Ali, pinched him, and said: �Rise Abu Turab! You have disturbed many a resting person. Call for me Abu Bakr from his house and Umar from his Majlis and Talha.� So Ali went and got them from their houses and they gathered around the Messenger of Allah.


The Messenger of Allah then said: �O Ali! Do you not know that Fatima is a piece of me and I am from her. Whoever disturbs her, disturbs me and whoever disturbs me has disturbed Allah, and whoever disturbs her after my death then as if he has disturbed her in my lifetime and whoever disturbed her in my lifetime then as if he has disturbed her after my death.�


(source: Ibn Babveh Al Qummi�s �Elal Al-Sharae��, pp.185-186, Al-Najaf Print; also narrated in Majlisi �Bihar� 43/201-202)

Well according to shia belief, this event never took place...for many reasons which will be discribed...
as u know, every hadith has to be tested from quran, ilme rijal and so on.....inshallah i will look into the flaws of the hadith and then i will look into the fact that even if i accept that hadith to be true, the event if analysed, does not fit ones common sence...may Allah (s.w.t) help me with my task...

the writer of the article is over smart...he thot only sunnis will read his article...and blindly accept his work.....
1st we will look into tho book Elal-Asharae' written by sheikh Saduq (r.a)

If you don't accept hadiths from Abu Hurayrah RA, then why were it  published in your books ? WHy do not accept the hadiths from sahabas , whe led there lives in the companionship of Prophet {Pbuh}

i think u know urdu...and i hope u can read the beautiful the 1st image i have underlined the last narrators name....which is ABU HURAYRA and not Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s) as the writer claims....and
I shall share u the page i have, which shows that it was Jafar
secondly we dont take from abu hurayra, beacuse he is not considered to be a reliable person one reason is given here: dint want to waste space or go off topic)

Don't bother about space, Just share it in english since its not just me or you, many other readers shud also know it.

and now look at the second image...(its the next page)...i have surrounded the words by THE WRITER SHIEKH SADOOQ which says "Rivayat humaare nazdeek hargiz motabar aur Mustanid nahee hai"..this in sort means that he say.."the narration is not authentic and fabricated)...

Kyon kar woh aapke ke yahan yeh motabar ho sakthi hai ? Agar motabar hoti, tho unka yeh aqeedah kaisay aagay badtha ?
WHy cud the hadith be authentic to you all ? If it were authentic, how cud they spread there false beliefs. Anyways, am going to share a image which shows that it was narrated by Jafar. 

well i am sure every published book has this note on this hadith...and the writer of the article either ignored that, thinking shias will blindly believe him or it was his mischiev which has been exposed...
JUst read that exposure, whch am to share

infact if u read all the arabic texts...given in the where it says its been narrated by Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s)....
You must not have read it carefully, or must have thought, i would not check it, But here is that line again.
This incident is narrated by the esteemed founding father of Shia theology, Ibn Babaveh Al-Qummi, better known as Al-Sadooq. In his book, Al-Sadooq relayed the following narration on the authority of Imam Jafar as-Sadiq, I cud not present it in Arabic, as that web-page is been removed.

now lets see the narration in Bihar Ul Anwar By allamah majlisi....look at the chain of narration (from the site[أبي ، عن سعد ، عن الحسن بن عرفة ، عن وكيع ، عن محمد بن إسرائيل ، عن أبي صالح ، عن أبي ذر رحمة الله > u can see there are 7 narrators till Abu Zarr...and Allamah majlisi was born in the Hijri year of 1024....well this hadith can only accepted if it is possible for all the narrators to live atleast around 125 years above or a bit less....since there is around 1014 year gap between Allamah Majlisi and Prophet Muhammad (a.s)!!!!!
So ponder over it. How falllible are those hadiths narrated in your books !!! Check on other haidths too and answer it to yourselves, as how you people get deceited by mere handiwork of these satanic influenced people.

since the al-shia link given there does not work..i cud not work on it...
Yes, its not working now. I checked it and it says that the page is unavailable as its been removed. Did you see how quick are you people o hide the truth. Insha Allah, truth shall prevail. Just look on

This story is not only narrated by the Shia founding father Al-Qummi, but it is also narrated by Al-Majlisi in his book Jala Al-Eoyon. There are not many scholars of the Shia considered more authoratative than Al-Qummi and Al-Majlisi, and both narrate this story.


since the auther has given no quotations from Jala Al-Eoyon....his claims are worthless....
Just because its there are no quotations it cannot be said that its worthless. Check it, It is in your books. Don't forget , you are here to know the FACTS. Don't run away from it.

It was actually Ali  who had angered Fatima , and consequently, the Prophet  chastised him by saying that whoever angers Fatima  angers him. According to the Shia narration above, the Prophet  even �put his foot on Ali� and �pinched him.� Not only this, but the Prophet  rounded up some of the Sahabah in order to publically chastise Ali  on the matter. Hence, if the Shia would like to condemn Abu Bakr  for angering Fatima , then what about this incident in which Ali  does so? In fact, the very statement that the silly Shia use against us is in fact the same statement that was used by the Prophet  as a chastisement of Ali !


And this was not the only time that Ali angered Fatima . According to Shia sources, we see several other instances. On one occassion, she was angry with Ali  because she saw his head in the lap of a slave girl that was given to him as a gift. She even left him for awhile and went to her father�s house, which is something that females do when they are upset with their husbands or they are facing marital problems. This narration is available on the, a reputable Shia website:

just because a website says it, and that website is just giving out a book ..we shud believe it????
It is from your own website. A very so called REPUTABLE shiate  site.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 September 2008 at 8:46pm
Majlisi �Bihar� 43/201-202
إنه جاء شقي من الاشقياء إلى فاطمة بنت محمد صلى الله عليه واله فقال لها : أما علمت أن عليا قد خطب بنت أبي جهل فقالت : حقاما تقول : فقال : حقا ما أقول - ثلاث مرات - فدخلها من الغيرة ما لا تملك نفسها وذلك أن الله تبارك وتعالى كتب على النساء غيرة وكتب على الرجال جهادا .
وجعل للمحتسبة الصابرة منهن من الاجر ما جعل للمرابط المهاجر في سبيل الله .
قال : فاشتد غم فاطمة عليها السلام من ذلك ، وبقيت متفكرة هي حتى أمست وجاء الليل حملت الحسن على عاتقها الايمن والحسين على عاتقها الايسر وأخذت بيد ام الكثوم اليسرى بيدها اليمنى ثم تحولت إلى حجرة أبيها فجاء علي عليه السلام فدخل في حجرته فلم ير فاطمة عليها السلام فاشتد لذلك غمه وعظم عليه ، ولم يعلم القصة
ماهي فاستحيى أن يدعوها من منزل أبيها فخرج إلى المسجد فصلى فيه ماشاء الله ثم جمع شيئا من كثيب المسجد واتكا عليه .
فلما رأى النبي صلى الله عليه واله ما بفاطمة من الحزن أفاض عليه الماء ثم لبس ثوبه ودخل المسجد ، فلم يزل يصلي بين راكع وساجد وكلما صلى ركعتين دعا الله أن يذهب ما بفاطمة من الحزن والغم وذلك أنه خرج من عندها وهي تتقلب وتتنفس الصعداء فلما رآها النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أنها لا يهنئها النوم ، وليس لها قرار قال لها : قومي يابنية فقامت فحمل النبي صلى الله عليه واله الحسن وحملت فاطمة الحسين وأخذت بيد ام الكثوم فانتهى إلى علي عليه السلام وهو نائم فوضع النبي رجله على رجل علي فغمزه وقال : قم ياأبا تراب ، فكم ساكن أزعجة ، ادع لي أباكبر من داره وعمر من مجلسه وطلحة .
فخرج علي عليه السلام فاستخر جهما من منزلهما ، واجتموا عندرسول الله فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه واله : يا علي أما علمت أن فاطمة بضعة مني وأنا منها ، فمن آذاها فقد آذاني [ ومن آذاني فقد آذي الله ] ( 1 ) ومن آذاها بعد موتى كان كمن آذاها في حياتي ، ومن آذاها في حياتي كان كمن آذاها بعد موتى
You can check this book and its page. If its in urdu share it here. Even am trying to get it
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 September 2008 at 9:33pm
A protest is usually to rectify a wrong, or stimulate action . . .
What use is a protest, for something that happened centuries ago? Can protests today change what happened? What happens today during Ashura, is not a form of 'protest' . . . its a biddat, and a form of mourning.
Infact it has no use whatsoever.
If a muslim wishes to bereave a loved one, they should invoke Allah's forgiveness on them by praying . . . the way Allah and His Messengers taught us.
"O Lord, forgive me, my parents and Muslims in the Hereafter. O Lord, show mercy on them as they showed mercy to me when I was young."
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 September 2008 at 12:23am
Originally posted by seekshidayath seekshidayath wrote:

<FONT size=7>�Majlisi �Bihar� 43/201-202إنه جاء شقي من الاشقياء إلى فاطمة بنت محمد صلى الله عليه واله فقال لها : أما علمت أن عليا قد خطب بنت أبي جهل فقالت : حقاما تقول : فقال : حقا ما أقول - ثلاث مرات - فدخلها من الغيرة ما لا تملك نفسها وذلك أن الله تبارك وتعالى كتب على النساء غيرة وكتب على الرجال جهادا .وجعل للمحتسبة الصابرة منهن من الاجر ما جعل للمرابط المهاجر في سبيل الله .قال : فاشتد غم فاطمة عليها السلام من ذلك ، وبقيت متفكرة هي حتى أمست وجاء الليل حملت الحسن على عاتقها الايمن والحسين على عاتقها الايسر وأخذت بيد ام الكثوم اليسرى بيدها اليمنى ثم تحولت إلى حجرة أبيها فجاء علي عليه السلام فدخل في حجرته فلم ير فاطمة عليها السلام فاشتد لذلك غمه وعظم عليه ، ولم يعلم القصةماهي فاستحيى أن يدعوها من منزل أبيها فخرج إلى المسجد فصلى فيه ماشاء الله ثم جمع شيئا من كثيب المسجد واتكا عليه .فلما رأى النبي صلى الله عليه واله ما بفاطمة من الحزن أفاض عليه الماء ثم لبس ثوبه ودخل المسجد ، فلم يزل يصلي بين راكع وساجد وكلما صلى ركعتين دعا الله أن يذهب ما بفاطمة من الحزن والغم وذلك أنه خرج من عندها وهي تتقلب وتتنفس الصعداء فلما رآها النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أنها لا يهنئها النوم ، وليس لها قرار قال لها : قومي يابنية فقامت فحمل النبي صلى الله عليه واله الحسن وحملت فاطمة الحسين وأخذت بيد ام الكثوم فانتهى إلى علي عليه السلام وهو نائم فوضع النبي رجله على رجل علي فغمزه وقال : قم ياأبا تراب ، فكم ساكن أزعجة ، ادع لي أباكبر من داره وعمر من مجلسه وطلحة .فخرج علي عليه السلام فاستخر جهما من منزلهما ، واجتموا عندرسول الله فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه واله : يا علي أما علمت أن فاطمة بضعة مني وأنا منها ، فمن آذاها فقد آذاني [ ومن آذاني فقد آذي الله ] ( 1 ) ومن آذاها بعد موتى كان كمن آذاها في حياتي ، ومن آذاها في حياتي كان كمن آذاها بعد موتى

You can check this book and its page. If its in urdu share it here. Even am trying to get it

can u underline the words Ja'far As Sadiq in the above work??
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 September 2008 at 12:34am
br seeks..
where have u answered my question??? u r just saying that the sahaaba dint know of something and dats does that prove that it was not important for H.Fatima(a.s) to know about the rules of what she will inheirit... please dont go above the question....please go into it...and analyse the situation....

Surly H.Fatima (a.s) knew the rules....and she did debate it in front of Abu Bakr....and who can be a better knower of Quran than H.Fatima, the person who lived her whole life with Prophet Muhammad (a.s)...under Prophet's supervision...and surly the Prophet (a.s) spent more time of his life with her compared to any other sahaaba..

my question still remains for u to ponder upon...i have given an answer....think with an open mind bro...the truth is crystal clear...

jis se rasool razi, usse sab raazi, jisse rasool naraaz, usse sab naaraaz...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 September 2008 at 12:54am
Quote So ponder over it. How falllible are those hadiths narrated in your books !!! Check on other haidths too and answer it to yourselves, as how you people get deceited by mere handiwork of these satanic influenced people.

agar mei aapkee kitabo'n se quote karna shuru kardiya to aapko pata hee hoga ke kya hoga... hum kyu'n jhootee hadees maanlai'n....bus kitaab mei likh diya to shih ho gaya....
our scholars have just written books and dint care about its authenticity because they spent their life just collecting hadith....and if they wud have gone into any of the narrators world, this wud have taken loads of time...infact there are books of rijal written to prove hadith please dont act naive to the situation...

even someone like ayesha had demanded her right of share in inheiritence:

We read in Sahih al Bukhari: �. "I told 'Urwa bin Az-Zubair of this Hadeeth and he said, 'Malik bin Aus has told the truth" I heard 'Ayesha, the wife of the Prophet saying, 'The wives of the Prophet sent 'Uthman to Abu Bakr demanding from him their 1/8 of the Fai which Allah had granted to his Apostle. But I used to oppose them and say to them: Will you not fear Allah? Don't you know that the Prophet used to say: Our property is not inherited, but whatever we leave is to be given in charity?"

Now there are only two options for Ahl'ul Sunnah to accept: Option 1: Ayesha believed the Hadeeth to be correct and still wanted a share of the Prophet's inheritance.

Option 2: Ayesha deemed the Hadeeth to be false and still maintained this position after all the other wives claims had been rejected.

The Apartments of the wives of the Prophet (a.s) was given to them:

"These apartments remained in the possession of the wives after his death. Whenever any one of his wives died, the apartment went to the possession of the relatives".
Seerat un-Nabi, Vol. 3, Page 164 & 165

Ayesha had some clothes of the Prophet (a.s)..
Sahih Muslim Book 024, Number 5181: Abu Burda reported: I visited A'isha and she brought out for us the coarse lower garment (of Allah's Messenger) made in Yemen and clothes made out of Mulabbada cloth, and she swore in the name of Allah that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) died in these two clothes.

therefore i would advice again to think over the issue with an open mind...the Quran, and many other hadith go against the judgement....
May Allah (s.w.t) help u...

on mourning:it has changed a lot...yazeediyat has been struk a blow....y do u think the wahaaabiz and the US army are doing there best to stop it...y do u think they bomb us on our mourning days....

[QUOTE>Why don't you show your protest on the day when Ali RadhiAllah ta'ala anhu was matryred ?[/QUOTE>

go into any shia mosque on the night of 19th and 21st of Ramazan....and u will see the Protest going on....infact there are more gains in azadari than protest....but that was ez to understand by logic...thats y i took that option....we Protest the death of the Prophet (a.s) as well as the death of his progeny....
while if u dont know....we do celebrate the wiladat and good days of the Ahlel Bayt (a.s), for if a day they are happy, we r happy....wen they are sad, we r sad..

[QUOTE> Limits !!!! to cut with swords over a child who is n't even of two years is the LIMIT . Does that child know, why is he protesting for ? Cud you not see the tears and pain of that child ? [/QUOTE>

shud i show u wat sufis and barelvis do??? no right...therefore how many kids do u see happening dat to???....2...3..5???thats it??well that is surly jaahiliyah...and the majority have condemned such practice..shud i show u some of ure practices and condemn it??? i am not blind bro...and am fully aware that majority sunnis dont accept these(that i may show u) many false accusations i have done on ure practices???chk it out on my posts..therefore i wud advice u to ure mind...

Edited by asda - 18 September 2008 at 2:43am
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 September 2008 at 4:15am
I wanted you to get its urdu / english translation. Infact  this hadith presented in arabic is from your source has no name of any narrators. That does n't mean its not the work of Jafar.

Regarding the answer to your question., i did clearly explain as why fatima RA, must not have heard this hadith. If you are n't able to accept this fact, and am sure you will not accept it. Its not necessary that she must have heard the hadith.Just because she spent most of her time {as per your lines, } it does n't mean she must have known all the rules. Did she accompany Prophet {saws} in wars, or while Hijrah. Was she in masjids along with Prophet {Pbuh}, all the time It would be have been possible that Prophet {saws} told that time. If you do not want to accept this, its your wish.I cannot force you.

Let me also tell you am not amongst the followers of Sufism or belong to Barelvis.

You said in your own words that your scholars did not care for authenticity of hadeeths. Does it not open your minds to think how far is it reliable ? Just cool down and ponder over it.

 Many works of shi'ates are all infallible and filled with lies, hatred towards the companions of Prophet.

The lines you quoted in urdu : jis se rasool razi, usse sab raazi, jisse rasool naraaz, usse sab naaraaz... Can you share its hadith or a verse that supports it.

Kindly, let us use english, as most of our readers are n't urdu readers.  Let me translate this line of yours in urdu
u said:
agar mei aapkee kitabo'n se quote karna shuru kardiya to aapko pata hee hoga ke kya hoga... hum kyu'n jhootee hadees maanlai'n....bus kitaab mei likh diya to shih ho gaya....
It says :

If i start quoting from your books, then do you know what may happen ------ Why shud we believe in a fabricated hadith ----- well, it was written in book so it became correct.

Well, my dear, i don't care if your start up quoting from our books. I shall welcome it. But see that i believe in Quran and sunnah. Our hadiths shud be authentic. We just don't believe in all the books blindly. We do study it only after knowing its authenticity. And do mind that hadiths and the ayahs of  our Qur'an are context based. We don't wrongly interpret the ayahs.

U said :

our scholars have just written books and dint care about its authenticity because they spent their life just collecting hadith....and if they wud have gone into any of the narrators world, this wud have taken loads of time...infact there are books of rijal written to prove hadith please dont act naive to the situation...

Re-read your lines asda.

You blindly follow a book since your scholars had written it . And how did they write --- You yourself admit that they did not  check the authenticity. Even our scholars spent there life, in collecting hadiths, offered isteqarah and then finalised in there books.. And alhamdullilah, they did check the authenticity of hadiths. Else there were many people, who in the name of Prophet, lied and said it was from Prophet. You shall see the chain of narrators too.

U said

We read in Sahih al Bukhari: �. "I told 'Urwa bin Az-Zubair of this Hadeeth and he said, 'Malik bin Aus has told the truth" I heard 'Ayesha, the wife of the Prophet saying, 'The wives of the Prophet sent 'Uthman to Abu Bakr demanding from him their 1/8 of the Fai which Allah had granted to his Apostle. But I used to oppose them and say to them: Will you not fear Allah?

Don't you know that the Prophet used to say: Our property is not inherited, but whatever we leave is to be given in charity?"

Now there are only two options for Ahl'ul Sunnah to accept: Option 1: Ayesha believed the Hadeeth to be correct and still wanted a share of the Prophet's inheritance.

Option 2: Ayesha deemed the Hadeeth to be false and still maintained this position after all the other wives claims had been rejected.

Can  u share here, as in which volume of Sahih Bukhari is it ?  Kindly share its number too, so that i first check its authenticity and then reply you.

The Apartments of the wives of the Prophet (a.s) was given to them:

"These apartments remained in the possession of the wives after his death. Whenever any one of his wives died, the apartment went to the possession of the relatives".
Seerat un-Nabi, Vol. 3, Page 164 & 165

Whose seerah is it ? We have many  people writing the biographies of Prophet. Can you let me know if this line of yours is supported by any hadith ?

U said :
Ayesha had some clothes of the Prophet (a.s)..
Sahih Muslim Book 024, Number 5181: Abu Burda reported: I visited A'isha and she brought out for us the coarse lower
garment (of Allah's Messenger) made in Yemen and clothes made out of Mulabbada cloth, and she swore in the name of Allah that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) died in these two clothes.
therefore i would advice again to think over the issue with an open mind...the Quran, and many other hadith go against the judgement....
May Allah (s.w.t) help u...

What if she had those clothes. Why is it wrong when she stored it. We have many such memoirs of Prophet {pbuh}, in the museums.

May Allah swt guide the one who is astray. Ameen.

U said :

go into any shia mosque on the night of 19th and 21st of Ramazan....and u will see the Protest going on..

Why don't you display your mournings on the roads as you do on 10th of Muharram. Is it that you have little pain for Ali RA, so cry inside !!!! .

infact there are more gains in azadari than protest....but that was ez to understand by logic...thats y i took that option....we Protest the death of the Prophet (a.s) as well as the death of his progeny....

Why do you protest the death of Prophet ? ???? I wonder why you all protest for it?  ANd whom do you show these protests to ?

while if u dont know....we do celebrate the wiladat and good days of the Ahlel Bayt (a.s), for if a day they are happy, we r happy....wen they are sad, we r sad..

I did present you the hadith which  forbids mourning and wailing. If you fear Allah swt and obey His messenger, kindly try to follow it.

U said :
therefore how many kids do u see happening dat to???....2...3..5???thats it??

BE IT one child, does the pain of the increase if the number increases. Pain is pain. If at all you feel you are to mourn and wail and hurt yourselves, why do you display over roads. Just lashing over chest, until blood flows ----- *****-- IS THIS Islam ?

WHy don't you also display your mournings and wailings, for those matryrs of Islam, during Prophet {saws}, during Battle of Badr, Uhud, and all that revolution. Even they are shaheeds ? May be you cry for them inside your mosques.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
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