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In Congo, 1,000 die per day

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    Posted: 18 June 2005 at 1:55pm
In Congo, 1,000 die per day: Why isn't it a media story?

By Andrew Stroehlein

BRUSSELS - It's a maxim that what people aren't talking about is
always a favorite topic of conversation. But it will make your head
spin when applied to the media and the most deadly conflict in the
world today. Western media generally do not cover the ongoing war in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but a media story is currently
developing around the Congo - focusing, paradoxically, on how the
conflict is not a media story.

I've lost count of how many journalists in the recent weeks have
asked me, "Why aren't the media covering the Congo?"

With an estimated 1,000 people dying there every day as a result of
hunger and disease caused by war, it is an appropriate question. But
the extent of this coverage of noncoverage is reaching the absurd:
print, radio, TV, Internet - they all want to know why they
themselves are not writing articles and broadcasting programs about
the Congo.

And it is not just me noticing this. In March, Reuters even held a
seminar on "forgotten crises," at which the Congo topped the list,
and on BBC World Service the other day, I heard a newscaster
ask: "Shouldn't this be getting more attention?"

Indeed. What the world media are missing is one of the deadliest
conflicts since World War II: 3.8 million people have died in the
Congo since 1998, dwarfing not only the biggest of natural
catastrophes, such as December's South Asia tsunami, but also other
manmade horrors, such as Darfur.

Congo's situation is complicated - any war on such a scale would be -
but the outlines of the current stage of the conflict are
straightforward enough for any journalist to summarize.

After four years of civil war (a free-for-all in which eight
neighboring countries played a part) a transitional government was
established in Kinshasa, the capital, in 2003. Since then, the
warlords-turned-politicians who dominate the transition, each of
whom still maintains his own militia, have vied for political
advantage and access to the country's vast economic resources. None
is above using violence as a means to stay in power and resist the
integration of the country, and that violence looks set to get worse
in the run-up to elections, technically slated for this month,
though certain now to be postponed - a delay that in itself may
cause significant unrest.

The deadly game has one particularly poisonous wild card: the
Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), a key rebel
group in the eastern Congo that regularly attacks civilians. Because
the FDLR has its origins in the Hutu extremists who slaughtered
800,000 people in the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Rwanda has a pretext
to invade its neighbor, which it has done at least twice in recent
years and threatened to do again in April - a move that would
undermine Congo's fragile transition and could reignite a regional

With so many dying and so much at stake, it is simply astounding
that Congo isn't in the newspapers and on nightly news regularly.
Even a nonlethal car bombing in Iraq or a kidnapping in Afghanistan
gets more Western media coverage in a day than Congo gets in a
typical month of 30,000 dead. So much for the old TV news editors'
saw, "If it bleeds, it leads."

When the question is turned around - or pointed in the proper
direction - and I ask the media why they are not covering the Congo,
journalists usually respond with a sigh or a shrug. Field-hardened
correspondents often tell me they'd like to go but can't convince
their editors.

News editors have long assumed "no one is interested in Africa,"
supposing their audience sees only hopeless African problems
eternally defying solution and thus not worth attention.

But solutions do exist for Congo: The linchpin to resolving the
conflict is the creation of a unified and effective national army
and the disarmament of the remaining ragtag forces that are the
source of so much suffering.

Both the Congolese Transitional Government and the Rwandan
government are heavily dependent on outside aid, so if the
international community would more closely condition its support on
such concrete measures, it could bolster the transition process and
decisively advance peace in the region. Sadly, such stories of
potential solutions are no more reported in the Western media than
stories of the country's current despair.

Somewhat encouragingly, however, the old assumption about a lack of
interest in Africa seems to be breaking down now. A new Zogby poll,
conducted for the International Crisis Group, has revealed that 53
percent of Americans think the US doesn't pay enough attention to
the problems of Africa. Darfur has managed to capture strong
interest throughout the Western world, even inspiring grass-roots
campaigns with extensive participation.

Though the tsunami hit only a small part of Africa, the tsunami
story has turned traditional news wisdom on its head in a similar
way: surprising as it may seem to some news executives, people
actually do care. Readers and viewers actually will be captivated
by - and will even engage with - distant humanitarian disasters when
they know about them.

This is why the current coverage of Congo's noncoverage actually
leaves me optimistic that the country might be the next distant
disaster to capture broad media attention.

The fact that so many journalists are now asking why the media
aren't covering the Congo suggests we are coming to some kind of
tipping point. Once they turn the question on themselves, the buzz
will, let's hope, move on from the lack of coverage and start being
the story itself.

� Andrew Stroehlein is media director for the International Crisis

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from the June 14, 2005 edition - | Copyright � 2005
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