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Blasphemy against our Prophet - Our Reaction ?

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Chrysalis View Drop Down
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    Posted: 19 May 2010 at 1:54pm
How should we be reacting ?

Cartoons and Comics � A Call to Maturity and Self-Determination: Ust. Abdu Sattar

Published on February 14, 2008

Notes on the Cartoon Controversy
A Call To Maturity and Self-Determination

So it�s happened again. They decided to republish the cartoons. Perhaps it is because they want to re-emphasize their opinions on the character and personality of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Maybe because they wish to provoke more reactionary Muslims into random acts of violence or demonstration. Maybe�just to show the world that they can, and stand proud in the gleaming light of free speech.

Anyone with a sense of justice can see that the apathetic Western reaction to these cartoons � full of hate and vitriolic sentiment targeted against the heritage, culture, and beliefs of over a fifth of humanity, is unjust � when compared to the resistance such cartoons would be met with if they were targeted at other groups.

The Muslims wonder why our community can be insulted, and threatened with deportation, our holy cities threatened with nuclear weapons by a U.S. Presidential candidate (Tom Tancredo), and our most sacred figures reviled? But if a whisper is raised against any other community � if a comedian goes off on a racist tirade using the N-word, or an award winning actor and director makes anti-semitic comments in a state of drunkenness � the entire Western world rises to say: �We will not tolerate your intolerance. We are better than your hate.� But when Muslims are lambasted across the country on conservative radio shows, urging violence against them, deportation, whole-scale attacks against their countries and forced conversion to Christianity��we hear no civilized response against the unholy right-wing war talk. When a mosque is burned down by a white-supremacist group in Columbia, TN, it does not even make the news. When the enlightened West is met with comments which declare �The Other� as inferior�..there is a complicit silence.

Muslims need to realize three things:

1. Do not be surprised or shocked, emotionally, or intellectually, that this is happening.

��[They] will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah�s guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper.� (2:120)

When your Lord tells you that a group will NEVER be pleased with you, satisfied with you, or happy with you, until you follow their way, it behooves the Muslim to accept it as a fact. The continuous begging and pleading Muslims who yell: �Please don�t make fun of us! Please don�t ridicule us! We are people just like you! Please be impressed with our history!� is nothing short of pathetic � when you consider how sometimes the street mob goes to burn and attack their own streets in protest, as has happened in Pakistan, and a few other places in e Muslim world. A political cartoon painting Islam as violent � is given seeming credence when in reality, only a tiny speck of Muslims even think of reacting win such ways.

It is time for the Muslim to realize that the actions of a person who makes fun of the Prophet(saw), or even goes so far as to insult or ridicule God himself, is responsible for his or her own deeds. He or she will be held responsible for what they draw, say, or write on the Day of Judgment. It is not up to us to legislate against them in this world when they are living in their own countries, nor to beg powerlessly that they cease and desist their activities.

Should we defend our Prophet? Yes. Through teaching people who he was and spreading the Truth. But, It is time for us to stop being so emotionally surprised when Islamophobes insult Islam. They don�t believe in your Prophet. Or your religion. And they don�t like either of them, or you. We should grow up and deal with it. The Quran is preparing us for this reality with the verse above.

So let us be prepared.

2. If you are going to respond, respond in the manner of the Prophetic Sunnah (Tradition) which we are claiming to defend.

�And the servants of Allah . . . are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say �Peace�� [25:63]

Realize that the Islamophobes have the right to say or write whatever they want. They do. And no one will stop them. Your complaints will make them happier. They are not in a Muslim country. Our response should be a response fitting the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) which we claim to defend so staunchly.

When some enemies of Islam once walked by the Prophet (saw) in Madinah, they said to him, �As-Sa�mu Alaikum� (Death be upon you), trying to slyly make it sound like �Assalamu-Alaikum� (Peace be upon you). They didn�t write against him, draw against him � they spoke directly to him. He, with the calm demeanor of prophethood, simply responded � �Wa alaikum�, and upon you. He did not escalate or insult � he responded by reflecting their greeting, without mentioning anything negative himself or lowering his noble speech.

�And you [Oh Prophet] are upon the noblest of character.� (64:4)

His wife �Aisha, who out of her love for him, acted in a way many Muslims today do and yelled: �May the curse of Allah be upon you, and his punishment, and his�!�

The Prophet (saw) stopped her saying: �Calm down oh Aisha, calm down. There is not gentleness in anything, except that it becomes more beautiful, and there is not harshness in anything except that it makes it ugly. So be calm oh Aisha.�

This exemplifies the Prophetic response. Calmness. Tranquility. Humility. He was active in spreading the message with �wisdom and beautiful preaching� with enthusiasm, vigor and strength, but he did not let insults take over his greatness. He engaged with those around him to teach them about God, and teach them about how to live their lives to the fullest. A model citizen. A good neighbor. A fortress of justice. An honest friend. A helper of the needy. A Messenger of God. This was his response. More than that, this was his driving mission.

�Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching.� [S�rah al-Nahl: 125]

Also, that we engage those people who do believe in God, in working acts of righteousness and benefit for humanity.

3. It is time to stop being dependent on others to present a good image of us. They have not and will never do so reliably, save a few fair-minded individuals. Self-determination in our message, our image, and our work, is the only answer.

Yet another incident, when the Makkans used to try to make fun of the Prophet by twisting his name because of its meaning being �The one deserving of praise� , and calling him Mudhammam (belittled one) � he simply smiled and said, �They are making fun of a man named Mudhammam, but I am Muhammad!�

Rather than worrying about these insults, he spent his time propagating his message. He spent his time building his community and ensuring that every man, woman, and child could hear about what he had to say and how to worship God and come close to Him. So rather than focusing on what they produce, draw, write, and say � what has each of us done to paint the proper picture of the Messenger (saw)? Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes are making millions painting a picture of a warlord and a �Prophet of Doom�. Why are we surprised when Allah (swt) told us it would happen, and more importantly, what have we done to spread a positive image of the Prophet actively?

Perhaps we are arguing about whether or not praying behind someone who eats McDonald�s is allowed. Or whether wiping over our leather socks is permissible. Or if music with more than a duff is makrooh or haram. Or maybe our mufti �saab� teaches that I shouldn�t talk about Islam, Quran, or the Prophet without being in his presence or even read a book without his stamp of approval, turning us to intellectual zombies, far from the example of the Sahaabah and the righteous predecessors. Maybe we are busy arguing about Tariqahs, Madhabs, Manhaj, Aqeedah, and other things which we have no understanding of beyond a few pamphlets and classes in our neighborhoods, and of course, the Internet.

I remember my father teaching me that when the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258, the �ulama and the their students were discussing whether or not it was permissible to eat crows. Unfortunately, it seems we have not learned.

It is time for the Muslim to be a self-determined, educated, citizen of humanity and of Islam. Someone who�s character aims to mirror the Prophetic character. It is time for the sisters to put down their mascara and their foundation, and the brothers to put down the Nintendo Wii and XBOX controllers, and stand up and become men and women, and stop being boys and girls. It is time for for them to become self-determined individuals, who understand that the honor of this Deen and its Ummah, can only be given by Allah, but they must work for it. Allah says:

�God will not change the condition of a people, until they change what is within themselves.� (13:11)

It is time to stop burning flags, and start burning desires.

Stop yelling in the streets against people who are overjoyed at your anger, and whisper to Allah who will become overjoyed at your prayer.

Stop breaking, burning, and screaming.
Start building, learning, and calling.

"O Lord, forgive me, my parents and Muslims in the Hereafter. O Lord, show mercy on them as they showed mercy to me when I was young."
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xx__Ace__xx View Drop Down
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I whole heartedly agree, I've been of the same opinion since the beginning. Why even give them attention? The way I see it, by many just making a fuss about it and nothing else, they've only gotten more popular unfortunately, just as they intended. I find it hard to believe some people can't simply think a little and try to understand that this is nothing but intentional provocation which deserves to be not even bothered for, rather kicked aside like trash.
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Bismillah irrahman irrahim
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahe wabarakatuhu
I dont agree brother, Imagine Allah subhanahu wata'ala forbid, someone bad mouths your mum over and over and over again and then some. What will your reaction be? not bothering with them or wanting to smash their face into something?
Here the scenario is big and i am not saying we need to get up and start fighting against them. But we need to do something, i am totally against demonstrations becouse it has no effect on them. This day and age, in this material world money matters and that should be our battle field. Stop buying any products from any such country which has hurt us by insulting our most beloved. 
Brother alhamdulillah we care and we need to show it that we care not for anyone else but our own sakes. We will inshaAllah be facing Allah subhanahu wata'ala one day and what if He asks us that my most beloved was insulted and it did not bother u? It bothers us brother, it does
Say: (O Muhammad) If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your faults, and Allah is Forgiving, MercifuL
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Walaikum Assallam.

Look, you severely misunderstood me on that. There's a big difference between 'fighting back' maturely and immaturely. Back then when the group was created on facebook, a protest group was created against it, and it was really sad to see how some muslims were handling the situation. Swearing, abusing back, making a mess of it, calling names... I mean, how different are we if we do the same thing as those losers? Think about it, we're defending the Prophet SAW here, would he himself ever encourage that? What has he taught us? To reply immaturity with immaturity? No way, not the Prophet SAW I know would ever encourage that.

"someone bad mouths your mum over and over and over again and then some. What will your reaction be? not bothering with them or wanting to smash their face into something?"
^Yeh, its not that I don't understand this feeling, you think I didn't feel that way, lol? Or for that matter every single muslim who witnessed the disgusting cartoons and comments being passed around there didn't? I bloody well don't think so. But isn't that what we'd say the true test is? To calmly yet strongly take action against it rather than abusing back, calling names and what not. When that began to happen only more of an unwanted fuss was created and the cartoonist group only began to grow. Not exactly what we wanted, nah? I remember noticing an idiot who started insulting Jesus, wanting to "get back at the non-muslims", such was his ignorance that I had to facepalm and remind him Jesus is our own beloved Prophet. Is that the right way of defending our beloved Prophet SAW? Is the message that we give them this way right? And more importantly, is this what the Prophet taught us? All this while the cartoonists and their supporters were having fun seeing how badly and easily everyone got provoked to doing the ridiculous stuff, which is just what they intended. Why not just shun those people and boycott facebook at the spot? Why even bother getting into talk with them and helping their cause of gaining publicity? That's more or less what my point was. Smile
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Asalaam Alaikum,

Fatima you wrote:
"Stop buying any products from any such country which has hurt us by insulting our most beloved."

How do you really propose to do that? And is based on a few people or the president of a country or a majority? It sounds good in theory but the practical aspect is another thing. And is it a "country" doing it or individuals who live in places?
  Its like the kid who misbehaves, sometimes they are doing it for attention. "Give me attention". When you give it they further feed off of it. In fact, I would argue the ones actually doing ARE doing it to get a reaction. They push "our button" to see how we react. And its entertainment to them.

Most people are not that rude in general.  Its a few people and to condemn or blame a whole society is not any more helpful then blaming all of the Muslim world for the actions of a few.

And how can you "smash their face into something?"

I am not sure where you live but I would say that a good number of people - not involved-  do not understand why Muslims fuss about it. They live in a nonreligious world. They are in generally more respectful as to not wanting to engage on a decency level. But they won't understand why it is an emotional "push button." For those people we should be patient and explain.

What we do, is we pray we have faith in Allah to be just and merciful.


When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi
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Walaikum assalam,
That's a great reply, Hayfa. There's no need to react to the actions of a small, small minority. What concerns me the most is the effect the shrill, immature reactions of a minority of Muslims on people who are curious about Islam. When I logged on just now, there were 81 guests looking at the board. Assuming a good portion of them are non-Muslims curious about the faith, how many are going to be encouraged to examine Islam more closely by the sorts of hostile postings that are so easy to find on this board? I wouldn't, after reading some of the venom that's been posted recently on this topic in another thread. It's very sad; my only hope is that the worst offenders are young and have a chance to mature and realize how potentially damaging their lack of self-restraint can be.

Edited by sufi_observer - 09 June 2010 at 2:50pm
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Originally posted by sufi_observer sufi_observer wrote:

Walaikum assalam,
What concerns me the most is the effect the shrill, immature reactions of a minority of Muslims on people who are curious about Islam. When I logged on just now, there were 81 guests looking at the board. Assuming a good portion of them are non-Muslims curious about the faith, how many are going to be encouraged to examine Islam more closely by the sorts of hostile postings that are so easy to find on this board? I wouldn't, after reading some of the venom that's been posted recently on this topic in another thread. It's very sad; my only hope is that the worst offenders are young and have a chance to mature and realize how potentially damaging their lack of self-restraint can be.

 Very true . . .

"O Lord, forgive me, my parents and Muslims in the Hereafter. O Lord, show mercy on them as they showed mercy to me when I was young."
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Bismillah irrahman irrahim
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahe wabarakatuhu
Brother ace and sister hayfa you both misunderstood when i gave example of a reaction when some one says some thing to our beloved ones. I meant thats what we feel but i did not say that against these people we need to get up and start a physical fight. I think i did mention boycotting their product is best way. I totally agree with brother about totally finishing off with places like facebook. I did mention it in one of my post some where that if all of us muslims ended our accounts with them facebook would loose 47% of their profit. But trouble is we are not that organised.
What sister said about how to boycott the product? sister its very easy yet hard as you would need to spend some time over where the product is coming from but all is good cause. It would be great if our so called muslim countries would do something but almost all with exception of handful all their leaders are handpicked by we know who. So puppet cant do much with their own will can they?
i totally agree about general public, they are nice people not wanting to trouble anyone, people here in west dont really care about religion.

Edited by fatima - 21 June 2010 at 6:24am
Say: (O Muhammad) If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your faults, and Allah is Forgiving, MercifuL
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