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The Mama and Papa of Extremism

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    Posted: 11 August 2005 at 2:47pm

Colonialism gave birth to extremism
Manzoor Ahmad


KARACHI - �Religious extremism is the result of particular interpretation of the religion which mostly grew during the colonial occupation of Muslim countries,� said Dr Manzoor Ahmed, former vice chancellor of Hamdard University and presently head of Osman Institute of Technology, in an interview with The Nation at his office about the phenomenon of extremism and terrorism.

This interpretation, he said, was based on principles that Islam is incomplete without power, it is incumbent on the Muslims to wage Jihad both in sense of struggle and also in sense of physical combat for domination of Islam in the world.

�Ending extremism requires a critical mass of intellectual resources to start developing strategy for survival, development and also we have to, at least, for certain period of time concentrate on ourselves to grow better and stronger.�

He said in the modern-day world, only the developed and strong nations could play dominant role. Japan wants to become member of the UN Security Council on the claim that they contribute more than a billion dollar to the UN annually, which means that money gives right to become member of the Council. Same is the case of the US, which often threatens to cut assistance to UN if policies pursued by them are not supported by it.

�It may be misunderstood but there is also an example of Jews who are small in number but have a clout which is equal to more than big powers of world. They suffered persecution for 4000 years but eventually realised that the way to domination is through power of ideas. The number of philosophers, scientists, sociologists and political thinkers Jews produced, is staggering,� Dr Manzoor Ahmed said.
He pointed out that Maulana Maudoodi had coined the term �Musalihana Jihad� that is to say that Muslims could invade other countries for getting rid of tyranny. �This is almost the same argument which US President George Bush used for invading Iraq,� Dr Manzoor believed.

He said: �I think that all religions and nations and governments should realise that waging war in any country is not permissible for any reason whatsoever and specially in the name of religion. For me, religion basically provides support to moral behaviour and primary function of religious leader is to raise these standards of morality in the society,� he added.

He said: �I don�t subscribe to the theory that morality can be imposed on people by state authority or by using force, but unfortunately, the religious leaders have started believing that it is through state power that they can make the society just. Regrettably, inspirational leadership comes no more through religious leaders and they made religion so externalise that they have taken Almighty Allah out of their hearts and hung His names on electric poles, feeling satisfied that they have done their religious duty,� he added.

Dr Manzoor, former professor of philosophy in Karachi University and its dean, Faculty of Arts, opined that some extremist elements have turned Islam into an ideology, which has done more harm than benefit. He elaborated that ideologies are changeable, are secular and can be proved right or wrong. 
�I think those who have made Islam an ideology are greatly influenced by Communism and their (Communists) use of term ideology,� Dr Manzoor said, adding that its unfortunate influence on Muslims is that Islamists have started Islamising everything, including knowledge without providing a valid paradigm within which judgements could be made.

�By making Islam an ideology you again emphasise that power is necessarily required for enforcing this ideology. You also at the same time close all doors of dialogue and refuse the right of other ideologies to exist. You also feel that if there is any other ideology, it necessarily clash with yours and that proves that �clash of civilisations� is right. You also distract the attention of religionists from their spiritual side of their life.�

Dr Manzoor Ahmed pointed out that in all religions, a pervading sense of other worldliness, or sense of renunciation of carnal desires in sense of detachment from the existing world. Though, all of which are necessary for a higher moral life. All of this sacrificed on altar of ideology and lose very necessary essence, which religions preach.

To a question, he feared that the clash of civilisations would definitely occur if �we claim that our civilisation is the only right, moral and valuable civilisation in the world and is meant to dominate the world�. 

�If we refuse to give right to other civilisations to exist, they are not going to give this right to us. The only way to avoid this clash is to admit possibility of other civilisations to be true and right and to engage them along with yourselves for pursuit of common values,� Dr Manzoor, author of recently published book in Urdu �Islam: Aik Mutalia�, said.

He added: �Unfortunately, the clash theory is the result of the claims that Muslims make about their own religion and civilisation. I am not saying that others don�t do this but what I am saying is that all civilisations have right to make such claims but no civilisation has a moral right to eliminate the other.�
About terrorism, Dr Manzoor Ahmed said: �It depends on what type of terrorism you are talking about.


If you are talking about the terrorism related to 9/11, 7/7 or Bali bombings, etc, this is sort of an activity, which is not only counter-productive but also not permissible under religion or moral philosophy. Unfortunately, some groups think that it is permissible to fight evil or fight for elimination of evil from the world. A person can use his own life as deterrent.�

Dr Manzoor believes: �Basically this happens when people feel utterly frustrated and find that there is no way out from tyranny of powerful nations. 

To further elaborate his point, he said: �When the cat was shut in room without any way for escape, it would attack you if you are trying to hit it.�

He suggested that Muslims should think that it gives wrong message to the world and provides an opportunity for the bullying nations to hit them (Muslims).

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