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Haroon Mosque in Thailand

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    Posted: 04 October 2016 at 10:45pm

Haroon Mosque History
Haroon Mosque is a very old mosque, one of the first mosques built in Thailand in the early time of King Rama 3rd�s kingship, year 1828. Part of the Haroon Mosque�s allure is its central location in the heart of Bangkok, surrounded by vital business areas and cultural locations.

Haroon Building is the residential building project for Haroon communities, which is overseen by Haroon Mosque. Haroon Building was intended as a replacement for nineteen old wooden houses and was sited on their combined land

What the proplem face Thailand�s Haroon Resident Building
Is the Haroon Mosque�s Imam Practicing Grace, Trust and Morality?
Construction did not begin on time, even though all the old residents had been forced out for over a year. The donator himself, managed to eventually perform the construction by hiring his own contractor to follow the design plan. Frustrated by inexplicable delays, the donator went ahead and used the committees� original design with his own construction team. Construction of Haroon Building project was finally completed in August 2015.

Since then, there have been many problems. The leader does not communicate to villagers. This author would like to present the problems thru this channel to create awareness in the Muslims Society for your consideration.

In the matters of Grace, Trust and Morality
The Haroon Community leader refused to speak with the community regarding their concerns. Please note the 6 points, which follow:

Hurt feelings
1. To the consternation of all concerned parties, the Imam only met with villagers one time throughout this entire process. During that one meeting, Imam said there would be no more meetings because he was blamed during the meeting. It is sad when an important community leader is so overly sensitive to residents concerns that he would walk away from open communications. Such a thin-skinned approach is not the mark of a mature and compassionate leader.

The old people are waiting while we keep paying (and paying) for the design
2. A project design budget can approximate a million baht or more. Before I assumed my role as secretary of the committee, 500,000 baht had already been paid. During one meeting, Imam said there would be another payment, which I believed would be approximately 400,000 baht. I dissented against this payment because construction had not even begun and so this payment was stopped. I felt it was imperative to know, �How much is the total design cost?� What and when is payment for this design work, based upon what criteria? As the old people from the nineteen homes were still waiting for the new building and the building had not yet begun, it seemed odd that so much money was going toward the design in an open ended fashion, in payments that were not based upon hard criteria.

One room with no kitchen, no ventilation and no washing area
3. Sadly, beyond spending a huge amount of money on the design work and speeding up payments to this designer, the design itself was a poor design, where each family received only one room of around 20 square meters. There were no kitchens and no ventilation in these rooms. There was also no washing area. Some people in Haroon feel, �This is only a room for rent! It�s no bigger than a rat�s living room!� I would like to ask the Haroon leader, �Would you allow your family to live a in a place like this? Would you? A true leader would be appalled at asking old people to leave their homes to come back to living in such austere hardship. As leader, have you thought about the Haroon villagers, whom you forced to leave only to return to live in such conditions? Do you feel any sympathy to these Haroon people, who suffer?

What were the costs, expenses and income generated?
4. A clear and open residency plan would have made clear who has residency rights to live in Haroon building. How is it that residents beyond the old people in the nineteen original homes were chosen? Overall, what were the costs, expenses and income generated from this building since its inception? A compassionate and concerned leader of Haroon community, which is for the public, would take the integrous path as a matter of course. Outlining residency requirements is simple, ethical behavior.

Finished building as designed, is uncomfortable and awkward
5. Currently, the finished building as designed, is uncomfortable and awkward. Residents do not feel at ease and resident seniors in Haroon have even offered to support negotiations with the Treasury Department. Negotiations would be to successfully reach an agreement for Haroon to have rights to manage the central streets during additional construction. If successful, the side of the building could be opened to make it clear and look beautiful, as well as allow for expansion to eight floors in the future.

A good leader would handle such donations and any attendant problems with grace, authority and beneficence
6. Ordinarily, when Muslin communities receive donation money such as this, the community leader responds in a competent manner. A beautiful building, reflecting the donator�s generosity rises to the sky, ending problems for residents such as these people in Haroon. A leader sets the tone for their community and a good leader would handle such donations and any attendant problems with grace, authority and beneficence. The competency demonstrated in this Haroon Building is appalling. How can we trust you to take care of our business? A true and wise leader would feel humiliation at such failure.

Questions for the Imam
Were you aware there were damages to the building, which will stay there for many years to come? Did you give careful attention to this project? Did you consult with experts? You are the leader and must obtain information from all parties to make qualified decisions that benefit Haroon villagers. You have never listened to the seniors in Haroon. Are you proud to spend money for this design and this piece of work?

An Imam civilizes and prospers the community
There were many more Haroon building problems beyond chasing nineteen villagers out for years then doing nothing. For the Haroon Building case, I want it to be an example for all the Muslim Community that our community leader plays a very important role. If your community has a good leader, the leader will greatly civilize and prosper your community. Please raise the case of Haroon as an example. Carefully monitor and manage your communities to avoid such failed management.

These failures create ripples and difficulties for future generations
For the Haroon community case, the community received money from one Arab Foundation. This failure creates ripples and difficulties, which will pass onto future generations. In addition to the example you�ve just read, there are many other issues, which are faults in the work of Haroon�s Leader. I will make a summary of these faults and soon report to them to Thai and international Muslim communities or organizations.

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