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Municipal sludge as fertiliser?

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    Posted: 01 March 2022 at 2:06pm
Prices of nitrogen fertiliser have exploded by 300% 400% due to the increase in gas prices which are used to produce fertiliser. Municipal sludge is human manure/dung which is in effect a constant source of fertiliser. A SKY news article said to expect a £3 loaf and a £7 pint of beer due to the increase in the price of gas used to make traditional fertiliser. As a guess municipal sludge could fertilise crops as a replacement to traditional fertiliser??

Any ideas??

I guess a NPK comparison is required

Edit. To reiterate the point farm giant plants (like giant pumpkins) as exemplified by Clive Bevans seeds

Ive not done an NPK analysis of regular fertiliser and municipal sludge but I would guess regular fertiliser has a larger nitrogen content than municipal sludge. The remedy-double the frequency of fertilising the crops with municipal sludge as that would bump up the nitrogen levels in the soil. £3 for a loaf of bread for a single parent is alot of money. The mantra-more bounce to the ounce so hungry poor people can eat more. Allegedly 811 million people go to bed hungry every night. Is that acceptable or reasonable? As was said the mantra is more bounce to the ounce as that means more people are fed!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Blackangel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 March 2022 at 2:37pm
You where advised to deal with the fertiliser issue. The operational word was SPEED. According to the new York post global food prices are up 20%.

How's a single parent and the poor supposed to cope? What's the big idea-rickets?

Big ideas but can't feed the poor?????????/???????????????

Not acceptable 

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Blackangel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 March 2022 at 9:50am
Perhaps a product like Envii seafeed xtra to fertilize industrial crops?

It has a Low NPK but does not require expensive gas to make unlike traditional fertiliser. I phoned Envi asking why the potassium (,k) was so low. The chap explained that a substantial NPK was not required due to the different root chemistry caused by the seaweed. Terry Walton of BBC 2 gardening fame claims that Envii seaweed fertiliser is-- THE BEST PRODUCT HE HAS EVER USED.

As a guess if you ferted with seaweed it would bring the price of food down substantially. If you take overpriced traditional fertiliser out of the equation then as a guess the price of food would reduce substantially. If you grew giant vegetables/fruits (Clive Bevans as an example) then perhaps you could reduce the price of food even further. 

Combination therapy- seaweed fertiliser municipal sludge and giant vegetables/fruits???????

How's a single parent on benefits supposed to cope with a 15%/20% increase in food? 

Half serious half joking. When there is a global obesity problem I'll retire.

Thinking long term -the world's largest pipeline is 8707km long so why can't you build desalination plants on an industrial scale that dumps copious amounts of water for irrigation? For example desert agriculture via hydroponics/aeroponics as demonstrated by the Saudis. As a basic idea Turn Africa into a hydroponics mega farm that's the bread basket of earth??

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Blackangel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 April 2022 at 4:20pm
Please watch YouTube channel Guinness world records -GIANT VEGETABLE CHAMPIONSHIP. Blatantly there is no need to eat insects!! I've noticed McDonald's have added there calorific content to there meals. The British government has asked all restaurants to list the calorific value of there meals on there menus at great expense to restaurants. WHY? Perhaps rationing calories as eating isn't eco friendly? The world economic forum (WEF) states we will eat meat once a week

There is zero requirement to ration calories and eat insects. HYDROPONICS AEROPONICS (consider Netherlands hydroponics,) agriculture of giant vegetables would as a guesstimate leave an abundance of food that could be used for feeding livestock? Methane gas from cattle? BOAVER when fed to cattle reduces methane output by 90%. Lord God controls the thermostat anyway...

With the price of traditional fertiliser increasing then perhaps a savvy way is to fertilize with seaweed?  From what I can gather seaweed fertilises via a different bio-chemical mechanism than typical fertiliser it's also free in abundance and does not require expensive gas to create and if used then it might cause the price of food to collapse

If you are poor then these things matter.

EDIT. I've not done an NPK analysis between traditional fertiliser and seaweed(especially nitrogen & the two different types of nutrient delivery systems perhaps making an NPK comparison useless). That said perhaps & as a guesstimate  controlling the dose and frequency of fertilising a crop would generate favourable results- especially if used with municipal sludge (based on qauntified soil analysis). I've used Envii seaweed fertiliser and it does as advertised.

Yes the NPK of Envii seaweed fertiliser is very low but I tried adding a very very small amount of fertiliser (nitrogen based regular fertiliser ((1.5ml in a litre of water)) to my giant tomato plants and got nitrogen nutrient burn on the plants (-------WHICH PERHAPS DEMONSTRATES ITS EFFECTIVENESS----- ). I can't make any cast iron statements about seaweed fertiliser other than it is abundant free and could reduce the price of food. 

My subjective opinion. Build desalination plants on an industrial scale and pump water for clean disease free drinking water and growing giant sized food via hydroponic cultivation turning Africa into the bread basket mega farm of earth.The Saudis proved desert farming is possible!! The world's largest pipeline is 8707km long-why not flood the continent of Africa with water for hydroponic cultivation and clean drinking water

All glory to God


Btw I tick everybox of the definition of torture as defined by amnesty international. IM NOT A CHARITY It takes a lifetime of training and thousands of hours of research to do what I do. I was going to ask for a seized Russian yacht as fair payment for my services. As was said it takes a lifetime of training. If you gave me a half decent yacht it would work out at less than minimum wage-anyway -It's also at no cost to the taxpayer. I never understood capitalism untill I had a family and want the best for them. If you have spent half your life living in a cage then perhaps you would understand. As Wu tang say-dont stop your dreams. I want to live free riding the capitalist dream. 13 years of working 24/7 for a handful of tranquillisers and £4 in the bank is unacceptable and taking the Mick. IM NOT A CHARITY-- I will never help again. 


IM NOT A CHARITY. AS WAS SAID -1.5ml of liquid fertilizer in 1 litre of water causes nutrient burn in plants treated with Envii seaweed fertiliser which perhaps demonstrates it's efficiency & NUTRIENT UPTAKE

Mix that with giant vegetables and fruits etc then there is no need to eat insects. WHERES THE EVER ALLUSIVE KUDOS? Sort humanity out for chump change and slavery? Your taking the Mick.

I will never ever help again and I hope this world destroys itself. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS? 

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Blackangel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 April 2022 at 12:27pm
Please Google PAGPAG FOOD. Where is the dignity in that? As was said dignity is one of the most abused emotions there is.People are so poor and destitute they can only afford to eat PAGPAG- I wouldn't feed that to my dog.!! Big ideas yet people have to eat PAGPAG. Roll on the Pol Pot job and don't forget the tobasco

Song of the day MARIA. (Comment -no surrender)

People should not eat PAGPAG. Treating people with such indignity is beyond disgraceful.If a universal basic income is somehow an outrageous concept then how about a food allowance for those that eat and sell PAGPAG and the truly destitute? As Tupac said -they have money for wars but can't feed the poor. When it comes to the millitary you talk in dollars. When you talk of the poor you talk in cents.Do you have the trillion dollar surveillance millitary industrial complex to defend the interests of the poor and destitute??????


BBC news reporting that the main supplier of sunflower oil only has a few weeks supply left. Sunflower oil is used in a lot of food products from serial to biscuits. BEST RESOLVE THIS MALFUNCTION IMMEDIATELY

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Blackangel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 April 2022 at 1:51pm
13 years of being treated worse than a slave (slaves get to sleep properly). Ive lost my fisherman's cottage my E class mercedes (leather seats where a 5k option). I can't afford to repair my Jag or ride my motorbike. I've been hospitalised three times due to overwork. I've tried to help humanity-from farming to time travel and stopping wars. What's my reward? cigarette dimps literal torture a handful of tranquillisers and a can of lunch meat. 

 Am I a daft slave charity effort?

A bloke on YouTube bought his second Ferrari last week and had a new car delivered yesterday. He has so many plush cars he uses a hanger to store them all and is a multi millionaire. I have naught and worked myself half to death -and that's why I will never assist humanity again.Why- it's hardly a meritocracy and I'm tired of poverty.

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