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Abdu-Rahman,Kai View Drop Down
Joined: 25 August 2005
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    Posted: 25 August 2005 at 4:46am
A.S.A! I am interested about all science and bible (and history) oriented proofs on behalf of Islam, from all fields, and I think I have found some that maybe non-other has noticed before, so please help translating and spreading them, to increase faith of us all (it surely did it for me, very strong reasons why I accepted Islam, and I think we should use bible and science to convince others, as they do not recocgnise authority of Koran or even read it before it, I put many links if some will not open in one hour due to high traffic) :

This all is from my book in:



Pages: (1-2 introduction)
3-22   Koran and science, what kind of God created "survival of the fittest" (p.19-20 �deserts green�/�Islamic manifest�)?
      3-8     ASTRONOMY
      11      BODIES OF WATER
      12      MOUNTAINS
      12      ANIMALS
      12-13 HISTORY
      16-21 GEOLOGY/PROPHECY (f.ex."flood" of Noah in Koran)
      21      MATHEMATICS
      22    &a mp;n bsp; ENDING OF SCIENCE-SECTION (about 72 prophecies from Judgement Day, and proof that bible told more different nations than just jews have got prophets)

??-??   Jeesus prophesies Islam and told about (time of birth and order of) "The People of the Book"-religions (Luke.5:36-39, why new religion is necessary instead of change of old religions
+Luke.13:6-9, one "year" in prophecy is 600 years from Abraham to Islam=4 "years" 2400 years, 3 "years" before Jesus and 1 "year" from Jesus to Islam=600 years, when "tree of judaism", and with it Jesus=christianity, is cut down by Allah with "gardener" Jesus from way of Islam,
+Matt.20:1-16, one "hour" is 200 years, "first hour" is Abraham, Jacob and jews 1800-1700 BC, "third hour" is Sabians 1200-1100 BC, "sixth hour" is beginning of prophecys about Messiah 600 BC and "ninth hour" is Jesus coming 1 AD, "eleventh hour" is Islam 500-700 AD).
??-??   Paul, SATAN ("beast in lambs clothing") himself! Compare Matt.24:23 and 24:26 how Jesus warned about Paul�s "revelation of Jesus" in road to Damascus and in prison as mark of false messiah and false prophet, compare Matt.24:24 to 2.Corinth.12:12, where Paul himself used same words to describe himself as Jesus used to describe false prophets and false messiahs. (p.??-?? Paul, warning to muslims),
??-??   Isaiah prophesies christianity and Islam (Isa.7:5-6,13-17 earthquake kiling 250 000 people in christian Syria 526 AD+Islam Isa.9:1-6)
??   John the Babtist and 5th Book of Moses (Deuteronomy) prophesies Islam (John.1:19-27+Deut.18:15-22+Matt.21:43)
??-??   World/ history/ Islam without christianity? (end of p.?? about womans rights in Islam)
??   Can we see God�s actions and influence in history, in our world?
??   Arabs "founded" America?
??-??   Jesus had a God, and more generally about Jesus
??   Crucifixion, illusion? (compare Luke 24:30-31 to Matt.12:38-40, Deut.13:5/21:22-23 ,Hosea 6:6,Matt.12:7,Matt.9:13, and Matt.7:7-11, Luke.11:9-13,Matt.26:39, and Luke.20:36-37,Luke.24:38-39 to Koran 4:157)

Best proof on behalf of Islam will be that �god-Jesus� or �Messiah� will not appear before year 2028, as Bible and Taurah prophecied to happen for that generation (80 years in Bible) that SAW (can child see it?) foundation of Israel, it is on Matt.24:32-34, and it can only mean that one generation, not jews generally, as only they were to wittness birth of Israel that is described as tree (metaphor about Israel) putting forth its leaves. Then we will see that Bible is corrupted or that Jesus came as muslim, so muslims can let time and Allah to prove their religion, there is no reason to kill because of it:

41:53 �Soon will We show them our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?�

Allthough Jeesus might seem like for non-muslims "unsuccesful" prophet of Islam (which he was not, more of that on page ??), shall we never forget that everything we have now has been given to us through him (very important for Islam also). Let us think more deeply of his position and role in the world, Jeesus also came for muslims. So lets think world as a whole, what was meaning of Jesus, can actions of God be seen in the world? Was earthquake and tsunami (26.12.2004) just unfortunate "accident" after �birthday of Jesus� for God, or might it have something to do with fact that every countries suffering damage had (have had recently) either muslims fighting with each others (Sumatra, Somalia) or others fighting against muslims (India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar)?

Luk.9:84 "...Whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me..."


From Dead Sea scrolls of Qumran, it can be clearly seen that deut.32:8 declared that jews were not only nation to have profets, as christians and jews claim, but that �sons of God� have been given to numerous nations as Islam teaches. This is how this part went in greek text:

"When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he divided up the human race, he established the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of (Qumran: �sons of God�) angelic beings."

As in Dead Sea Scrolls, which read of the sons of God, and Greek version, which reads of the angels of god. Can word of God have so great conflict in matter so important, dividing religions?

Translation to be continued, ins Allah....


In western (christian) societys has been long war between science and religion. This same battle has not affected Islamic world, because science is viewed to be able only to tell about how Allah created world, and what meanings shorter descriptions in Koran had. And science explains Koran well, Koran is full of miraclious, modern science confirmed knowledge. And Koran has not changed in test of time, it has been made sure by fact that thousands and millions of muslims from time of profet until now have memorized Koran with 100% accuracy even from part of its sound, rythm, melody and dialect (of arabics, even breathing techniques) as Muhammed said it, so any changes would have been noticed right away widely and we would now know about bloody revolts after that (and spread of Islam and muslims were so dramatic that there was no way to change all Korans without original text surviving it). Allah promises in the Koran that He makes remembering Koran easy, and it has been proved by numerous muslims. Shortly after death of profet Koran were added vocal signs for pronauncing Koran exactly like Muhammed did, because arabs spread from Arabia to wide area very fast and their dialect started to change. First editions of this first official Koran are still with us in Istanbul and Taskent (resitation of Muhammed were stored originally for example in animal skins, stonetables and by memorization as arabs had long traditions for that), and Koran (in arabics) is even now exactly same everywhere in the world.
                      In the Bible "forbidden tree" of Paradise was seen as tree of knowledge, so Europe fought for centuries should knowledge coming from muslims be approvable, when backwards Arabs started to flourish in culture, trade and science after accepting Islam. Koran is not book of naturalscience, but still it has over 750 places which have connection for different scientific phenomenon. Koran and hadiths of prophet advices (both womans and man) to education and learning, searching (world of Allah), studies (in school) and teaching others, according to Islam everything, including culture and religion (of your childrens), is based on "brainwashing"=education. So Islam and Muslims saved science, learning and freedom (of academics f.ex., muslims were first to separate "state and church" when caliphs were given power in earthly matters only, and religious power to scholars) after Europeans abandoned it and heretage of ancient Greece, and practically all we have now is because of muslims, even renessance started after Europe began to be intressed from ancient heretage and learn about it trough (stored by muslims in) arabic writings from areas of Sicily and Spain (where muslims were greeted as liberators from dictatorial church, and then later expelled).


Think about it: Black Death-plague arrived after crusades to Europe through Venetsia, that prospered because of crusades. Andalucia brought renessaince, and after expulsion of muslims from Spain it produced hundred year wars with protestants and catholics. Napoleon got to power because of his former conquest of Egypt. World Wars begun because of colonial-invasions, and rivalry about it, from Austria-Hungary colony of muslim-Sarajevo, Russia invading and oppressing muslims in Central-Asia came communist, after muslims allied with bolsheviks.
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