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Basics of Islam & Jesus in Islam |
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nrahman ![]() Starter ![]() ![]() Joined: 30 March 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 3 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted: 03 April 2005 at 9:58pm |
This is a reply to the following and his questions can be viewed in the bottom of this posting. Peace be upon you Mr. Gibson22690 Most important aspect of Islam: is believe in "there no god except ONE GOD (Allah )( Allah means God in Arabic). Believe in all the prophets sent by God to guide the people. ( These include the last prophet Mohammad and Jesus,Moses, Abrahm, Noah, Adam and more than 125000 prophets and respect them equally) Believe in the Last Day; that we will be resurrected for the next life, called Hereafter. God will judge and reward or punish depending upon how we have behaved in this earthly life -either we were good or have been bad. God may forgive our sins, if we sincerely repent in this life and do not repeat the same sin again. Praying God daily. When you have the love for God, we humble ourself in our prayers and makes us think good, do good and talk good. Fear of God makes us not to deviate from good behavior and actions. Praying 5 times also is like exercise to our body. These have been prescribed by the same God to Christians and Jews. Still some section of the Jews pray the same way as Muslims. Fasting for a month and giving Charity: Fasting from 430 am to sunset helps us to feel the hunger of the poor and makes us to share part of our wealth with the poor. Going to Mecca (only if you can afford) and stay in Arafat on the 9th day of Muslim calendar month Hajj and simulate what prophet Abraham has performed. Arafat is the place,where all the humans died will be resurrected on the Last Day and reward or punishment for the Eternal Life will be decided for God. Quran is the word of God. Also we believe God has sent similar book and guidance to other prophets. Bible and Torah were also from God, but over a period of time, men have changed the original Word of God. eg.the Bible has God's Word, Jesus's word, and Man's word.( Authenticity is 100 per cent. Written documents available from the time of the prophet and Muslims have been memorizing the Quran by heart since the start to prevent addition or deletion. 1000s of signs are in the Quran and any proven Scientific theories are foretold in Quran -- including Embryology and humans will go out to space). These are the main important aspect of Islam. These are basics. We also follow Hadith Book and Sunnah ( means how our Prophet Mohammad practiced and interpreted ). Just like the Bible, which has been polluted, our Hadith is also polluted to some extent. We follow some of them, if they are AUTHENTIC. We are responsible for our own actions and every one of us interpret this in our own way, depending upon how we have understood. We have disagreements on these. We do not have any disagreements on the Basics, and as long as you believe in One God, do Good that you will be questioned and judged on the Last Day, God is going to reward you. We do have some hippocrits with blind faith and misunderstanding of the religion, and they are causing mischief in this world.
How does Religion life help you daily? Love and Fear of God makes me to do good all the time.
Do you feel comforted by Religion? Yes. No one has seen God, or Prophets, or Jesus or Krishna or Buddha. Either there is a God, or no God. If you are born in a Christian family,Muslim family, Jewish family or Hindu family, you have been exposed only to what your parents have believed blindly for generation and we practice blind faith and dont have the logic to question yourself and compare. I have compared all the religions. We are all same, derived from one and diverted ourselves over a period of time to different faiths, and forgot the original message of guidance taught by the respective prophets. As a creationist, I do believe in one supreme being. - the God. God cannot be many. Now the question comes .....which God. Quran has 1000s of signs and some of scientifically proven facts are pretold, compared to other books, which has fabrications. These gives me the logic that Quran is authentic. Moreover,Quran has been preserved since it was revealed by: 1. written records from the start; 2. Millions of people have memorized and reciting often, so the original message is not adulterated. When you are convinced about the Quran, then people submit to God. Islam is not the religion started by Mohammad, but is the oldest religion since Adam and other religions have evolved from Islam-the straight path. As per the Gospel of Barnabas, which confirms Jesus as prophet of God ( not as Son of God) says that 140000 prophets have been sent down by God as guidance to people in different part of the world. The message by all the prophets are the same: " believe in ONE God, do good so you will be rewarded in the Last Day". ( this is STRAIGHT PATH ). Abraham, Moses and Jesus are Muslims and preached what Mohammed was preaching. When people diverted from the straight path, they diverted to different concept. e.g. Christians diverted with the concept of Trinity of God, which they themselve cannot comprehend. By becoming Muslim, i.e. beleiving in One God, you wont get anything in this world but will be rewarded in the Hereafter eternal life. I am satisfied that if I do good, I will be rewarded and if I do bad, I will be punished. You have to be responsible for you good and bad actions.
What does your religion believe about Jesus Christ? Jesus is the prophet of God and not son of God. He preached to pray ONE GOD and with HIS permission Jesus did wonders. Jesus was born without a father. If God say, "BE", that gets done. That's how he was born. Jesus talked in his cradle. ( this may not be in Bible). Please see below. Mary is given a high position in Quran. Description about Mary in the Quran, honors her more than in the Bible. Jesus is not crucified but raised up. ( God has replaced Jesus with the traitor in the Cross ----read in the Gospel of Barnabass.) Quran 4:157:: That they said, "We killed Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah; But they killed him not, Nor Crucified him. Only a likeness of that was shown to them and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no knowledge, but only conjecture to follow for a surety they killed him not. &a mp;a mp;n bsp; Q4:158:: Nay Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise. Refer also: Q4:159, Q3:55. Jesus Birth: Q3:45:: Behold! the angel said "O Mary, Allah give you Glad tidings of a Word from Him; his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and of those nearest to Allah. Q3:46::He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity and he shall be of the righteous. Q3:47:: She said: "O my Lord, how shall I have a son when no man hath touched me? He said: "even so; Allah creats What He had decreed a matter, He but says to it, "BE" and it is. Refer also: Q:19:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26. Q19:27:: At length, she brought the (baby) to her people carrying him. They said: "O Mary, truly a strange thing has thou brought?" Q19:28:: "O sister of Aaaron! thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste". &a mp;a mp;n bsp; &a mp;a mp;n bsp; &a mp;a mp;n bsp; Q:19:29:: But she pointed to the baby. They said: " how can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?" Q19:30:: He(Jesus) said: "I am indeed a servant of Allah; He has given me Revelation and made me a prophet. Q19:31:: And He has made me Blessed wheresoever I be, and has enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live. Refer also Q19:32, 33. Refer to : Q3:48; Q3:49::And (appoint Jesus) a messenger to the Children of Israel (with this message): " I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord. In that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it. And it becomes a bird by Allah's leave: And I have those born blind, and the lepers, and I bring the dead into life by Allah's leave; and I declare to you what you eat,and what you store........................ Q3:50:: ........Q3:51::"It is Allah,Who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a Way THAT IS STRAIGHT. " I will stop here. You can refer to these Suras in the Quran> Jesus Desciples: Q3:52, 53. Q:5:111, 112, 113, 114, 115. Jesus Like Adam: Q3:59. Jesus not more than apostle: Q4:171; Q5-75; Q43:59, 63, 64. Jesus not God: Q5:17, Q5:75. Jesus not son of God: Q9:30, 31. Jesus sent wtih Gospel: Q5:46. Message and Miracles: Q:110; Q19:30, 31, 32, 33. Jesus taught no false worship: Q5:116, 117, 118. Jesus Muslims consider Jesus as one of the prophet, as Mohammed. We respect all the prophets including Jesus. Thank you for your curiosity. Will be glad to reply if you have any further questions. thanks Dr. Rahman hey i'm a christian in connecticut who, for my church, is attending a bible study about understanding other religions. We all chose a religion to interview some one from and me, not knowing someone islam was wondering if you would answer a few questions for me. If you don't want to answer them all skip several but i would be a big help if u answered as many as you can. thank you.
How long have you been practicing Islam? Were you born Islamic or did you convert? if you converted why? and if you were born into an islamic family what made that faith real to you? What is the most important aspect of Islam? how does your religoius life help you daily? Do you feel comforted by your religon? What does your religion believe about Jesus christ? Edited by nrahman |
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