bmz - i did not get all you were trying to say in your post re the temptation of Christ, it was rather confused. bear in mind satan was trying to put Christ to the test - he said basically - "if you are the Son of God then prove it my way by jumping off the tower" - he even had the audacity to quote the holy scriptures to the Lord (yes although satan is not omniscient, he does know the holy scriptures, and will even use them in a corrupt way to try to deceive). now the Lord had no need or desire to do anything satans way. instead he said "thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God" - bear also in mind who was being tempted - Christ was being tempted. this means that Christ was claiming to be God
did you actually check all the 10 references i gave? well you couldnt have because i mistyped a couple of them, unless you found them for yourself. your 10 response points were indeed most factual, but then you did not really change anything, did you? - Jesus is God. lets go through them more carefully and see exactly whats being said
1. he is eternal -john 5: 58 - should be john 8: 58 - the jews challenged him as to whether he had seen abraham, he said,"before abraham was, i am" - his words. consider also john 17: 5 - "o father, glorify thou me....with the glory that i had with thee before the world was"
2. he gives eternal life - john 10: 28 - his answer starts in v. 25 - Jesus answered them ".........and i give unto them eternal life...." - his words, talking about himself
3. he sends angels - matthew 13: 41 and 24: 30,31 - note that in these verses, not only will he send the angels, but says they are his angels to send
4. he should get our highest love - matthew 10: 37,38 - jesus is speaking continually from v. 5 - in v. 37 he says "he that loveth father and mother more than me is not worthy of me"
5. he sets free from sin - john 8: 34,36 - he says "if the Son (ie himself) shall make you free (context is "free from sin" see v.34) ye shall be free indeed" -incidentally you are saying God sets free from sin, and that is true, but where in the quran does it say that allah sets free from sin?
6. he forgives sin - matthew 9: 6 - "that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins...." - Son of man being how the Lord probably most often referred to himself - he had the power
7. he searches hearts and minds - revelation 2: 23 - who is speaking these words - you have to look back to v.18 - the words are being addressed to the church at thyatira - "these things saith the Son of God..." - it is a section of messages to 7 churches, given by Christ to John to convey to the churches. look back at chapter 1, v. 18, where the Person giving the revelation introduces himself so to speak - "i am he that liveth and was dead, and behold i am alive for evermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death" - he lives and was dead? it is Christ.
8. he will repay each according to his deeds - revelation 2: 23 - same thing, but as to your point about deeds, remember these messages are addressed to christians, and the deeds will be repaid according to reward in heaven, not with regard to judgement in hell
9. he will raise people on the last day - john 6: 40-44 - the words of jesus - "i will raise him up at the last day.."
10. he will judge the nations - matthew 35: 31,32-luke21: 36 - john 5: 22,23 - matthew 35 should read matthew 25 - my mistake! v. 31 starts "when the Son of man shall come in his glory...." again Christ!
so these are all the words of the Lord Jesus as found in the holy scriptures, of course you may choose not to believe them, but dont call me illogical or anything for pointing out that Jesus claimed to be God, or for the fact that i believe he is, because i believe the bible
- john 5: 23 is crucial - "all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father. he that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which sent him" - note that the Son is to be honoured even as (in the same way) as the Father. those who will not do so do not honour the Father - no this is not the "opinion" of john, as you suggest, (he doesnt give it as his opinion - read it) - it is the record of john, reporting the very words of our blessed Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ
bmz - it must be nearly your bedtime - have a peaceful sleep!
Edited by fredifreeloader