Assalaam Alaikum ! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, WHY NIQAB ? As
a muslimah brought up in a household where the 'Liberal' tradition of
our Beloved Faith held sway, and having received an equally liberal and
westernised education, many of my friends were surprised when, in my
early twenties, I decided that my previous half-hearted attempts to
wear hijab were contrary to the teachings of The Most Holy Qur'an.
Almost overnight, I not only adopted far more concealing clothing, but
I also became a 'Niqaabi', a sister who covers her face and hands when
in public or in the presence of any man outside her immediate family. Although
this transformation may have taken place quickly, I had spent weeks and
even months studying the problem of Hijab in some depth and had read
widely, not only from The Most Holy Qur'an and Hadith, but also from
teachers whose opinions I came to respect deeply. I spoke to sisters
both here in England and abroad. I prayed and sought the guidance of
Almighty Allah the Compassionate and Merciful. In the end, after much
prayer and study, I found myself faced with no alternative; my
conscience informed me that I should adopt full veiling , and I
accepted that 'quiet internal voice' wholeheartedly. Because
of the surprise shown by my friends when this transformation took
place, I decided to write to them, giving them at least part of the
reasoning behind my actions. The following is based on what I wrote to
them with one or two later additions so as to make this version more
easily comprehensible. I only hope that my words help at least some of those who read them. ************* "As
most of you know, I started wearing a Niqab (face veil) some time ago,
also concealing my eyes from the sight of others, and wearing gloves
when outside my home or in the presence of strangers. This has led to my being asked many times why a seemingly 'modern' muslimah should adopt such a 'strict' form of Hijab. In
the main body of this letter, I hope you will find some proofs that
wearing of the Niqab is not merely a practice of Arab people, but was
also a practice of the female companions of the Prophet. As
you will see, I have not sought to establish my argument for wearing
Niqab from a theological point of view, because I am not qualified to
do so. For me, the way I cover-up is a matter of conscience, guided Insh'Allah by much reading, study and by my own self image.
I spent long enough as an adult in the modern world before finally
accepting the need for decent concealment to know that I can affect men
because of the physical blessings that Almighty Allah has granted me.
As I would feel much guilt were I even to risk leading a man from the
One True Path, I prefer to hide away my physical
aspect and, Insh'Allah, to allow my mind and my actions to be the
elements upon which I am judged as a Muslimah and as a human-being. So
I am NOT attempting to establish whether or not the wearing of Niqab is
Waajib or Mustahab (Obligatory or Highly Recommended), for that is an
issue which scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah are still debating.
Instead, I'll try to establish that the Niqab is indeed a practice of
the Sahabiyaat. If I can, it should be a refutation of those people who
claim that the Niqab is an expression of Arabian culture and that it is
not from Islam, and that it is even a hindrance to the our Da'wah
efforts in Western nations. For
instance it is claimed that Niqab wearing women work against Da'wah as
their "strict" dress scares away potential interested non-Muslims My
own limited experience has actually revealed the opposite to be the
case. Whereas once most of my non-Muslim friends had no interest in
Islam, at least now they wish to know more about our Glorious Faith,
and a longtime acquaintances who was once extremely sceptical about all
religions, is now preparing for her to take her Shahadah. I
also trust that, Insh'Allah, you will have to conclude - as I have done
- that the Niqab is a vital and spiritually beautiful aspect of the
Muslim woman's dress, and that it is in no way a hindrance to the true
Da'wah of Islam. The Mufassireen, such as Al-Qurtubi, cite in their Tafseer of the Ayah on Jilbaab (Al-Ahzab 33:59), that the Jilbaab is: "a
cloth which covers the entire body.... Ibn 'Abbaas and 'Ubaidah
As-Salmaani said that it is to be fully wrapped around the women's
body, so that nothing appears but one eye with which she can see."
[Tafseer Al-Qurtubi]. The same narration (of Ibn Abbas) is also in Al-Tabari, Ibn Katheer etc., and
they also show how Ibn Abbas answered the Sahaba's question on "what is
meant by the verse" by getting a sheet and wrapping it all around him
so that only the eyes showed. However, in addition to this Tafseer, we do in fact have an authentic Hadith mentioning Niqab. The
Prophet (Peace be unto Him) commanded: "A woman (pilgrim) does not
cover her face with a Niqab (i.e. does not tie or affix) nor should she
wear gloves." [Al-Bukharee; Muslim; Saheeh Abi Dawood #1600;
authenticated by Al-Albaanee]. From this authentic Hadith, it can clearly be seen that the Sahabiyat were used to covering their faces with Niqab and to wearing gloves. After
all, had they not done so, there would not have been any need for the
Prophet (Peace be unto Him) to specifically forbid this practice during
the state of Ihram. A parallel example to this is that, during Ihram,
men are forbidden to cover their heads, which clearly shows that
outside of being in the state of Ihram they were accustomed to covering
their heads. The
Hadith is warning against affixing a Niqab, however the 'Ulama allow
for a woman to cover her face with non-affixed material. Our mother
'Aisha (RA) said: "Pilgrims were passing by us
while we were with the Prophet of Allah (PBUH). When they came close to
us we would draw our garments from the head to cover the face." [Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah. Ad-Daraqutni reports a similar Hadith on the authority of Umm Salamah].
From this we see that covering the face was a priority of the Sahabiyat
and should definitely be a characteristic of the women who opt to
follow their righteous path. When the Ayah in Surah An-Noor (24:31) was revealed, 'Aisha (RA) narrated: "May
Allah bestow His Mercy on the first Muhajirat. When Allah revealed,
'...and draw their Khumur over their Juyubihinna...', they (i.e. the
women) tore their material and covered themselves with it." [Saheeh
Al-Bukharee]. Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalanee, who
is known as Ameer Al-Mu'mineen in the field of Hadith, said that the
phrase, "covered themselves", in the above Hadith means that they
"covered their faces". [FathAl-Bari]. To reinforce these samples, many of our contemporary 'Ulama, such as Shaikh
'Abdul-'Azeez 'Abdullah bin Baaz, and Shaikh Muhammad ibn Saalih
Al-'Uthaimeen, feel that the Niqab is indeed Waajib upon the believing
women and they produce strong arguments to back this up. Sisters
too tell us to view 'covering up' as fard, some like Maryam Jameelah
being most insistent on this point. If you scour the Net, it is
possible to find page upon page of worthy and learned Muslims and
Muslimah arguing far more cogently than me that the Niqab is a
religious obligation for Muslimahs. The very few pages I have managed
to find that rail against Niqab come virtually unanimously from
non-Islamic sources, having mainly Christian or secular authorship. If
those trying to lead brothers and sisters away from the One True Faith
pick upon Niqab as being 'dangerous', perhaps it is an even more potent
tool in Da'wah that even I had ever thought. Others from amongst the 'Ulama,
such as the Muhaddith of our time, Shaikh Muhammad Naasiru-Deen
Al-Albaanee, clearly feel that the Niqab is not Waajib but rather
Mustahab (that is Highly Recommended), as he says in his book,
"Jilbaabul Mar'atul Muslimah". (I confess that I have only read it in a rather inferior translation!) Regardless
of which opinion you choose to follow, I have to say that there is no
doubt concerning the benefits of Niqab, and the scholars certainly do
not differ in this respect. In fact, today when we do hear criticism
from our fellow Muslims aimed at the Niqab, their various reasons do
not make much sense. For
example, the argument that Niqab is counterproductive to Da'wah in
non-Muslim lands. After having come to see that the Niqab is indeed an
authentic part of Islam, I must then conclude that to hide it would be
counterproductive to Da'wah. No one would dare
think that the Sahabah spread Islam all around the world by concealing
the practices they learned from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Praying
five times a day may seem incomprehensible to atheists, but no-one is
advocating that Salaat is kept secret. So why imagine that a mere piece
of veil should make unbelievers shy away from Islam? Instead, we should be listening to the wonderful words of 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA) "Let the Sunnah go forth and do not stop it with opinions." (At times, even I have to pray that more members of the Ummah would hear those words in their hearts!) Finally
there are modernists like Du'at claiming that the Niqab is in fact
Makruh or disliked! That seems VERY strange to me, as someone who wears
Niqab and has a lot of experience regarding its advantages,
disadvantages and the affect it has on others. I have come across
people who do not understand why I hide myself so diligently, but I
have yet to meet a Believer or unbeliever, who view my Niqab as Makruh.
(I confess that this argument against Niqab makes me smile, because I
like to believe myself to be thoroughly 'modern', yet I cover-up fully!) I
hope that sisters reading this letter may look into their hearts and
consider their approach to Hijab. As I said initially, I am NOT
attempting to make any ruling on the subject. And I am certainly not
arguing the case for wearing Niqab - I am no jurist and thus such
arguments are beyond my scope. But I do trust that my sisters will
consider this topic. Even
if they feel their own mode of hijab meets the demands of The Most Holy
Qur'an, I trust they will in future view those of us who have chosen to
wear niqab with some understanding of why we are hidden in that way. I
finally hope that, Insh'Allah, my words may have shed a little light on
what - to me - is a simple subject, but which has somehow become
complex and emotive. I cover my face and hands in public because I believe that it is the Will of Almighty Allah. And that is more than sufficient reason for me. Walaikum salaam, brothers and sisters |