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Jealous towards Reverts

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imperator View Drop Down
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    Posted: 25 October 2022 at 6:55am
I dont't now if only i have this feeling.
But i feel jealous towards Reverts, because they got to experience all these things which are haram such as sex with different woman with ou any strings. Drinking and partying. Having threesomes.

And now after the reverted. There sins are just wiped away.

While we born muslims always had to lower our gaze, not commit any zina, and had to strugle more than them.
And are basicly the same compared to the reverts even thou they had more pleasure and experience in life.
And now i am supposed to treat them the same like born muslims.

This thought is making me jealous and angry.

Anyone else thinking like me??
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MIAW View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MIAW Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06 November 2022 at 4:32am
You are thinking the wrong way about this... and you are (indirectly) questioning the Justice and Fairness of Allah سبحانه وتعالى

Allah Instructs us in the Qur'an NOT to look at the non-muslims' life's pleasures and enjoyments with envy and 'wishful thinking', for what Allah has prepared for you in the Hereafter is far better: 

Qur'an [20:131]

وَلَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتَّعْنَا بِهِ �£َزْوَاجًا مِّنْهُمْ زَهْرَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا لِنَفْتِنَهُمْ فِيهِ ۚ وَرِزْقُ رَبِّكَ خَيْرٌ وَ�£َبْقَىٰ

(Muhammad Sarwar Translation): Do not be envious of what We have given to some people as means of enjoyment and worldly delight. Such means are a trial for them, but the reward that you will receive from your Lord will be far better and everlasting.

And our Prophet  has told us that there are only two things that a true Muslim should really be jealous and envious about:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Envy is justified in regard to two types of persons only: a man whom Allah has given knowledge of the Qur'an, and so he recites it during the night and during the day; and a man whom Allah has given wealth and so he spends from it during the night and during the day."
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Our Revert brothers and sisters themselves 'regret' all the 'negative' things that they have done in the past (and so they should, as should we all, because 'regretting' is one of the 4 conditions of Tawbah/Repentence).

May Allah سبحانه وتعالى Give us and our youth the wisdom of 'valuing' what we have. Ameen.

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abuayisha View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote abuayisha Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06 November 2022 at 6:25am

The Prophet ﷺ said:

There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allah’s sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but he says: ‘I fear Allah’, a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears.

So there are seven things mentioned in this hadith:

  1. A just ruler.
  2. A youth who grows up in the worship of Allah.
  3. A man whose heart is attached to the mosques.
  4. Two people who love one another for the sake of Allah.
  5. Someone who resists a direct temptation from the opposite gender.
  6. A person who is completely selfless in charity.
  7. A person who remembers Allah in private and sheds tears in doing so.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MIAW Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 November 2022 at 4:02am
Originally posted by abuayisha abuayisha wrote:

The Prophet ﷺ said:

There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allah’s sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but he says: ‘I fear Allah’, a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears.

So there are seven things mentioned in this hadith:

  1. A just ruler.
  2. A youth who grows up in the worship of Allah.
  3. A man whose heart is attached to the mosques.
  4. Two people who love one another for the sake of Allah.
  5. Someone who resists a direct temptation from the opposite gender.
  6. A person who is completely selfless in charity.
  7. A person who remembers Allah in private and sheds tears in doing so.

Baarakallahu Feek
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