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Poor, Poor Islam

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JohnDM View Drop Down
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Joined: 25 March 2005
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JohnDM Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 August 2005 at 11:56pm
Hello Israfil,

Please think carefully on this

Soon after 11pm on the late evening of October 12th 2002 the bombers
struck the island of Bali; it was Indonesia�s worst terrorist act in their
history and metaphorically speaking, the 'Bloody South Tower' of the Twin
Towers was seen dripping in human blood as it collapsed at 9:59:04am
Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

The first bomb exploded in Paddy�s Pub at 23:08:00pm (Middle
Indonesian Time). The second exposion occurred in front of Sari Club at
23:08:29pm. The third explosion happened in Raya Puputan street at
23:08:31pm. And some 202 people were killed, the majority were

Now to show how accurately I try to be so to decipher the time period
used, I always do this:

I take the local time of the event and in this case the first horrific Bali
explosion at 11:08 pm on October 12, 2002 which is day 284.96388 of
the year and I divide by a standard year of 365.2421987 days and add to
the year 2002 which is year 2002.7802052.

And counting down to London time of 2:59:04pm on Tuesday, September
11, 2001, which is 9:59:04am Eastern Daylight Time, the moment the
South Tower collapsed into a pile in the World Trade Center complex, it is
396.581628 days or 1.0858045 years to the Bali bombing at 11:08pm
October 12, 2002.

I assume the Bomber-master with the Bali night-clubs in mind used
London time which is 5 hours ahead of New York time to ensure the
establishments targeted were very busy.

OK, now to show the time signature of the Bomb-master, and I suggest
he used the usual 'WTC Triple Key' code.

Now 396.581628 days x the height of the Bloody South Tower at 1,362
feet and squared once x the height of the Stars and Stripes North Tower
at 1,368 feet and squared once x the height of Death's Building 7 at 570
feet x 1.5 is seen the Bloody South Tower at 1.3620000e+32.

So from the destruction of the Bloody South Tower at 9:59:04am but
using London time of 2:59:04pm Tuesday September 11, 2001 to the Bali
bombing at 11:08pm October 12, 2002 is seen the Bloody South Tower
(the Red Cloak) when using the 'WTC Triple Key' code, namely the three
tallest buildings of the World Trade Center.

Obviously I say this was no coincidence but a deliberate calculation to
reveal the powerful 'Red Cloak' of Horus, the falcon masked Ancient
Egyptian god and a merciless killer of the sky.

And all thanks to finding the 'WTC Triple Key' code of 1,368 - 1,362 -



Had I counted the days at 396.581628 days down from 11pm October 12,
2002 (not 11:08pm) it would have been 9:02:27am on September 11,
2001, and about the time the South Tower was struck, but meant an error
of some eight minutes. Because 396.581628 stand-alone days divided by
365.2421987 days is 1.0858045 years and so a difference when counting
the time in years.

"Ignorance is no refuge"
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