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Topic ClosedUS Planning iran Bombs

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pauline35 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 March 2007 at 2:24am
Sherry arrogantly quote : I agree with you .. you are nt from the good few one

You meant NOT FROM A FEW GOOD ONE? How come your English is so upside down? You couldn't even spell TIPICAL correctly and you think you could correct others about Islamic teachings. Are you walking backward instead of forward? Hmm..very alien to me.

Shery asked(finally with courtesy) : and may i ask you ? what are you doing in islamic forums ?

It's none of your BIG business. It is called adult's decision.

Shery quote : to defend americans I think I m not welcome between you guys as any other forums who defend USA and israel I m not amazed

What makes you think that I am defending them? I am human race decesdant and so are they too. It is called humanitarian grounds. Are YOU not human? There are ways to debate without throwing sticks and stones and without spitting at yourself. You're only hurting yourself because your accusations and immature statements won't cause them a thing for they are wiser than you.

What is the cause for you to champion?

Shery slandered : and guess what You are the one who start to call me st**id .. ignorant.

Prove it and in which post did I state that to you? Unless you are the veg that I was conversing with.

Shery ASSume : so why whinning now and play the innocent.

Oh! Come on, don't tell me you do not have any mirror at home? It is called SAY MY PIECE and not whining but unfortunately for you, you certainly aim at WHINING FOREVER. I project the truth not innocent.

Shery said : Tell you what ? i have met worse than you in many forums


Shery complains : who cant accept what i preach and what i say so they do nothing but attack me and insult me .

You are seriously having attitude problem deriving from your FAMILY FEUD' upbringing or the very least, a spoil brat. You should acclimatize to "NO BLAME" wheather. Imagine that you blame others' for your failure, you initiated a "pointing finger" (blaming) when you curse them, you certainly used your index finger and leaving behind four other fingers especially your most important middle finger, pointing backwards to you. Isn't it obvious that you had actually flipped the bird at yourself instead? It's only FOOD FOR THOUGHTS.

Edited by pauline35
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