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How To Get To Heaven When You Die |
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jp the unitarian ![]() Newbie ![]() Joined: 25 May 2018 Location: canada Status: Offline Points: 13 |
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You know it is strange I came to see islamists to see if they would believe in the God of the Bible, which is Allah (Yehovah) by the way. But sadly all is see is a group of unbelievers arguing and using the arguments of university unbelievers as their truth, it is sad indeed.
Is there original sin original sin is a term invented by catholics and not found in the Bible. So let us look at the biblical account. When Yehovah created all he created it good in the beginning there was no talk of death Humans and animals were not to kill to eat
Gen 1:29 And Elohim said, “See, I have given you every plant that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed, to you it is for food. (TS98) Gen 1:30 “And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the heavens, and to every creeping creature on the earth, in which there is life, EVERY GREEN PLANT IS FOR FOOD.” And it came to be so. (TS98)
animals and humans were to eat the green herbs and fruit, not each other.
Adam and eve had a choice the tree of life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life was for eternal life
Gen 3:22 And יהוה Elohim said, “See, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever...” (TS98)
easy isn't it when you are not trying to make the Bible a lie, with this tree they ahd the covenant of eternal life, that means life FOREVER.
Gen 2:17 but do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat of it you shall certainly DIE.” (TS98)
So this is what the Bible says, if Adam and Eve had eaten of the tree of life it was eternal life, but we lost that. Adam and Eve chose the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, notice it is not alled the tree of death, that is because this covenant does not cause instant death, but pour decisions of good and evil do. This is the din of Adam that cause death for all.
Why do we die ? Because we are not created by Yehovah, we are procreated and all of us children of Adam and by this we inherit the curse of death, and so does all creation sine Adam was created of the earth his curse goes to the ground
Gen 3:17 And to the man He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘Do not eat of it’: “CURSED IS THE GROUND BECAUSE OF YOU, in toil you are to eat of it all the days of your life, (TS98)
the ground which is what the earth and man and animals and all things in creation are made of now dies, because of Adam's sin. Simple this is why we and all things die.
Now for the creation of the earth could it have been created in 7 days?
Seriously are there any true believers here, could allah (Yehovah) have created the earth in 7 days. C'mon guys the creator Yehovah could have created this universe and 500 more like it in a microsecond had he willed it, are you seriously trying to disprove the creator with your unbeliever science, if yes then you have no faith in him.
There is no I say again no proof that the earth is millions of years old, our vest dating methods alwys come up erroneous, test that have been done show that the earth at the bottom of deep core samples has tested Younger than the earth at the top , and all dating methods up till now are simply chosing the best result from all the errors that support their anti god view.
Go see this link it is long but full of truth about creation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtBz1roiQR8
the link above just kills the evolutionist theory carbon 14 in dinosaur bones and soft tissue from dinosaurs disproves millions of years theory
maybe now you will stop siding with the unbelievers.
Oh yeah I almost forgot where di the water come from for the flood?
In the beginning there was water below the firmament and above the firmament, when noah was on the ark God caused a rift to form across the continent which split the continent where the atlantic ocean is now. All the way down the atlantic ocean there is a crack that is still there today, it is estimated tahtall the water that was below the firmament, shot out of the crack under the tremendous pressure of the of the earth above it and spread out into the atmosphere all this water caused 40 days of rain bringing the estimated 20 feet of water that was in the atmosphere above. So we got 40 days of rain from the wter above and below the easrth.
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xfrodobagginsx ![]() Newbie ![]() Joined: 24 September 2014 Status: Offline Points: 12 |
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Please take the time to read this first post if you haven't yet.
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