I copied this story from islamicity.com, one of the comment of the following article: http://www.islamicity.com/articles/Articles.asp?ref=IC0503-2 631 - http://www.islamicity.com/articles/Articles.asp?ref=IC0503-2 631
Quote: ============ As an American Muslim, born and raised in this country for almost 20 years, I understand the pressures our society creates on youth. Raised as a dedicated Catholic-Christian, asking Why was a sign of a "lack of faith." For 18 years, I was shunned away from the important answers about creation, life, and death. Answers that were more important than the questions, as it showed there was much more to life, than what we are lead to believe. I thank Allah everyday for the chance to learn and explore Islam. Though I am an educated college student, never in my life have i felt more appreciation to the values and beliefs that are displayed in Islam. Without those values, anarchy would be the destination of my country's future...something I am actively involved in preventing. So, it is important for us to live by example. If I never met some Turkish brothers, based on their genuine, good-hearted nature, I would not have been open to listening to the information about Islam. It was always curious to me, why "faith" in the U.S. is a noun, like "what faith are you?" Yet, faith in Islam is the action of peace, charity, community, and above all, prayer. This is something that I can never forget, the answer to my "Why else are we here?"
Kevin ==== End Quote
------------- Salam/Peace,
"We are people who do not eat until we are hungry and do not eat to our fill." (Prophet Muhammad PBUH)
"1/3 of your stomach for food, 1/3 for water, 1/3 for air"