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Khubaib Ibn Adiyy RA

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Category: Culture & Community
Forum Name: Islamic Personalties
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Topic: Khubaib Ibn Adiyy RA
Posted By: seekshidayath
Subject: Khubaib Ibn Adiyy RA
Date Posted: 20 March 2008 at 6:47pm

The first to be Crucified for Islam

While on the cross { Probably the first ever used in Arabia } our hero Khubaib Ibn Adiyy  who was being pricked and his body pierced by the spears and swords of the pagan Qurayshis, our hero was asked, " Would you not rather wish that Muhammad {S.A.W.S} be in your place while you are safe and sound with your family ? What would be the answer of a man under such circumstances ? God knows, but certainly only Khubaib {  R.A.A } could give the answer we quote here. Khubaib's answer was : "By God ! I would not like to be safe with my wife and children with the joys of the whole world while the Messenger of Allah {Sallal lahu Alaihi wasallam} is being hurt  even with the prick of a thorn" Such were the words and belief of the early followers of Islam, to whom the world was worth nothing for the sake of God and His messenger.

But let us listen to the story from the beginning. The stage is Badr { a small village , south of Madinah }. The occasion is the first battle in the Islamic History and the time is the month of Ramdh'an a couple of years after the migration of Prophet Muhammad, Sallal lahu Alaihi wasallam. from Makkah to Madinah. What are the chances of victory in the battle between an army of thousands plus many horses and camels { the army of Quraysh and Pagans } and an army of little over three hundred with no horses and few camels ? Materially speaking , the Muslims had a very little chance to win, but spiritually , they had all means to victory. Through good organisation { under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s } trust in Allah, and sincere conviction, along with courage , the small muslim army managed to defeat the army of disbelivers which was three times its size.

Our hero Khubaib was an active participant in the battle causing the death of many a tyrant and arrogant Qurayshis including al-Haarith ibn Aamir ibn Nufail  whose sons witnessed his death at the hands of Khubaib. Some days later the Prophet sent a group of ten scouts to spy on Quraysh and its activities. They were surrounded by 100 archers from the enemy and their allies.Khubaib was taken prisoner and sold to  his fierce enemies { the Makkans} who wanted to revenge for their dear ones lost in the Battle of Badr. The pagans tried to convince Khubaib to apostatize and quit Islam as a price for his life and safety but to no avail. Finally, they decided to torture scores of Muslims earlier, but apparently they wanted  to try something new, never probably tried in the Arabian Peninsula. This was crucifixion. Khubaib asked permission to pray two Raka'a , which boosted his spirits. He looked at the pagans and said, " To me it matters not on which side I meet death so long as i die a Muslim." In his final breath, after  the incident we mentioned earlier Khubaib prayed : " My Lord, we have conveyed the message of your Messenger [S.A.W.S]  Let him my Lord know of  what had become of me". Khuabaib's prayer was answered.

The condition of Khubaib and his companions was revealed  to the Prophet {s.a.w.s} , who sent al- Miqaad ibn Aswad and Zubair ibn Awwam to find Khubaib dead on the cross, and they respectfully buried his body,but his soul had already joined the souls of otehr martrys in Paradise, [ May Allah have Mercy on Khubaib ibn Adiyy ]

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."

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