From Judaism to Islam
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Topic: From Judaism to Islam
Posted By: peacemaker
Subject: From Judaism to Islam
Date Posted: 22 April 2008 at 10:46am
From Judaism to Islam |
By**1 - Michael David Shapiro | |
Michael David Shapiro went from Judaism to Islam. | I am ethnically a Russian Jew. My quest began when I was 19 years old. I was recovering from my stint with Scientology (yes I was brainwashed into it).
My belief in God was uncertain. My goals in life were to be a rock star. I was living in my Pasadena apartment and working as a secretary. Funny, I know.
One night I was walking to the kitchen, and encountered a dark fellow. I remembered asking him: "Can I keep this vodka in the fridge tonight?" We shook hands and went to sleep. After that point, my life changed drastically�
This dark fellow, a Muslim, was the first Muslim I had ever met. Extremely curious, I conversed with him about his faith. What's this stuff I hear about praying 5 times a day? And about Holy War? Who is this Mohammed guy?
Our talks were accompanied by our Christian roommate, Wade. Together, we created "The Jewish, Christian, and Muslim dialogue sessions". In it, we discovered many differences, and many commonalities.
My interest had then shifted from sex, drugs, and parties, to a massive search for the truth. A search that I had to complete. A search for God. And a search for how to follow him.
In my quest for the truth, I asked myself: "Ok let�s start simple, how many God's do I think are out there?" I figured only one; knowing that a divided God is weaker than One God; figuring that if one God didn't agree with the other, there might be arguments and feuds. One God was my choice.
Once I opened up my mind to the possibility of the existence of God, I analyzed both atheist and theist beliefs. The thing that directed me to the latter was the quote "Every design has a designer". With that in mind, eventually I woke up with certainty that God exists. I can't explain why, I just felt it somehow.
This newfound excitement was accompanied by a sense of responsibility to follow the Creator. The world of religion was my next frontier.
Then I asked myself, "Where do I start?" There are literally thousands of them. I need a way to narrow them down to a just a few. How do I accomplish such a task? "Find the ones that are monotheistic" entered my mind. "Hey that makes sense, since I believe in only One God."
Ok, then. This ruled out Buddhism and Hinduism, both being polytheistic faiths. The major religions I encountered that fell under the title of Monotheistic, where Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Well since I'm a Jew, I started with Judaism. One God, some prophets, 10 commandments, Torah, Jewish souls�uh, what: "Jewish souls?"
While doing research this idea was brought to my attention. The story goes, "if a person is born Jewish, then they have a Jewish soul, and they must follow Judaism." Hold on a sec�that's discrimination, isn't it? That's not universal.
So God makes Jewish souls, and Christian souls, and Muslim souls, and Hindu souls? I thought all men are created equal? So, because one is born into a religion that means by the decree of God he must remain in it� even if the person believes it to be false? Hmm�I don't agree with that.
Another thing really bothered me�there is no strict concept of hell in Judaism�then why be good? Why not sin? If I don't have fear of strict punishment, then why should I be moral?
Moving on, I discovered Christianity. Ok, one God, a father, a son, and a holy ghost�one more time: one God, a father, a son, and a holy ghost. Uhhh, please explain. How can all those things be one God? 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 right? So how can you say you believe in only one God?
Explanation after explanation, equation after equation, comparison after comparison, analogy after analogy, I couldn't grasp this concept. Ok let's keep looking here.
Ok, next major doctrine: Jesus died for our sins and he did this because we all are polluted with "Original Sin". So, Jesus Christ, the "son of God", had to be murdered to save everyone from Hell and cure us of our sin "given" to us by Adam.
Ok then, so are you saying that we are all born as sinners? And to sin is to do something wrong right? Then you're telling me that a one-year old baby is guilty of sin or doing something wrong? Ok that's strange, so based on the actions of one man, all of mankind must suffer? What's the moral of that story? Punish the whole group if one deviates? Why would God create such a rule? That's just not in agreement with my logic.
So Jesus died because he "loves mankind". Hold on, it says in the Bible that Jesus said "father, why have you forsaken me?" So, apparently, Jesus didn't understand why he was being brutally murdered. But you just said he "volunteered" to be sacrificed. Anyway, I couldn't accept this belief. Ok, what's the next religion?
Islam. Islam means submission. The main beliefs are as follows: One God, worship God five times a day, give 2.5% annual charity, fast during Ramadan (to be closer to God and appreciate life�among other reasons) and finally journey to Mecca for Hajj if you are able financially. Ok, nothing hard to understand so far.
There's nothing that conflicts with my logic here. The Qur'an is a book with all of these interesting miracles and timeless wisdom. Many scientific facts only discovered recently where proclaimed 1400 years ago in this book.
Ok, Islam had passed my initial religious prerequisites. But I wanted to ask some deep questions about it. Is this religion universal? Yes, anyone can understand these basic beliefs�no analogy or equation are needed. Does it agree with science? Yes, dozens of verses in the Qur'an agree with modern science and technology.
As I sifted through the countless logical facts that I read through and researched, one thing took my attention the most. "Islam". The name of this religion. I noticed it is written many times in this Qur'an.
However, recalling my prior studies, I didn't remember once seeing the word "Judaism" in the Old Testament or "Christianity" in the New Testament. This was BIG. Why couldn't I find the very name of the religions in those two books? Because, there is no name in these books! Thinking�I noticed that "Judaism" could be broken down to "Juda- ism" and "Christianity" could be respectively "Christ-ianity".
So who is Juda? Or Judah, rather. He was the tribe leader of the Hebrews when God revealed his message to mankind. So this religion was named after�a person. Ok let�s look at who Christ is. He was the person who delivered the message of God to the Jews. So this religion was named after�a person.
So in recollection, we can deduct that the names of these religions are people's proper names attached to "ism" and "ianity". Regardless of that fact, the very names of those religions are not mentioned in their scriptures. I thought that was very odd.
If I went door to door selling a product, and I said "Would you like to buy this _______"? Wouldn't the logical question be: "What is this _____ called?" I would make no money off of a product without a name.
Naming is the very basis which humans identify with objects, both physical and non-physical. If religion is supposed to be practiced and spread to every person on earth, shouldn't there be a NAME for it?
Moreover, shouldn't the name be given to us from God Almighty? YES, my point exactly. The names "Christianity" and "Judaism" were not written in the Holy Scriptures. Humans named them, not God. The notion that God would ordain a religion for mankind to follow without a name is impossible for my mind to accept.
At that point, both Christianity and Judaism lost their credibility as pure, logical, and complete religions, at least from my perspective.
Islam is the ONLY of these religions to include the NAME of the religion in its scriptures. This is so huge for me.
I realized I would follow Islam at that point. I then became a Muslim. I knew the truth. I was out of the darkness. I came into the light�
This article first appeared on - . It is published here with kind permission. - |
------------- Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
Qur'an 55:13
Posted By: seekshidayath
Date Posted: 28 April 2008 at 7:23pm
What an intresting story !
JazakAllah brother for sharing it with us.
This story itself may open a way for the seekers of truth. Everything is so clear to easy to understand the difference.
May Allah swt bestow hidayah to those who are in search of truth. And steadfast those are into it. Ameen
------------- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
Posted By: peacemaker
Date Posted: 02 May 2008 at 10:52am
seekshidayath wrote:
What an intresting story !
JazakAllah brother for sharing it with us.
This story itself may open a way for the seekers of truth. Everything is so clear to easy to understand the difference.
May Allah swt bestow hidayah to those who are in search of truth. And steadfast those are into it. Ameen |
Assalamu Alaikum,
It is my pleasure that you liked the story. May Allah guide us all.
------------- Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
Qur'an 55:13
Posted By: bingo
Date Posted: 21 October 2008 at 3:33pm
There are some points in your testimony I have a problem with. Did the Almighty really create religions? Islam is only 1400 years old. What was the religion called before that? Christianity? Why then did the Almighty change the name? Makes no sense to me.
Posted By: Usmani
Date Posted: 21 October 2008 at 10:29pm
Yes Almighty have created the religion. Religion tell us what is the purpose of our life and how one should live the life here on the earth.If there is no religion then the question arises that who created us and for what purpose. Religion give us all the answers.
Secondly Islam tell us that the first man and first Prophet on earth was Adam, and he brought the religion called Islam. After him all the Prophets of Allah have brought and preach the same religion to mankind.
So Islam was there from the very beginning, the people used change the teaching of Prophets and the name as well.
------------- Engage your self in good deeds,otherswise yours nafs will engage you in bad deeds
Posted By: bingo
Date Posted: 22 October 2008 at 2:58pm
As a non muslim, allow me to ask you a ew questions as regards your post.
Well since I'm a Jew, I started with Judaism. One God, some prophets, 10 commandments, Torah, Jewish souls�uh, what: "Jewish souls?"
Could you please explain what you mean by this?
Another thing really bothered me�there is no strict concept of hell in Judaism�then why be good? Why not sin? If I don't have fear of strict punishment, then why should I be moral?
What do scriptures teach about hell?
How can all those things be one God? 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 right?
Where in scriptures does it talk about this?
Ok, next major doctrine: Jesus died for our sins and he did this because we all are polluted with "Original Sin". So, Jesus Christ, the "son of God", had to be murdered to save everyone from Hell and cure us of our sin "given" to us by Adam.
Again, where in scriptures does it say this?
However, recalling my prior studies, I didn't remember once seeing the word "Judaism" in the Old Testament or "Christianity" in the New Testament. This was BIG. Why couldn't I find the very name of the religions in those two books? Because, there is no name in these books! Thinking�I noticed that "Judaism" could be broken down to "Juda- ism" and "Christianity" could be respectively "Christ-ianity".
Why would God want to establish a "religion" in Ad 632 when he IS THE RELIGION and always has been?
With the greatest respect, I too am in search for the real truth. The only way to do this is to study the 2 books in great depth.
The ultimate truth is what the scriptures teach - not christianity.
Likewise, in Islam, the ultimate truth lies in what IT the Qur'an teaches. There are many things that Islam does which is in accordance with Islamic traditions and not what the Quran teaches. For example: no compunction in religion.
Perhaps you could elaborate on what I said above.
Thank you
Posted By: bingo
Date Posted: 22 October 2008 at 3:44pm
@ Usmani.
Islam = submission = obedience to the Almighty = observance of his commandments = practising Jew = practising christian = practising muslim. Correct?
Posted By: Usmani
Date Posted: 23 October 2008 at 8:32pm
Quote:-practising Jew = practising christian = practising muslim. Correct?
No its can not be like that.Threre is a lot of difference among them. The one who is practicing the words of God can only be correct.
------------- Engage your self in good deeds,otherswise yours nafs will engage you in bad deeds
Posted By: believer
Date Posted: 24 October 2008 at 7:49am
I just recently saw something abut Scientology on a TV. It is a very weird and scary religion!!
Bingo yes man is the problem with religon, not GOD. We all interprete things differently. Look at all the different denominations in each of the religions, believeing in the same basics but celebrating these same things differently.
Do you think our great beautiful loving GOD cares whether we sing, dance chant, play instruments, etc. in worship as long as we praise his name? GOD made us different, GOD loves diversity- look at all the different flowers, birds, animals, etc.
Maybe our test is how we support each other in our quest to be with GOD.
------------- John 3
16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Posted By: peacemaker
Date Posted: 24 October 2008 at 10:52am
Please post and discuss at relevant places. Please comply with guidelines. This section is not meant for discussions. This is only story section.
------------- Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
Qur'an 55:13
Posted By: peacemaker
Date Posted: 09 August 2011 at 3:36am
Assalamu Alaikum,
The link in the original post doesn't exist. Therefore, I am posting here another link: -
From Scientology to Judaism, to Islam
By Reading Islam Staff
Friday, 29 April 2011 00:00">
Michael David Shapiro
I am ethnically a Russian Jew. My quest began when I was 19 years old. I was recovering from my stint with Scientology (yes I was brainwashed into it).
My belief in God was uncertain. My goals in life were to be a rock star. I was living in my Pasadena apartment and working as a secretary. Funny, I know.
One night I was walking to the kitchen, and encountered a dark fellow. I remembered asking him: �Can I keep this vodka in the fridge tonight?� We shook hands and went to sleep. After that point, my life changed drastically�
This dark fellow, a Muslim, was the first Muslim I had ever met. Extremely curious, I conversed with him about his faith. What�s this stuff I hear about praying 5 times a day? And about Holy War? Who is this Mohammed guy?
Our talks were accompanied by our Christian roommate, Wade. Together, we created �The Jewish, Christian, and Muslim dialogue sessions�. In it, we discovered many differences, and many commonalities. My interest had then shifted from sex, drugs, and parties, to a massive search for the truth. A search that I had to complete. A search for God. And a search for how to follow him.
In my quest for the truth, I asked myself: �Ok let�s start simple, how many Gods do I think are out there?� I figured only one; knowing that a divided God is weaker than One God; figuring that if one God didn�t agree with the other, there might be arguments and feuds. One God was my choice.
Once I opened up my mind to the possibility of the existence of God, I analyzed both atheist and theist beliefs. The thing that directed me to the latter was the quote �Every design has a designer�. With that in mind, eventually I woke up with certainty that God exists. I can�t explain why, I just felt it somehow.
This newfound excitement was accompanied by a sense of responsibility to follow the Creator. The world of religion was my next frontier.
Then I asked myself, �Where do I start?� There are literally thousands of them. I need a way to narrow them down to a just a few. How do I accomplish such a task? �Find the ones that are monotheistic� entered my mind. �Hey that makes sense, since I believe in only One God.�
Ok, then. This ruled out Buddhism and Hinduism, both being polytheistic faiths. The major religions I encountered that fell under the title of Monotheistic were Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Well since I�m a Jew, I started with Judaism. One God, some prophets, 10 commandments, Torah, Jewish souls�uh, what: �Jewish souls?�
While doing research this idea was brought to my attention. The story goes, �if a person is born Jewish, then they have a Jewish soul, and they must follow Judaism.� Hold on a sec�that�s discrimination, isn�t it? That�s not universal.
So God makes Jewish souls, and Christian souls, and Muslim souls, and Hindu souls? I thought all men are created equal? So, because one is born into a religion that means by the decree of God he must remain in it� even if the person believes it to be false? Hmm�I don�t agree with that.
Another thing really bothered me�there is no strict concept of hell in Judaism�then why be good? Why not sin? If I don�t have fear of strict punishment, then why should I be moral?
Explanation after explanation, equation after equation, comparison after comparison, analogy after analogy, I couldn�t grasp this concept |
Moving on, I discovered Christianity. Ok, one God, a father, a son, and a holy ghost�one more time: one God, a father, a son, and a holy ghost. Uhhh, please explain. How can all those things be one God? 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 right? So how can you say you believe in only one God?
Explanation after explanation, equation after equation, comparison after comparison, analogy after analogy, I couldn�t grasp this concept. Ok let�s keep looking here.
Ok, next major doctrine: Jesus died for our sins and he did this because we all are polluted with �Original Sin�. So, Jesus Christ, the �son of God�, had to be murdered to save everyone from Hell and cure us of our sin �given� to us by Adam. Ok then, so are you saying that we are all born as sinners? And to sin is to do something wrong, right? Then you�re telling me that a one-year old baby is guilty of sin or doing something wrong? Ok that�s strange, so based on the actions of one man, all of mankind must suffer? What�s the moral of that story? Punish the whole group if one deviates? Why would God create such a rule? That�s just not in agreement with my logic.
So Jesus died because he �loves mankind�. Hold on, it says in the Bible that Jesus said �father, why have you forsaken me?� So, apparently, Jesus didn�t understand why he was being brutally murdered. But you just said he �volunteered� to be sacrificed. Anyway, I couldn�t accept this belief. Ok, what�s the next religion?
Islam. Islam means submission. The main beliefs are as follows: One God, worship God five times a day, give 2.5% annual charity, fast during Ramadan (to be closer to God and appreciate life�among other reasons) and finally journey to Makkah for Hajj if you are able financially. Ok, nothing hard to understand so far.
There�s nothing that conflicts with my logic here. The Quran is a book with all of these interesting miracles and timeless wisdom. Many scientific facts only discovered recently where proclaimed 1400 years ago in this book.
I realized I would follow Islam at that point. I then became a Muslim. I knew the truth. I was out of the darkness. I came into the light� |
Ok, Islam had passed my initial religious prerequisites. But I wanted to ask some deep questions about it. Is this religion universal? Yes, anyone can understand these basic beliefs�no analogy or equation are needed. Does it agree with science? Yes, dozens of verses in the Quran agree with modern science and technology.
As I sifted through the countless logical facts that I read through and researched, one thing took my attention the most. �Islam�. The name of this religion. I noticed it is written many times in this Quran.
However, recalling my prior studies, I didn�t remember once seeing the word �Judaism� in the Old Testament or �Christianity� in the New Testament. This was BIG. Why couldn�t I find the very name of the religions in those two books? Because, there is no name in these books! Thinking�I noticed that �Judaism� could be broken down to �Juda-ism� and �Christianity� could be respectively �Christ-ianity�.
So who is Juda? Or Judah, rather. He was the tribe leader of the Hebrews when God revealed his message to mankind. So this religion was named after�a person. Ok let�s look at who Christ is. He was the person who delivered the message of God to the Jews. So this religion was named after�a person.
So in recollection, we can deduct that the names of these religions are people�s proper names attached to �ism� and �ianity�. Regardless of that fact, the very names of those religions are not mentioned in their scriptures. I thought that was very odd.
If I went door to door selling a product, and I said �Would you like to buy this _______�? Wouldn�t the logical question be: �What is this _____ called?� I would make no money off of a product without a name. Naming is the very basis which humans identify with objects, both physical and non-physical. If religion is supposed to be practiced and spread to every person on earth, shouldn�t there be a NAME for it?
Moreover, shouldn�t the name be given to us from God Almighty? YES, my point exactly. The names �Christianity� and �Judaism� were not written in the Holy Scriptures. Humans named them, not God. The notion that God would ordain a religion for mankind to follow without a name is impossible for my mind to accept.
At that point, both Christianity and Judaism lost their credibility as pure, logical, and complete religions, at least from my perspective.
Islam is the ONLY of these religions to include the NAME of the religion in its scriptures. This is so huge for me.
I realized I would follow Islam at that point.
I then became a Muslim. I knew the truth.
I was out of the darkness. I came into the light�
Source: The Religion of Islam -
------------- Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
Qur'an 55:13