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Category: Religion - Islam
Forum Name: Pillars of Islam
Forum Description: Pillars of Islam - Prayers, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj
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Posted By: Nausheen
Date Posted: 14 March 2005 at 3:47pm
Topic: SOME SHORT SUPPLICATIONS (1 of 13), Read 174 times
Conf: - Islam: Qur'an and Sunnah
From: - NAUSHEEN mailto: -
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 12:17 AM


I wish to share some supplications which i found easy to memorize, besides their such beautiful meanings.
These are all from a collection of traditions, thus recommended by our prophet (SAW).

Alla-humma aatina fid dun-ya hasa natawn wa fil akhirati hasa natawn wa aqina azaban nar.
[O Allah! Bestow upon us the best of this world and the best of the next world, and save us from the torments of Hell fire.]

Alla-hum-magh firli war hamni wah dini wa �aafini war zuqni
[O Allah! Forgive me and have mercy on me, and guide me and let me be in peace and security, and provide for my livelihood.]

Alla-humma musar-rifal quloobi sar-rif quloobana ala ta atik.
[O Allah! Conductor of hearts, direct our hearts to Thy obedience.]

Alla-hum mahdini was sad-didni.
[O Allah! Guide me and keep me upright.]

Alla-humma in-ni a�oozo bika min shar-ri ma amilto wa min shar-ri ma lum amal.
[O Allah! I seek Thy protection against the evil of that which I have done and the evil of that which I have not done.]

Alla-humma in-ni a�oozo bika min fitnatin-nar wa aza-bin-nar wa min shar-ril ghi-na wal faqr.
[O Allah! I seek Thy protection from the trial of Hell fire and torment of the Hell, and from the evils of wealth and privation.]

Alla-humma in-ni a�oozo bika min mun-kara-til akh-laqe, wal a�amaal, wal ah-waa.
[O Allah! I seek Thy protection against bad manners, bad acts and sensual desires.]

Alla-hum-mak-fini bi-hala-lika �an hara-mika wa agh-ni-ni bi fadh-lika am-man siwak.
[O Allah! make your lawful (bounties) sufficient for me so as to make me independent of that which is unlawful and from Thy grace grant me sufficiency which may make me independent of all besides thee.]

Alla-humma al-him-ni rush-di wa a�iz-ni min shar-re nafsi.
[O Allah! intuit me with thy guidance and protect me from the evil of casual desire.]

(ref; Riyadh-us-Saleheen , chapter 250. p;701-709)

<font color=purple>Wanu nazzilu minal Qurani ma huwa

Shafaa un wa rahmatun lil mo'mineena

wa la yaziduzzalimeena illa khasara.

Posted By: Knowledge01
Date Posted: 28 March 2005 at 9:27am
When making dua (supplications) is it advised to go into the prostration stance?  (toes,hands,alebows, and head touching ground)

Posted By: Alwardah
Date Posted: 06 April 2005 at 5:12am

As Salamu Alaikum


Here is a very informative fatawa on the Etiquette of making du�aa� Question Reference Number:: 36902 on -


�Verily your Lord is quick in punishment; yet He is indeed Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful (Surah Al-An�am 6:165)
"Indeed, we belong to Allah and to Him is our return" (Surah Baqarah 2: 155)

Posted By: Nausheen
Date Posted: 30 April 2005 at 8:28pm

Auzubillahi minash shaitan ir rajeem,

Bismillah ir rahman ir rahim,


Short Prayers of Daily Use Which every Muslim Ought to Know

1. Bismi-llah. ~ In the name of Allah.

Every affair is begun with these words. The object is to make a man realize that he should seek the help of Allah in all affairs. This is an abbreviated form of the fuller formula:
Bismi-llahir Rahmanir Raheem. ~ In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

These are the words with which the Holy Qur'an opens.
2. Al Hamdu li-llah. ~ All praise is due to Allah.

These words are generally said when any good comes to one, as a kind of thanksgiving to Allah. Even the one who sneezes, is required to thank Allah with these words when he sneezes. It is with these words that the first chapter of the Holy Qur'an opens.

3. Allahu Akbar. ~ Allah is the greatest.

The phrase is called Takbir, and the words are uttered whenever a person has to give expression to his own insignificance, or to the insignificance of all creation before Divine Actions. These words also form the rallying cry of a Muslim, indicating that he is not overawed by the force, or the number of those opposing him.

4. Subhana-llah ~ Glorious is Allah. [Allah is free from all imperfections.]

These words are sometimes used when a person has to give expression to the fact that he/she is not free from imperfections, or that he/she has made an error. They are also used as a warning when a person sees another making a mistake.

5. Astaghfiru-llah ~ I seek the protection of Allah.

This is a prayer to which a person should resort very often. The words are also used when one sees a thing which one should avoid. It is known as Istighfar, which means the seeking of Divine protection from the commission of sin as well as from the punishment of sin when it has been committed, and the more often a person resorts to it the farther away he/she is from the liability of falling into sin. The fuller form of istighfar is:

Astaghfiru-llaha, Rabbi min kulli dhanbin, wa atubu ilaihi. ~

I seek the protection of Allah, my Lord, from every fault, and I do turn to Him.

6. La Haula wa la Quwwata illa bi-llahi. ~

There is no Strength or Power but in Allah.

These words indicate that one has not the strength to turn away from what is evil or the power to adopt the course of good, unless Allah gives one such strength or power, and they are used to give expression to reliance on Allah in all matters.

7. In sha'a-llah. ~ If it pleases Allah. [If Allah Wills.]

When a person undertakes to do a thing, he/she uses these words to indicate that though he/she is fully determined to do it, yet maybe, it is ordained by Allah otherwise.

8. Ma sha'a-llah ~ It is as Allah has pleased. [What Allah has Willed.]

When one feels admiration for a person or a thing, he uses these words as showing that all good comes from Allah.

9. Hasbiya-llah, May Allah suffice me.

Hasbu-na llah, May Allah suffice us.

The words are used to show that it is Allah alone Who saves people from stumbling and from faults, or errors and afflictions.

10. Inna li-llahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un ~ Surely we belong to Allah, and to Him we shall return.

These words are used when one receives the news of the death of a person, or of loss of any kind to himself or to another. The words indicate that loss of life or property to person is only part of a Divine scheme, and that one should not indulge too much in the pleasures of this life, or grieve too much when one meets with an adversity.

11. As Salaamu 'Alaikum, Peace be on you!

Wa 'Alaikum Salaam, And on you be peace!

The first form is that in which one Muslim greets another, and the second is that in which the greeting is returned. An enlarged form is as follows:

As Salaamu 'Alaikum, wa Rahmatu-llahi, wa Barakatuhu.

Wa 'Alaikum Salaam, wa Rahmatu-llahi, wa Barakatuhu.

Peace be on you, and the Mercy of Allah, and His blessings.

And on you be Peace, and the Mercy of Allah, and His blessing.

12. Jazaka-llah, May Allah reward you!

Jazakumu-llah khair, May Allah reward you with good!

When a Muslim receives a gift from another or receives any good, he/she thanks the bestower of the gift or the doer of good with either of these forms.

13. Baraka-llah, May Allah bless you!

When a person sees a good act done by a person or a friend, he/she addresses them with these words, meaning that may good be granted to them in a greater measure, and that may it never be cut off.

14. Hasbuka-llah, May Allah suffice you!

In these words a Muslim addresses his fellow Muslim when he/she sees them having hard times and needing greater help.

15. Yarhamuka-llah, May Allah have mercy on you!

In these words a Muslim prays for his brother when he sees him in distress, or when someone sneezes.

<font color=purple>Wanu nazzilu minal Qurani ma huwa

Shafaa un wa rahmatun lil mo'mineena

wa la yaziduzzalimeena illa khasara.

Posted By: ummziba
Date Posted: 01 May 2005 at 4:45am

As salaamu alaikum, Sister Nausheen,

Thank you for putting all these very fine sayings in one place - very helpful.  May Allah bless you!

Let me add one more: allahu a'lam - Allah knows best!  I believe this is used whenever we don't understand or are unsure of something or when we speak of the future, as only Allah knows the unseen.

Peace, ummziba.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words...they break my soul ~

Posted By: Alwardah
Date Posted: 01 May 2005 at 5:39am

As Salamu Alaikum


Masha Allah this is so helpful.


I would be great if the Arabic text was also included.


Jazakallahu Khairan may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala reward you with Khair Ameen!

�Verily your Lord is quick in punishment; yet He is indeed Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful (Surah Al-An�am 6:165)
"Indeed, we belong to Allah and to Him is our return" (Surah Baqarah 2: 155)

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