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What Separates the Muslim from the Believer

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Topic: What Separates the Muslim from the Believer
Posted By: Talib_Asadullah
Subject: What Separates the Muslim from the Believer
Date Posted: 09 January 2009 at 2:26pm
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

What Separates The Muslim From The Believer

Deduced from the Qur'an

Allahumma,Grant us the tawfeeq(understanding) in relations to this subject and in all aspects of The Divine Way of Life prescribed for all Human beings by Your infinite Mercy.  Illuminate our hearts with Iman and Tawqa. Ameen.

I would like to briefly touch on the subject of what seperates the Muslim from the Believer, Ma'sha'Allah.  I will do my best to keep my own comments short, and keep this secluded to the Book of Allah,Ma'sha'Allah.

1. Allah Ta Ala says,"It is He Who has created you; and of you are some that are Unbelievers, and some that are Believers: and Allah sees well all that ye do." Surah 64,Ayah 2.
    Here Allah says that humanity is of 2 groups. Where does that put the Muslim?

2. Allah Ta Ala says,"Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in Truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims."Surah 16,Ayah 102.
    Here, a distinction is drawn between "...those who believe..." and "..Muslims."  The Glad Tidings being Paradise through an application of the Guide(Qur'an). The next point is far more explict in the Separation.

3. Allah Ta Ala says, "The desert Arabs say, "We believe." Say, "Ye have no faith; but ye (only)say, 'We have submitted our wills to Allah,' For not yet has Faith entered your hearts. But if ye obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not belittle aught of your deeds: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." Surah 49, Ayah 14.
    This is the one of the most clearest ayat about the Separation. In essence, a Muslim is in between Disbelief and Belief.  This is clear through our own actions.  Paradise just makes sense, yet we fall into things that put us closer to the Fire.  If we truly believed in the Fire, would we do the things that put us there?? No, the Fire just makes sense to feels right. Alot of us still have to believe it. Allah, gives us the understanding and strength.

How do we achieve this Faith? How do we become a Believer?

Allah Ta Ala says,"It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path." Surah 33,Ayah 36

Allah Ta Ala says,"O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination." Surah 4,Ayah 59

Allah Ta Ala says,"But no, by the Lord, they can have no (real) Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction." Surah 4, Ayah 65

Faith is to predicate all our decisions and actions upon what Allah and His Messenger(SAWS) have given to us.  A Believer also does extra, a Muslim just fulfills the mandatory. A Muslim also still allows to his/her desires in decision making, not what Islam dictates in every situation.

Allahumma, May my words be directed towards the truth and may they be benefical to the Muslims. Allahumma, give us the strength to remain steadfast in the Deen and to direct our will in line and accordance with Your Will. Ameen.

Al-Qur'an was-Sunnah

Posted By: Friendship
Date Posted: 10 January 2009 at 4:12pm
Assalamu alaikum.

Tallib AsAdullah posted. Paradise just makes sense, yet we fall into things that put us closer to the Fire.  If we truly believed in the Fire, would we do the things that put us there?? No, the Fire just makes sense to feels right. Alot of us still have to believe it. Allah, gives us the understanding and strength.
Response: I find it difficult to reconcile what Allah revealed in the Qur'an, the Ahadith of the holy Prophet and also the practical lessons with the Fatwa that some Muslim scholars give on what will happen on the Day of Resurrection. We are overwhelmed by the saying that Allah forgives. No one is denying that. But when I studied carefully how Allah forgave those before us, I find it difficult to reconcile my understanding with the behaviour of the Muslims. Iam sure this is not unique in my country. Imagine all what the Scholars wrote on Major sins! Yet people commit them openly and arrogantly in defiance with every warning and proof one gives. The most frightening and unbelievable behaviour is that of the People of the Book. I get perplexed how they could openly commit what is forbidden in the OT and NT and still expect Allah to forgive them.
I hope we all remember Qur'an 39:16, "They shall have coverings of Fire above them and covering (of Fire) beneath them. With this Allah does frighten His slaves: "O My slaves, therefore fear Me". And in another verse Allah says, "Every time they seek to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be driven back therein, and (it will be) said to them: "Taste the torment of burning".
2) A Muslim also still allows to his/her desires in decision making, not what Islam dictates in every situation.
: I do not know what you mean personally. But I understand this to be referring to Masalih Al-Mursalah. No one is allowed to harm himself or someone else.

Posted By: Talib_Asadullah
Date Posted: 10 January 2009 at 7:46pm
Originally posted by Friendship Friendship wrote:

2) A Muslim also still allows to his/her desires in decision making, not what Islam dictates in every situation.
: I do not know what you mean personally. But I understand this to be referring to Masalih Al-Mursalah. No one is allowed to harm himself or someone else.

Wa Alaikum Salam

Im not familar with the translation of "masalih al-mursalah".It sounds familar however, explain it to me ahki.

What I mean, is that another distinguishing factor between a Muslim and a Believer is that the Muslims still allows his/her desires to dictate their decision making and actions in some instances, while a believer's decisions and actions are ALL based on what Allah and His Rasul(SAWS) said or dictated for said action/situation,etc.

Al-Qur'an was-Sunnah

Posted By: Friendship
Date Posted: 13 January 2009 at 5:59pm
< ="Content-" content="text/; charset=utf-8">< name="ProgId" content="Word.">< name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 12">< name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 12"> file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CDRSSMU%7E1%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml - file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CDRSSMU%7E1%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_themedata.thmx - file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CDRSSMU%7E1%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_colorschememapping.xml - <> Response. Sorry for the delay. I hope this small explanation is enough; < ="Content-" content="text/; charset=utf-8 - < name="ProgId" content="Word. - < name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 12 - < name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 12 - file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CDRSSMU%7E1%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml - file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CDRSSMU%7E1%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_themedata.thmx - file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CDRSSMU%7E1%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_colorschememapping.xml - <>

- -Masālihat-al-Mursala is the method employed by the jurists and Islamic scholars in dealing with issues (in the words of Umar bin Khattāb �al-wāqi�a) not sanctioned by Allāh and the holy Apostle on its face value, while at the same time not indicating that such matter is unacceptable in the context of Sharī�a. #_ftn1 - - -   The wife of the Pharaoh said in verse 32, �And if now if he refuses to obey my order, he shall certainly be cast into prison, and will be one of those who are disgraced.� Prophet Yusuf (AS) replied and said in verse 33, �O my Lord! Prison is dearer to me than that to which they invite me.�  The earlier scholars pointed the case in which marriage and sales not covered by certificate cannot be invalidated a claimant since the holy Qur�ān and the Sunna did not stipulate this.


Posted By: Akhe Abdullah
Date Posted: 13 January 2009 at 7:02pm
Originally posted by Talib_Asadullah Talib_Asadullah wrote:

Originally posted by Friendship Friendship wrote:

2) A Muslim also still allows to his/her desires in decision making, not what Islam dictates in every situation.Response: I do not know what you mean personally. But I understand this to be referring to Masalih Al-Mursalah. No one is allowed to harm himself or someone else.Friendship
Wa Alaikum SalamIm not familar with the translation of "masalih al-mursalah".It sounds familar however, explain it to me ahki.What I mean, is that another distinguishing factor between a Muslim and a Believer is that the Muslims still allows his/her desires to dictate their decision making and actions in some instances, while a believer's decisions and actions are ALL based on what Allah and His Rasul(SAWS) said or dictated for said action/situation,etc.
As Salaamu Alaikum Brother Talib_Asadullah.I see it this way as I was taught.A believer is just that a believer.A Muslim Submits his will to the will of Allah Subhana Watalala.

Posted By: Talib_Asadullah
Date Posted: 13 January 2009 at 7:02pm

Al-Qur'an was-Sunnah

Posted By: Akhe Abdullah
Date Posted: 14 January 2009 at 9:26am
As Salaamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters.Have any of you ever heard the saying,There's a thin line between love and hate.Its true" there is also a thin line between Good and Bad, Right and Wrong,Muslim and Kaffir.I have learned the more you turn to Allah for refuge against Shayton the more he is working to pull you back.May Allah protect us all from the accursed one and his companions(Ameen)

Posted By: Talib_Asadullah
Date Posted: 14 January 2009 at 12:12pm
Originally posted by Akhe Abdullah Akhe Abdullah wrote:

Originally posted by Talib_Asadullah Talib_Asadullah wrote:

Originally posted by Friendship Friendship wrote:

2) A Muslim also still allows to his/her desires in decision making, not what Islam dictates in every situation.Response: I do not know what you mean personally. But I understand this to be referring to Masalih Al-Mursalah. No one is allowed to harm himself or someone else.Friendship
Wa Alaikum SalamIm not familar with the translation of "masalih al-mursalah".It sounds familar however, explain it to me ahki.What I mean, is that another distinguishing factor between a Muslim and a Believer is that the Muslims still allows his/her desires to dictate their decision making and actions in some instances, while a believer's decisions and actions are ALL based on what Allah and His Rasul(SAWS) said or dictated for said action/situation,etc.
As Salaamu Alaikum Brother Talib_Asadullah.I see it this way as I was taught.A believer is just that a believer.A Muslim Submits his will to the will of Allah Subhana Watalala.

Wa Alaikum Salam.

So you would agree or not agree that the Believer is in a position above the Muslim?

Al-Qur'an was-Sunnah

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