Second Anniversary of The Great Mosque of Granada
From the beginning of these events we have demonstrated the unarguable fact that terrorism is not and never has been a political tactic of Muslim warfare, and that suicide retaliation is itself categorically forbidden in Islamic Law. Indeed, the only record historically of it has been in the practice of the Ismaili sect which menaced the Islamic rule of the great Muslim leader Salahudin, or Saladin. This extremist sect menaced Islam as well as the christian community. Today the damage to the world Muslim community is more serious and profound than that of the physical harm perpetrated on western cities. It is a quite new historical situation for us as Muslims to find that a secret society of no known location has chosen to speak on our behalf.
A man without any Islamic education, an adventurer and former CIA operative in Afghanistan insinuated himself into the anarchic state of that country and financially placed himself as the man behind the counter-insurgent movement of the Taliban which had been created by General Musharaf and the Intelligence Chiefs of Pakistan. This man never received the bayat of either the Islamic community or the Taliban army units. This, in any event could never have happened since the Muslims of Afghanistan are almost entirely Sufis openly connected to the Qadiriyya and Naqshabandi orders and thus with a hatred of the deviant Wahhabism of Arabia.
The background to these tragic events, the death of innocents in three great cities, New York, Madrid and London must be seen in relation to the turbulent disorder of the Arab peoples. With the fall of the Khalifate and with the English and American endorsement of Wahhabism by both Churchill and Roosevelt in 1944, in the name of their oil interests, placed a short and explosive fuse into the Arab community. The western endorsement of Kemalism coupled with the fall of the Khalifate left the Arab peoples abandoned in separate national groupings which they neither understood nor endorsed. Into that crisis stepped Nasser, the Egyptian dictator. Abandoning Islam he plunged the educated Arab world into socialism. Nasser�s socialism failed to unite the Arab peoples, but in turn degenerated into Algerian communism on the one hand and fascist dictatorships on the other hand in both Syria and Iraq. It is true to say that any Arab publicly expressing belief in the Deen of Islam as it has been understood for 1400 years inside the Arab world would immediately be arrested, imprisoned and tortured, from Tunisia to the Yemen.
The invasion of Iraq was not for oil, and it did not indicate that the USA had imperial designs as had the British before them. The invasion of Iraq was the necessary requirement for the survival of Israel. The issue of it was not oil but water. Unless the US-Israeli axis controlled the three great rivers of Iraq the invented and unnatural state of Israel clearly could not survive. However, while Afghanistan was a wild and tribal highland zone, Iraq was a wealthy, enormously rich and sophisticated society. The degradation of a military occupation by an alien army which was also legally sanctioned to perform sexual intercourse freely with both women and men was a humiliation too far. |
Read the whole article from - Shaykh Abdal Qadir's Website
------------- "I am a slave. I eat as a slave eats and I sit as a slave sits.", Beloved, sallallahu alyhi wa-sallam.