As many of you of have known me through my responses here on you know that I'm not one to defend another religion nor their adherents. But in respect to what I saw today when I first came on this web site, I was shocked to see that the moderators would put the article on the front. I wasn't shocked about its religious relation but shocked because its actually on this web site. From my understanding on how one individual in a church can kill 7 other innocent people without reason, warning, or any type of noticeable conscious is beyond my own understanding.
But what I cannot understand is why we Muslims everytime something like this happens we pin point this particular incident and make this the focal point for our discussions. First off, how do we not know this individual was not mentally-ill? as far as we know he could have been mentally-ill. The articles say that he was a consistent "church-goer" who appeared to some as seemingly isolated from others. This so happens to turn into a tragic event where he comes in to a service and kills 7 people. Now with this in mind the author who wrote the article had the intention of using this to show how the term 'terrorist' is misappropriately applied to Muslims whenever an act like this happens and rightfully so.
But what the author doesn't understand is that the media is only feeding the public what it considers news and unfortunately in the world of war and tragedy, the media feeds the American public aas well as the world pictures and stories of Muslim terrorist. the real reason?Because there are actual terrorist who claim to be Muslim who commit terrorist act.It's unfortunate that the general populationof Muslim which are non-violent, get categorized as being 'potential terrorist' but this is the way of the media and human reaction.
This sort of relates to my last forum regarding racism. If a white woman os robbed and then raped by a Hispanic male afterwards because of her experience her idea of Hispanic men may change. This however 'irrational' to those outside her mind may seem it is quite rational and human to fear others who resemble the bad experience. My point being is that it is human and ignorant at the same time humans categorize Muslims in the category of being terrorist because the resemblence reminds them of the previous tragedy. But I believe that instead of making efforts to pint point the media's misapplication of what a terrorist is we need to focus on educating other Muslims about the Qur'an and reforming our own society.
In my freeAmerican opinion, I think its ridiculous to write about 'terrorism' relating to Jews and Christians because guess what?If we can count many times how many evil deeds Christians have done we would have to use computerized data entry to count, but this goes the same for Muslims Jews because in our human history humans have killed since God gaves us life. I quote one of the people who responded to the article when they said "What a wasted of internet space." Rather using our enery to refute the media's application of Muslims by exploiting so-called"Christian Terrorist" we need to focus on our ownselves.