I would like to eplain my situation and hope that someone could help me.
I have met a girl 3 years ago, she's muslum and believes at 100% in Allah. At the beginning I was not in contact with the Islam and she asked me one day if I want to convert to the Islam.
I have responded her ''yes'' because I was intrested and I wanted to be with her. We have stated the religious wedding but no official. We wanted to do it later, as she needed to be in good consience towards Allah.
I have been to the moskee and I have practiced the Shahad and also chosed a new name.
In the beginning I was full of confidence and I read the Coran, I learn how to practice the Salate. But with the time, I left the Islam by the side and I started to concentrate to other things, our financial situation, dispute with my wife and lots of problems with my family who wouldn't accept our relationship and also the fact that I approched to the Islam.
I have asian roots and none of my family has any contact with the Islam. They have a negative view due to the media. So they have provacated lots of problems in order to disturbe our relationship.
My wife has submitted lots of pressure because of me, I wasn't strong enough to confront my family and many things has hurted our relationship.
Every day I think to do the necesary in order to approche what Allah asks, but I don't have the streanght or I put it for the next day.
I really really want to practice the Islam because I know that it's the right thing to do but there are things that stops me of doing it.
For the moment I'm in some financial difficulties and I often think how to solve the problem in an impropriate way.
There are 2 motivations who pushes me to practice the Islam, one is my wife, because she's also not pure because she's with a non muslim but she loves me. The other motivation is because it's a good thing to do.
If anybody has some comments, please feel free to reply.
I thank you from the buttom of my haert, I really need some tips and support.
Kind regards,