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Topic: "fundamentalism"
Posted By: imran1976
Subject: "fundamentalism"
Date Posted: 18 March 2005 at 1:33am
As'salam o Alaiqum!
hope everyone is doing well!

we must not be ashamed of ourself being called a " fundamentalist"
normally fundamentalism is mixed with extremism/terrorism.

A fundametalist is the one who believes in complete islamic system(economic system, social system,political system)
what has happened overtime that , sure we do say our prayers, we fast too and yes we also go for Hajj but we have forgotten that Islam has given us a complete system.This has led to the down fall of muslim ummah!
America doesn't have problems with our prayers, instead of saying 5 times say 50 times no problem! fast for more than 30 days thats all fine! but u don't talk about the "Islamic System",if u talk about it , America will be after u for simple reason, it clashes with their capitalistic system! and everyone knows over years it has been the clashes between systems! the last one was socialist vs capitalist.

okay now terrorism! israel's state terrorism in palestine, india's state terrorism in kashmir & russia's state terrorism in chechnya r simple examples of terrorism.

Extremism! bajrangdal, RSS. etc in india r examples of extremism, they r just butchering muslims in india and the sectarian violence in pakistan over the last few years is also the example of extremism.( Alhamdulilah things r much better now)

it's my humble request to not mix fundamentalism with terrorism/extremism.

My writing above is based on the lectures/juma khutabas of a renonwed religious scholar!

take care & Allah Hafiz.


Posted By: DavidC
Date Posted: 18 March 2005 at 6:39am
"Fundamentalist" as a religious term in America has been used for over a
century to describe Christian Anabaptist sects who believe the entire
religion was hopelessly corrupted and proceeded to reinvent their own
Christianity from whole cloth. They are also known for procrustean
judgements, and the reliance on legalistic readings of scripture.

"Orthodox" is a better term than "fundamentalist" in English in your case.
Sticking with that term will help avoid confusion.


Posted By: imran1976
Date Posted: 18 March 2005 at 9:45pm
as i already said 'Fudamentalist' who completely believes in the whole Islamic system. When the Americans say 'we are on war within Islam' that within is what they call fundamentalist/radicals are those who believes in Islam as complete system of life. There's no confusion brother 'Fundamentalist' is the right word!

Posted By: fezziwig
Date Posted: 19 March 2005 at 10:24am

Originally posted by imran1976 imran1976 wrote:

.... When the Americans say 'we are on war within Islam' ...

Where do the Americans say that? And what does it mean?


Posted By: Knowledge01
Date Posted: 19 March 2005 at 1:36pm
Originally posted by fezziwig fezziwig wrote:

Originally posted by imran1976 imran1976 wrote:

.... When the Americans say 'we are on war within Islam' ...

Where do the Americans say that? And what does it mean?




I live in Amerika.  It is very apparent that they are saying that in the news media, white media, maybe not so humbly, but they DEFINTILY plant that in the minds of Amerikans that Islam and Muslims are the terrorists and the enemy, when in all truth, the Amerikan government is the terrorists and the enemy.

Posted By: fezziwig
Date Posted: 19 March 2005 at 6:23pm
Originally posted by Knowledge01 Knowledge01 wrote:

Originally posted by fezziwig fezziwig wrote:

Originally posted by imran1976 imran1976 wrote:

.... When the Americans say 'we are on war within Islam' ...

Where do the Americans say that? And what does it mean?




I live in Amerika.  It is very apparent that they are saying that in the news media, ...

Who is "they"? Do you mean the government, news, talk shows? Can you give an example?


... but they DEFINTILY plant that in the minds of Amerikans that Islam and Muslims are the terrorists and the enemy,...

Who is "they"? Do you mean GWB? Cheney? I don't remember them saying that.



Posted By: Knowledge01
Date Posted: 19 March 2005 at 6:54pm

"They" means the Amerikan white racist and oppressor media.  The daily news, they will bring so-called "news" to you but it will be in the form that they want you to know, and that is NEVER the truth.  These conditions are especially true when talking about the wars that the US government and the Bush administration have started and are still continueing such as Iraq, and soon to be Iran and Syria.  And also especially true when referring to any situation that has Islam included in it.

Posted By: Israfil
Date Posted: 19 March 2005 at 8:23pm

Fezz, just to let you know Imran and Knowledge do not speak for me, even though they are Muslim. Obviously these two do not understand the definition of fundementalism and Extremism seeing how these two definitions are unrelated to religion. I would normally put my two cents in to make a quarter but this forum is not worth a dime! :)

Posted By: imran1976
Date Posted: 20 March 2005 at 9:41pm

Originally posted by Israfil Israfil wrote:

Obviously these two do not understand the definition of fundementalism and Extremism seeing how these two definitions are unrelated to religion. I would normally put my two cents in to make a quarter but this forum is not worth a dime! :)

Okay Mr.Israfil can u make me understand what's the definition of both????????

Posted By: Israfil
Date Posted: 22 March 2005 at 7:00pm
Here is my reply:

One entry found for fundamentalism.

Main Entry:     fun�da�men�tal�ism
Pronunciation:     -t&l-"i-z&m
Function:     noun
1 a often capitalized : a movement in 20th century
Protestantism emphasizing the literally interpreted Bible as
fundamental to Christian life and teaching b : the beliefs of this
movement c : adherence to such beliefs
2 : a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence
to a set of basic principles
- fun�da�men�tal�ist /-t&l-ist/ noun
- fundamentalist or fun�da�men�tal�is�tic /-"men-t&l-'is-tik/

Main Entry:     ex�trem�ism
Pronunciation:     ik-'strE-"mi-z&m
Function:     noun
1 : the quality or state of being extreme
2 : advocacy of extreme political measures : RADICALISM
- ex�trem�ist /-mist/ noun or adjective

These are the differences. they have no imlication on Islam
these are both two separate ways of thought and interpretation
on a specific belief. So here is my answer

Posted By: fezziwig
Date Posted: 23 March 2005 at 7:29am

As Israfil points out, in the US fundamentalism refers to a christian belief that the bible is literally correct in every word. I might point out that US fundamentalists believe this even tho few if any read the Greek that the bible was written in, let alone the 2000 year old Greek whose literalness may be different. I might also point out that US fundamentalists draw some very extraordinary conclusions from these words, conclusions that astound many other people. A popular conclusion is that the world will end soon: in our lifetimes! But I've been hearing this for 60 years so it no longer frightens me.

In France people often mention 'fundamentalists' when speaking about the (mostly Algerian) muslims living there who are responsible for bomb threats, etc. The common French seem not to like muslims at all, but only ascribe criminality to 'fundamentalists'.



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