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The Best way to learn how to read Qura'an/ Arabic

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Topic: The Best way to learn how to read Qura'an/ Arabic
Posted By: Full of Hopes
Subject: The Best way to learn how to read Qura'an/ Arabic
Date Posted: 01 September 2009 at 11:17pm

   Asslamu Alikum Wa Rahmatu Allah

  Dear brothers and sisters of Islam..

  I have been wondering how I can help you from the  good experience I have in teaching Qura'an to non-native speakers of Arabic.

  There are many ways.. but here  is the BEST way. It helps the students to learn how to read the Arabic words step by step but very well. You need to be more patient. Here I will insert the link to download the book. Don't worry because it is all Arabic.  It is very easy and very useful. -

   You will see that the pages are divided into squares. Every square has got an Arabic letter inside it.  Besides, I will attach down here the links to download the tracks. The teacher will read to you every letter in Arabic. You start by letters then words then phrases then more than one sentence. The most remarkable thing is that all of the examples are taken  form Qura'an.
   So you open the first page the same time you listen to the track and point at the letter. Repeat everything after the teacher even in the name of Allah and the title of the lesson. He will say that in the begging of every lesson.
  The teacher voice will pause for a while to give you the chance to repeat after him. The first lesson you may feel it difficult. But Don't worry Allah will help you and you will get used to it from the second lesson.  You need to listen very well and repeat . The pause time is set very well, which means if you take
longer or shorter time to pronounce the letter  than the pause time then repeat again.  This way is very very efficient and the students improve very quickly. It needs only some patience. And I am here if you need more explanation. Embarrassed

  Here are the tracks.  Wish you the best..

  1- -

  2- -

  3- -

 4- -

   May Allah help me and you and accept from us...Smile

  Wish you the best..and you must hurry to download the book and the tracks  because some links have an expiration date.


And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)

Posted By: Akhe Abdullah
Date Posted: 02 September 2009 at 4:55am
Wa Alaikum As Salam Wa RahmatuAllahi Wa Barakatu,JazakAllah Kheiran for the link siter.My Allah Bless you.

Posted By: Full of Hopes
Date Posted: 02 September 2009 at 10:38pm

  Asslamu Alikum Wa Rahmatu Allah

  And this flash is very useful to help you pronounce the Arabic letters correctly. You press on the letter and look carefully at the tongue on the picture. Follow it and focus to learn  how it moves to pronounce  the Arabic letter, on which area with the palate.

  Press any letter and listen to it carefully. Then repeat after it. -

I pray to Allah that this is useful..

   1-  the throat letters:
 a- (bottom of throat): Pronounced from the part of the throat closest to the chest:  ء (a), ه (h)
 b- middle of throat: Pronounced from middle of the throat: ع(a), ح (h)
 c- top of throat: Pronounced from the part of the throat closest to the mouth: غ(gh), خ (kh)
  2-(the uvula letters: a- (epiglottis): Pronounced when the part of the tongue closest to the epiglottis touches the soft  palate: ق(q)
 b- (epiglottis): Pronounced when the part of the tongue slightly  touches the hard palate before the point of g: ك(k)
  3- the tree letters: Pronounced when at least the center-portion of the tongue touches the palate: ش (sh), ج (j), ي (y) [consonant]
  4- the upturning letter: (premolars and molars)  Pronounced when the upturned edge of the left, right, or both side of the tongue glides along the routes of the top premolars and molars:  ض(dh)
  5- the cavity letters: (incisors): Pronounced when the tip of the tongue touches the roots of the top incisors: ت(t), ط (t-fat), د (t-hard)
  6- the tip letters: (incisors): Pronounced when the tip of the tongue is between the lower tip of the top incisors and the upper tip of the bottom incisors leave space for the air with these letters: ص (s-fat), س (s-sharp), 
ز (z-sharp)
  7- the gum letters: (incisors): Pronounced when the tip of the tongue touches the bottom tip of the top incisors: ث (th), ذ (z-flat), ظ (z-fat).
   8- the edge letters: (lateral incisors-lateral incisors) Pronounced when the edge and tip of the tongue touches the gum of the top two incisors : ن (n).
  9- the edge letters: (canines-canines) Pronounced when the edge of the tongue touches the gum of the top incisors, lateral-incisors, and canines: ل(L)
  10- the edge letters: Pronounced when the edge and tip of the tongue touches the gum of the top incisors, and lateral-incisors with vibration: ر (r).
  11- the lip letters: Pronounced when the center-portion of the bottom lip closer to the mouth touches the tip of the top incisors: ف(f)
  12- the lip letters:  b- pronounced when the wet portion of the lips meet
m- pronounced when the dry portion of the lips meet
w- pronounced when the sides of the lips meet but the center forms an oval: ب(b), م (m), و (w) [consonant]
  13- the nostril letters: (nostrils) Pronounced from the portion of the nostrils where the soft part meets the bone: ن (n), م (m)
  14- the extended letters: Pronounced from the empty space between the middle of the tongue and the teeth:  ا (a), و (o, u), ي (e, i); [long vowels].
     May Allah bless you all. I hope this was useful.

And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)

Posted By: Saladin
Date Posted: 03 September 2009 at 11:17am
Wa'alaikum salaam warahmatullah,
Thanks FoH, I just realised I've been pronouncing some letters incorrectly.... Jazakallah khair.

'Trust everyone but not the devil in them'

Posted By: Pati
Date Posted: 03 September 2009 at 11:37am
Originally posted by Full of Hopes Full of Hopes wrote:

  Here are the tracks.  Wish you the best..

  1- -

  2- -

  3- -

 4- -

   May Allah help me and you and accept from us...Smile

  Wish you the best..and you must hurry to download the book and the tracks  because some links have an expiration date.


Hi dear,

Sorry, but my computer doesn't like that weblinks LOLLOLLOL

Everytime I am trying to open it, I receive a message: that's a hacking website!!! And it's not allowing me to enter.

I don't know Confused


No God wants the killing, but the peace.
The weapons are carried by people, not by religions.

Posted By: Full of Hopes
Date Posted: 03 September 2009 at 12:00pm

   Asslamu Alaikum

 Happy Smile you are intersted in that sister Pati. The links did work with some members correctly and they did downlaod the tracks.
 But for you I will add another links soon inshallah..
      Hope you are fine

And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)

Posted By: Pati
Date Posted: 03 September 2009 at 12:27pm
Originally posted by Full of Hopes Full of Hopes wrote:

   Asslamu Alaikum

 Happy Smile you are intersted in that sister Pati. The links did work with some members correctly and they did downlaod the tracks.
 But for you I will add another links soon inshallah..
      Hope you are fine

Sure I am interested!! Actually, we are learning arabic in the Mosque through the Quran.

I got one free (Spanish & Arabic) and I downloaded the Quran recited by Mr. Said Al Ghamdi (I heard others, but this man... wow... the feelings he is giving me while I heard him are very peaceful. Actually, I have a problem because I downloaded it to try to read the Quran, but suddenly, I stop trying reading and keep listening... so I don't improve Embarrassed).

I don't know, maybe it's because of my PC security system.

Salams sister Smile

PS: Now, I am listening "Hud"

011.064 وَيَا قَوْمِ هَذِهِ نَاقَةُ اللَّهِ لَكُمْ آيَةً فَذَرُوهَا تَأْكُلْ فِي أَرْضِ اللَّهِ وَلا تَمَسُّوهَا بِسُوءٍ فَيَأْخُذَكُمْ عَذَابٌ قَرِيبٌ

No God wants the killing, but the peace.
The weapons are carried by people, not by religions.

Posted By: Full of Hopes
Date Posted: 03 September 2009 at 3:12pm

  Salam.. sister here are  another links for the audio in case that the above links do not work.
   May Allah be pleased. In the beginning of lessons, there is along introduction you can pass it and start when you here the voice change to here the teaches voice.

القاعدة النورانية 1 - أ - 7.00 MB
القاعدة النورانية 1 - ب - 6.82 MB
القاعدة النورانية 2 - أ - 7.71 MB
القاعدة النورانية 2 - ب - 7.71 MB

  Here is the main  link if the above also don't work. It will open a page with some Arabic. In front of you, you see (Audio Files) written, on the table on the right side, there are the links with the capacity of the files. press to download. I am here if you don't understand anything. -

  Note: I just now noticed the change of order. Soory the second line is the first lessons then comes the first one. I wrote it as a note to make sure that all of you has seen it.


And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)

Posted By: nu001
Date Posted: 11 September 2009 at 11:28pm
Thanks FoH, some very useful information. Salam

"Al-Quran-The only Straight path to success. Alhamdulillah"

Posted By: Full of Hopes
Date Posted: 11 September 2009 at 11:44pm
Asslamu Alaikum Wa Rahamatu Allah
    In this short research inshallah, I will focus on Arabic letters: separated and conjoined letters.
   Some Arabic letters are a little bit confusing. Some have more than one shape written in Quraan, too. I pray to Allah you find this very useful and rewarding.
 This time I will explain only one letter in order to give you the time to study it very well.
  1- First I would like to start with Alif with Hamza  :  in general the letter differs according to the sign Hamza  which is on it. In Quraanic science we focus on the Hamza more than  the Alif. So to read correct focus on Hamza. There are two kinds of Hamza.
1- Hamza Qatie' (Cut): This Hamza occurs
 1-in the beginning of the word like:
(أنعمت عليهم)
2- in the middle of the word:
3- At the end of the word:
( شـــــــــــــــــــــــاء)
It is strong we pronounce it in all situations: If we are starting form this word, or continuing reading: Look at the red Alif and Hamza. Focus on the Hamza and memorize its shape.
(صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم) الفاتحة: ٧
  So if I want to start reading from this word pronounce the clear Hamza from the organ of speech I have explained above for Hamza.
2- The second kind of Hamza is called Hamza Wasel     
 ص(continuing) notice the sign on Hamza it looks like
This kind of Hamza occurs ONLY in the beginning
of the word and never occurs in the middle or at the end:
It is read ONLY in the beginning of reading. I mean only if you will start with  it. It is colored with green from the aya above. It is the first letter.
 Forgive me because the Qura'an program can't paste on the forum page so go back to Qura'an the same verse and
Just focus on the green Alif at the beginning of the word in the previous example.
This Hamza as I explained if I want to start the reading with the word :
Then I pronounce the Hamza. I mean I read the Alif
But when I am reading from
عليهم و لا الضالين
Passing by Hamza, I do not want to start by it I DO NOT say it. I just cancel it and move to the letter after it. So I will read:
عليهم و لضالين
As if the Alif and Hamza are not even existed.
This is enough about Alif with Hamza. I am ready for your questions.
2- Alif without Hamza and without any Haraka. No Fatha, no dammah and no kasra: This can occur:
a- in the beginning of the word with the blue color: as you see the Alif is without any Hamza.    
                  (ومن الناس من يقول ءامنا)  البقرة: ٨
b- Also it comes in the middle of the word as the same verse the word. You see Alif without any sign on it:
c- At the end of the word, as the word:
The rule of this Alif:
1- In general it is for the long sound. I mean for mud. So read the Alif as along air sound.
   Like AAAA. Limaa. And do this with every Alif in    Quraan Except.
2- If this Alif was proceeded by Tanween:  two Fatha ONLY.
Like the word:
The Alif is without any sign and it is proceeded by tanween, two Fatha above.
Any Alif which is proceeded by two Fatha is pronounced ONLY when you STOP reading by this word, I mean her stop or pause to continue reading,  but do not read it when you do not intend to stop reading on it.
So when you are continuing you DO not read it, cancel it. If you are reading for example:
ثمنًا قليلا
Read it:
Note: This Alif which is without any sign is found in Quraan in two shapes.
1- The normal known one. The above:
2- the shape like ya letter:
The last letter above is Alif in another shape and has completely the same rules of the other Alif.
Here  a question comes to your mind:
You will ask how do I know if that letter is Alif or Ya they are the same shape: Focus on this verse: The blue is Alif, the pink is Ya.
( فإما يأتينكم منِى هدًى)     البقرة: ٣٨
God they have the same shape. But focus more on the haraka before every one. Alif always comes after the Fatha or Tanween Fatha on the previous letter and never comes with any other Haraka, while Ya comes with Kasra or Dammah but not Fatha at all. So when ever you see this shape look at the letter before it.
If there is Fatha so it is Alif, takes the same rules, but if it is Kasra or Dammah then this is Ya.
Here .. a clever student will come with this example asking:
(وهو على كل شَىْء قدير )
You said that every Alif which is proceeded by Fatha is Alif not Ya but the one in the example above in the pink color is actually ya, although it is proceeded by Fatha.
Focus dear, I said without ANY thing and that letter has got Fatha.
Summary: Long Alif: AAA. Comes without 1-any Hamza or any Haraka: Fatha, Dammah, Kasra.
Now do this homework as a reply: Distinguish between Alif and Ya in the following Quraanic examples: Do the Alif with blue color and the Ya with pink� Be an active student. Hurry do the homework:
1- (و يرَى الذين أوتوا العلم الذِى أنزل إليك من ربك هو الحق و يهدِي إلَى صراط العزيز الحميد) سبأ: ٦
2- ( ما أغنَى عنه ماله و ما كسب) المسد: ٢
3- ( و الضحَى 1 و الليل إذا سجَى 2 ما ودعك ربك و ما قلَى 3 و للآخرة خير لك من الأولَى 4 )  الضحى: ١ - 4

   1- Distinguish  Hamza Wasel , Qatie and Alif Mud form the folloing example:

Color the Wasek with green color, the Qatie with red color and Alif mud with blue color:

     قل يأيها الكفرون  1 لا أعبد ما تعبدون ]
 Please get this aya form Quraan becasue all of the Quranic symblos are very imporant for correct reading and missing here.  Notice: The symbol of Hamza Wase, Qatie and Alif mud.
Then notice the very small Alif written next to Kafـ
  This small Alif has the same rules of the normal Alif mud. But I can not be Hamza Wasel or Qatie.
  I am really sorry if you do not like the order of the page.I tried for a long time but it is very difficult becasue of the Arabic examples. Just get the benefit and forgive your sister. What is corrcet and fine is from Allah and what is not fine is from me. And I will continue the rest of letters soon Smileinshallah 

And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)

Posted By: Full of Hopes
Date Posted: 12 September 2009 at 12:12pm
   Have you heard of the 7 Alifs in Quraan???Lamp

Here this is very easy and useful but I am sorry I can not write you the examples with the Quraan writing exactly. Because the program I have for Quraan is not recognized by the forum system so it comes like box. But you bring the Aranic Quraan and follow these verses. I need you to be a very good observant. Focus on the Quraan symbols on Alif only this time.


  In Qura'an there are many kinds of SuKun. The shape of this sukun affect the way you read this letter: To be clear there are three kinds of Alif:
1- Alif without and symbol on it. NOTING on it. This Alif is Alif mud, which is read mud (long sound AA) in all situations; if you want to continue reading or stop by it.
  as I said see the verse on Quraan and see the Alif with nothing on it. 
                                    إنها ترمي بشرر ) المرسلات 32     

   2- Alif with the Circle Sukun: Here on the Alif there is a Circle. we call in Tajweed: the Circle Sukun: this Alif is just written but actually not read at all form any verse. Keep this in mind. Wherever you see this Sukun do not read the Alif and imagine that it is not even exist. Here are examples. Please work with me and focus.
                                           ألا إن ثمودا كفروا ربهم) هود 68

  3- Alif with the Square Sukun: We also call it Square Sukun because Sukun here is like the shape of square. This Alif is amazing because it appears ONLY when you stop by it, but when you do not stop by the word and you want to join the words it disappears and not read or pronounced.
  Now file:///C:%5CUsers%5CSahumah%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml - -   3- Al- Ahzab: verses: 10, 66, 67  الظنونا - الرسولا -  السبيلا   

  4- Al- Ensan:  verses: 10, 15      سلاسلا - قواريرا   

 Note: 1- Only the word            
      has two  file:///C:%5CUsers%5CSahumah%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"> possibilities  if you want to stop by it. You may read it or cancel it and stop by the letter before Alif. Lam
  2- When you go to Quraan you will find that the word  قواريرا      occurs two times in two verses. One with Circle Sukun but the other is with the Square Sukun, study that very well.
  May Allah bless you all. Smile

And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)

Posted By: Full of Hopes
Date Posted: 17 September 2009 at 12:35pm

   In the Name of Allah the most Mercilful.

   Asslamu Alaikum Wa Rahamatu Allah

  In this lesson I will focus on another letter which is a little bit confusing:
 This the letter:  ت  and
 Sometimes the same word occurs in Quraan once with the first shape and once with the second:

  (و بنعمت الله هم يكفرون: النحل 72   
(و إن تعدوا نعمة الله لا تحصوها: النحل 18
    Let us see the differences between: ت - ـــة -  ــه
of course you see these three in Quraan.

  1-     ت         ; This is called the open ت and this one can occur in the first of the word: تقلبهم  or in the middle of the word:  تتخذون or at the end of the word: بنعمت.
  This one is read in all case, ت in the begging of reading and when you stop reading by it. You pronounce it: ت
 2- This one is called the tied   ـــــــــة    : This kind occurs ONLY at the end of the words, never in the beginning nor in the middle. This one is has two situations:

  a- When you are not stopping by it, means when you are passing by it and continue the reading,it is read like the usual open ت without any difference.

 b- When you stop or pause by it, means it is the last letter you pronounce, this tied ـة  turns into a normal هـ and pronounced the same as if it were هـ:
so for the word: نعمة you read it (ne'mah) when you stop. But when you continue you read it: نعمة الله : ( ne'matallah).
  I hope this was clear, and I am here if you need any help.

 c- This is not ت: but some people see it confusing because it looks like the tide ــــــة : but in fact, we have   ـــــــــه and ــــــــــــة :

 The simple difference between them:
1- This is called tied ta: ــــــــة while this is called ha: ــــــــــه
 2-While the tide ta has got two dots, the ha has no dots.
3- While the tied ta is read ta when you are passing by it and continuing reading, the ha is never read ta at all, even if you are contiuing reading.
 For example:
 - لاية لقوم يسمعون : This aya can be read in continuing case: laayatlligaom.
 but in stoping case: layah
 - but with the ha: فيه شفاء the ha here in continung case read: feehi shifa'
 and in stoping case: feeh.

  I hope this is clear, useful and enjoyable.


 1- Color the tied ta with the green and the ha with blue in the following aya:
   ( و يل لكل همزة لمزة _ الذي جمع مالا و عدده)
 and please listen to this aya read by a good Arabic Quraan reader.
 2- Write how do you read the words: مؤصدة في and القارعة -مالقارعة 

  in two case:
 the continuing and stopping cases.

  May Allah be pleased on you all.Big%20smile

And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)

Posted By: Full of Hopes
Date Posted: 17 September 2009 at 1:24pm

  Asslamu Alaikum Wa Rahanatu Allah,

  Dears, this is very easy and important in reading Quraan and Arabic:

 The long sound letters:

  We will answer the following questions inshallah:

 1-  What are the long sound letters and how do you distinguish them in Quraan?
 2- How are these letters read?


 1- The long sound letters in Arabic are called letters of mud (long sound):
 This is like the diffence between these two words in English:
    cut   and cat : the second one is like the long sound I want you to be clear about.

    The long sound letters in Arabic and Quraan are three:

a- any letter with fatha+ Alif.   قال  gaal
b-  any letter with dammah+ waw يقول yagool
c- any letter with kasra+ ya   قيل geel

with these conditions:
  a- every alif or waw or ya must has the same haraka before it. In another word: fatha+ ya is not a long sound letter. Sitck to the same haraka I mentioned above with the same letter.
 b- If any of these letters are at the end of the word, the next word must not begin with Hamza Wsil ( which I have explained to you before with this post). In case there is Hama Wasil, this letter will disappear in continuing reading and occur, I mean read, only when you are stopping by the letter.
   For example: How woluld you read this aya in two case: (continue- stop)
  و قالا الحمد لله 
when you want to stop the mud letter is read:  galaa.
while when you want to pass by it and join the two words in reading: this is read: gallhamdu.
 we cancel; the mud becasue there is Hamza Wasil after it.
 and we cancel Hamza Wasil because as I have explained before: Hamza Wasil is cancel in case of conituing reading. Please make sure you got Hamza Wasil becasue it is one of the most important rules of reading Quraan correctly.
  B- These letters are known in Quraan by being plain without any haraka: I mean no fatha, no dammah, no kasra, no sukun: و ما ينبغي له - و يقولون -  يتيما

 I hope this is very clear but here is a question, how do I know if for example this waw is long waw or normal waw?    فهو في عيشة
  Please focus very well, this si a little bit confusing even for Arabic very good teachers.
 Take your Arabic Quraan with you: as the usual, we have two case:
 a- In case of continuing: as you can see in the Quraan this waw has got fatha so it is a normal waw, which is read waw.
 b- In case of stopping: Please remember this Arabic VERY imortant rule:
 In Arabic we Never stop by any haraka. We immediately remove the harah form this letter and stop by sukn. We read the word: يقول in continuing case: yagalo while in stopping case yagol, you see no haraka.
  So accoring to this Arabic basic rule and back to the prevoius aya:
  The waw in: فهو في
will have no haraka when I stop and when we cancel the haraka it becomes sukun and here the conditions of long waw is complete:
  Dammah ـهـ + sukun waw و
so this waw in stopping case is read:
 fahoo while in contiung case it is read fahoa
 If you have understood this very well, this is a general rule for every alif- waw- ya came at the end of a word and was followed by a hamza wasil:
  Some more examples:
  1- فلا اقتحم       
   ذاقا الشجرة
جابوا الصخرة
الذي ارتضى
2- the other part of this lesson is: How are these letter read?
  As I mentioned before from your language: but and bat, cut and cat.
 the other one is the long sound, with which you make the sung a little bit longer. We count that by fingers: count number two in your fingers while you say the letter, do not be too fast nor too slow.
  This lesson is called the normal long sound, because in Quraan we have something else called the branch mud.
  Coming soon inshallah...Smile


And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)

Posted By: Akhe Abdullah
Date Posted: 22 September 2009 at 7:11pm
Salams Sister F.O.H.Eid Mubarak!JazakAllah Kheiran for the lessons,I'll try and catch up and InshAllah I'll pm you with any questions.May Allah reward you for your efforts.I'm sorry for the late reply as my email notifications all go to spam and I dont usually read my spam mail just erase them,Allah works in mysterious ways.SubhanAllah! [IMG]smileys/smiley1.gif" align="middle" />

Posted By: Full of Hopes
Date Posted: 26 September 2009 at 6:30pm

 May Allah bless you brother. You are welcome..
  I hope all of the members help me to get the rewards and have a look at this. I need your feedback, really. If you think these lessons are not easy or not useful or not clear, please do inform me. I will be so happy. This is my first time to teach by just typing, but these rules I used to teach my students to be able to do self-studying. But here, I am not sure if you find them clear. Forgive me if they are not clear to you and help me by telling me what you think.

  May Allah bless you all..Smile

And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)

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