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Forum Name: Groups : Women (Sisters)
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Printed Date: 08 July 2024 at 11:16am
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Posted By: J.R.
Subject: PLEASE HELP!!
Date Posted: 20 July 2005 at 4:03pm
Sisters and brothers,

I can NOT believe this is happeing to me!! I got married over a month
ago and plan to move and join my husband next month. He told me
before we got married he was "seeing" someone for three years before we
met. I told him it's not my place to judge and that the past is past,
especially since I didn't know him them. Well he calls me today on the
phone and tells me he has something to tell me. He said he in fact had a
sexual relationship with this non-Muslim woman whom he never married
and they broek up RIGHT before he and I met. To make the long story
short he confessed he STILL talks to her on the phone and in fact talked
to her just last night but that they're just "friends" but I asked him if he
told her he's married and he said no. He ended up confessing to me that
she came back into his town just this past Monday and they met, hung
out, went otu to eat together, and that they hugged for a bit and HELD
WITNESSES IN HIS MOSQUE THERE!!! I am all alone!! My family totally cut
ties with me due to my hijab and now this!!!! He feels so bad and wanted
to come out and be honest with me but says he still loves me. I was
willing to overlook his fornication since it occured before we met and no



Posted By: ummziba
Date Posted: 20 July 2005 at 4:22pm

Assalamu alaikum Sister J.R.

Ya Allah!  Sister I feel so bad for you!  You are surely being tried.  I don't know what advice to give to you but I want you to know that I will pray for you.

Try to keep in mind that the life of this world is a prison for the believers.  You are certainly backed into a corner.  Is there anyone who can help you?  Someone at your masjid?  Perhaps you need to sit down and have a real long, sincere and firm talk with your husband.  Try to determine his plans.

Perhaps you should be firm in letting him know that this behavior of his is not acceptable at all.  Go over with him what kind of behavior is expected from a Muslim husband..  I don't know...I just feel so bad for you.

Try to be firm.  Try hard to stay steady in your faith.  Your world probably seems to be caving in on you right now - remember:

"So, Verily, with every difficulty there is relief: 94:5,  Verily, with every difficulty there is relief."  94:6

Peace, ummziba.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words...they break my soul ~

Posted By: Nausheen
Date Posted: 20 July 2005 at 8:21pm

Auzubillahi minash shaitan ir rajeem,

Bismillah ir rahman ir rahim,

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah

Dear sister J.R. ,

It would really be very hurtful for you to endure such circumstances. may allah give you patience and courage, insha allah, ameen.

When two non-mehram from opposite gender are alone, it is said that the third between them is shaitan. He wispers to them ideas which are unlawful - this is what happend to your husband, because he continues to talk to this woman, and then had met her.

It is likely that when you join him and the two of you start a life together, the influence of this other woman fades out. On the contrary it is also possible that it always remains there. All will depend on the type of relationship the two of you share.

We dont know what future holds for us, but given the present situation, you should give your marriage a try, - give your husband a chance to become a good husband. He wants to be honest with you, which is a good start. You can incourage him to be islamic, practicing muslim. The presence and influence of deen in a household brings all the barakah and rahmah insha allah.

May allah guide you both, and deliver you to marital bliss insha allah, ameen.

Maa salaama,


<font color=purple>Wanu nazzilu minal Qurani ma huwa

Shafaa un wa rahmatun lil mo'mineena

wa la yaziduzzalimeena illa khasara.

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 20 July 2005 at 9:35pm



[Edited by Moderator]

 The betrayal I feel is cutting me like a knife.

Allah hafiz,

Note: Detailed content of unislamic acts should not be posted on this forum.

Thank you. Nausheen


Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 20 July 2005 at 9:39pm

I asked him to give me her phone number since he refuses to end their
"friendship" even though I demanded it, saying that I have every right to
demand that being his wife and considering what he did with her. I don't
blame her, she doesn't know he's married to me. Well he won't give me
her number upon me asking for it for over two hours on the phone.



Posted By: Khadija1021
Date Posted: 20 July 2005 at 11:14pm

Assalamu Alaikum

Sister J.R., I am literally sitting her in tears over what you have told us.  I, some day, want to have a pious Muslim husband and stories like yours make me very frightened of that prospect.  I cannot give you any advice regarding whether you should stay with him or leave him before you get even more hurt; however, I would suggest that you consider one thing.  Please think really hard before deciding to bring a child into this marriage.  If at some point you decide to leave, it will be far easier to start over without the ties to him having a child would entail.  And please, do not have the misconception that having a child with him will make him become a pious man.  Nothing external, even a child, can make someone pious.  That is a condition of the heart and a relationship that only Allah can make happen. 

I will surely keep you in my prayers J.R.  Inshallah you will make the right decision.  If you have an Imam in your community, I strongly suggest that you seek his advice if things do not get better for you soon.

Jazak Allah

PAZ, Khadija

Say: 'My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying, are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds. (Qur'an, 6:162)

Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 5:40am

Originally posted by J.R. J.R. wrote:


I asked him to give me her phone number since he refuses to end their
"friendship" even though I demanded it, saying that I have every right to
demand that being his wife and considering what he did with her. I don't
blame her, she doesn't know he's married to me. Well he won't give me
her number upon me asking for it for over two hours on the phone.


Just because you are the wife, your husband does not have to hand over the number or end the friendship whether you ask politely or demand it.

Your husband can have any friends he chooses, like you can have any friends you chose. We all need friends from both sides.

I can see why he probably won't give you the number, I know women they say more than 'I'm married' to the other woman, they can't leave it at that and then walk away. Not that I'm saying this is you, I don't know you.

And why is it important for you to have this girls phone number?

If what I'm hearing from you is truth, then your husband is being truthful and honest and not betraying you. He chose you to marry didn't he ?

{I mean no offence here} I know you believe this being muslim that when a man and woman are alone in a room there's a third, shatan but honestly and truthful it is not true, I myself have been alone with men and married men alone in a room and nothing happen, no sexual contact/lust, no petting, no kissing.

So what islam says here is not truth, for me anyway, from experience.   

So if you honestly believe your husband is being honest in what he is telling, (forgetting about his past) then he has not betrayed you. Holding eaching other or touching hair/skin is not betraying nor his he lying. And if he is not telling the whole truth, then he still hasn't lied.

~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: ummziba
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 5:54am
Originally posted by Angel Angel wrote:

Holding eaching other or touching hair/skin is not betraying nor his he lying. And if he is not telling the whole truth, then he still hasn't lied.

Good grief Angel!  Even for a non-Muslim, this would be just plain wrong when the man is MARRIED!  Married men of any faith should not be touching other women. 

Telling J.R. that Islam is wrong about this is neither helpful nor even wise.  You (and every one else) are entitled to your opinions, but it is not wise to counsel someone to reject the teachings of their faith just because you don't personally find a particular teaching true for yourself.

I know you are trying to be helpful (as you often are), and I don't mean to be disrepectful to you in any way, I just think it plain wrong to counsel someone to disregard their basic beliefs.

And Allah knows best.

Peace, ummziba.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words...they break my soul ~

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 6:57am
J>R> I think you should not be with this man!!!! He will absolutely cause you heartache. He is not obviously of strong character. Love is not enough of a reason to put yourself in harms way. I garauntee he will end up seeing her after you are together. You should be strong and get divorced or get it annuled. I don't care what any of the naive women in here say, you are not obligated to forgive and forget. You are not a catholic who is sealed to this man forever. If you think you are desperate now imagine yourself in 3 years with 2 kids and its 1:00 am and you don't know where your husband is!!!! You as a Muslim woman do not have to stay with someone like him. And let me tell you my husband has no female friends and does not associate with any women except those in the office at work. I would absolutley not accept otherwise. Stand up for yourself sister, and furthermore if you decide to stay I would tell him only if he sits down with you the Imam and his parents and he tells the truth. Get it out now!!! P.S> someone who is horny and in lust with another woman will say anything and lie to get away with whatever they can.

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 9:45am
There is more and more. Now he says he drove out to see her in her town
a couple of times since we've been married. Also, he had her in his
bedroom twice, not just that one time and that is where he and her used
to have a sexual relationship in the past.


Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 11:32am
Please girl, spare yourself your future. Get out now and any sister who tells you to stay with him is delirious!!!!

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: ummziba
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 11:38am

Assalamu alaikum,

J.R., you are the only one who can utimately make up your mind about what to do.  Think long and hard and get as much advice as you can.  I am begining to agree with Sister Jenni - the lies just keep being uncovered.  It has been my experience that a person like this will just keep on doing what ever is good for him. 

Think hard about yourself and your future - but please, don't be hasty.  (And for sure don't let yourself get pregnant while this is all going on!, as Sister Khadija wisely advised!)   If you have a job and can support yourself this makes things a little easier.  If not, maybe someone can give you some advice on that.

Peace, ummziba.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words...they break my soul ~

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 11:56am
Wassalam to All,

Just hearing from other sisters is helping keep my sanity. I spoke with
the Imam from my husband's town who knows my husband. This Imam
was at our wedding but he did not marry us, another Imam did it. It is so
hard for me because I'm legally blind and can't support mysel alone for
much longer. The Imam is is shocked and saddened and he is going to
meet with my husband today.


Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 1:04pm
Girl if you are in the USA you should apply for social security, disability and food stamps. If you became Muslim because you really wanted to be and not because of him, get invovled in your local mosque and ask people for help as much as possible. Maybe you can find someone who will rent you a room in thier house and in the mean time if you are legally blind you should take advantage of all assistance you can from the government. Inshalla in the future you can meet someone who is very religious and stays away from women other than his family ect. That would be better. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Lehua
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 2:46pm

Assalamu alaikum,

Insallah things will become better for you soon.  Please take the advice from Jenni & Ummziba, be vary cautious in continuing the marriage and a child will not solve anything. 

A married man has no reason to be socializing with women other than what is absolutly required of him for work.  You have the right as his wife to tell him to cut all relationships/friendships with women, but I would question why he doesn't do it freely? 


Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 7:51pm


J.R., What help do you need to get out of this very difficult situation?  Because you need to.  Also, in this unbelievably difficult time, remember that our Lord is Loving and loves you.  You deserve a faithful husband, and a good muslim husband.  ISA, you will be strong and seek guidance from Allah, SWT.

Angel, Your remarks are completely out of line.  You are not muslim.  J.R. is seeking advise from Muslimahs on a Muslim site. 

Yes, the devil is the third.  I'm glad for you that you did not listen in the situations you mentioned. Just because the devil is there does not mean that people can't ignore him. 

The devil is the source of evil and darkness who tries to get people to despair and do evil things that will ruin their lives.  Goodness and virtue should always be strived for, and God bless anyone who suceeds against the evil in this world.

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 8:19pm
Originally posted by ummziba ummziba wrote:

I just think it plain wrong to counsel someone to disregard their basic beliefs.

I never did such a thing!

I stated a few facts! and from my experience and I never suggested to disregard her beliefs!!

~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 9:26pm

Let's concentrate on one things here, the lying and betrayal.

Jenni, you say that your husband confessed everything to you about his past and even now he is telling you about his actions and whereabouts, granted he may not tell you beforehand but I don't know you haven't said anything, but he is certainly telling you afterwards, right? Despite your husband being alone with this girl, your husband says there is nothing going on now nor has there been since you both been married, is that right?  

I get the feeling from your posts that he has been upfront and honest with you (unless there is somethign you haven't revealed) am I right?

So I want to know is how is this lying and betraying you ?

~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 9:57pm
Originally posted by Angel Angel wrote:

Originally posted by J.R. J.R. wrote:


I asked him to give me her phone number since he refuses to end their
"friendship" even though I demanded it, saying that I have every right to
demand that being his wife and considering what he did with her. I don't
blame her, she doesn't know he's married to me. Well he won't give me
her number upon me asking for it for over two hours on the phone.


Just because you are the wife, your husband does not have to hand over the number or end the friendship whether you ask politely or demand it.

Your husband can have any friends he chooses, like you can have any friends you chose. We all need friends from both sides.

I can see why he probably won't give you the number, I know women they say more than 'I'm married' to the other woman, they can't leave it at that and then walk away. Not that I'm saying this is you, I don't know you.

And why is it important for you to have this girls phone number?

If what I'm hearing from you is truth, then your husband is being truthful and honest and not betraying you. He chose you to marry didn't he ?

{I mean no offence here} I know you believe this being muslim that when a man and woman are alone in a room there's a third, shatan but honestly and truthful it is not true, I myself have been alone with men and married men alone in a room and nothing happen, no sexual contact/lust, no petting, no kissing.

So what islam says here is not truth, for me anyway, from experience.   

So if you honestly believe your husband is being honest in what he is telling, (forgetting about his past) then he has not betrayed you. Holding eaching other or touching hair/skin is not betraying nor his he lying. And if he is not telling the whole truth, then he still hasn't lied.



Evidently you are not married and I would gather that you still live at home. Here goes, yes it is wrong for him to lay on the bed with another woman when he is COMMITTED to another. That is a BETRAYAL in itself.  When you are married you do not LIE WITH ANOTHER WOMAN and hug, pet, and hold hands. If he is married he needs not be on a bed with ANOTHER woman in any way, shape or form. That is not ok, nor will it ever be ok.

When you were alone with these "other men" was it laying on a bed? Holding hands and petting on this bed? I would gather not! And if he admits he still has feelings for this other woman then THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG! We are not children! He is an adult and needs to act like one. And if he wants to keep this woman as a "friend" then I say J.R. not allow him back into her life until he is ready to be a MAN and be COMMITTED! If she says this is ok that they are friends and allowed to lie in a bed, facing eachother and pet on eachother but did not "do" anything then that is just plain STUPID and he will cheat on her. She needs to stand up for herself and her marriage and not put up with this at all!

J.R. I say get a Louisville Slugger and go to where he is.........



Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 11:05pm

It's up to jenni how she wants to deal with her relationship not us.

Lameese, I'm not stupidly naive/ignorant of somethings! I know where right and wrong is, granted for me the line goes a little furthur than mosts women, but not to point of stepping over the boundary!

And anyway its got nothing to do with anybody else than the people involved.

Again Lameese "Evidently you are not married and I would gather that you still live at home."

LOL! whether I am or not, its got nothing do with anything.

~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 21 July 2005 at 11:35pm
Originally posted by Angel Angel wrote:

Again Lameese "Evidently you are not married and I would gather that you still live at home."

LOL! whether I am or not, its got nothing do with anything.


I would say it has a lot to do with the way you think at this stage in your life.



Posted By: Lehua
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 1:13am


I do not know where you are from and with all due respect I really don't care.  You have to understand that in Islam, it is inappropriate for a man and women (if they are not married to eachother) to be alone or  intimate.  This is not only limited to sexual relations, it includes holding hands, laying in a bed, playing with ones hair, hugging and in some instances talking.  You have made it obvious that these types of behaviors are fine for you, but you have to respect that it is not permitted for Muslims and you need to answer accordingly.  To do otherwise is to advise a person to go against thier beliefs.

J.R. please stay strong, you truly have a hard test.  Please do not forget that everything happens for reason (that we are unable to see or even comprehend) and that Allah(SWT) would not bestow such a trail on you if He did not know you could handle it. 



Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 2:33am
Assalamu Alaikum,

Yes, i am on disability and have been for the past few months.
Unfortunately it's not quite enough to support least not in the
area where I live now. My funds have run out but I was expecting to move
to my husband so he could care for me. He told me last night that he
does not love me as much as he did when he married me....that was a
little under two month's ago. He says recently he's had these feelings of
love for her and is trying to figure out what they are. He said he needs a
few days to clear his mind so he can figure out what these feelings for her
really are...if they're love or just friendly affections. He said he wants to
love me as much as he did. I'm so deprerssed I'm beyond tears.



Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 2:35am

he told me he's told her he loves on on many occasions since we've been


Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 5:55am

Lameese, you do not know where I am at in my life.

Lehua, you do not need to tell me about islam.

I'm not going to defend myself.

You don't accept what I brought across, fine don't accept it I'm not asking you too.

And once again I never suggested that anyone go against what you believe in! 

We all have different levels of what is and isn't, what is acceptable and not acceptable, and I also have learnt that goes for muslims to. 


J.R, I wish you all the best for the future, hope things work out  

~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 7:08am
J.R> you should plan on saying goodbye to him, thats it honey. I'm really sorry. You need to go to you local Masjid for help and if they aren't helpful go to another one. Save yourself now. I would tell him that you don't want to have anything to do with him anymore and that he is not being a good Muslim. Tell him that you hope he gets his life together but your not going to be in it!!!! And please understand that when a man acts like this that psychologically its not about you, its about him. His personality is deficient in some way which drives him to do shameful things. Maybe he gets an ego boost or feels younger and more important. Who knows? The problem is men like this have ahard time being faithful to anyone. Even if he married his current girlfriend he would very likely cheat on her. I would say to you that getting rid of him will be the best thing for you. Please don't beg him, save you self worth. Take charge of the situation and take it out of his control!!!! I would have to say why don't you f*** off buddy. Sorry ladies but what this guy is doing he really deserves it!!! Lastly do you have food stamps, what about low income housing and financial aid to attend college? Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 7:22am


J.R., I agree with Jenni's last post.  If you need to and are able to end it, use your own words that you are comfortable with. 

I know it's really, really hard to be betrayed and alone and not have quite enough money to live on.  The local mosques usually distribute charity either one time or on a monthly basis to supplement your income.  It's hard to ask especially if you are sent from one person to another, but please try.

You deserve better.  It's good to have a man, but not a disloyal one.  He could give you diseases!

He needs to fast and pray to become a better muslim.  If he is doing those things, he needs to do them more.  Fasting keeps us away from haram things.  Praying does too, and it reminds us of Allah, the Most Glorious, the Punisher.

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: firewall
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 8:03am

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 9:01am
Assalamu Alaikum,

Yes, I am currently alone here. I was with him during the 4th of July
weekend and we had a magical time. Thank God I am a college graduate.
I woud love to go and do the work I did before but man, my eyes are just
not capable of the work, that's why i left it in the first place. I did not
revert for this man. I was Muslim for over three years before I met him. I
know that whatever decision I make must not be made in haste.
Why did I marry him? Well, he did make me fall in love with him. I had
discussed marriage with a few other Muslim men but once I told them of
my disability they were no longer interested. But my husband never let it
bother him and I do believe my disability is not why he's acting this way.
He was always gentle and very affectionate with me, that's why this is
hurting the way it does. I thought he was different.
Everyone in here has a right to their opinion and I thank all of you for the
time you've taken to sit down a write your posts, may Allah (swt) reward
you for your efforts.
I'm thinking about all my options now and praying very hard. I know
being alone causes thoughts to pop into ones head but he was weak. I'm
the stronger one. I never EVER would allow a man to come into my
bedroom and cuddle with me and let him put his fingers though my hair
and I doubt he'd forgive me if I had done this. I have to give more time to
whatever decision I make.



Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 9:35am

Originally posted by J.R. J.R. wrote:

Assalamu Alaikum,
Why did I marry him? Well, he did make me fall in love with him. I had
discussed marriage with a few other Muslim men but once I told them of
my disability they were no longer interested. But my husband never let it
bother him and I do believe my disability is not why he's acting this way.
He was always gentle and very affectionate with me, that's why this is
hurting the way it does. I thought he was different. 

I'm the stronger one. I never EVER would allow a man to come into my
bedroom and cuddle with me and let him put his fingers though my hair
and I doubt he'd forgive me if I had done this.


I am so sorry this is happening to you. I do not think your disability is why he is doing this. But I do think that maybe he used your disability to make you love him. And in some way I think he uses your disability to act the way he does. To need someone is a very powerful thing and he knows you need him because you love him and because you are legally blind and because you are now married to him.

I agree with Jenni, you need to leave him now. The longer he thinks you are thinking about this the more he is going to "play" with this other woman. The more time you give him, he thinks that you are going let him get away with anything. Also, he is telling you that he does not think he loves you as much as he did when he first married you. Please, save your self respect and at least tell him this is not acceptable and that you are going to the masjid to ask for a divorce from him for his unacceptable Islamic behavior. Maybe he will come to his senses then and realize that he has a WIFE. He has already committed adultry by laying with this woman and refusing to tell her that he has a wife. And I do not believe that all he did, while laying on a bed with her was play with her hair. I have been where you are now. I was engaged to be married and the man I was engaged to and in love with was cheating on me with another woman. His cousin called to tell me. Of course he denied everything, until she got pregnant. When I left him, he came to my fathers house and begged my father to force me to marry him. You need to ask him if he has committed "zina" with this other woman and he needs to tell you the truth.

And you are right. If you had done what he is doing now, he would divorce you so fast that your head would spin. Jenni is right, you need to get on food stamps and welfare and you need to apply for disability and your Doctor can write something for you to show the disability board just how disabled you are. It is time to take care of yourself.

I am so sorry J.R. and I am sorry if my post hurts you in any way.



Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 9:53am
J.R. We are all thinking of you and I know I will say a prayer for you.And I don't know what your field is but thier are opportunities for sight disabled people in the job market. you need to be creative. And if you are looking in the future for a husband consider someone who is also disabled in some way that can still support a family. There are many good men out there who are maybe def or have some physical problems and have a hard time finding a wife, but they are still hard working good men. Keep your options open. But just realize now that you can't trust anything this man says, and he has probably done more with her than just kiss and cuddle. Just think of his character and imagine if you want someone like that to father your children. Maybe in the future he will start drinking, or gamble in casinos or look at pornography. The point is he has shown serious flaws in his character early on, that is a very bad sign. Take care dear. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: MayPB
Date Posted: 22 July 2005 at 9:46pm


Salam, I 'm sorry for your situation, do you have children? That would

change everything. You mentioned that you wear hijab and I know it

must be hard as a westener with your family not supporting you while

you are muslim and then to have a husband causing you to seriously

question his character at this moment, but I urge you to be strong

in your faith regardless of others misbehavior, be smart.

Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 23 July 2005 at 5:29am

Salam Dear Sister(JR)

LEAVE HIM!!!!!! listen to me, he is sick. Insha�llah you will get a better husband. If you don't have children -LEAVE before you get pregnant,,, I'm telling you this guy is far from being a muslim husband...

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 23 July 2005 at 10:52am


I am very upset reading this thread, I can only pray for you and may Allah (swt) guide to the right decision.

But, I do agree with ummsaleh

A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 23 July 2005 at 11:25am
Assalamu Alaikum,

I hear what you're all saying. I do feel though that since we're apart I
should not divorce him until I at least spend time with him again. We're
not legally married yet, we just had the nikah. We had planned on having
the legal wedding when I moved out there. I told him I'd try coming out
there but that I do not wish to have the legal wedding until I'm sure about
everything and that I do not want to give myself to him again until I feel
he's learned from his mistakes and is ready to be a Muslim husband and
one who compleetely loves me. I told him if I feel this is not the way it's
going then I will move out and start over again. I have to leave this
apartment anyway because someone else has already signed a sub-lease
and the living expenses are higher where I am anyway. The imam out
there knows what's going on and is supportive of me. I know I'll be able
to go to him for help as well. I just don't know if the distance so soon
after marriage caused his feelings to be confused. I know he would never
force himself on me if I move out there. I know I can not risk bringing a
child into the picture until we're both 100% sure of things and I won't
allow that risk to happen. I am still praying so hard for the right thing to
do. I know I'll have my disability money and I can reapply for food
stamps out there until I find a job. insha Allah. I do feel I'll have the
courage to move out and start over if I feel it's not working but I'll never
be 100% clear in my decision until I'm face to face with him again.



Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 23 July 2005 at 5:53pm
Salaam J>R> you are taking a big risk sister, and even though you are not married in the court, you are married in front of Allah. And your husband has commited adultery. Just be honest with yourself. If you want to give him a chance, thats your choice. But don't get your expectations up that he will change. You can pray until the end of time for someone, but if they don't see thier own faults and repent it doesn't matter. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: liyala
Date Posted: 23 July 2005 at 11:14pm

Dear J.R

Think very carefully BEFORE you meet him again. By his conduct so far it doesn't seem like he is a practicing muslim:

  1. he has been far too intimate and free with a woman outside of marraige
  2. he has lied (by omission) to her
  3. he has continued his relationship while he has been married to you (adultery)
  4. he has deliberately hurt you by continuing the immoral behavior, almost flaunting it in a way 
  5. you admitted that he would not have been as forgiving of you if the situation had been reversed

why dear sister do you want to stay with this "non-muslim" and jeopardize your faith and your self-esteem further?


Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 24 July 2005 at 2:18am

I totally agree with those points. But shouldn't I at least divorce him fact-
to-face with the Imam there that I talked to? I can't divorce him while
he's in one city and I'm in another. I'm just so confused and I've been
praying so hard for clarity.



Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 24 July 2005 at 2:57am


I'm not going to advise you one way or another, but I will give you this advice.  If you can, take out a Visa Card before you leave.  Keep it clean and active.  Take your American Passport and Papers and lock them where he cannot get them when you get there, preferrably with the Visa.  I used to work in a domestic violence shelter and the worst victims were women who had been cutoff from any escape route.  I'm concerned about you being blind in a foreign country with no family to fall back on.  Learn your way to the American Consultate and don't be afraid to run.  From what I understand this man is simply unfaithful, but you don't seem to really know him all that well.  Just protect yourself with an escape plan.  You many never need it, and hopefully, it will never come to that.  But, its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.  If you cannot get a Visa Card, try to get some cash that you can throw in a Safe Deposit Box or something.  And, I'll keep you in my prayers too. 


Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 24 July 2005 at 3:05am
Originally posted by Angela Angela wrote:


I'm not going to advise you one way or another, but I will give you this advice.  If you can, take out a Visa Card before you leave.  Keep it clean and active.  Take your American Passport and Papers and lock them where he cannot get them when you get there, preferrably with the Visa.  I used to work in a domestic violence shelter and the worst victims were women who had been cutoff from any escape route.  I'm concerned about you being blind in a foreign country with no family to fall back on.  Learn your way to the American Consultate and don't be afraid to run.  From what I understand this man is simply unfaithful, but you don't seem to really know him all that well.  Just protect yourself with an escape plan.  You many never need it, and hopefully, it will never come to that.  But, its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.  If you cannot get a Visa Card, try to get some cash that you can throw in a Safe Deposit Box or something.  And, I'll keep you in my prayers too. 


What an action?,where are the helicopters and the dobermans?...i loved that thread...can i take a role?...

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 24 July 2005 at 4:47am

Thank you for your advice and prayers but I'm not in a foreign country. I
was born and raised in the US. He's the foreigner.



Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 24 July 2005 at 5:46am
Now, but you've been talking about going to Egypt to be with him.  I'm talking about taking them with you when you go, if you go.  But, just the same, I will keep you in my prayers.

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 24 July 2005 at 6:08am
Salaam Sister,

I never said anything about going to Egypt. He's not even Egyptian.
Maybe you're confused by another thread? He's in the States as well. But
thank you so much for your prayers.



Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 24 July 2005 at 6:13am

I think Angela watched so many action films that mixing the time Angela,the next time...

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 24 July 2005 at 2:25pm
Originally posted by Suleyman Suleyman wrote:

I think Angela watched so many action films that mixing the time Angela,the next time...


I think Anglea was right on target. I have many friends that are married to Arab Muslims and a lot of them changed once they were in their country. If these women had of done what Anglea said then they could have gotten away easier. And these were not cases of the wife just wanted to leave in the 3 I know of he was beating her daily while the family did nothing.

It was wonderful advise Angela for any woman out there wanting to go to a foreign country.


Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 1:00am
Hmmm, *blinks*  I think I did mix up threads.  Okay...sorry.    But, its still good advice.  Heck, at the Domestic Violence shelter we always preach having an exit plan. A savings account not know by the spouse, anything.  Often times, even in Christian families, when the woman bails, she only has her children and the clothes on their back.  We tell women to leave a suitcase at a friend's or relative's if she has one and keep important papers like birth certificates and social security cards for her and the children in an easy to reach spot that she can grab in a panic.  Oh well, advice maybe not needed, but the more you know the more you grow, right? 

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 2:43am


Do not take offense with Suleyman. I do not think he fully understands and I have never known him to be hurtful or mean in any of his posts. I do not think he understands fully. There is a language barrier and a custom barrier.

And Suleyman, I think your English is coming along wonderfully.




Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 2:47am

Okay, I'm glad it was a misunderstanding.  My escape plan might be funny but it is very much the one that is taught in thousands of DV shelters across the United States.  The two most important things to have once you are out of the house are your personal papers and money.  Again, I'm glad you weren't taking the meaning lightly, just the idea of an escape plan.


Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 3:00am

I think your escape plan is a good one. Now, getting women to put it into practice is another..........that is where a good friend could come in.


Thanks again for the advise.



Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 3:27am
Originally posted by Lameese Lameese wrote:


Do not take offense with Suleyman. I do not think he fully understands and I have never known him to be hurtful or mean in any of his posts. I do not think he understands fully. There is a language barrier and a custom barrier.

And Suleyman, I think your English is coming along wonderfully.




Okay Sister Lameesa,i have to think on the issue(my english) with connecting to leaving the board...this is too much for me saying in an public area that he does not fully understand!...if i don't understand  your words and you don't understand mine then why i am loosing my time in the board?...thanks for everyone....

Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 3:41am

I praise to Allah that some deaf persons passed inside of my life as an firend and in any time of life i did not cause any of a problem like giving an impression to them that they can't hear!,i told them like they hear me and they really heard me with the way of tolerance as i did not see in the thread...Allah and His heart in me is great,i should give more time to Him instead of being blushed in an public area by the cause of my absent english(no it is not!)...

Posted By: ummziba
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 3:43am

Assalamu alaikum,

An escape plan is an excellent idea for any woman who fears violence might escalate in her home.  Your advice about that is very good, Angela.  Brother Suleyman - when a woman's husband becomes increasingly violent, she never knows when too much will become too much.  A violent man is not about to let his woman just walk away - that is why the escape plan is needed.

You must realize that, at least here in Canada (and I'm sure in many other places), murder is the leading cause of death for women after heart disease and cancer!  And the murderer is almost always her husband/boyfriend/ex.  Domestic violence is a huge problem in the west, and probably in most other places.  Violent men, by their nature, do not want to give up the woman they feel is "theirs".

I went through this for many, many years with my husband.  There was a point when I feared for my life.  To this day, though things are much better, I still keep all my important papers and a bit of money in a secret place so I can "grab and go" if I need to.

Sister J.R., and any of you who live with a man who is prone to bad temper, violence or untrustworthiness - it is very important to follow Angela's advice!  Do keep all your important papers and some money hidden in a place you can get at them if you suddenly need to run.  And do have an escape plan.  Let one or two people that you competely trust know about your plan - if you disappear they can be vital in bringing in the police quickly.

Brother Suleyman, I hope the seriousness of the situation some women find themselves in is a bit clearer to you now.  I know you were only trying to "lighten up" the situation, but domestic violence is something that shouldn't be joked about - it costs too many women their lives.

Peace, ummziba.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words...they break my soul ~

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 4:11am
Originally posted by Suleyman Suleyman wrote:

Okay Sister Lameesa,i have to think on the issue(my english) with connecting to leaving the board...this is too much for me saying in an public area that he does not fully understand!...if i don't understand  your words and you don't understand mine then why i am loosing my time in the board?...thanks for everyone....


I did not mean to insult you. I was trying to explain to Angela that you were not making fun of her advise and that maybe you did not fully understand what she was trying to say. I am sorry if my post hurt or upset you. I promise I was not trying to insult you.



Thank you for explaining it better then I did.



Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 7:54am


J.R., I don't think there is any Islaamic reason that you can't divorce him for his zina when you are in different cities.  People get married via proxy as well. 

Why don't you go to a city that is promising for your career or more helpful for your disability, or you have a great muslim support group et cetera?

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 9:22am
Assalamu Alaikum,

I thank Angela for her thoughts and know they are words of wisdom for
me and probably lots of other women who may come into this forum. He
is not a violent type at all but I do have my own bank account, one that he
has no access to whatsoever. He and I both agreed that I'd be living alone
where he is and see how things go. I am on disability as I said so I can
afford the rent if I have to and I told him I will look for a job when I get
out there. I'm in a major city now and running out of funds and it's too
expensive here anyway. Where he is I can walk to many places on my
own because obviously I can't drive. There is a university righ tin the
town and am even considering doing some master's work if I can apply
for some scholarships. Maybe my disability can help me with that. I will
see him and I told him I want to meet with the Imam often to see how
things go.
This is what I'm thinking right now. My family still does not want to see
me and I don't have any friends where I am either. I feel this move will be
good even if I do divorce him. I have gone on my job interviews here but
was either not qualified or my vision was too much of a barrier. Insha
Allah I will be luckier somewhere else.
Ilhamdulilah I feel my self-esteem coming back and I know I won't sell
myself short for ANY man. If I feel he's not worth it then I'll go through
with the divorce.



Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 9:48am
Originally posted by ummziba ummziba wrote:

Assalamu alaikum,

  Brother Suleyman - when a woman's husband becomes increasingly violent, she never knows when too much will become too much.  A violent man is not about to let his woman just walk away - that is why the escape plan is needed.

Brother Suleyman, I hope the seriousness of the situation some women find themselves in is a bit clearer to you now.  I know you were only trying to "lighten up" the situation, but domestic violence is something that shouldn't be joked about - it costs too many women their lives.

Peace, ummziba.

Aleykum Selam ve Rahmetullahi ve Berakatuh Sister Ummziba,

Sister these are the last words can be said to brother Suleyman,i know the meaning of domestic violence,i have been living with my sister(44) and with her two daughter(17+10) for 1,5 years and i have taken them from the hands of an drunkard who were beating them all you know, two weeks ago, i have seeken duas from you for my fire in my heart,it was the fire coming from an wonderful girl i left(cancelled marrying) by the cause of my sister and her two daughter's future,my income is only enough for two family can't resist the third one....I KNOW THE MEANING OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND IT'S RESULTS...

I was joking in the thread by the cause of my real life passing in the realities i can't resist more in islamicity where i take fresh air inside my friends...THE ISSUE WAS NOT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE,IT WAS MY BAD ENGLISH.Sister,have you ever left your love by the cause of your family?,while seeing that she is the other part of your soul and realizing that a sister waiting behind you with her two daughter should be protected by the cause of the domestic violence...have you ever lived while your hairs are getting white and not taking the decision for the step to marriage by the cause of your responsibilites on your family telling nothing to anyone,saving into your breast...

I just need to leave,what a rudeness laughing to one's english level and sister Ummziba i did not hear that you got sorry for the mistake she made....

Why i am wiriting?,i can't full understand the words?,isn't it Lameesa?...i decided to pass my time on the multimedia parts of the islamic sites(Zaytuna.Org) least i can push the pause button for full understanding the you know i can' regards for every one who speaks from their hearts... i wish i will not turn back,Amin!!!....

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 10:12am

Again Suleyman, I appologize.



Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 10:13am


When do you plan to see your husband again? Does he want you to come to where he is? Did he stop seeing this woman? I wish your family were more supportive.

Again, I am sorry this is happening to you......



Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 10:17am
Assalamu Alaikum,

Brother Suleyman, I don't think anyone was laughing at your English.
Domestic violence is a very sensitive and emotional topic for anyone and
you have also been affected by it because of what happened to your
sister. I am sorry to hear of your situation. You're in my prayers. I don't
think any one in here wants you to leave the forum. I welcome a brother's
input and would appreciate it if you could continue to come in and share
your wisdom with us.



Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 10:25am
Salaam Sis. Lameese,

I plan on moving pretty soon. He has agreed to stop seeing her. actually,
she left the country and is working abroad now. I told him when I get out
there he and I will contact her where she is so I can make sure she knows
he's married. He will not reply to an email (when and if she sends one)
nor answer her calls. I'm still keeping my guard up and am giving him no
definite answer. I have asked him the past few days, before she left, if
she called him and he has been honest and told me she has. I make him
tell me every word that passes between them. I'm still having very
emotional moments through the day. I know I'm being tested, but how
exactly? Is this a test of my compassion and forgiveness, knowing people
desrve a second chance, considering he just called me out of the blue last
week and told me what he did. Or is it a test to see the level of my faith
as I divorce him and try to make it alone on my own? I'm praying.



Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 11:01am

Originally posted by J.R. J.R. wrote:

Salaam Sis. Lameese,

I plan on moving pretty soon. He has agreed to stop seeing her. actually,
she left the country and is working abroad now. I told him when I get out
there he and I will contact her where she is so I can make sure she knows
he's married. He will not reply to an email (when and if she sends one)
nor answer her calls. I'm still keeping my guard up and am giving him no
definite answer. I have asked him the past few days, before she left, if
she called him and he has been honest and told me she has. I make him
tell me every word that passes between them. I'm still having very
emotional moments through the day. I know I'm being tested, but how
exactly? Is this a test of my compassion and forgiveness, knowing people
desrve a second chance, considering he just called me out of the blue last
week and told me what he did. Or is it a test to see the level of my faith
as I divorce him and try to make it alone on my own? I'm praying.



W's Sister J.R.,

I am glad that you are keeping your guard up. And I think it is smart of you to want to talk to her to let her know your husband is a married man. I know you are going through a hard time right now but Insha Allah you arrive at the decision that needs to be made, whatever that may be. I am sorry you do not have your family support and I am sorry that you have no close friends to lean on at this time. I will continue to pray for you.



Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 26 July 2005 at 9:24am


Again sister, leave him;bad news

Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 26 July 2005 at 10:33pm
Originally posted by Lameese Lameese wrote:

Again Suleyman, I appologize.



Es_Selam'un Aleykum Sister Lameese,

Sister,in english we use one p while writing "apologize";may be this will remind something for you(everybody can make mistakes) heartbreak, i am back and no need to appologize;but you can apologize and accepted while no needed...

I am back and will be more serious in further days, i have some responsibilities in the board...wa salaam...

a note:i wish no one will make complaints for my serious mode as i heard one year ago then i decided to leaving being serious by the cause of the complaints i heard and now i hear complaints by the cause of my liquid mode...i'll try to find the mid-point....

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 26 July 2005 at 10:37pm
Originally posted by Suleyman Suleyman wrote:

Es_Selam'un Aleykum Sister Lameese,

Sister,in english we use one p while writing "apologize";may be this will remind something for you(everybody can make mistakes) heartbreak, i am back and no need to appologize;but you can apologize and accepted while no needed...

I am back and will be more serious in further days, i have some responsibilities in the board...wa salaam...

a note:i wish no one will make complaints for my serious mode as i heard one year ago then i decided to leaving being serious by the cause of the complaints i heard and now i hear complaints by the cause of my liquid mode...i'll try to find the mid-point....


Thank you for the correction brother. Let all here know that I stand corrected for my lack of spelling!  I could never spell. That is a great downfall for me.

Suleyman, do not change who you are, I believe you to be good the way you are.

Thank you again for accepting my apology. (and thanks for the correct spelling!)



Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 26 July 2005 at 10:38pm

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 27 July 2005 at 2:34am
Assalamu Alaikum,

Although it was quite difficult to get him to do this, he emailed this
woman (she's now living abroad) and told her she's married. He sent me
an exact copy of the email, with her email address within it so I know it's
the real deal. He said in the email how he hurt his wife and now he has to
try to earn my trust back.
I still have not given him a definite answer. He's still in touch with this
woman's mother, she calls him sometimes. I told him he can no longer
have any contact with this woman or her mother because it's what I want
and I just don't want this woman's mother talking to my husband! He
couldn't do that. Does anyone think what I asked was unreasonable?



Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 27 July 2005 at 2:52am

Originally posted by J.R. J.R. wrote:

Although it was quite difficult to get him to do this, he emailed this
woman (she's now living abroad) and told her she's married. He sent me
an exact copy of the email, with her email address within it so I know it's
the real deal. He said in the email how he hurt his wife and now he has to
try to earn my trust back.
I still have not given him a definite answer. He's still in touch with this
woman's mother, she calls him sometimes. I told him he can no longer
have any contact with this woman or her mother because it's what I want
and I just don't want this woman's mother talking to my husband! He
couldn't do that. Does anyone think what I asked was unreasonable?




I am so sorry but there are 2 things you need to do. The first is to e-mail this person and see if that is indeed her e-mail. Why? Beacuse I can make a ficticious e-mail address now and do the exact same thing he did. The second, if he cannot stop talking to this woman's mother for you (And H*LL no it was not to much to ask! YOU ARE HIS WIFE) then he still has and wants contact with her.

If he loved you or respected you at all he would have never done this and he would be doing anything right about now to get you back WITHOUT you having to force him.

Do you understand that he is showing you that SHE comes first? He is telling you that he WILL NOT give up total contact with her by staying in contact with her mother.

J.R. I swear this man is still lying to you. I do not believe she is out of the country, I believe he is trying to get you off his back so he can have his cake and eat it too.

Please, Please, Please, do yourself a favor and spare yourself more pain in the immediate future........leave him now. You need to say to him, either you want to be my husband totally or not at all. And make him decide. He has lied to you, comittted adultry and still will not break off all ties with this woman and you are still talking to him. Do you understand that at this point he thinks he can do anything he wants? And is still telling you how he is going to be.

If it were me, I would have kicked in his door, beaten him within an inch of his worthless life and divorced him. But that's me.


If he cannot do that for you, HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU.

Please do not be mad at me. That is as blunt as I can be. Your heart is telling you what you already know. I know you think that you love him so much......but he cannot even respect you in the days after you get married to him.

Divorce are better than this and you deserve more than this and you are the only one that can stand up for you because the creep you married does not love you.

I am so sorry you have to go through do not deserve this. And I am sorry I had to be this blunt. I so wish I could take this hurt from you.

Allah Ma3aki,


Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 27 July 2005 at 3:33am

I agree, Sis Lameese. I did what you suggested. I told him I wouldn't
contact her if he gavae me her email but once I got that address that
same thought popped into my head,..."What if it's fake?" So I sent her an
email, telling her who I am and that I do not wish to bother her since this
is not her fault and I wished her luck abroad. I have been telling him that
he's been putting her happiness over mine. I so wish he could get his act
together and show me true remorse. Is Allah (swt) tesing me as to my
level of forgiveness? Forgiveness can only come when I know I can trust
him and at this point I still can't do that.



Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 27 July 2005 at 3:42am

Originally posted by J.R. J.R. wrote:


I agree, Sis Lameese. I did what you suggested. I told him I wouldn't
contact her if he gavae me her email but once I got that address that
same thought popped into my head,..."What if it's fake?" So I sent her an
email, telling her who I am and that I do not wish to bother her since this
is not her fault and I wished her luck abroad. I have been telling him that
he's been putting her happiness over mine. I so wish he could get his act
together and show me true remorse. Is Allah (swt) tesing me as to my
level of forgiveness? Forgiveness can only come when I know I can trust
him and at this point I still can't do that.



The e-mail is probably fake, even if "she" writes you back. You will never know if it is her writing you or him. You can never be sure....

Yes, I think God is testing you but not for your level of forgivness. I think God is showing you what you need to know now to protect yourself. I think God is being very good to you to show you how this man is not being a true Muslim so that you can leave now. Maybe you are not seeing it the right way.

I know that you think you love him and want to be with him but he has done everything to you in a few short weeks after your marriage. You need to leave J.R. and I think God is showing you how you can and that you have the right to. I think it is the human side of you that wants him to love you.

This man has lied to you, over and over and over again. And if you stay with him, he will continue to lie to you again. By Not putting your foot down you are showing him that you do not respect yourself so he will not respect you either.

Please get out of this horrible situation that will get worse........


Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 27 July 2005 at 6:45am
J.R> Please remember that is idea of unconditional love and forgiveness is not an Islamic one. You again are not required to forgive for this type of act. And if you do and bring more suffering on yourself and on your children in the future, you will know that you had the chance stay away from him and did't. If this girl is American, she might not care that he is married and still sneak around with him, that is quite a possibility!!

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 28 July 2005 at 1:37am


You are a wonderful man to take care of your family like you are.  I know God will bless you for your sacrifices.  I was unaware of your language difficulties and I'll be more careful when I read your posts.  As a linguist I understand getting a conversation all mixed up.  To make things funny, there is a word in Chech (or maybe its Slovakian) that means Salt or Salt Shaker, in Polish, the word means lady of not so clean morals.  An old man back home who emigrated here from Chechoslovakia was having dinner with some Polish relatives of mine.  The languages were close enough that they almost could understand each other.  Until he asked for some salt.  My relative thought he was asking him to pass over his wife.    Needless to say, the poor guy got punched and didn't even know why until someone sorted it all out much later.  True Story.  You're a good man Suleyman.

And J.R., drop me an email to that address I sent you.  There are quiet a few college programs for the visually impaired.  I had a college dormmate who was being sponsered by one, they paid for a special monitor and software for her computer, so she could read her textbooks on the screen of her computer.  I'll see if I can find her email and findout who she went through.


Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 28 July 2005 at 2:12am
Originally posted by Angela Angela wrote:


You are a wonderful man to take care of your family like you are.  I know God will bless you for your sacrifices.  I was unaware of your language difficulties and I'll be more careful when I read your posts.  As a linguist I understand getting a conversation all mixed up.  To make things funny, there is a word in Chech (or maybe its Slovakian) that means Salt or Salt Shaker, in Polish, the word means lady of not so clean morals.  An old man back home who emigrated here from Chechoslovakia was having dinner with some Polish relatives of mine.  The languages were close enough that they almost could understand each other.  Until he asked for some salt.  My relative thought he was asking him to pass over his wife.    Needless to say, the poor guy got punched and didn't even know why until someone sorted it all out much later.  True Story.  You're a good man Suleyman.

And J.R., drop me an email to that address I sent you.  There are quiet a few college programs for the visually impaired.  I had a college dormmate who was being sponsered by one, they paid for a special monitor and software for her computer, so she could read her textbooks on the screen of her computer.  I'll see if I can find her email and findout who she went through.


Jazak Allah Khair may Allah bless you too...

Posted By: Noah
Date Posted: 28 July 2005 at 3:01am
My dear dear sister. It is with a heavy heart i read this thread.
But here are the facts spelled out for you.

Our brother is a CHEATING, LYING, MANIPULATIVE, ROTTEN TO THE BONE, ***** IDIOT! and you need to leave him imediately.

If you have not consumated marriage yet (had sex) you can just walk up and leave him. If you have however there is a 4 months waiting period where you should keep some contact, and preferebly sort the situation out. The only problem in this regard is that in this case he has broken your trust, several times. What he does is not different from men who beat their wifes and afterwards appologise and feel really bad. He braks your trust, tell you, breaks it again, tell you about it. Does that make him honest? Hell no. that makes him an inconciderate asshole, and is trying to snake his way back in now that his favorite bird is gone. Look are not number one in his life now, and thus you never will be. If you can accept that, its you choice, but i honestly think you are worth so much more than that, becasue you are my sister, and i love you.

Allah tests us all, but putting up with inconciderate assholes is a test you dont have to take for ANY reason or ANY person.

As for the whole, when to people of the same sex are in a room shaytaan blahblahblah... no, not at all, its nonsense. He had a weak moral character (lack of faith and trust in Allah?) and it manifested itself again and again.

I will pray for you too.


Posted By: JulAsif
Date Posted: 28 July 2005 at 1:49pm


I have just been reading this thread, and I have to agree with everyone else.  You should divorce him.  What I'm about to say may, or may not apply to you.  I have two friends that are in very unhealthy relationships.  One of my friends is a bit heavy, and she has confessed that she's not sure she could find anybody else (which is crazy..she's wonderful!) Another friend hasn't worked in many years and is afraid she isn't competent enough to gain employment.  These are both self esteem issues that keep them in their unhappy situation.  You mentioned that you have discussed marriage with some other brothers who became discouraged to the idea after you mentioned your disability.  Could it be that you are settling because you don't feel you have many other options?  Usually when women are able to overcome their self-esteem issues and get out of their relationships, they find that it is MUCH better to be alone then living miserably with someone else.  You sound like an intelligent, devout musim woman, and I assure you, Allah will help you find the perfect muslim man to share your life with.  Make the right choice..for yourself and for your faith.

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 28 July 2005 at 5:01pm
Assalamu Alaikum,

I know in my heart you are all right. Please keep praying for my strength
and clarity of mind. I have about ten thousand voices in my head. Peace
to you all.



Posted By: Saido
Date Posted: 28 July 2005 at 6:27pm

Asalamu Alaykum

Sister J.R. I really do feel sorry for you.  The man has disobeyed his Lord and emotionnally hurted you.Whatever you decide ask advice from your Creator-read dua Al-Istikharata and pray Allah's favorite prayer-the night prayer.May Allah help you and you will never regret Allah's help.Ameen.

Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 29 July 2005 at 7:37am


J.R., I  think what you said earlier about being cautious and not being with him until he proves he has changed has merit and seems workable for your situation.  As long as you feel he will not harm you physically.  However, he is harming you emotionally and Islamically.  You are important; don't forget!

Most likely he is not going to change and doesn't know how if he wanted to.

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

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