Asslamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh
Dear sisters of Islam,
I pray to Allah that you help me in this and share me the rewards we
get form Allah, the Greatest. Remember that His rewards are blessing in
your life and being in Jannah for ever.
I need you sisters to fill our days of Quraan and Sunnah. Please sisters, we need to cooperate for the sake of Allah, the Merciful. Put your hand in my hand we can do it together, inshallah.
I NEED YOU. Please, I thought of a plan for us to do
together. I understand that many of you have work and responsibilities
but I tried to make this easy for every one.
We want to start a full plan for every two days of the week.
1- The first two days we read three pages of Qura'an or fewer
with the full explanation of them. Then the one who did that has to
sign in and tell us that she did that so that she encourages others to
compete nd do more.
2- The other two days we want to study just one name of Allah 99
names and know its meaning. We also have to say what we learned form
this name and what it adds to our faith. Any one of you finish first
has to add here short reply of what she studied, anything useful and
Every two days for Allah 99 names, I will suggests the name we want to study to gather, and you can suggest any other name.
3- The other two days we study one short Hadith and see its meaning
and what we learn from it. Every two days I will suggest the hadith but
you have the choice to suggest another one.
Please sisters, please please please .. do cooperate with me on this. If you are busy to do this tell us. We can make it very easy for you.
One day we all will die and take nothing with us from this life. We
won't take money, job, friends even our families and friends will leave
us. These good deeds are the only thing that go with us and fill our
graves with light. Sisters, we will be a lone in the darkness of the
grave. We have to hurry to fill our accounts with good deeds. May Allah
be pleased on you.
Please let us feel the sisterhood in Islam and fr the sake of Allah. file:///C:%5CUsers%5CSahumah%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml -
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------------- And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl�m, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers(3:85)