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Applying the Sunnah in the Modern World

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Topic: Applying the Sunnah in the Modern World
Posted By: Utrujj
Subject: Applying the Sunnah in the Modern World
Date Posted: 11 March 2010 at 3:35pm
How to capture the essence of the Sunnah (the way) of the Last Prophet (peace be upon him) in the modern world and find peace & success in this life and in the next


Date: Saturday 27th March
Time: 9.30am-5pm
Venue: Muslim World League, Goodge Street, London W1T 4LU
Taught by: Shaykh Haytham Tamim     


�You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for him who hopes in Allah and the Last Day, and who remembers Allah much� (Surah Ahzab: 21)

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to mankind as an �excellent example� for us all to follow. Undoubtedly emulating the Sunnah (the way) of the Prophet (peace be upon him) will lead to success in this world and the next. But how do we adhere to the Sunnah in this fast paced modern world in which we all live? How should the Sunnah impact our daily lives and character? How could emulating the Sunnah bring us a sense of peace and meaning to our lives?

This course endeavours to explain how we can practically model our lives and character according to the Sunnah of the blessed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). We guarantee that your life will be transformed if you can capture the essence of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in your life.


�     Increase your love for the Prophet (peace be upon him)
�     Increase your knowledge and understanding of the character of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
�     Increase your knowledge and understanding and love of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
�     Change your life and character in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
�     Increase your sense of peace and meaning in your life in this fast paced modern world in which we live


�     Explanation of the term �Sunnah�
�     The character of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
�     Details of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
�     Importance of following the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
�     How to best follow the Sunnah in a modern world

Posted By: haris30432
Date Posted: 12 March 2010 at 1:10pm

[39:3] Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers.

[2:165] Yet, some people set up idols to rival GOD, and love them as if they are GOD. Those who believe love GOD the most. If only the transgressors could see themselves when they see the retribution! They will realize then that all power belongs to GOD alone, and that GOD's retribution is awesome.



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