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Husbands Helping out?

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Topic: Husbands Helping out?
Posted By: Jenni
Subject: Husbands Helping out?
Date Posted: 29 July 2005 at 12:46pm
Salaam sisters, I was wondering how you all feel about your husbands helping around the house. Before I got married I made it very clear that I would not do all of the housework and child care myself and my husband agreed. I have held him to it and he probably does about 25% of the house work. Mainly vacuuming, yardwork, taking out the garbage and recycling and helping clean the kitchen after dinner and putting away clean laundry. He also probably changed about 15% of the diapers and does kids baths and bedtime routine about 15% of the time. I feel this is fair for now since I am not working and he usually works alot. I do all the cooking though and although I enjoy it, sometimes it gets really old. When we had more money we used to have a cleaning lady come twice a month that would clean the house from top to bottom. We are planning on having one again next year. Anyway I feel that all sisters should expect husbands to help if they don't provide a maid and from  what I have read this is Islamically correct. I hope you all have a good situation.Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 7:41am

Living in the states I had no help and 4 children. Tooooo much;of course the men come home too tired to do anything. Now i have 2  maids and a guard and gardner. Masha�llah, but with help comes problems.Sometimes i wish that they would all go away. Subhanallah we are never satisfied.

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 8:34am
Assalamu Alaikum,

One thing I wills ay for my husband is that when we were together he was
very considerate of my needs. He offered again and again to help me
cook, even when I told him it was my pleasure to do so. He asked if he
could help with countless things I was doing. He often said he would
much rather help me do chores around the house so he could share that
time and be around me rather than just be by himself while I was doing
them. Man, he does have many good qualities. So confused!! But yes,
the Prophet (saw) often helped his wives with house-related issues. Our
beloved Prophet respected women so much and treasured their opinions
and company. All Muslim men should follow that example.



Posted By: Saido
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 8:53pm

 Asalamu Alaykum

 Yes, it is nice to have the husbands to do some house work. But don't try to get them to clean when they are tired and just came from work becaus then things can get a bit ugly

Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 10:42pm
I agree Saido, I have 7 children and weekly dinner partys for at least 30 people; theres no way i can do it alone.

Lost somewhere in the Middle East.

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 6:52am
I am as tired as my husband when he gets home from work. He does an office job and is not laying bricks or anything. In fact I think my job as a houswife and Mother is more physically difficult than his and it would be easier if I worked in an office too. I am staying home for the benifit of him and my children not because it is easier. So when he gets home I expect him to be ready and at least occupy the kids. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 8:50am


Jenni, I think so too that our job is more physically and may I add mentally hard just thinking about everything in the house and the kids and when the is a doctors appointment, or what to cook, or......... I could keep going.

True the husband goes to work and I respect how much he has to put up with just to put food on the table, but when he comes home he has nothing to worry about while the wife is usually still running around the house from the "kids", and house work (which never ever finishes). So even though the husband doesn't help around he should atleast appreciate what she is doing.

But, I am not talking about me just in general 'cause I see most of my friends that their husbands don't care or appreciate what they do.

My husband helps around sometimes, but I don't like to tell him to help me work in the house 'cause I do think that that is a females job, cooking maybe sometimes, kids definitly.


A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 9:00am
Rose, why do you think that it is a females job? Everything I have studied in Islam says that it is the Husbands job to maintain the home. The wife is not required to maintain it, if she does so she is doing an act of charity for him. And as far as taking care of the kids there is the loving and teaching them and the physical care for them such as the bathing and dressing which are just as much the resposibility of the father. Muslims get the idea that this is womans work, this is cultural not Islamic. And in wealthier Muslim countries and even in Pakistan where my Husband is from upper middle class women do basically no housework and have a fulltime maid and gardener. They pretty much only cook and thats it, if they want to. Some have nannys as well who help with the kids if they don't have thier moms or mother in laws around. Since we are living in the U.s.a and labor is very expensive I don't expect all that. But I do expect him to help around the house, since this is not my job I am just doing as a favor to him. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 9:14am

sis jenni,

Since when did the man stay at home and the woman go out to work? And since the woman is more sensitive and has more affection than the man (in which men are more stronger by controlling their feelings) it is more convincing that the woman is the home loving person the kids and husband come home to.

Yes, and since in Canada I know that it is much different thinking than the other countries. I did work not saying I am not with women working. I did't say that my husband doesn't help around the house (even though he does) but I never do ask him too. It just seems weird to me personally. And that is my point of view, a part of my personallity. Sorry if I disappoint you but thats ME!


A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 2:16pm
I understand Rose, I know some women like being the loving soft place in a family and the main person that the children come to. That is great, but I have to say that my husband and the husbands of some of my friends who have been very hands on with the kids are the ones who benifit by helping. You see my 2 young kids love him as much as they love me. They trust him as much. He has picked them up and kissed them when they fallen, read them books before bed, given them baths and changed thier diapers ect. So he has thier love, I think they are closer to him than many little kids are to thier dads. I don't want them to love me more, and be a martyr. Like oh no, I can't do anything because the kids need me and can't stay alone with my husband(which is what I hear from some friends). No I feel good knowing that If I am not here, he can take as good care of them as me and they are well loved. Anyway, I know some women enjoy the traditional role, I do to sometimes. But other times I know what is culture and what is religion and I think in our religion men are expected to help out or provide a maid. But it is up to us to ask for help if we want it. If you are o.k. doing stuff on your own, than thats great for you and you won't get dissapionted. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 4:04pm
Assalamu Alaikum,

I think every husband should be a hands-on father. Only good things can
come from that. Children are greatly affected by how often they spend
time with their fathers. There's no excuse for a father not spending some
quality time wtih his kids every day. I'd rather have a husband who
worked "normal" work hours and has time with his children rather than
working looong hours for more money. But that's just me!



Posted By: MayPB
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 4:20pm

Salam --

The muslim husband should help out, Islam recognizes that a wife needs time for herself as well -- the husband being able to help during the week will provide that time for her. But what is the key to getting your husband to help out if he not inclined too?



Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 4:45pm
MayPB I suggest all women get a firm promise before marraige that the husband will help with the house and kids after if he can't afford to hire help. Than she should hold him to that promise. If she is allready married she should present the case that most scholars agree on that housework is not the womans responsibility and it is up to her to do it. When I feel my husband might be slacking off  a little I remind him how much I love it when he helps me, how good it feels since we have no family around that we work together. I also tell him that it gives me time to exercise and help shed those baby pounds. He is all for it because I make it positive. And when he vacuums or folds the laundry I don't give him a hard time if its not perfect, I just say thanks. That way he feels good about helping. I say to women, you sometimes have to ask, or your husband won't do it. Just say I really need your help, he would have to be quite a cold guy to say no. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 5:50pm



But it is up to us to ask for help if we WANT it.


A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 01 August 2005 at 7:16am
Rose, that is true. But it is up to them to be nurturing and loving fathers and to make sure thier wife is happy, well rested and has time to care for her health and own needs. That way everyone in the family is well cared for, not just the husband. Peace..

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 01 August 2005 at 7:54am

Husbands helping out? Yes, they should, its not exactly going to hurt them  

If you're going to share a life to together, live in one house and maybe kids, then isn't it fair that both share the household tasks? and swap occassionally also?



~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 6:23am

Originally posted by Jenni Jenni wrote:

Rose, that is true. But it is up to them to be nurturing and loving fathers and to make sure thier wife is happy, well rested and has time to care for her health and own needs. That way everyone in the family is well cared for, not just the husband. Peace..

Yes jenni, "please read what I write carefully".

I am very sensitive and LOVE to get as much attention as possible by my husband.



A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: well
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 8:44am

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah


Jenni stated: �And in wealthier Muslim countries and even in Pakistan where my Husband is from upper middle class women do basically no housework and have a fulltime maid and gardener.�


Dear Rose,


I just read your post entitled �blessed�, and it made me ponder how even in a rich country (as Jenni has pointed out above) there are � maids - who I presume are expected to (do the) work (of a housewife), as well as raise and look after her own children.


My question is - Is it fair to just pass on the work we don�t feel like doing, when the consequence of that action leads to doubling someone else�s workload?  


Angel stated: 

�Husbands helping out? Yes, they should, its not exactly going to hurt them  

If you're going to share a life to together, live in one house and maybe kids, then isn't it fair that both share the household tasks? and swap occassionally also?�

And of course Angel�.. I agree husbands have a duty to help out, and yes nothing wrong with spicing up the mundane, by alternating tasks. Excuse me if I am been somewhat idealistic, but if you love your partner wouldn�t you take satisfaction in pleasing them?    




             La ilaha ill-Allah

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 9:00am


Originally posted by well well wrote:

My question is - Is it fair to just pass on the work we don�t feel like doing, when the consequence of that action leads to doubling someone else�s workload?

No, of coarse not you dont tell someone to do this job just 'cause you don't feel like doing it. As couples living together both, the man and woman, are sharing everything and both want whats best for their family, future, kids,....

Originally posted by well well wrote:

Excuse me if I am been somewhat idealistic, but if you love your partner wouldn�t you take satisfaction in pleasing them?

Thats what I think too, and that goes for the husband too.




A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: well
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 9:58am

thanks for your reply.....

if you would be kind enough, i am interested in your opinion on the issue of the 'maid', who is a woman who has to do her own housework as well as another woman�s (housework).

if it is not right for a husband to expect his wife to do all the housework, is it right for the people (woman) employing a maid, to expect that maid to double her workload, merely because they have more money than her?


from someone seeking equality



             La ilaha ill-Allah

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 10:41am
Well, in Pakistan if people like my husbands family didn't hire maids and pay them, give them fabric for clothes and pay for thier kids uniforms and books for school they would have no food and no money. That is the reality. And my husbands family just paid for the gardeners daughters wedding. Thier is unfortunatly no other job opportunity for them. Also many of the maids are between the age of 15-20  and work to save money before they get married. Most of the women in Pakistan do not have nannies like in Saudi Arabia who take care of the kids. However they have maids who do the cleaning and laundry. Alot of the women do thier own cooking since they like it better than the maids. Anyway I have seen the women thier are much happier. They spend more time with thier kids and families. They get to exercise, relax and take better care of themselves. The can entertain more because someone is helping them. And frankly they look better and dress better than we do here because they have more time. I think in turn thier husbands are happier. And the men don't feel cheated because thier wife is spending all of her time scrubbing toilets and floors. They think thier wife is too special to do that and all of her motherly and wifely duties too. That is why my husband has no problem helping out, and if he has to srub a toilet he will too. After all in Islam it is no more my responsibility than it is his!! Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: well
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 1:09pm


�Well, in Pakistan if people like my husbands family didn't hire maids and pay them, give them fabric for clothes and pay for thier kids uniforms and books for school they would have no food and no money. That is the reality.�


Yes a reality created by whom?


It seems men are not getting paid enough money, to be able to support their wives (so that they do not need to work), maybe that�s because certain people reward themselves ludicrously high wages, at the expense of the less powerful & well off. 


Sorry if I have misunderstood what you have said, but your comments on how much happier etc. women are who are getting help with the housework (from a maid), for me only illustrates how those women have placed their (trust &) contentment in a (luxurious) worldly existence (and not Allah {SWT} and the Hereafter).


�And the men don't feel cheated because thier wife is spending all of her time scrubbing toilets and floors.�


I believe every woman/man should accept his/her duties (within their own household). There may not be many poor people at this forum, but from a poor persons perspective, a rich person saying - because I have money, I am now above doing housework, better hire someone less �well off� than me�.. Is naught but scorn of the greatest kind�..


If you can�t see that, and how people who drive for such luxuries create an ever greater gap between rich and poor, then the world is certainly only going to become an uglier place.



             La ilaha ill-Allah

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 2:49pm
Well, the discussion was about husbands helping out, if you read my original post I said I don't have a maid. And when I did she only came twice a month and got paid fairly well, I would not use poor to  describe her. The issue is in Islam and if you search islamiccity website you will see that it is not the wifes dutie or requirement to clean and cook. I am not telling women that they shouldn't do it. If you read my posts you will see that I do 75% of the housework. What I am saying if that if a husband cannot afford to hire a maid and his wife has no family or help, than he should fill in. And I will say again in Islam it is not my job to scrub the toilet. If I do it that is an act of kindness and charity towards my husband. But I don't have to. Maybe you think you have to, but that is only your opinion, not fact. peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 2:58pm



Originally posted by well well wrote:

  if you would be kind enough, i am interested in your opinion on the issue of the 'maid', who is a woman who has to do her own housework as well as another woman�s (housework).

Well, in my opinion I think if one is healthy and is capable of cleaning why would she want a maid. Just to sit around and watch someone go through her house as if it is hers. And take care of the kids and teach them her WAYS.

The only exception I think a woman would get a maid is when she is disable, and really can't take care of everything and needs a helping hand.


Originally posted by jenni jenni wrote:

They get to exercise,

house work is also exercise, I turn on the music and work at home, I don't realize it but I get work done faster.


Originally posted by jenni jenni wrote:

   I think in turn thier husbands are happier. And the men don't feel cheated because thier wife is spending all of her time scrubbing toilets and floors.

Yes and when you say most maids are young, wouldn't the woman be scared from her husband to cheat on her with the maid. (in which I have heard of is happening).


Originally posted by well well wrote:

I believe every woman/man should accept his/her duties (within their own household). There may not be many poor people at this forum, but from a poor persons perspective, a rich person saying - because I have money, I am now above doing housework, better hire someone less �well off� than me�.. Is naught but scorn of the greatest kind�..


   What money can do........



A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 3:16pm
Well and Rose, it seems to me the two of you may be resentful of wealthy people. Unless you propose communism, there will be richer and poorer people in the world. And if you don't want help thats fine, the point is within islam, not your own opinion a woman has a right to help. Thats it. She is not a maid, or slave or servant for her husband. If that is the role you want, thats fine. If my husband wanted to marry me just to have someone cook and clean than I would not have married him. But he wanted a companion and partner, so we work out between us what is fair for everyone. And I don't know if the two of you have kids, but if you don't you may be singing a different tune sometime in the future. I had a very good job before having children and can make as much as my husband. I am sacrificing being at home for the kids, thats it. Otherwise I can go back to work and do more than just cook and clean. Which I will say again in Islam is not just womans work.

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 3:17pm
p.s. A maid is not a nanny, she does not raise the kids, I think you both are having a hard time reading my posts.

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 02 August 2005 at 3:34pm

Originally posted by jenni jenni wrote:

She is not a maid, or slave or servant for her husband. If that is the role you want, thats fine

Please tell me where did I say that I like being a maid??


A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: well
Date Posted: 03 August 2005 at 4:36am


Assalaamu alaikum


Dear Jenni,


It�s clear that your husband is from a wealthy family; hence unless he suddenly becomes compassionate for the poor, he is naturally going to propagate a message similar to what you have brought. I assume this is (one of the reasons) why you liked him, and married him in the first place.


I can see that you have some resentment in the fact that, you are �forced� to stay at home and look after your kids (ie �I am sacrificing being at home for the kids, thats it. Otherwise I can go back to work and do more than just cook and clean.�).


This seems to me like you are resenting been a mother, and would rather compete with your husband in work (earning money). I don�t know if you have ever thought of this (and I do not have anything against women working), but maybe when you work, you take the job of another woman�s husband, and where does that leave her?


Regarding equality, naturally there are different grades in Jannah (& hence on earth also), I just wonder how people can have the cheek to preach - moderation & equality � when they quite clearly wish to hoard as much money as they are able (which is certainly not moderate nor equal). 



Narrated Hakim bin Hizam {RA}: I asked The Prophet {SAW} (for some money) and he gave me, and then again I asked and he gave me, and then again I asked him and he gave me and then said, �This wealth is (like) green and sweet (fruit), and whoever takes it without greed, Allah will bless it for him, but whoever takes it with greed, Allah will not bless it for him, and he will be like the one who eats but is never satisfied. And the upper hand is better than the lower (taking) hand.� [Sahih Al-Bukhari: Vol. 8: 448]


Many people are been denied even a wage, so is it fair that they should be discarded merely to support a small minorities luxury? If the poor are denied their basic necessities, as a result of a greedy few, then that few have certainly not perceived the message of moderation, equality - Islam�..



Narrated Abdullah {RA}: The Prophet {SAW} said, �Who among you considers the wealth of his heirs dearer to him than his own wealth?� They replied, �O Allah�s Messenger! There is no among us but loves his own wealth more.� The Prophet {SAW} said, �So his wealth is whatever he spends (in Allah�s cause) during his life (on good deeds), while the wealth of his heirs is whatever he leaves after his death.� (*) [Sahih Al-Bukhari: Vol. 8: 449]  


* What one spends during one�s life for Allah�s sake is what one really owns, because one will get permanent reward for that in the Hereafter.


In the above Hadith man is acceptant of the fact that, his own wealth (ie good deeds) is dearer to him than that of his heirs (his worldly possessions, that which he leaves behind), hence if a person comprehends the Hadith, they may realise the hoarding of worldly wealth is indeed a bad habit. So when will we realise that �real wealth�, is the purification of our spiritual health? When did the pursuit of worldly commodities - possessions, gain precedence over good deeds � true intentions? (Exert form one of my other posts)






             La ilaha ill-Allah

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 03 August 2005 at 7:00am
Well,I Have no idea why you gave me such a response. You have not read my posts clearly. Or you would not have responded in such a way. All I said was husbands should help if they can't afford a maid. It is very clear and also Islamic. And in Islam a woman can work, let me tell you my dear I work in the Medical field, when a woman comes in the Hospital, she is glad to see my face!!! Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 03 August 2005 at 9:49am

salam sisters,

I hate to say this, but i have 2 maids. My husband has forced them on me. Although, i don't like having them; i need them. I have masha�llah 7 children and sure to have more. My husbands family is big and i do all the cooking on Fridays( not the maids) Also i cook everyday and watch my children. To be honest there are lots of times that i wish i could send them home. As for my husband he never comes in contact with them. They both wear face covers Masha�llah. I don't feel spoiled because my husband has provided me with maids,he says that he wants lotttttssssssss of babies and that the responsibilities that i have with his family i need them. Masha�llah friday lunch is 10 chickens/ or 1 sheep. It takes 1 hour just to make salad/and wash the fruit for lunch. If a man can afford it/why not? If he can't than he needs to help out.

Lost somewhere in the Middle East.

Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 04 August 2005 at 5:58am


I believe the easiest thing for everyone to do is to at least rinse off their own plates and glasses and put them in the sink or dishwasher.  Pick up trash, hang up wet towels, put dirty laundry where it goes, clean up after yourself as you walk through the home rather than leaving debris behind!

Wealth is a lifestyle I don't understand.  Why not have maids if you can afford them?  I have no good reason.  I can see both points of view.  However, I have personally known two women who were maids employed by wealthy Muslims who were one:  Physically abused, neglected and not paid; two, sexually assaulted by the less than human "man" of the house. 

When weddings are paid for, that sounds like real generosity.  If you employ people for generous pay which allows them to get the clothes, housing, and healtcare they need (as well as time to worship), that seems like a benefit to them and you.

For myself, although I have always been financially poor as an adult, I had a poorer woman offer to come live with me and cook and clean.   (The benefit to her would have been a place to live in safety, and I would teach her English, of course.)  But I could not accept her help even though I was pregnant and often ill and unable to clean or cook large meals.  I felt I would have been taking advantage of her.  This is just how I felt.    I found a home which could pay her instead.

I believe men and women should share work equally as much as both individuals are able to bear the load, whether it is outside or inside the home.  Working together would be lovely rather than each waiting for the other to fulfill his or her supposed duty. 

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 04 August 2005 at 6:19am


herjihad,  you have done a good thing about the lady and May Allah (swt) reward you for that.

you said" Working together would be lovely rather than each waiting for the other to fulfill his or her supposed duty."

exactly, I wouldn't wait for my husband to tell me to do something, I just do it. And also my husband doesn't need me always telling him do this and do that, he helps without me telling him. Both partners need to understand eachother and know when help is needed.



A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 04 August 2005 at 11:13am
The problem is many men don't and even when their wife is ill or tired they don't help out without being begged or asked. I am sorry to say that many of my American or other ethnic friends husbands are far more hands on at home than my Muslim friends husbands. They just come home from work and don't move from the sofa(my husband is not like this). When we go to the park in the evening we see the chinese, americans and others teaching thier sons and daughters to roller skate, ride bikes, play sports and swim. Where are most of the Muslim dads? At home waiting for thier wives to serve them tea. This is not everyone, but most of the people around here. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 04 August 2005 at 6:08pm
I only say this because I expect more from a muslim father than a non muslim one, they should be a better husband and father. That is what our religon says. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Hayfa
Date Posted: 05 August 2005 at 11:19am

My sister is not Moslem but this is what happened to her..

She was 8 months pregnant. She asked her husband for help to do laundry (the laundry is downstairs). He said sure. So he takes the clothes and throws them down the stairs! I think that sometimes some just don't get it.   I grew up in a house where chores and things were just seen as something that needs to get done, no matter what the gender. Dishes, cleaning, moving the lawn etc. No, not much fun at times but necessary. As they say Just do it.

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi

Posted By: ZamanH
Date Posted: 05 August 2005 at 11:10pm
Originally posted by Jenni Jenni wrote:

Salaam sisters, I was wondering how you all feel about your husbands helping around the house. Before I got married I made it very clear that I would not do all of the housework and child care myself and my husband agreed. 

That is the reason, I feel sorry for your husband. You are too lazy or too inept. Either way, your husband should not have married you. Women from other cultures don't make such fuss.

An enemy of an enemy is a fickle friend.
There will be more women in hell than men.
..for persecution is worse than the slaughter of the enemy..(Quran 2:191)
Heaven lies under mother's feet

Posted By: ummziba
Date Posted: 06 August 2005 at 4:55am

Assalamu alaikum,

Just a reminder:

1. We manage here an Islamic discussion board, thus all members are requested to maitain the deorum as per the standards of an Islamic cultural society. Any joke, or casual statement which the moderators find insensitive, may result in edition or deletion.

2. A generally pleasant demeanor and cordiality in language is requested during discussions.

10. We will not tolerate personal attacks on participants from ANY Community (personal attacks are defined as comments that reflect upon the person instead of their opinion). Furthermore, any insults intended to ANY religion or ANY prophet of God, or ANY holy scripture shall be removed.

Brother Zaman, your above post clearly contains a personal attack.   Let's all try harder to keep the conversations respectful.

Peace, ummziba.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words...they break my soul ~

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 06 August 2005 at 5:01am


"personal attacks are defined as comments that reflect upon the person instead of their opinion"

Yes sis ummziba, you are right, thanks for pointing that.  We know eachother now because of our comments, probably more than if we were to see eachother face to face.


A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 06 August 2005 at 6:07am
Sister Rose and Brother Zamanh, you have now pushed me off this board. I have found another place where people can express opinions without being insulted. You have insulted a sister who was speaking up for what is right in Islam. A husband is supposed to help his wife or provide a maid, search it on Islamiccity and you will see. Pople here complain about the non muslims making nasty comments, well you all are no better. And brother Zamanh I work much harder than my inlaws in pakistan and do 80% more housework than they do. They would never do the things I do and have many maids, drivers and gardeners. If they came here they wouldn't last very long!!!! You make are truely the most miserable excuse for a Muslim man I have ever encountered, and Rose for you to stoop to his level says something about you as a woman.Goodbye, off to better places. P>S>Ever wondered why there are so few people on this board, could it be the members who push out those who have any differing opinion, I think so!!!

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 06 August 2005 at 6:11am

Yes yes jenni...

You don't get it, do you?

Rose for you to stoop to his level says something about you as a woman.


A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 06 August 2005 at 6:33am

Originally posted by ZamanH ZamanH wrote:

Originally posted by Jenni Jenni wrote:

Salaam sisters, I was wondering how you all feel about your husbands helping around the house. Before I got married I made it very clear that I would not do all of the housework and child care myself and my husband agreed. 

That is the reason, I feel sorry for your husband. You are too lazy or too inept. Either way, your husband should not have married you. Women from other cultures don't make such fuss.

Zaman you are can't solve the problems from this perspective....

Posted By: kim!
Date Posted: 06 August 2005 at 6:35am

DO these maids get to see their own children? DO these maids get time to relax themselves? DO these maids have someone to do their housework for them? DO these maids get treated well? Do these maids get FULL TIME wages? DO these maids have happy husbands? Do these maids have husband who help out around the place?

DO maids get treated like humans?

Who has a house that's never perfectly clean, who has no class system and who has a clear conscience...

Posted By: kim!
Date Posted: 06 August 2005 at 6:40am
Originally posted by Jenni Jenni wrote:

Rose, why do you think that it is a females job? Everything I have studied in Islam says that it is the Husbands job to maintain the home. The wife is not required to maintain it, if she does so she is doing an act of charity for him. And as far as taking care of the kids there is the loving and teaching them and the physical care for them such as the bathing and dressing which are just as much the resposibility of the father. Muslims get the idea that this is womans work, this is cultural not Islamic. And in wealthier Muslim countries and even in Pakistan where my Husband is from upper middle class women do basically no housework and have a fulltime maid and gardener. They pretty much only cook and thats it, if they want to. Some have nannys as well who help with the kids if they don't have thier moms or mother in laws around. Since we are living in the U.s.a and labor is very expensive I don't expect all that. But I do expect him to help around the house, since this is not my job I am just doing as a favor to him. Peace

Wow. You mean all these men are out working their backsides off all day to keep their wives, their children AND their servants? No wonder these men are so annoyed. They must feel they get treated like farm animals. Or do the servants get paid so little that the man doesn't have to work too hard?

Maybe some people need to think about earning less money and have lower expectations.

Just like some people around here seem to demand of we Westerners...

Sheesh - at least we try to _hide_ the fact that our countries are wealthy due to exploiting the third world. Apparently some of YOUR lot are doing it openly on a daily basis...


Posted By: kim!
Date Posted: 06 August 2005 at 6:42am
Originally posted by J.R. J.R. wrote:

Assalamu Alaikum,

I think every husband should be a hands-on father. Only good things can
come from that. Children are greatly affected by how often they spend
time with their fathers. There's no excuse for a father not spending some
quality time wtih his kids every day. I'd rather have a husband who
worked "normal" work hours and has time with his children rather than
working looong hours for more money. But that's just me!


No, it's not just you. I think you have the right idea.
Happiness is more important than money.


Posted By: kim!
Date Posted: 06 August 2005 at 6:52am
Originally posted by Jenni Jenni wrote:

Well, in Pakistan if people like my husbands family didn't hire maids and pay them, give them fabric for clothes and pay for thier kids uniforms and books for school they would have no food and no money. That is the reality. And my husbands family just paid for the gardeners daughters wedding. Thier is unfortunatly no other job opportunity for them.  

This is nice, but perhaps someone needs to start trying to do something about A) the unemployment rate and, B) rates of pay.


Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 07 August 2005 at 4:43am


Dear Jenni,  I disagree with some of your ideas, but a discussion board is where we exchange ideas, so please don't leave.  I also agree with a lot of your ideas and feel respect for your ability to express yourself.


Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 07 August 2005 at 11:55am
Originally posted by herjihad herjihad wrote:


Dear Jenni,  I disagree with some of your ideas, but a discussion board is where we exchange ideas, so please don't leave.  I also agree with a lot of your ideas and feel respect for your ability to express yourself.



Oh I so agree with you about ZamanH! And he needs to remember there are men in hell too.

 When the Prophet Mohamed did not make slaves of the house out of his wives. When something needed mending he did it, remember? He did not call Aisha out of the other room to fix his article of clothing. But most men think the woman is only there to keep his house, have his kids and serve him. Granted not all men are like this but many are.

My husband will help me because we both work. Don't get me wrong, he is not just going to do it, I have to ask him first. I make sure it is only 2 things at a time because if you give someone a list of things to do it becomes overwhelming. But he will help out and he will even cook because he loves to.

I think the problem with men is how they were raised. If the mother raises her son to help her and respect her then he will help and respect his wife. Most women do not make the boys in a house do anything to help and that is where the problems start.

Sometimes I wonder why women get married at all. All the work is on their shoulders 24 hours a day.



Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 07 August 2005 at 12:10pm

Originally posted by Jenni Jenni wrote:

The problem is many men don't and even when their wife is ill or tired they don't help out without being begged or asked. I am sorry to say that many of my American or other ethnic friends husbands are far more hands on at home than my Muslim friends husbands. They just come home from work and don't move from the sofa(my husband is not like this). When we go to the park in the evening we see the chinese, americans and others teaching thier sons and daughters to roller skate, ride bikes, play sports and swim. Where are most of the Muslim dads? At home waiting for thier wives to serve them tea. This is not everyone, but most of the people around here. Peace



I have a friend that is married to a Jordanian and she has reverted to Islam too. Her husbands mother and father came to visit. The mother got up one morning and was throwing up blood, she is in poor health. Both her sons were yelling at her to cook their breakfast like she did back home. My friend called me crying, she was so upset that they did not even care that she was throwing up blood and they would not let her (my friend) make the breakfast. My friend then took her husband in another room and told him that his mother was sick and not to yell at her anymore to make the breakfast, he beat her until she was lying on the floor. There are a lot out here like this.

You are right not every man is like this but many are.



Posted By: Israfil
Date Posted: 07 August 2005 at 4:49pm
Perhaps the behavior which you ladies mention is a cultural thing.... All men differ and all men act differently in acccordance to their culture how Zaman replies perhaps is in accordance to how he was raised. We are all products of our environments.

Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 07 August 2005 at 6:17pm


Lamees, it is a hard thing, and many difficult steps to go through, but she needs to go report this abuse.  At least take pictures to have proof.  She need not act on it now.  Don't tell him she has pictures.  Give copies to a friend. 

In many places beaten women and children go to the top of list for housing.  Have her fill out an application just in case.  Tell her she doesn't have to act on it unless she feels like it when they offer her free housing.

I was and am influenced by my culture.  It is our jihad as Muslims to struggle against weakness and wrong behavior always.  If we have failed a hundred times, we might succeed on try 101.

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: Henna
Date Posted: 08 August 2005 at 12:55am
I want to say something about maids&wifes and husbands...

When Hz. Fatimah went to ask for a maid from our Prophet (saw), (because she was so tired to making so many things by her hand and her hands were in poor condition.) He said (sav) he couldn't give her a maid at these moment because the "suffah"* was so poor even He (sav) couldn't find something to give them to eat. So He (sav) teached his daughter and Hz. Ali some duas to decrease their tiredness.

Our prophet (sav) didn't tell her daughter; "you have no right to ask for a maid! You have to do your house job yourself even you need one!"

So i understand from this; Women can ask for a maid (or more than a maid) if they need help and if their husbands can afford it.

I am living in a 1 bedroom flat withouth children, i am not working and elhamdulillah i haven't got any excuse as ilness to ask for a maid. I am cooking for my husband while i'm cooking for myself, i am doing his laundry while i'm doing for myself.  He eats what i cooked, he wears what i washed. (actually what the washing machine washed:))

So if i ask for a maid he will ask if am crazy or not:)

But i can't think myself with seven children, a big house and family dinner once a week.. Sister needs help and i think her husband can afford this. There is no blame to having maid for someone like this sister.

Some of you say; husband doesn't work to get money spend for maids.

However husband should spend on his wife(s) related to his earnings. If he earns much, he should give enough pocket money to her wife. So she has right to spend this money whatever she wants (staying in halal of course)

And every money spending on his family by husband means "sadakah".

So if the woman needs some help, and husband has a maid when he can afford this it's not throwing money on the street, it's a sadakah i think...

*Al-Suffah was the abode of the Migrants who had no dwelling in Medina. They used to sleep in the Mosque, until they could find work within the community of Medina. Thus, whoever found a job would leave Al-Suffah and buy a home for himself. So, the number of the People of Al-Suffah, sometimes decreased and in some other times increased until it reached six hundred Companions. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to sit with them and let them eat and drink with him. A Companion would host one or two of the People of Al-Suffah and feed them in his house. They used to bring bunches of date and hang them from the ceiling of the sunshade.

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 08 August 2005 at 4:51am

Originally posted by Israfil Israfil wrote:

Perhaps the behavior which you ladies mention is a cultural thing.... All men differ and all men act differently in acccordance to their culture how Zaman replies perhaps is in accordance to how he was raised. We are all products of our environments.


So, this means the Culture is an excuse to ignore the religion?



Posted By: kim!
Date Posted: 08 August 2005 at 5:44am

Yay Lameese! You go Girl!


Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 08 August 2005 at 6:29am
Originally posted by well well wrote:

Angel stated: 

�Husbands helping out? Yes, they should, its not exactly going to hurt them  

If you're going to share a life to together, live in one house and maybe kids, then isn't it fair that both share the household tasks? and swap occassionally also?�

And of course Angel�.. I agree husbands have a duty to help out, and yes nothing wrong with spicing up the mundane, by alternating tasks. Excuse me if I am been somewhat idealistic, but if you love your partner wouldn�t you take satisfaction in pleasing them?    


Yes you are being idealistic

but if you love your partner wouldn't you take satisfaction in pleasing them ? Well, yes and no - Not to the point of babying them! The household belongs to both, both pitch in and take care of the house, not just one member, And if kids are around then when they are old enough then they will pitch in too.

~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: kim!
Date Posted: 09 August 2005 at 2:02am

Hi, Jennie pointed out to me that other day that in case of divorce, for example, in Islamic societies the man gets the house. 

Therefore the house really ONLY belongs to him.

So let HIM do all the cleaning. Or ask his wife to help (NOT do it all)



Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 09 August 2005 at 2:31am

Sister Henna,

Excellent post.

Lost somewhere in the Middle East.

Posted By: nadeem_aus
Date Posted: 09 August 2005 at 3:52am
lol Sister Kim!  you have a great way of looking at things!

Posted By: open
Date Posted: 11 August 2005 at 12:20pm


Assalaamu aliakum



There are many Ahadith illustrating how good a deed it is - to free a slave, I don�t believe there are any Ahadith stating that it is just (good) to keep slaves! I think you will find that Prophet Muhammad�s {SAW} wives never had maids; Are they not the mothers of all believing women, and an example for them (in deed)?  



Surah 33, Ahzab


28.        O Prophet (Muhammad SAW)! Say to your wives: If you desire the life of this world, and its glitter, Then come! I will make a provision for you and set you free in a handsome manner (divorce).

29.        But if you desire Allah and His Messenger, and the home of the Hereafter, then verily, Allah has prepared for Al­-Muhsinat (good-­doers) amongst you an enormous reward.


You do not follow the ways of any of the Prophet�s (or their wives) if you choose the luxuries of this world, at the cost of the poor (& the Hereafter).  


Henna stated: �He said (sav) he couldn't give her a maid at these moment because the "suffah"* was so poor even He (sav) couldn't find something to give them to eat.�


I am interested in the source of the above material? Meantime one thing I would like to point out is the kind heart of Prophet Muhammad {SAW} (A Muslim�s role model), as at least he realised that it is unjust to live in any kind of luxury, when the basic necessities of the community are/were not met.


So please justify your greed!     


Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 11 August 2005 at 1:05pm


I like your post, Open.

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 11 August 2005 at 1:52pm
Open -prophet Mohammed also helped in the house and sewed his own clothes. He did not sit and wait for his wives to serve him like many men today. The point is if a man has alot of money and doesn't want to help in the house he should provide a maid. If he is poor he should help his wife in the house, since it is his house to maintain.  Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Israfil
Date Posted: 11 August 2005 at 4:39pm

Good post sister Jenni,

But perhaps saying: >>>>>The point is if a man has alot of money and doesn't want to help in the house he should provide a maid. If he is poor he should help his wife in the house, since it is his house to maintain<<<

However noble your intentions were we shouldn't justify laziness with help there is no justification for no help. If a man sees his wife doing all the work he should want to help as marriage is not one sided. If he is wealthy and he cares about the welfare of his wife and family he would also be the other half in this matter. If he is poor its the same thing. Because even if one has a lot of money and provides a maid he is still lazy and that does not provide a positive message anywa. Yes you have the maid but you still have a lazy husband. If you're poor you're forced to help because you are poor! Sister this example shouldn't justify laziness but I understood your whole point in that men should help their wives. However I put the emphasis on some men are lazy such as some women are lazy.

Posted By: Henna
Date Posted: 11 August 2005 at 4:54pm
Brother Israfil;

Posted By: MayPB
Date Posted: 11 August 2005 at 9:54pm

Even if a husband has a maid, it would be a good idea to help out from time to time when maid is off duty (i.e. unloading dishwasher) and ask children to help out as well. Children should see that their dads are empathetic to the needs of their mother in respect for time for herself.


Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 12 August 2005 at 10:35am
Maypb and israfil I agree with you both. Some hands on work is good for everyone no matter how rich you are. Even if I had a maid, I still like to cook and the way I do my own laundry so I would still want to do that myself, no matter how rich I was. And my husband likes yardwork and fixing things around the house,  no one should be above manual labor, and after all we never know when we could be poor and have to do a job that would be physical as well.. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

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