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I’m so angry

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Category: Culture & Community
Forum Name: Groups : Women (Sisters)
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Topic: I’m so angry
Posted By: ummsaleh
Subject: I’m so angry
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 8:09am

A woman is being executed for killing a man who was trying to rape her. I don't get it. She was protecting her honor as a Muslim woman. I'm sure most women would do the same; I know that I would. The family of the man (who was going to rape the woman) refuses to forgive the woman and is pushing for the execution date. Everyone in the community is begging the family to forgive the woman. Excuse me; but I think that the mans family should be embarrassed not angry. My question would be to them "'what if it was your sister''? I'm really angry about this subject; What do you sister think about this one?

Oh yeah, the woman has 3 children

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 8:27am
Assalamu Alaikum,

I totally agree and am equally outraged. The woman was acting in self-
defense. PERIOD!! To me, attempting to rape someone is the same as
attempting to murder someone. When a woman is protectinng herself in
fear of rape she is also defending herself from not only rape, but also
battery, and possible murder after the rape is complete. How often to
rapists end up killing their victims? If I was being raped, I'd be defending
myself as if someone were trying to kill me. This type of defense is
totally permissable. Yes, i totally think the man's family would be
whistling a different tune if it was their daughter or sister, mother, aunt,
etc., who was raped. If it was proven that the man was trying to rape her,
then she had every right to defend herself. The man could have stopped
at any time.



Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 8:45am
Thank you for that sister JR, I feel so helpless for not being to help her. Alot of men involved, but the family is pushing for death and want it soon.I also agree with what you said about rape and murder.

Posted By: MayPB
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 4:16pm

This is not right, not the right way at all! Muslims have a big problem  with following the "Sharia Law" point by point, so literal they have forgotten that as muslims we are responsible for making decisions with reason. The judge has to hold the man responsible for his actions or she will be unjustly punished! I think that people have a horrible way of messing things up, this is an example, this is a country governed by Sharia Law?


Posted By: Saido
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 8:48pm

 Asalamu Alaykum

Where did this event take place?

Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 10:43pm

Lost somewhere in the Middle East.

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 30 July 2005 at 11:32pm

This is a country goverened by a "Royal Family" not religious law. This is a horrible sad case. And where is her family and her brothers and father?

This just teaches a woman that if something like this happens to her, she had better keep her mouth shut because no one is going to help her at all...............

It it amazing the abuse suffered by women at the hand of men.




Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 6:03am
i agree

Lost somewhere in the Middle East.

Posted By: Saido
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 7:48am

 Asalamu Alaykum

I have never been to Saudi Arabia but some girls who have been there said that it was good and whatever people say isn't all that bad and that people just add things to make it look bad. It is hard to know who is telling the truth.Is there any girl on this forum who lives in Saudi Arabia to explain how it reallyis.

Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 8:20am
I love Saudi, lived there many years, the people are soooooooooooooo nice, unbelieveable. Some of the men on the other hand, oh well. When i told this story it was not putting Saudi's down. But there are still some people there who need to wake up/2006. also they need to realize what is culture and what is islam. woman in some tribes are still considered nothing

Lost somewhere in the Middle East.

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 8:33am

AlSalam 3alaikom,


Quote also they need to realize what is culture and what is islam

Yes, indeed and that goes for almost everyone not only the Saudis'.

It is very sad to hear things like this happening, very sad in a country soo pure to have people like this



A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: Saido
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 6:08pm

Asalamu Alaykum Sister UmmSaleh

I was wondering if they have a college for the Muslim females in Saudi Arabia?

Posted By: ummsaleh
Date Posted: 01 August 2005 at 4:50am

yes of course, and the colleges in Saudi are free. Most of the girls are highly educated and more open minded than the men...haha

Right now we are all mourning King Fahad, who died today. He did so much for the people of Saudi. May allah bless his soul.

Lost somewhere in the Middle East.

Posted By: Saido
Date Posted: 01 August 2005 at 8:31am

Asalamu Alaykum

I was so shocked to hear that he died May Allah place another good Muslim leader in his place.Ameen.

Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 07 August 2005 at 5:05am


Please read under Current Events, Child Abuse, the posts related to helping rape victims.

What is the full story about the woman who killed the man who tried to or did rape her?  Do you have a link? 

This is something that at least we can write letters to the editor, contact leaders here and in Saudi to let them know what we think, and let the woman's family know that we honor such a woman and her death, if she dies, will be that of a martyr and we will honor her!

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: MayPB
Date Posted: 12 August 2005 at 11:35pm
Highly educated? Although I have never been to Saudi Arabia, I've heard that of all the countries in the middle east, there is not alot of academic progress. Some will say that that "Islamic studies" is more importand than studying mathmatics. For example and correct me if I am wrong, but I have heard that the majority of Saudi households only have one book, the Koran. America is different because we value literature and scientific discovery, and also have a "bibile" reserved for family spiritual time or worship. I think there are many muslims who spend alot of time studying "religion" when they could be balancing to study something more helpful to society, rather than being able to tell someone what is haram or not haram. I

Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 13 August 2005 at 4:58am


Religious studies are important along with Academic studies.  If the Saudi women don't keep the Saudi men and children straight about what is and is not haram, who will?

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: Brother123
Date Posted: 23 September 2005 at 8:51am

ummsaleh  one or two mistakes dont mean the whole system is a failure.

In Western kaffir countries the rapist is allowed to torure the women he raped by interigating her in court. You dont get wetsren women saying women in west are treated badly. Infact teh stick up for it except whose who have converted.

One women every minute is raped in usa how many american kaffirs say america is bad or democrasy is bad.

As it has been shown even in this forum when you mention these things then this makes kaffirs amuniciation to hate shariah and islam more.

Saudi may be the best country in trems of shariah but it is not prefectly Islamic. The scholars have done a greta job under the circumstance stop keep it from going like other muslim countries backwards in to jahilia.

And  there  is a huge struggle going on between the scolars and the pro american secularists. The secularist who want to replace law of the land from Allah's law with Kaffir westren law are saying they just hoping for the old people to die so they can have Naked women walking teh street , strip clubs, casinos, bars, legal fornication and adultery. Give rapists holidays in prison. In teh wets rapist have luxuries in prison that even the majority of people say in pakistan, bangladesh, egypt do not have, Then they get relased after a while to rape again and if caught back in holiday camp. Some sell tehir storie sto newspaers and become rich.

Just a few months ago. In England. a women went to the police station to report and incident. The two english police men took her home and then both of them raped her.

Another guy in england he chopped the head of his girlfriend and kept it in fridge and i think he ate parts of her.

These kind of things happen in the christains countries but do the say oh our democrasy is so bad and our men are so bad. They only treta us liek a tiolet were they can just go and flush and kick it if it doesnt work to their satifaction. Do they say  we need countries to invade us and civalise us?

The studies done in uk said that 1 in 4 females were abused by their father, brother or uncles. But they still say democrasy and secular law is the best and their country is the most civalised.

Why is it that Muslims if a few cases of injustice happen they turn their go against shariah and they wnat rapist to invade them and help them but not rape them?

What is open minded ?

 Usually  in the west regard open minded ness as being willing to addopt parts westren culture and values and reject some  islamic values and islamic laws. And closed mindedness as being unwilling to move steps away from islam. A closed minded Muslim for them is one who sticks to quran and sunnah.

This is quite intersting. From your obesrvations are you saying these  Saudi women are willing to leave Quran and Sunnah for the maretialistic sex , drugs and rock culture?

Just like women in many other Muslim countries. who have left quran and sunnah for the sex, drugs and rock culture of the west?

Are you say saudi men are less likely to leave quran and sunnah than saudi women? -




Posted By: kim!
Date Posted: 24 September 2005 at 7:35am
Brother 123, what the hell would you know. Probably a woman gets raped every minute in Saudi, but since her word is worth so LITTLE in court, SHE doesn't even get to BE humiliated by the man's interrogation in court, because she either can't report her rape or can't get to court.

Rapes are REPORTED in countries like the US because Western women are TAUGHT to SPEAK OUT. Women in Saudi only get heard when they are TV NEWS READERS.


Posted By: kim!
Date Posted: 24 September 2005 at 7:38am
And people from US should be shocked about stuff that goes on at home, too, not just in Saudi. In the early 1990's a young black woman was sentenced to death for stabbing the white the white guy who was raping her. He died, so she was tried for murder.

Now, just TRY to imagine this happening the other way round - a black guy raping a white girl. If she killed him in self defence, there is NO way she would be tried for murder. She would get a virtual medal, no?


Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 24 September 2005 at 9:20am

Originally posted by kim! kim! wrote:

Brother 123, what the hell would you know. Probably a woman gets raped every minute in Saudi, but since her word is worth so LITTLE in court, SHE doesn't even get to BE humiliated by the man's interrogation in court, because she either can't report her rape or can't get to court.

Rapes are REPORTED in countries like the US because Western women are TAUGHT to SPEAK OUT. Women in Saudi only get heard when they are TV NEWS READERS.



Actually, women are considered men's honor there. So, any small infarction can and will cause her to be in trouble. Your father and your brother are allowed to beat you and in the worst case senario, they are allowed to kill you. If you remember, about 15 years ago a man threw his wife from a 15 story balcony and when he was asked why he did this, he replied that she had embarrassed and shamed him. He was set free.

If you were a Saudi women, would you tell anyone that you were raped? Hell NO! Why? Because that would cause your death, period. It would not matter if you were innocent, you would be the one that brought in on yourself and once you are not a virigin you are considered wasted and no man will want to marry you. The same as if you had premarital relations. But in this case there are doctors that can and do put your hymen back in place for you. You just have to have the money and have to be able to trust that Doctor.

If you ever have the chance, speak to a Saudi women that is not longer in Saudi, speak to her alone, so that no one else hears her and she will tell you the truth about sooooooo many things that happen to women in her country.



Posted By: Brother123
Date Posted: 24 September 2005 at 12:23pm

yes women are considred mans honour. Unlike in USA were women are considerd like tiolets. use and abuse and flush. So no wonder they raped every minute in usa

Posted By: Lameese
Date Posted: 24 September 2005 at 11:53pm
Originally posted by Brother123 Brother123 wrote:

yes women are considred mans honour. Unlike in USA were women are considerd like tiolets. use and abuse and flush. So no wonder they raped every minute in usa


You know, I do not think you know anything of the USA at all. As a matter of fact, I think you have a thing for Western women and they do not like you, thus, you make blanket, arrogant and uneducated assumptions based on your lack of intelligence and hate. You are most rediciolous person I have met on here with your ignorance.

Of course I could say that Women in Islamic countries are raped every minute too. It could be a husband raping his wife or his son raping a maid. Now, don't I sound as ignorant as you? Also, women are their own people and not YOUR anything. Allah created us as a gift to you ungrateful, ignorant and slovenly men! You just do not know how to behave. Again, we are not your or anyone's anything. We have our own mind and our own souls that we have to protect.



Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 25 September 2005 at 10:40am
Brother123 is just here to annoy us, ladies I suggest ignoring him since he is stuck in the stone ages and does not think Muslim women deserve thier full rights. He likes the saudi model of no driving, wearing a niqab and staying at home with 8 kids. That may be ok for some ladies, but I think many want a different life, not to mention many men want to marry an educated woman who is mature and only have a few kids.. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 26 September 2005 at 1:28pm

I would like to suggest a book that I read about the "plight" of Saudi women.  Princess and its sequel Princess: Sultana's Daughters.  They detail the life of a member of the royal family.  It was a real eye opener.  But in the end, Muslim or non-muslim.  Sharia Law or Western Law.  Domestic Abuse is a wide spread problem that has little to do with sex and more to do with power and control.  The rape and abuse victims I counselled were not victims of stranger abuse but from their husbands or relatives.  This is not something that changes with religion, this is a problem that changes with education and openness.  Once rape or abuse is no longer blamed on the victim, then the real criminals can be punished.  All too often, the victim is made to feel its her fault.  By dressing sexy, or giving him a come hither stare.....or not cooking dinner exactly the way he liked it.  Oh, and my favorite....she couldn't keep the kids quiet while he was watching his football game. 

Jenni's right, ignore the man who knows nothing, but get involved in making a change.

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