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Quran on Creation of Universe. the big bang.

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Topic: Quran on Creation of Universe. the big bang.
Posted By: rememberallah
Subject: Quran on Creation of Universe. the big bang.
Date Posted: 22 November 2010 at 6:02am
the big bang.

Previously it was thought that universe is eternal and is in existence since ever, this supposition had problems with it,
1 - There would not have been places with extremely high and low temperatures and densities like stars {high} and interstellar matter {low} and there would be equal density and temperature due to thermal and pressure equilibrium.
2 - The other problem was presence of radioactive material that decay at regular rate e.g. uranium.  Which should not be there had universe been since forever.
Then came Edwin Hubble�s discovery that universe is expanding, this discovery meant that all the galaxies had to be joined together in past and something happened that they are moving away from each other at a proper rate.
By 1965 some scientists were up promoting a theory � Big Bang, which said universe was created in an explosion. Scientists knew if there was ever such an explosion, it must have created radiation, and there was a way to calculate it! Scientists calculated by the proportion of helium created in universe {20%} how intense the background radiation was early in history of universe and as it expanded the radiation must have become weak {because such a long time had passed} and be at a temperature which is just above absolute zero {-273`}, weak to be sure but easily detectable. Much like a box filled with gas at high pressure, if the box expanded pressure of gas will decrease. {Equivalent of pressure for radiation is temperature in this context}.
The balance tilted completely in favor of big bang in 1965; in 1964 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson tuning their radio telescope at microwave frequency accidently heard a faint hiss coming from all the directions in space, which left them puzzled. They had actually accidentally measured the temperature of the universe just as it was demanded, they had discovered the cosmic radiation that is all over universe and is a distant cosmic echo of the big bang itself !!
Then came the death blow in 1965 to those opposed to Big Bang, Roger Penrose explained how a star can collapse under its own gravity to form a black hole and it was Stephen Hawking who realized that by reversing the theorem and applying it to the universe big bang gets proved once n for all. "The final result was a joint paper by Penrose and myself in 1970 which at last proved big bang...there was opposition to our work by Russians, partly because of their Marxist belief in scientific determinism...however one can't really argue with a mathematical theorem.� � Stephen Hawking, Brief History of Time.
Today the scientists have calculated even when it happened-13.7 billion years ago. Finally on 9th march 2004 Hubble�s space telescope which is orbiting the earth in space sent back some unbelievable pictures, quoting a scientist on those pictures-"scattering of jewels on black velvet, but in fact some 10,000 galaxies crammed into a section of sky about 1/10 the size of full moon!!!" these are titled the pictures of baby universe. {Some may ask how can we take pictures of past?? The thing is, if we look at a star 4 light yrs away [one light year is distance traveled by light in one year] then we are looking at the star as it was 4 yrs ago and what it is now we will see it 4 yrs later, its light that we see right???, so if we see at a point 13.7 billion light yrs away we are actually seeing how it was 13.7 billion yrs ago and not how it is now}

The giant book of facts {pg 8} define big bang as - "all space n matter was once concentrated into a super blob which for some unknown reason flew apart in an immense explosion known as big bang"

Big bang is a fact, a 20th century fact with still an unsolved question why did it explode? Well not so, even that gets answered if we look at a 7th century fact poured out of a true Prophet�s mouth, saying God informs him to inform the creatures that how He created the universe -
Quran {21:30}- "Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together {as one unit of creation} before we clove them asunder ???"
Now compare the 2 definitions to be sure �
Quran {21:30}    Giant book of facts
Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together    All space and matter was once concentrated into a super dense blob
And We    Which for some unknown reason
Clove it asunder    Flew apart in an immense explosion.

Moreover the verse goes on to say �and what We created every living thing out of water, will they still not believe?� which is nothing but the truth that every living thing is made of water, we humans are 70% water.
When I discovered it I questioned how could a book written 1,400 yrs ago have this information? Not until as it claims is a revelation from God Himself! Glory be to God the creator of the heavens and the earth.

The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

Posted By: Matt Browne
Date Posted: 23 November 2010 at 12:20am
The Quran and the Bible were not written to document scientific facts. Of course people wondered about the ultimate origin of the world.

Aristarchus of Samos in ancient Greece thought that the Earth revolved around the Sun long before Copernicus.

But Genesis in the Bible is a myth, not a documentation of scientific findings. I like the following quote about the purpose of myths:

Myths are about the human struggle to deal with the great passages of time and life�birth, death, marriage, the transitions from childhood to adulthood to old age. They meet a need in the psychological or spiritual nature of humans that has absolutely nothing to do with science. To try to turn a myth into a science, or a science into a myth, is an insult to myths, an insult to religion, and an insult to science.

The 7 days in Genesis are not 7 days. Besides, when the Earth was formed a day was a lot shorter.

A religion that's intolerant of other religions can't be the world's best religion --Abdel Samad
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people--Eleanor Roosevelt

Posted By: rememberallah
Date Posted: 23 November 2010 at 1:10pm
my brother matt browne
peace be on you
you are right my brother Quran was not written to document scientific facts, but when you will speak about something to someone your scientific know how will go in the talk, God is talking to us humans, he is the creator of this universe, such verses coming from God is very natural.
my brother i dont think this verse is a myth, i have juxtaposed 2 sentences, one from Quran and other from a science encyclopedia, you see it for yourself.
i wont comment on Genesis/Bible.
my brother what you have quoted is an opinion of someone and what is this world but opinions, you are your parents child is your opinion, you have not seen yourself being born.
Quran is the book of God is also an opinion, what i am doing is checking that opinion and finding it to be right.
may the creator of this universe help us in growth of our knowledge, aameen.

The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

Posted By: Friendship
Date Posted: 25 November 2010 at 10:44am
Assalamu alaika rememberallah.

Yes, indeed I concur with your presentations.
My Question on your post:
The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

Posted By: rememberallah
Date Posted: 25 November 2010 at 11:35am
valaikum salam brother
of course i mean before his acceptance of islam, today we will only run to kill such people, but i am sad there are no men of understanding today {i dont mean you at all} never has Islam been in such a dark stage of its life, i am sad.
would you like to be a man of understanding ?? brother keep looking for my posts, i am not boasting but Allah has been really good to me. do read my posts even if they seem to be long, of a surety you will find guidence if you do charity in return of which you get nothing. do see my post in "Quran and sunnah" section on "God's cause", and "khilafat" in "world politics" section.
may Allah guide us all.

The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

Posted By: Friendship
Date Posted: 29 November 2010 at 1:43pm
Assalamu alaika rememberallah.

You posted: of course i mean before his acceptance of islam, today we will only run to kill such people, but i am sad there are no men of understanding today {i dont mean you at all} never has Islam been in such a dark stage of its life, i am sad.

My observation: Umar was just about 27 years then. His mother was from the Banu Makhzum tribe and therefore fierce and brutal. It was at the tailend of the forth year of preaching or early fifth year. He saw the the certainty of the Message that Muhammad could not be a poet or a sorcerer. What made Umar believed is today 1427 years old and the Muslims have been reading it but unattracted by the event that lead to his submission. Therefore they cannot be like Umar bin Khattab.
Rather, the Muslims are like 'Abdullah bin Ubayy ibn Salul, the leader of the Madina hypocrites. What is confronting the Muslim Umma is hypocrisy and not disbelief.

Posted By: rememberallah
Date Posted: 30 November 2010 at 3:45am
may peace be on you brother
i totally agree with you my brother, and i would like to add to what you have said that hypocrisy is disbelief, as we are taught believe in One God, Muhammad {pbuh} is his messenger, jannah, jahannum, angels etc and you are a believer, but it is not the truth, even satan believes in all this, doesnt he ??? what makes satan satan?? satan is satan as he is not on "God's cause".
please go through my post on "God's cause" in Quran and sunnah section, thus we are not pur khalifas of Allah but his corrupt khalifas {see my post on "Khilafat" in world politics section} and thus criminals, just as ministers who dont do their job are not good ministers but corrupt ministers. and thus criminals, truly the worst punishments await us muslims for how we disrespect Allah.
my brothers we muslims have choosen to overlook how people like hzrt umar, kzrt khalid bin waleed, hzrt sad etc. were just much much more worse people than salman rushdie, arun shourie etc. but the loving touch of true muslims made them companions of highest order.

The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

Posted By: Friendship
Date Posted: 30 November 2010 at 12:31pm
Assalamu alaika rememberallah.

Good. You are just 28 years old and today I am older than Muhammad Rasulullah, Abubakar and younger than Umar and Ali. I am sure that my understanding the Khalifate and its necessity in the Muslim Umma is like your understanding. I have read alot of books and I just think of our fate in the Hereafter without a Khalifa. I differ with you in that I lead my family in prayers and I do not attend the mosques. I have written a book and will soon be printed in USA. The title of the book is: Muhammad Rasulullah and the People of the Book: His kindness, benevolence and quest for peace.

Posted By: rememberallah
Date Posted: 02 December 2010 at 6:46am
peace be on you friendship
so you are 64 yrs old.
its nice to see someone who feels like yourself.
i also don't feel like going to mosques but still go as even in friday prayers imams start cursing people and pray to Allah for the destruction of their enemies. when they do so i get up and walk out of the mosque. i still go to mosques as it is the place where satan lives these days, our mosques are beautiful but empty of guidence and uema e soo give sermons, but i am a warrior " i shall give no respite to satan". i shall take from satan what satan takes from Allah.
may Allah guide all.
would be nice to go through your book.
why are you so worried about a khalifa??

The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

Posted By: Friendship
Date Posted: 02 December 2010 at 8:43pm
Assalamu alaikum.

By the way, before I answer you, tell me under which topic did you wrote on the Khalifa.
I am indeed highly impressed by your comment. May be another episode of Prophet Musa and the one who Allah gave knowledge is repeated.

Posted By: Friendship
Date Posted: 02 December 2010 at 9:12pm
Assalamu alaika rememberallah.

This is the reason: Come O Muslims come, if you have any faith in you lets establish the khilafat, the true khilafat, its obligatory to establish khilafat, one who is not a khalifa will not go to paradise. think what i invite you to, think what i invite you too.

Posted By: Gibbs
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 1:43pm
The universe is eternal as its constantly expanding because there isn't enough mass, so what is the problem with the universe being eternal?

Posted By: rememberallah
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 2:42pm
@ friendship -
valaikum salam
an i like moses - i dont think so.
am i like al khidr {the kowledhed one}- i dont know
why do we wait for a prophecised person, i am unprophecised and so are you. and thats what matters, for its the unprophecised that have more value than prophecised but we dont know.
if at all i find a reflection of myself and the small group of young people around me, who are even more younger than me, is the story of the people of the cave, they were youngsters, they were not prophets, they rose up in jews when allah gave knowledge to them, we too are not prophets but we are indeed fighters, but we dont slay men, we slay satan,. we go in his den and wait for him, just as he waits for us, and every man we snatch back from him, he is slayed, if you understand sura 100, then you can count us as "those". remember horses dont fight in war, they carry their master on their backs, and when their master commands they crash into the spears and swords of  his master's enemy, horses of God may be killed by men, but only horses of God kill satan. how much have we prayed that God makes us his horses and ride on us and make us crash into lines of satan, allah indeed is good and answers the prayers. 

The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

Posted By: schmikbob
Date Posted: 13 December 2010 at 9:35pm
This is still the science and technology page, right? 

Posted By: Matt Browne
Date Posted: 14 December 2010 at 8:42am
I observe mindsets being hundreds of light years apart. 

A religion that's intolerant of other religions can't be the world's best religion --Abdel Samad
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people--Eleanor Roosevelt

Posted By: rememberallah
Date Posted: 14 December 2010 at 12:39pm
Originally posted by schmikbob schmikbob wrote:

This is still the science and technology page, right? 
peace be on you bob,
this is what i call not judging from your nature and being unfair.
in another topic in science and technology "every living thing made from water" you have talked about hadiths, higher criticism etc. which do not come under "science and technology"
why do you have the desire to prove other people small? this double standard is not loved by God. my brother do charity in return of which you get nothing, so that God guides you, or you will ever be lost not realising where you stand. if you die not realising your nature and judging others giving the same space you give to your ideas, thoughts, feelings...........what to say what will happen.
may God guide all.

The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

Posted By: schmikbob
Date Posted: 14 December 2010 at 8:38pm
What double standard, my words were in direct response to your ongoing attempt to insert scientific knowledge into the Quran.  It is Friendship and yourself that gone off on some love-fest tangent. 

Posted By: rememberallah
Date Posted: 15 December 2010 at 10:45pm
schmikbob, thats what you think, you have no clue about what i and friendship talked. there are a thousand things unsaid but understood in what i and friendship talked. btw if you observe your own nature and how conversations go, you wouldnt have been surprised in seeing that some other issue was touched as you will find you would be doing the same.
peace be on you.

The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

Posted By: Matt Browne
Date Posted: 17 December 2010 at 12:37am
Rememberallah, if you feel that other people have no clue, why not use words people can understand. Try different words to get your messages across.

A religion that's intolerant of other religions can't be the world's best religion --Abdel Samad
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people--Eleanor Roosevelt

Posted By: schmikbob
Date Posted: 17 December 2010 at 7:48am
rememberallah, actually when I'm involved in a debate I prefer to discuss the issue being debated and not the issues not being debated.  I guess I'm just quirky that way.  Also, the infinite unsaid things in a debate usually have no bearing on the outcome.  They are just the white noise in the background and ideally get filtered out.  You are trying to make them the subject.

Posted By: rememberallah
Date Posted: 19 December 2010 at 8:10am
no my brother schmikbob, those posts were not for you, friendship said a certain thing and i had to reply.
sorry if it caused inconvenience to you, pardon me.
peace be on me, peace be on you

The whole world is like Hazrat Umar but no one is like his sister and brother in law.

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