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Sura like it Challenge...

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Topic: Sura like it Challenge...
Posted By: Apple Pie
Subject: Sura like it Challenge...
Date Posted: 09 August 2005 at 6:20pm

Greetings All,


Let's take a detailed look at all of the infamous Koranic  �challenges��



Let�s dig right in�





Let�s look at these verses in context:


52:23   They give each other in it a cup/wine, (there is) no nonsense/senseless talk in it, and nor sinning/committing crimes.


52:24   And servants/boys for them, circle/walk around on them, as if they are protected/covered pearls.


52:25   And some of them approached/came on (to) some (each other), they ask/question each other.


52:26   They said: "We were before in our people/family afraid/compassionate.�


52:27   "So Allah blessed on us and He protected/preserved us (from) the severe hot's/burning wind's torture."


52:28   "We were from before, we call Him, that He truly is, He is the righteous/charitable, the merciful/most merciful."


52:29   So remind, so you are not with your Lord's blessing with a fortune teller/highly ranked priest or rabbi ,and nor mad/insane.


52:30   Or they say: "A poet, we wait/remain with him the death's doubt/suspicion".


52:31   Say: "Wait/remain (watch) so that I am with you from the waiting/ remaining (watching)."


52:32   Or their minds/dreams order/command them with that, or they are a tyrannizing/arrogant nation?


52:33   Or they say: "He made it up." But/rather, they do not believe.


52:34   So they come with an information/speech equal/alike to it, if they were truthful.



Summary of 52:33-34 in context:


1)    They give each other in it a cup/wine, (there is) no nonsense/senseless talk in it, and nor sinning/committing crimes.

2)         AND, servants/boys for them, circle/walk around on them, as if they are protected/covered pearls.

3)         AND, some of them approached/came on (to) some (each other), they ask/question each other.

4)         They said: "We were before in our people/family afraid/compassionate.�

5)         SO, Allah blessed on us and He protected/preserved us (from) the severe hot's/burning wind's torture."

6)         "We were from before, we call Him, that He truly is, He is the righteous/charitable, the merciful/most merciful."

7)         SO, remind

8 )        SO, you are not with your Lord's blessing with a fortune teller/highly ranked priest or rabbi

9)         AND, nor mad/insane.

10)       OR, they say: "A poet, we wait/remain with him the death's doubt/suspicion".

11)       Say: "Wait/remain (watch)

12)       SO, that I am with you from the waiting/ remaining (watching)."

13)       OR, their minds/dreams order/command them with that,

14)       OR, they are a tyrannizing/arrogant nation?

15)       OR, they say: "He made it up." But/rather, they do not believe.

16)       SO, they come with an information/speech equal/alike to it, if they were truthful.



The vantage point of this discussion is from the Koranic Paradise.  The Koranic paradise that has is roots in the Biblical Heaven as described within the pages of the Book of Revelation.


The Koran, in typical fashion, is simply regurgitating Biblical material.  The phrase �they come with an information/speech equal/alike to it� is the quintessential element that embodies the entire Koran.


It is heart and soul of what the Koran attempts to do.  The Koran attempts to mimic the Holy Bible.  It attempts to be the �equivalent� of the Holy Bible.  It attempts to be like the Holy Bible.


Fact is, the Koran fails in its attempt to copy the Holy Bible, as detailed in the examples below.



(17:85-88 )


17:85   And they ask/question you about the Soul/Spirit, say: "The Soul/Spirit (is) from my Lord's matter/affair, and you were not given from the knowledge except little.�


17:86   And if We willed wanted We will take away/eliminate with what We inspired/transmitted to you, then you do not find for you with it on (against) Us a guardian/protector.


17:87   Except mercy from your Lord, that His grace/favor/blessing was great on you.


17:88   Say: "If the human/mankind and the Jinns gathered/unified on that  they come with similar/equal/alike (to) this the Koran, they do not come with similar/equal/alike to it, and even if some of them were to some, (were to each other) supporting/helping."


17:89   And We had laid out/detailed linguistically to the people in this the Koran from every example/proverb, so most of the people refused/hated except (insisting) disbelief.


17:90   And they said: "We will never/not believe to you until you cause a water spring/well to flow/burst from the land.�


17:91  "Or a treed garden of palm trees and grapes/fruits of the vine be for you, so you cause the rivers/waterways to flow/burst in between and round it flowing/bursting."


17:92   "Or you drop the sky pieces on us as you claimed/alleged, or you come with Allah and the angels facing/from front."


17:93   "Or (a) house/home from ornament/gold be for you, or you ascend/climb in the sky, and We will never/not believe to your ascent/climb until you descend on us a book we read it." Say: "My Lord's praise/glory, have I been except a human, a messenger?"


17:94   And what prevented/forbid the people that they believe when the guidance came to them, except that they said: "Did Allah send a human, messenger?"


17:95   Say: "If there were in the earth/Planet Ea rth angels walking assured/secured, We would have descended on them from the sky/space an angel (as) a messenger."


17:96   Say: "Enough/sufficient with Allah, (as) a witness/testifier between me and between you, that He truly was/is with His worshippers/slaves expert/experienced, seeing/knowing."


17:97   And whom Allah guides so he is the guided, and whom He misguides, so you will never/not find for them guardians/protectors from other than Him, and We gather them (on) the Resurrection Day on their faces/fronts, blind, and mute, and deaf, their shelter/refuge (is) Hell, whenever (it) became humble/tranquil (subsided), We increased them blazing/inflaming.


17:98   That (is) their reward because they disbelieved with Our verses/evidences and they said: "Is (it that) if we were bones and debris/fragments, are we being resurrected/revived (as a) new creation?"





Summary of 17:85-88 in context:


1)    AND, they ask/question you about the Soul/Spirit, say: "The Soul/Spirit (is) from my Lord's matter/affair,

2)         AND, you were not given from the knowledge except little.�

3)         AND, if We willed wanted We will take away/eliminate with what We inspired/transmitted to you,

4)         THEN, you do not find for you with it on (against) Us a guardian/protector.

5)         Except mercy from your Lord, that His grace/favor/blessing was great on you.

6)         Say: "If the human/mankind

7)         AND,   the Jinns gathered/unified on that  they come with similar/equal/alike (to) this the Koran, they do not come with similar/equal/alike to it,

8 )        AND, even if some of them were to some, (were to each other) supporting/helping."

9)         AND, We had laid out/detailed linguistically to the people in this the Koran from every example/proverb,

10)       SO, most of the people refused/hated except (insisting) disbelief.

11)       AND, they said: "We will never/not believe to you until you cause a water spring/well to flow/burst from the land.�

12)       OR, a treed garden of palm trees and grapes/fruits of the vine be for you,

13)       SO, you cause the rivers/waterways to flow/burst in between and round it flowing/bursting."

14)       OR, you drop the sky pieces on us as you claimed/alleged,

15)       OR, you come with Allah and the angels facing/from front."

16)       OR, (a) house/home from ornament/gold be for you,

17)       OR, you ascend/climb in the sky,

18 )      AND, We will never/not believe to your ascent/climb until you descend on us a book we read it." Say: "My Lord's praise/glory, have I been except a human, a messenger?"

19)       Say: "Enough/sufficient with Allah, (as) a witness/testifier between me

20)       AND, between you, that He truly was/is with His worshippers/slaves expert/experienced, seeing/knowing."

21)       AND, whom Allah guides so he is the guided,

22)       AND, whom He misguides,

23)       SO, you will never/not find for them guardians/protectors from other than Him,

24)       AND, We gather them (on) the Resurrection Day on their faces/fronts, blind,

25)       AND, mute,

26)       AND, deaf, their shelter/refuge (is) Hell, whenever (it) became humble/tranquil (subsided), We increased them blazing/inflaming.

27)       That (is) their reward because they disbelieved with Our verses/evidences and they said: "Is (it that) if we were bones and debris/fragments, are we being resurrected/revived (as a) new creation?"



See the pattern beginning?


It is abundantly clear that these passages are integrated into Biblical Eschatological scripture.


a)       Fire

b)         Pieces of the sky falling

c)         Allah & his angels coming

d)         The city of Gold (the New Jerusalem)

e)         The Resurrection


This is so classic:


"If the human/mankind and the Jinns gathered/unified on that  they come with similar/equal/alike (to) this the Koran, they do not come with similar/equal/alike to it, and even if some of them were to some, (were to each other) supporting/helping."


Mankind producing something equivalent to the Holy Bible?


Well, the authors of the Koran attempted to do just that.  They attempted to mimic the Holy Bible � and failed.


The Koran, rather than clarifying or correcting, just simply regurgitates Bible basics without any regard whatsoever for the details.


The Holy Bible is required to correct & clarify the Koran in ALL instances.









11:11   Except those who were patient, and made/did the correct/righteous deeds, those for them (is) a forgiveness and (a) big/great wage/reward.


11:12   So maybe/perhaps you are leaving some/part (of) what is inspired/transmitted to you, and narrowing/tightening with it your chest (innermost), that they say: "If only a treasure was descended on him, or (an) angel came with him." But you are (a) warner/giver of notice, and Allah (is) on every thing (a) guardian/protector.


11:13   Or they say: "He fabricated/cut and split it." Say: "So come or bring with ten chapters of the Koran similar/equal/alike to it fabricated, and call whom you were able from other than Allah if you were truthful."


11:14   So if they do not answer/reply to you, so know that was/is descended with Allah's knowledge, that (there is) no Allah except Him, so are you submitters/surrenderers/Moslems?"


11:15   Who was/is wanting the life the present/worldly life and its decoration/beauty/ornament, We fulfill/complete to them their deeds in it, and they in it are not being reduced/cheated/caused injustice to.


11:16   Those are those not (nothing is) for them in the end (other life) except the fire, and what they made/did (was) wasted/invalidated in it, and is being wasted/annulled/canceled what they were making/doing.



Summary of 11:13 in context:


1)    Except those who were patient,

2)         AND, made/did the correct/righteous deeds, those for them (is) a forgiveness

3)         AND, (a) big/great wage/reward.

4)         SO, maybe/perhaps you are leaving some/part (of) what is inspired/transmitted to you,

5)         AND, narrowing/tightening with it your chest (innermost), that they say: "If only a treasure was descended on him

6)         OR, (an) angel came with him." But you are (a) warner/giver of notice,

7)         AND, Allah (is) on every thing (a) guardian/protector.

8 )        OR, they say: "He fabricated/cut and split it." Say: "So come or bring with ten chapters of the Koran similar/equal/alike to it fabricated,

9)         AND, call whom you were able from other than Allah if you were truthful."

10)       SO, if they do not answer/reply to you,

11)       SO, know that was/is descended with Allah's knowledge, that (there is) no Allah except Him,

12)       SO, are you submitters/surrenderers/Moslems?"

13)       Who was/is wanting the life the present/worldly life

14)       AND, its decoration/beauty/ornament, We fulfill/complete to them their deeds in it,

15)       AND, they in it are not being reduced/cheated/caused injustice to.

16)       Those are those not (nothing is) for them in the end (other life) except the fire,

17)       AND, what they made/did (was) wasted/invalidated in it,

18 )      AND, is being wasted/annulled/canceled what they were making/doing.



It is clear for all to see that this verse is completely 100% embedded within Biblical Eschatological content.


The Koran is simply regurgitating its source material � the Holy Bible.


A Sura like it? 


10 Suras like it? 


 How about 22 like it � all from one book of the Holy Bible � the Book of Revelation.








Let�s look at this ayah in context:


2:23   And if you were in doubt/suspicion from what We descended on Our worshipper/slave, so come/bring with a chapter from its similar/equal/alike to it, and call your witnesses/testifiers from other than Allah, if you were truthful.


2:24   So if you do not make/do and you will never make/do, so fear the fire, that/which its fuel (is) the people and the stones, (it) was/is prepared to the disbelievers.


2:25   And announce good news (to) those who believe and did/made the correct/righteous deeds, that to them (are) treed gardens the rivers flow from beneath it. Whenever they (were) provided for from it from a fruit a provision, they said: "This (is) what we were provided for from before." And they were given with it similar, and for them in it (are) purified spouses and they are in it immortally/eternally.


Summary of 2:23 in context:


1)    AND, if you were in doubt/suspicion from what We descended on Our worshipper/slave

2)         SO, come/bring with a chapter from its similar/equal/alike to it

3)         AND, call your witnesses/testifiers from other than Allah, if you were truthful

4)         SO, if you do not make/do

5)         AND, you will never make/do

6)         SO, fear the fire, that/which its fuel (is) the people

7)         AND, the stones, (it) was/is prepared to the disbelievers

8 )        AND, announce good news (to) those who believe

9)         AND, did/made the correct/righteous deeds, that to them (are) treed gardens the rivers flow from beneath it.  Whenever they (were) provided for from it from a fruit a provision, they said: "This (is) what we were provided for from before."

10)       AND, they were given with it similar

11)       AND, for them in it (are) purified spouses

12)       AND, they are in it immortally/eternally.




Again, it is clear for all to see that this verse is completely 100% embedded within Biblical Eschatological content.


This is evident from the Koranic concept of �Hell� as defined in the Book of Revelation.  The Koran mentions all the ingredients:


a)       Fire

b)         People

c)         Stones (brimstone)

d)         Unbelievers


Then, in typical Koranic fashion, the Biblical �Hell� concept is immediately contrasted with the Koranic sensual �Paradise� � which is a twist on the Biblical concept of Heaven, as described within the pages of the Book of Revelation.


The Koran mentions the following ingredients:


a)     deeds

b)         treed gardens

c)         water

d)         fruit


So�.bringing forth a Sura like it would be to bring forth the Entire Book of Revelation. 


Pure and simple.






(10:38 )


Summary of 10:38 in context:


10:34   Say: "Are there from your partners (with Allah) who starts/initiates the creation then he repeats it?" Say: "Allah starts/initiates the creation, then He repeats it. So how/where (do) you lie/turn away?"


10:35   Say: "Are there from your partners (with Allah) who guides to the truth?" Say: "Allah guides to the truth .Is who guides to the truth more worthy/deserving that He be followed or who does not guide except that he be guided, so what (is it) for you how you judge/rule?"


10:36   And most of them do not follow except assumption/supposition, that the assumption/supposition does not suffice (replace) from the truth a thing, that Allah (is) knowledgeable with what they make/do.


10:37   And this the Koran was/is not that it be fabricated from (by) other than Allah, and but confirmation (of) what (is) between his hands, and detailing/explaining The Book, no doubt/suspicion in it, (it is) from the creations all together's/(universes') Lord.


10:38   Or they say: "He fabricated it." Say: "So come/bring with a chapter of the Koran similar/equal to it and call whom you were able from other than Allah, if you were truthful."



Summary of 10:38 in context:


1)    Say: "Are there from your partners (with Allah) who starts/initiates the creation

2)         THEN, he repeats it?"

3)         Say: "Allah starts/initiates the creation,

4)         THEN, He repeats it.

5)         SO, how/where (do) you lie/turn away?"

6)         Say: "Are there from your partners (with Allah) who guides to the truth?" Say: "Allah guides to the truth .Is who guides to the truth more worthy/deserving that He be followed

7)         OR, who does not guide except that he be guided,

8 )        SO, what (is it) for you how you judge/rule?"

9)         AND, most of them do not follow except assumption/supposition, that the assumption/supposition does not suffice (replace) from the truth a thing, that Allah (is) knowledgeable with what they make/do.

10)       AND, this the Koran was/is not that it be fabricated from (by) other than Allah,

11)       AND, but confirmation (of) what (is) between his hands,

12)       AND, detailing/explaining The Book, no doubt/suspicion in it, (it is) from the creations all together's/(universes') Lord.

13)       OR, they say: "He fabricated it." Say: "So come/bring with a chapter of the Koran similar/equal to it

14)       AND, call whom you were able from other than Allah, if you were truthful."



Again, smack-dab in the middle of Biblical Eschatological content � starting with the mentioning of the New Creation as stated in the Book of Revelation Hundreds of years BEFORE the Koran.


It is most interesting that the Koran is said to �CONFIRM� that which is between his hands.  It states that it �details/explains� The Book (the Holy Bible), and that there is �no doubt/suspicion in it�, and that it is from the Lord.  Finally, it makes the assertion that if �He fabricated it�, to then bring forth a Sura like it.


Now, this is most interesting.  The Koran is attempting to compare itself to the Holy Bible.  The Koran specifically states that it �details/explains� the Holy Bible.


This brings up the logical question of the so-called �challenge� to produce another like it.  If the Koran is meant as a �confirmer� of the Holy Bible, then this means that the Koran is simply going to regurgitate, time and again, what is mentioned within the pages of the Holy Bible.


This is indeed what the Koran attempts to do, as demonstrated by the THOUSANDS of parallel scriptures that can be found between the Holy Bible & the Koran.


In fact, one need not go any farther than the last book of the Holy Bible � the Book of Revelation.  Here the Koran �confirms� the entire Book of Revelation.  Lock, stock & Barrel, up to and including the deity of Jesus Christ!


Without a doubt, this �challenge� from the Koran has to be hands-down, the worst possible thing that the naive Muslim can possibly put forth as �support� for the Koran.


Ironically, it is hands-down the BEST possible thing that the na�ve Muslim can do to confirm the authenticity of the Holy Bible!


Muslims who feel that it is their �obligation� to expound upon an assertion such as this, will quickly find that the assertion is putting forth Biblical material as the ROOTS of the Koran � in particular, scripture from the Book of Revelation!


You would do well to study the origin of your beloved Koran.


As in virtually ALL portions of the Koran, the �Sura like it� is the Biblical material from which the Koran borrowed itself from.



Have a great day�

Posted By: Deus
Date Posted: 10 August 2005 at 11:21am

You still haven't produced a single "Sura like it". Here, I'll give you a head start: - sionInfo&vid=28&lang=12

You have the entire Holy Bible, in Arabic, to pick a "sura" from.

Posted By: AhmadJoyia
Date Posted: 11 August 2005 at 10:08am
Hi bro St. Apple Pie, it seems your STS relationship is on its peak otherwise how else could this relationship be manitained? Have you been able to figure out the authors of your Holy Bible? Or have you been able to seperate the last chapter of the fourth gospel from itself or still retaining it through blind faith? Have you been able to figure out as why there is no gospel according to Jesus in you Holy Bible? I hope this shall serve you a good food for thought before you even think of anything else. Moreso, your deceptive techniques to misinterpret the Quran has already been unveiled at several occassions elsewhere. Hence there is no crediblity left in your writtings nor you have any intellectual honesty. People like you, who retain their STS relationship, are worthy of nothing. Think about that. 

Posted By: Apple Pie
Date Posted: 14 August 2005 at 11:11am

Greetings AhmadJoyia,


Thanks for mustering a response�


Have you been able to figure out the authors of your Holy Bible?





How about you?






Or have you been able to seperate the last chapter of the fourth gospel from itself or still retaining it through blind faith?



Test all things and hold fast to that which is good�






Have you been able to figure out as why there is no gospel according to Jesus in you Holy Bible?



All Biblical gospels are according to Jesus�







I hope this shall serve you a good food for thought before you even think of anything else. 



Like what�?











Moreso, your deceptive techniques to misinterpret the Quran has already been unveiled at several occassions elsewhere.












Hence there is no crediblity left in your writtings nor you have any intellectual honesty. People like you, who retain their STS relationship, are worthy of nothing. Think about that. 




We will let each judge for themselves�



Take care�











Posted By: Deus
Date Posted: 14 August 2005 at 11:49am
Originally posted by Apple Pie Apple Pie wrote:

Have you been able to figure out the authors of your Holy Bible?


If it's not too much of an inconvenience, could you list all the books of the Holy Bible (which version are we discussing by the way?) and their authors?


Originally posted by Apple Pie Apple Pie wrote:

Have you been able to figure out as why there is no gospel according to Jesus in you Holy Bible?

All Biblical gospels are according to Jesus�

Why does every New Testament I pick up have only "Gospel According to Matthew/Mark/Luke/John."

Can you please show me where I can buy a copy of the Holy Bible which has "The Gospel According to Jesus"?

Posted By: Apple Pie
Date Posted: 14 August 2005 at 1:15pm

Greetings Deus,


Thanks for adding your comments�


Apple Pie wrote:

Have you been able to figure out the authors of your Holy Bible?


If it's not too much of an inconvenience, could you list all the books of the Holy Bible (which version are we discussing by the way?) and their authors?


These would be the very same ones which were used by the authors of the Koran in the construction of your book of faith�




Apple Pie wrote:

Have you been able to figure out as why there is no gospel according to Jesus in you Holy Bible?

All Biblical gospels are according to Jesus�

Why does every New Testament I pick up have only "Gospel According to Matthew/Mark/Luke/John."


Please show us in the Classic Greek where this is stated�



Can you please show me where I can buy a copy of the Holy Bible which has "The Gospel According to Jesus"?


Again�all Biblical Gospels are according to Jesus�


The authors of the Koran were aware of this�what is taking you so long�.?






Posted By: Deus
Date Posted: 14 August 2005 at 3:37pm

You did not provide anything I asked for, Apple Pie.

And what are you referring to by "your book of faith."? What if I happen to be an atheist?

Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 14 August 2005 at 10:51pm
Originally posted by Deus Deus wrote:

Originally posted by Apple Pie Apple Pie wrote:

Have you been able to figure out the authors of your Holy Bible?


If it's not too much of an inconvenience, could you list all the books of the Holy Bible (which version are we discussing by the way?) and their authors?



~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 14 August 2005 at 10:52pm
Originally posted by Apple Pie Apple Pie wrote:

Again�all Biblical Gospels are according to Jesus�


Really?, And what of God ??

~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: AhmadJoyia
Date Posted: 14 August 2005 at 11:51pm

Here my bro St. Apple Pie has once again tried his best to mainain his STS relationship with full efforts of deception in his replies. Let us see...

Originally posted by Apple Pie Apple Pie wrote:

Greetings AhmadJoyia,

Thanks for mustering a response�

Have you been able to figure out the authors of your Holy Bible?


How about you?

So is this the answer for the dubious authorship of gospels of Bible? or you want me to figure them out? Would you then agree with me?



Or have you been able to seperate the last chapter of the fourth gospel from itself or still retaining it through blind faith?

Test all things and hold fast to that which is good�


Same tactics of perfect deception as St. Paul has described for himself and St. Apple Pie is exactly following his foot steps. Good job. Keep it up. So just tell me this last chapter of 4th gospel seems good to you? But what about my other christian brothers as they may not feel it very same? Or you need to call again the council of Nicene to further cononize the Bible where you do feel good for all of the gospels with all of its chapters.


Have you been able to figure out as why there is no gospel according to Jesus in you Holy Bible?

All Biblical gospels are according to Jesus�


Wow!! That is remarkable show of blind scholarship. Frankly brother it is exactly this kind of blindness that corrupts your own integrity. It is this kind of arrogance that shows me your dishonesty in your work. Hence, your questionable non-scholarship.



I hope this shall serve you a good food for thought before you even think of anything else. 

Like what�?

Moreso, your deceptive techniques to misinterpret the Quran has already been unveiled at several occassions elsewhere.


Right here on this forum, my brother, would you like to recall them or shall I search it for you.


Hence there is no crediblity left in your writtings nor you have any intellectual honesty. People like you, who retain their STS relationship, are worthy of nothing. Think about that. 

We will let each judge for themselves�

Take care�


Yap, Indeed, my brother, let others judge for themselves.


Posted By: Arab
Date Posted: 22 December 2006 at 1:23am
he says the Holly Quran was copied from the Bible, maybe he didnt know that there was no such thing as an arabic bible at the time of Mohammed , be it NT or OT.

Posted By: Arab
Date Posted: 22 December 2006 at 4:39am
And for the sake of argument,if Mohammed copied the Quran from the Bible (which isnt possible as i pointed out) why didnt he copy the hudreds of wrong scientific facts in the Bible? For example the creation of the universe?

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