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Dawah for China

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Category: Religion - Islam
Forum Name: General Islamic Matter
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Topic: Dawah for China
Posted By: Sign*Reader
Subject: Dawah for China
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 9:29am
Continued From Gen Discussion "Spread Islam in China 2011" by tom007

As matter of fact it is surprising news that the Chinese govern't has become so liberal to let the missionaries work in the parks...So what language do they communicate in beside handing bible tract in Chinese?
In the US the Muslim charities are under a microscope for last decade for doing anything outside the US without scrutiny...The Muslims are having rough time  just build a mosque and get a community established without hassle!
Seems China is freer than US!
US being the 2nd largest importer from China must have lots of Xtian Americans working at the source who in spare time may be helping the missionaries...Could this be so? my guess!
You know there is so much turmoil and wars in the Muslim lands and some are  trying to get some freedoms themselves from the puppet dictators...
Any template that may come to your mind for the dawah that will work in China?
IMO Missionaries MO that are not dawah compatible I think cuz Xianity and Islam are altogether two different life styles!

The only body that is involved that I know is Tableeghi Jamaat that roams the globe but their work involves with the lukewarm Muslims generally!
Since the colonial times the dawah work has been in dormancy and needs a big jump start!

Did you get to talk to any Chinese Muslim community member even in shanty town on the subject?
Jazakallah More later...

Kismet Domino: Faith/Courage/Liberty/Abundance/Selfishness/Immorality/Apathy/Bondage or extinction.

Posted By: fais
Date Posted: 25 April 2011 at 8:52am
if  i had read your post before i could have communicated with some chinese in riyadh mall,there one mall near exit 5 riyadh,the name some chinamall if I am nort wrong,I saw chinese muslim salesmen there for the first time,and they were all very relegious.
Hope the meassage of allah reach to chinese soon.

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