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Imam Abu Hanifa

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Category: Culture & Community
Forum Name: Islamic Personalties
Forum Description: Shahabah, Scholars, Leaders
Printed Date: 02 March 2025 at 11:07am
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Topic: Imam Abu Hanifa
Posted By: muslim_gal1988
Subject: Imam Abu Hanifa
Date Posted: 31 July 2005 at 4:19am

The story of Abu Hanifa (radi Allahu 'anhu), and his neighbor

It is well known that Abu Hanifa (radi Allahu 'anhu), did tahajjut every night. He would spend his night reciting the Quran. He had a neighbor who was an alcoholic, and he used to drink a lot and sing love poems. This used to bother the imam.

But one day, the imam did not hear this man's revelry, so he went and asked about him. They said, "Oh, so-and-so. They took him to jail." So, the very well respected imam went to the jail. He was the most respected imam and qaadi at the time in that place. When the ruler found out the imam went to the jail, he asked for the reason and was told that the imam was concerned about his neighbor who had been arrested. So, the ruler said to release the man, and he was released.

The neighbor then asked Abu Hanifa why he did that, and he replied, "Because you have a right upon me as a neighbor, and I have not been neglectful of that." That was the reason that the neighbor made tauba to Allah subh�na wa ta'�la [that is: embraced islam].

(by Shaykh Abdullah bin Bayyah)


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