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The Names of the Quran in the Quran

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Topic: The Names of the Quran in the Quran
Posted By: rami
Subject: The Names of the Quran in the Quran
Date Posted: 19 September 2005 at 5:41am
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

assalamu alaikum



Name Translation Some Selected Relevant
Verses From The Holy Qur’ān
1. Al-Kitāb The Book  (2:1-2) (2:129) (2:151) (3:164) (4:127)
(4:136) (6:114) (7:196) (11:1) (14:1)
(15:1)(16:89) (18:1) (18:27) (19:16)
(19:41)(19:51) (19:54) (29:45) (29:51)
(35:29) (39:1) (39:2) (39:41) (40:1-2)
(42:17) ((43:1-2))
2. Mubīn Luminous (4:174/175) (5:15) (12:1-2) (27:1) ((43:1-2))
3. Al-Qur’ān  The Qur’ān (2:185) (4:82) (6:19) (7:204) (9:111)
(10:37) (10:61) (15:87) (16: 98) (17:9)
(17:78) (17:82) (17:88) (20:1-2) (20:113)
(25:32) (27:6) (27:76) (27:92) (38:1)
(39:27) (46:29) (50:1) (54:17) (55:1-2)
((56:77)) (59:21) (72:1-2) (73:4) (73:20)
4. Karīm  Honourable, Noble  ((56:77))
5. KalāmAllāh The Word of Allāh ((9:6))
6. Nūr Sacred Light ((4:174/175)) (7:157) (64:8)
7. Hudā Right Guidance (2:1-2) (2:97) (2:185) (3:138) (7:52)
(7:203) (10:57) (16:89) (16:102) ((27:77))
8. Rahma Mercy (7:52) (16:64) (17:82) ((27:77)) (31:3)
9. Al-Furqān The Criterion of Judgement (2:185)(3:4) ((25:1))
10. Shifā’ A Healing, A Cure  (10:57) ((17:82)) (41:44)
11. Mawiz Admonition (3:138) ((10:57)) (24:34)
12. Dhikr Remembrance, Reminder (3:58) (7:1-2) (12:104) (15:9) (16:44)
(20:99)(21:24) ((21:50)) (36:11) (36:69)
13. Mubārak Blessed (6:92)(6:155) ((21:50)) (38:29)
14. Alī Exalted   ((43:4))
15. Hikma Perfect Wisdom ((54:5))
16. Hakīm Full of Wisdom ((10:1)) (31:1-2) (36:1-2) (43:4)
17. Muhaymin Guardian, Witness ((5:48)) 
18. Musaddiq Confirming Scripture (2:91) (3:3) ((5:48)) (6:92) (35:31)
(46:12) (46:30)
19. Hablillāh The rope of Allāh  ((3:103))
20. Sirāt u’l Mustaqīm The Straight Path ((6:153))
21. Qayyim Straight Guidance  ((18:2))
22. Qawl Word of Allāh (28:51) ((86:13))
23. Fasl Decisive ((86:13))
24. Naba’un Azīm Supreme Message (38:67) ((78:1-2))
25. Ahsan u’l Hadīth The Best Message ((39:23))
26. Mathānī Oft-repeated ((39:23))
27. Mutashābih Consistent in itself ((39:23))
28. Tanzīl The Final Revelation 
Sent by Allāh
(2:4) (2:23) (3:84) (4:166) (5:83)
(17:105)(17:106) (20:4) ((26:192-194)) (36:5)
(41:1-2) (41:42) (56:80) (97:1)
29. Rūh The Book which gives life to faith ((42:52)) 
30. Wahy The Final Revelation (4:163) (10:109) ((21:45)) (53:4)
31. Arabī In Arabic ((12:2)) (13:37) (26:195) (41:3) (42:7)
32. Basāir Eye-opening evidences ((7:203)) (45:20)
33. Bayān The Final  Statement ((3:138)) 
34. Ilm Ultimate Knowledge (2:120) ((2:145))
35. Haqq Truth, True ((3:62)) (10:108) (13:1) (13:19) (28:53)
(34:6) (35:31) (47:2) (57:16) (69:51)
36. Hādī Guide  ((17:9)) (46:30) (72:2)
37. Ajab Wonderful ((72:1)) 
38. Tadhkira  Admonition, 
(20:3) ((69:48)) (74:54)
39. Urwatu’l Wuthqā The Firm Handhold ((2:256))
40. Sidq Truth (39:32) ((39:33))
41. Adl Justice ((6:115))
42. AmrAllāh The Commandment of Allāh ((65:5))
43. Munādī Inviter to faith  ((3:193))
44. Bushrā Glad tidings ((2:97)) (16:102) (27:2) (46:12)
45. Majīd Glorious (50:1)((85:21-22))
46. Zabūr The Scripture ((21:105))
47. Bashīr Herald of glad tidings (17:9) ((41:4))
48. Nadhīr Warner  ((41:4))
49. Azīz Mighty ((41:41)
50. Balāgh Sufficient Message ((14:52)) (21:106)
51. Qasas Narratives ((12:3))
52. Suhuf Scriptures ((80:13)) (98:2)
53. Mukarrama Honoured ((80:13))
54. Marfūa Exalted ((80:14))
55. Mutahhara Kept Pure ((80:14)) (98:2)


These Asmā u’l Qur’ān were identified by Shaykh Abu’l Maāli Azīzī bin AbdulMalik Rahmatullāhi alayh in Al-Burhān (The Proof) and quoted by Shaykh u’l Islām Jalāl u’d Dīn Abdu’rRahmān as-Suyūtī ash-Shafiī Rahmatullāhi alayh in Al-Itqān fī Ulūm i’l Qur’ānMastery in the Knowledge of the Qur’ān), Vol.1, Dār u’n Nadwa al-Jadīda, Beirūt, p.50. (

Other References

Imām Jalāl u’d Dīn Muhammad Ahmad al-Mahallī Rahmatullāhi alayh and Imām Jalāl u’d Dīn Abdu’rRahmān as-Suyūtī Rahmatullāhi alayh, Tafsīr Al-Qur’ān Al-AzīmCommentary on the Qur’ān), Dār u’l Fikr, Beirūt, 1419/1998. (

Translation of the Qur’ān by Professor Shah Farīdul Haque, Dār u’l Ulūm Amjadia, Karāchi, 1988.

Muhammad Fu’ād Abdul Bāqi, Al-Mujam al-Mufahras li Alfāz Al-Qur’ān Al-Karīm (The Concordance of the Noble Qur’ān), Dār u’l Hadīth, Cairo, 1417/1996.

Key to the Arabic Transliteration -


Shaykh Abu’l Maālī Azīzī bin AbdulMalik chose one verse each to illustrate each of the Asmā’ u’l Qur’ān. The verse numbers shown above in double-brackets are those that were selected by him.

Al-Munādī (The Inviter to faith) has been quoted as a name of the Qur’ān although some of the mufassirīn (commentators on the Qur’ān) say it refers to the Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu alayhi wa Sallam. There is also a difference in interpretation about the names Sirāt u’l Mustaqīm (The Straight Path) and Urwatu’l Wuthqā (The Firm Handhold). Wallāhu wa Rasūluhu Alam (Allāh and His Prophetic Messenger Know Best).


We should remind ourselves of the advice of Imām Abdallāh bin Alawī al-Haddād Rady Allāhu Anhu to recite at least one juz of the Qur’ān everyday.

Compiled by:

Siddīq Osmān Noormuhammad
Jumādā al-Awwal 1423/July 2002
Toronto, Canada


Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

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