These Asmā ul Qurān were identified by Shaykh
Abul Maāli Azīzī bin AbdulMalik Rahmatullāhi
alayh in Al-Burhān (The Proof) and quoted by Shaykh
ul Islām Jalāl ud Dīn AbdurRahmān
as-Suyūtī ash-Shafiī Rahmatullāhi alayh
in Al-Itqān fī Ulūm il QurānMastery
in the Knowledge of the Qurān), Vol.1, Dār un Nadwa
al-Jadīda, Beirūt, p.50. (
Other References
Imām Jalāl ud Dīn Muhammad Ahmad
al-Mahallī Rahmatullāhi alayh and Imām
Jalāl ud Dīn AbdurRahmān as-Suyūtī Rahmatullāhi
alayh, Tafsīr Al-Qurān Al-AzīmCommentary
on the Qurān), Dār ul Fikr, Beirūt, 1419/1998. (
Translation of the Qurān by Professor Shah Farīdul
Haque, Dār ul Ulūm Amjadia, Karāchi, 1988.
Muhammad Fuād Abdul Bāqi, Al-Mujam
al-Mufahras li Alfāz Al-Qurān Al-Karīm (The Concordance
of the Noble Qurān), Dār ul Hadīth, Cairo,
Key to the Arabic Transliteration -
Shaykh Abul Maālī Azīzī
bin AbdulMalik chose one verse each to illustrate each of the Asmā
ul Qurān. The verse numbers shown above in double-brackets are those
that were selected by him.
Al-Munādī (The Inviter to faith) has been quoted
as a name of the Qurān although some of the mufassirīn (commentators
on the Qurān) say it refers to the Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
alayhi wa Sallam. There is also a difference in interpretation about
the names Sirāt ul Mustaqīm (The Straight Path) and Urwatul
Wuthqā (The Firm Handhold). Wallāhu wa Rasūluhu Alam
(Allāh and His Prophetic Messenger Know Best).
We should remind ourselves of the advice of Imām Abdallāh
bin Alawī al-Haddād Rady Allāhu Anhu
to recite at least one juz of the Qurān everyday.
Compiled by:
Siddīq Osmān Noormuhammad
Jumādā al-Awwal 1423/July 2002
Toronto, Canada
Al-Fātiha! |