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Category: Religion - Islam
Forum Name: Interfaith Dialogue
Forum Description: It is for Interfaith dialogue, where Muslims discuss with non-Muslims. We encourge that dialogue takes place in a cordial atmosphere on various topics including religious tolerance.
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Topic: Bowing
Posted By: Caringheart
Subject: Bowing
Date Posted: 28 May 2012 at 5:10pm
When Muslims bow down, what are they bowing to?
Posted By: semar
Date Posted: 28 May 2012 at 9:37pm
We bow down to God. We are not allowed to bow down to anybody, we bow down to God only.
------------- Salam/Peace,
"We are people who do not eat until we are hungry and do not eat to our fill." (Prophet Muhammad PBUH)
"1/3 of your stomach for food, 1/3 for water, 1/3 for air"
Posted By: honeto
Date Posted: 29 May 2012 at 3:23pm
Hi and Salam, I welcome you to the forum and as a Muslim I am excited to tell you that bowing down (Sajdah) is the most beautiful and potent part of Salath (a Muslim's worship to his/her Maker. When I present myself in front of my maker at least 5 times a day, bowing down is the zenith of that presentation. While doing the Sajdah or prostration I exalt my maker by repeating the phrase several times: " Praise to God Most High". I feel closest to God during Sajdah and feel a great peace at heart. Since Muslims worship to God Only, the Creator of All, the Sajdah is done in front of none, but God. And since God is unseen, we are told to face toward the first house of worship the Kabba, to God wherever on earth we are. Hasan
------------- The friends of God will certainly have nothing to fear, nor will they be grieved. Al Quran 10:62
Posted By: Caringheart
Date Posted: 29 May 2012 at 3:39pm
honeto wrote:
Hi and Salam,we are told to face toward the first house of worship the Kabba, to God wherever on earth we are. Hasan |
Thank you for the welcome. If Muslims believe Allah and God are one and the same, the God of Abraham... then why do they claim the Kabba as the first house of worship to God? Jerusalem, and Solomon's temple, built according to God's own instructions came long before Kabba. Isn't the Kabba the place of the meteorite, the black stone, which the pagans worshipped before Muhammad came to enlighten them?
Posted By: seekshidayath
Date Posted: 30 May 2012 at 6:35am
Hello Caring heart,
Kabah was the first house of worship. We muslims believe so, as it is mentioned in Qur'an :
Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for Al-'Alamin (the mankind and jinns)"
Prophet Adam {AS} was first to construct holy Kabah. Scholars say that it was reconstructed 5 - 12 times. Prophet Ibrahim {Abraham} along with his son Ismaeel, also reconstructed Kabah { as mentioned in holy Qur'an
Now about the so called meteorite - the black stone. We muslims believe that, as a saying of Prophet Muhammad is the black stone came down from paradise.
Here's the holy saying
It was narrated that Ibn �Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: �When the Black Stone came down from Paradise, it was whiter than milk, but the sins of the sons of Adam made it black.�
Al-Muhibb al-Tabari said: The fact that it is black is a lesson for those who have insight. If sins can have this effect on an inanimate rock, then the effect they have on the heart is greater.
Kindly note that we don't worship the stone.
------------- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
Posted By: Caringheart
Date Posted: 30 May 2012 at 6:07pm
seekshidayath wrote:
Hello Caring heart,
Prophet Adam {AS} was first to construct holy Kabah. Scholars say that it was reconstructed 5 - 12 times. Prophet Ibrahim {Abraham} along with his son Ismaeel, also reconstructed Kabah { as mentioned in holy Qur'an
Here's the holy saying
It was narrated that Ibn �Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: �When the Black Stone came down from Paradise, it was whiter than milk, but the sins of the sons of Adam made it black.�
Al-Muhibb al-Tabari said: The fact that it is black is a lesson for those who have insight. If sins can have this effect on an inanimate rock, then the effect they have on the heart is greater.
Kindly note that we don't worship the stone.
Thank you, Seekshidavath, for your reply. So Muslims believe that Muhammad had information about Adam that was never given by God before, in all the thousands of years before Muhammad? And no mention ever, before Muhammad, in any source, of Abraham having been to Mecca? Doesn't this seem like something that would have been known of well before Muhammad came along?
and thank you for sharing the holy saying regarding the stone. I found that very interesting.
Posted By: Chrysalis
Date Posted: 31 May 2012 at 2:45am
Caringheart wrote:
seekshidayath wrote:
Thank you, Seekshidavath, for your reply. So Muslims believe that Muhammad had information about Adam that was never given by God before, in all the thousands of years before Muhammad? |
If I may interject...
There could be a number of possibilities:
1. The information was given, but was lost on the way due to textual corruption
2. The information was not given and was meant to be revealed over time. Just like Jesus (a.s) came after Abraham (a.s) and Moses (a.s) - and revealed some information that people did not know before, its possible that Muhammad (s.a.w) did the same.
We can't say for sure which information was known by previous Prophets and which was not. The Prophets would often be told by God of coming Messengers and Prophets and given prophecies. There is no way for us to know what they knew and what they didn't.
[Quote] And no mention ever, before Muhammad, in any source, of Abraham having been to Mecca? Doesn't this seem like something that would have been known of well before Muhammad came along? |
I came across an article that talks about how the desert of 'Paran'' in the bible is modern-day Meccah. The article talks about how Ishmael and Hagar were actually in modern-day Saudia Arabia and not Egypt - when Abraham (a.s) left them in the desert.
The article is pretty long, so I didn't copy-paste it. Let me know if you want it.
Anyway, you may find it interesting that the story of Ishmael and Hajar is also in the Qur�n :) (incase you didn't know).
Perhaps the first time I am pasting a Wiki link, but what the heck, its 3.00am and I'm sleepy... lol -
"The - Arabic form of Paran is Faran (also transliterated Pharan). This name is used by Eastern geographers to refer to three different locales: the wilderness and mountains where - Mecca is situated, mountains and a village in Eastern Egypt, and a province in - Samarkand . - [2] Arab and Islamic tradition holds that the wilderness of Paran is broadly speaking the - Hijaz , and that the site where Ishmael settled is that of Mecca. An 1851 - Arabic translation of the - Samaritan Pentateuch includes a footnote also equating Paran with the Hijaz. - [2] - Yaqut al-Hamawi , the 12th century Syrian geographer, writes that Faran is "an arabized Hebrew word. One of the names of Mecca mentioned in the Torah." - [3] There is a Tal Faran ("Hill of Faran") on the outskirts of Mecca. - [3] "'
------------- "O Lord, forgive me, my parents and Muslims in the Hereafter. O Lord, show mercy on them as they showed mercy to me when I was young."
Posted By: seekshidayath
Date Posted: 31 May 2012 at 10:42am
As Salamu Alaikum
You always beat me Chrysalis :) Am bit late, you did take up. JazakAllah khayr.
------------- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
Posted By: seekshidayath
Date Posted: 31 May 2012 at 10:46am
Caring heart, thanks for reading our posts and sharing your doubts and thoughts. You know there's a well of water very near to holy kabah called zam-zam. It;s story is very intresting. Would like to know that ?
------------- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."