"....since my boyfriend and I are together but not yet married which is haram?" You have exercised your own free choice. If the choice is made with correct intention and according to Quran and Sunnah, you will be rewarded, and if not Allah can forgive or punish transgressions. There is no avoiding responsibilities for our actions.
�And among mankind is he who
worships Allaah as it were upon the edge (i.e. in doubt): if good befalls him,
he is content therewith; but if a trial befalls him he turns back on his face
(i.e. reverts to disbelief after embracing Islam). He loses both this world and
the Hereafter�
[al-Hajj 22:11]
�Say: �All things are from Allaah��
[al-Nisa� 4:78], i.e., everything happens by the will and decree of Allaah,
which applies to the righteous and evildoer, to the believer and disbeliever,
alike. �Ali ibn Abi Talhah said, narrating from Ibn �Abbaas: �Say: �All things
are from Allaah� i.e., both good and bad. Al-Hasan al-Basri said something
Then Allaah said, addressing the
Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but the message is to
mankind, that the answer to this question is: �Whatever of good reaches you, is
from Allaah�, i.e., by the grace, bounty, kindness and mercy of Allaah.
�but whatever of evil befalls you,
is from yourself� i.e., from you, and because of your own actions, as Allaah
says elsewhere (interpretation of the meaning): �And whatever of misfortune
befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much�
[al-Shoora 42:30]. Al-Saddi, al-Hasan al-Basri, Ibn Jurayj and Ibn Zayd said:
�is from yourself� means, because of your sins.