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Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's Prayer is conditional.

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Category: Religion - Islam
Forum Name: Interfaith Dialogue
Forum Description: It is for Interfaith dialogue, where Muslims discuss with non-Muslims. We encourge that dialogue takes place in a cordial atmosphere on various topics including religious tolerance.
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Topic: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's Prayer is conditional.
Posted By: Friendship
Subject: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's Prayer is conditional.
Date Posted: 28 August 2012 at 11:28am
Assalamu alaikum.

 There are many such prayers by the Prophets sent to the cousins of Ishmael. However they were all conditioned by according to Deuteronomy 339: "Protecting Israel's agreement with the Lord was more important to you than the life of your father or mother., or brothers or sisters, or your own children.........and make you strong enough to crush your enemies."
Muhammad Rasulullah summarised the prayer of Moses and the rest of the prophets after him in the holy Qur'an 10:88, "Our Lord! You have indeed bestowed on Pharaoh and his chiefs splendor and wealth in the life of this world, our Lord! that they may lead men astray from Your Path. Our Lord! Destroy their wealth, and harden their hearts, so that they will not believe until they see the painful torment." Allah echoed that protection and said 10:89, "Verily, the invocation of you both is accepted. So you both keep to the Straight Way..."
The manner to defeat enemies is well explained and conditioned in the Torah.  The same was given to Muhammad Rasulullah The Levi clan in Medina were able to defeat their enemies under the flag and banner of Muhammad Rasulullah.   For more details visit website and read any the two books except the one on prayers.


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