"The Islamic and Quranic outlook on the individual and social rights of
men and women is the most reasonable, the most dignified and the most practical
"The great sin that western civilization has committed against women
cannot be wiped out or made up for any time soon, nor can it be easily put into
Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the role of women in western civilization is
to put themselves on display and prepare the ground for men to indulge in
pleasure. He said that the west refers to this as freedom and it refers to the
opposite behavior as restriction.
He stressed that such an outlook will result in the destruction of the
family, adding: "When the family is undermined and destroyed in a society,
corruption will be established in that society. The problems that exist in the
west today and the dim-witted and malevolent laws that they pass on sexual
issues will push them off the precipice. This fall is not preventable. They are
condemned to destruction. Whether it likes it or not, western civilization
cannot prevent this fall. "
His Eminence said that the fall of civilizations as well as their rise
happens gradually. He stated that western civilization is beginning to fall.
"Allah the Exalted makes no distinction between men and women in terms
of their spiritual, social and individual rights. Of course, in specific cases,
women have been given certain privileges and in a number of other cases, men
have been given certain privileges. This is based on the nature of men and
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to a number of exclusive privileges granted to
women such as housekeeping, giving birth, safeguarding the family environment,
preserving love in the family and raising children, further stressing:
"Housekeeping and giving birth to children are great feminine efforts
which are accompanied by patience, emotion and feelings. If these efforts
receive attention, the progress of a country will be guaranteed."
"It is necessary to behave towards women in a respectful, loving, noble
and moral way."
"Continuous jihad is what everybody needs. All the achievements and
developments in civilizations are because of continuous jihad. Continuous jihad
does not mean suffering. Jihad causes excitement. Jihad engenders happiness and
------------- i try to say only facts