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Category: Religion - Islam
Forum Name: Islam for non-Muslims
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Topic: Maryga
Posted By: rami
Subject: Maryga
Date Posted: 12 October 2005 at 10:54pm
Bi simillahir rahmanir raheem

Maryga consider this your first warning, if you have not read the forum guidlines that is something i can not force you to do.

Ignorance of them is not an excuse.

I deleeted your post becouse a forum bug prevented me from moderating it. What you said will not be tolerated this is an Islamic website and insulting the shafii madhhab an established an accpted madhhab wont stand. If you can not address the Issues do not post in this section this is Islam for non muslims not Quran and Sunnah discussion!

When a post is closed it means the discussion of the topic will no longer take place, if you think Insulting a scholar is something small that is your standards but by Islamic standards it is an enormity. If you dont think that isnt a good enough excuse for closing a post that has little relavence on the standard of this forum clearly stated in the guidlines.

If you think i closed it becouse of the discussion then you should go and check the womens section were this same topic was discussed beffore.

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: Maryga
Date Posted: 13 October 2005 at 5:28pm

O honourable, big and mighty Rami, why do you hide behind false pretences? Not one person agreed with what you had posted on the FGM thread. I worry about Islam being defiled by ignorant people like yourself and innocent and helpless females being harmed. 

There was nothing untoward in what I had posted and you should have allowed people to judge. You saId "I deleted your post becouse a forum bug prevented me from moderating it." 

I don't believe it. I have not insulted any madhab rather it is your understanding. Here is what I had posted earlier

 �The earlier thread was closed without a solid reason. The only reason I see is because the only person Mr Rami who supports this practise did not have the capacity to reason with the other Muslims and non-Muslims who oppose this practise and who know for sure that it is not an Islamic practise. He states that there was abuse of the scholars, I have read so many threads on this forum where non-Muslims abuse the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and yet the threads are allowed to continue. On the FGM thread the only abuse I saw was Qaradwi was called a quack by Begbie who had initiated that thread. I don't see why we can't take such little criticism. But in my opinion this is just a cover. The reason why that thread was closed is because the moderator Rami promotes this hideous practise be it FGC or FGM under the guise of the Shafi Madhab.  

I appeal to all the Muslims on this forum to openly condemn this practise which has never been sanctioned by Allah in the Quran, nor did the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) recommend this. This is totally wrong and the ignorant who practise this upon the innocent and helpless female children should be educated about the crime that they commit. Let us be open to the criticism about the �scholars� who call this �optional�, as clearly there is no justification whatsoever why this hideous practise should continue.

Allah has said in the Quran that I have made Islam easy for you to follow and why are we allowing these deviations by keeping silent? Allah has also said that He has created us in the most perfect moulds and who are we to be meddling with His creation? Let Mr Rami or anyone who practises or supports this practise explain what is good about this and why it should not be stopped. If it was practised in the past because now we don�t have �experts� in this disgusting practise, then let us be prepared to condemn it.�

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 14 October 2005 at 8:23pm

Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

O honourable, big and mighty Rami, why do you hide behind false pretences? Not one person agreed with what you had posted on the FGM thread. I worry about Islam being defiled by ignorant people like yourself and innocent and helpless females being harmed.

This isnt a way to behave in this month?

I dont need people to agree with me, i was quoting Islamic law of the Shafii madhhab they have the authority to state what is right and what is wrong for the people who follow the madhhab. this is by the consesus of all scholars of Islam not you or me, you have simply ignored what i said and restated your original position ignoring everything that is being said.

Do you know what a madhhab is and what role they play in Islamic law?

Your worry is baseless and unfounded you have not stated what is harmfull with female circumcision.

There was nothing untoward in what I had posted and you should have allowed people to judge. You saId "I deleted your post becouse a forum bug prevented me from moderating it." 

I don't believe it. I have not insulted any madhab rather it is your understanding. Here is what I had posted earlier

People are not responsible for moderating this forum, the topic was closed and therefore closed for discussion.

You dont believe me? why becouse the advantage of deleting your post over deleeting what you say and writing [moderator edited] is?

The following things were wrong with your post.

The earlier thread was closed without a solid reason

acusing a moderator of unethical behaviour while the forum guidlines clearly state that the mentioned behaviour will not be tolerated. read guidlines 1, 2, 3 and 10.

The only reason I see is because the only person Mr Rami who supports this practise did not have the capacity to reason with the other Muslims and non-Muslims who oppose this practise and who know for sure that it is not an Islamic practise.

Commenting on and insulting a moderator. Wrongfully claiming  something as being unislamic after clear evidence has been shown that a ruling does exist in Islam by major scholars on the matter and therfor misguiding muslims and non muslims in a section of the forum the sole purpose of which is to explain the islamic position to non muslims.

He states that there was abuse of the scholars, I have read so many threads on this forum where non-Muslims abuse the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and yet the threads are allowed to continue.

Acusing the moderators and the Administrators of the forum of intentionaly alowing insulting comments to our prophet to remain and therfore bringing there Islam and Iman into question. This is slander in the least. Many people make an effort to report these posts as the moderators can not posibly read everypost these people can inform you as to how such posts are dealt with after they have been brought to the atention of the moderators.

On the FGM thread the only abuse I saw was Qaradwi was called a quack by Begbie who had initiated that thread. I don't see why we can't take such little criticism. But in my opinion this is just a cover.

This was in violation of the guidlines stated above, Why havnt you read the forum guidlines beffore posting, abiding by them is your responsibility? Here you have also acused a moderator of deceptive behaviour again based on mere suspicion something haram in islam. Slandering a scholar and slander in general is an enormity in islam, this is the Islamic standard.

The reason why that thread was closed is because the moderator Rami promotes this hideous practise be it FGC or FGM under the guise of the Shafi Madhab. 

Insulting the shafii madhhab. Where bigbie insulted one scholar you have managed to sideline and render the shafii madhhab irelavent a guise and an excuse. All this after i clearly stated that Imam Shafii the scholar after whom the school of thought is named held the legal opinion that the evidence for male circumsision  also aplied to females. I also gave you a link to an islamic legal site giving opinions in the shafii as well as the Hanafi madhhabs clearly showing that this was a valid opnion of the shafii madhhab as well as stating that
This is what the Hanafis considered an 'token' for the husband. So now you have two legal schools of thought stating the practice is not haram and accptable to practice in Islam.

Reliance of the traveler an islamic manual which summerises the legal rulings of Imam Nawawi one of the major mujtahid scholars in Islam and the shafii madhhab states,

e4.3 Circumcision is obligatory (O: for both men and women. For men it consists of removing the prepuce from the penis, and for women removing the prepuce (Arabic, bazr) of the clitoris(n:not the clitoris itself, as some mistakenly assert).(A:Hanbalis hold that circumsision of women is not obligatory but sunna, while Hanfis consider it a mere courtesy to the husband.)

A. is the comentry on this law by Sheikh Abd al Wakil Durubi
O. is an excerpt from the commentary of Sheikh Umar Barakat.

n. are comments by the author.

I am Hanafi, but i am not ashamed to state what is clearly a acceptable practice by Islamic standards, simply becouse some westerners have made some trumped up charges which are clearly ignorant of basic facts we should not be ashamed or embaressed to state what has been an islamic practice from the time of the prophet!

I also mentioned some legal principles/maxims which applied to this issue but i wont go into them.

I appeal to all the Muslims on this forum to openly condemn this practise which has never been sanctioned by Allah in the Quran, nor did the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) recommend clearly there is no justification whatsoever why this hideous practise should continue.

This is completely inaccurate, female
circumcision like male circumcision predates islam and christianity, which means that it was practiced in the time of the prophet and something that is sunnah as there is nothing in the Quran and sunnah prohibiting it. Unless a clear prohibition exists in islam against this you can not even state it is haram that is for Allah alone.

another legal maxim states �The norm in regard to things
is that of permissibility� (Al-aslu fil-ashyaa� al-Ibahah). Permissibility in other words is the natural state and will therefore prevail until there is evidence to warrant a departure from that position. This maxim is based on a general reading of the relevant evidence in the Qur�an and Sunnah. Thus when we read in the Qur�an that God �has created all that is in the earth for your benefit� (2:29), and also the hadith that states: �whatever God has made halal is halal and whatever He has rendered as haram is haram, and all that over which He has remained silent is
forgiven�, the conclusion is drawn that we are allowed to utilise the resources of the earth for our benefit, and that unless something is specifically declared forbidden, it is presumed to be permissible.

You can find an explanation of what a legal Maxim is - here and what they mean in islamic law.

When something is harmfull in islam it becomes haram for us, no one can even state what is harmfull with female circumcision, our scholars would not allow a practice to continue for 1400 years while it is harmfull  simply to uphold mere custom
this is against islamic law.

Allah has also said that He has created us in the most perfect moulds and who are we to be meddling with His creation? Let Mr Rami or anyone who practises or supports this practise explain what is good about this and why it should not be stopped.

I have already proven your asertions to be incorect. There is no need to go into benefits as the discussion on female circumcision has been closed and any further comments in the near future will result in the person being banned.

This is your second warning mary, the next time you will be banned. I sugest you tone down your comments dont make them personnel.

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 14 October 2005 at 8:33pm
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

here are some article about Islams four schools of thought. - Understanding the Four Madhhabs , talks about history and development." target="mainFrame - What is a Madhhab?" target="mainFrame - Why Muslims Follow Madhhabs" target="mainFrame - Would you advise individuals to study hadith from al-Bukhari and Muslim on their own?" target="mainFrame -

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: Begbie
Date Posted: 15 October 2005 at 8:32am
It is interesting that Rami closes a thread on a topic started by another member (and denying them the chance to post material) and goes on to discuss the same topic started by..Rami who goes on to present Rami's side of the argument!! In addition, Rami warns me that if a topic is closed, then that is the end of the matter and yet, breaks their own rules by discussing the same topic !!!

What kind of a forum are you running here ?

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 15 October 2005 at 3:05pm
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

My reply is a responce to serious acusations made against me, i adressed each point raised. The accusation were relating to female circumcision how on earth can you not mention it when you are accused of something becouse of it.

If i recal i deleeted the original post rather than reply to it and even if half of what you assume is true you would have been banned by now.

This is an islamic forum this behaviour you are displaying above is not welcome here if you have concerns state them in a civil manner.

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: Begbie
Date Posted: 15 October 2005 at 5:08pm
In my opinion, it you were willing to discuss the issues raised, you would have been better to have opened the thread again. Either the topic is closed for everybody or it isn't closed at all. Which is it ?

And why the antagonism ?

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 15 October 2005 at 11:18pm
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

Accusing someone of something in Islam is a serious thing, in the west it is taken with a grain of salt most of the time ie having no consaquence but in islam it is a sin if you are wrong. You should understand this if you want to understand why each point had to be dealt with, it was a very serious matter.

Your sarcasm came across as being antagonistic in the context of this post, i didnt think viewing them as light hearted was correct.

The topic is closed if you need a big sign indicating which it is, this matter does not concern you or is relating to you in any way so dont assume opening another post part tres will be allowed.

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: Maryga
Date Posted: 17 October 2005 at 12:13am

The question on FGM/FGC was posed by Begbie on the �Islam for non-Muslims� forum so I suppose that Begbie is a non-Muslim (please forgive me if I am wrong). For the sake of Begbie and any others I wish to give my perspective on this issue and explain why I believe this practice is unIslamic and wrong.


1. First of all, a Muslim should believe in the Quran in its entirety and should obey the Apostle of God � Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) � who was sent us a mercy to mankind. Regarding the Quran Allah has said that:


003.007 �He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.�.

From the above it is clear that we are not to look for the meaning of the words that are allegorical and whose meaning is hidden and to follow what has been made plain to us.


YUSUFALI: A. L. R. These are the Ayats of Revelation, of a Qur'an that makes things clear.

018.001: Praise be to Allah, Who hath sent to His Servant the Book, and hath allowed therein no Crookedness:

018.002 (He hath made it) Straight (and Clear) in order that He may warn (the godless) of a terrible Punishment from Him, and that He may give Glad Tidings to the Believers who work righteous deeds, that they shall have a goodly Reward,

Everything that a Muslim needs to know in order to lead a life of righteousness has been made plain to him in the Quran and there is no crookedness therefore we need not go searching for something hidden as all that we need to know has been made clear.


019.097: So have We made the (Qur'an) easy in thine own tongue, that with it thou mayest give Glad Tidings to the righteous, and warnings to people given to contention.

054.017: And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?

047.024: Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur'an, or are their hearts locked up by them?

From the above it is clear that Allah has made the Quran easy to understand and those who earnestly seek to understand it will find guidance in it.


YUSUFALI: And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity, and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector - the Best to protect and the Best to help!


YUSUFALI: When they do aught that is shameful, they say: "We found our fathers doing so"; and "Allah commanded us thus": Say: "Nay, Allah never commands what is shameful: do ye say of Allah what ye know not?"

Note the above two verses carefully. Not only has Allah made it easy for us to follow our religion but has also commanded us not to follow what is shameful and those acts that were done in the days of ignorance prior to Islam.


In addition to the above Allah has also commanded the Muslims to obey the Apostle. All that Allah has commanded in the Quran has been put into practise by the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and this has been recorded through narrations of those who were closest to him. These records are known as the �Hadith� and of these we Muslims go mainly for the most authentic that have been recorded by Muslim & Bukhari and the 40 authentic hadith known as Qudsi.


2. Even after repeatedly reading the Quran many times and having read many of the authentic hadith I have nowhere come across the command to perform female circumcision.

Everything that Allah has permitted us and forbidden us from in the Quran is for our benefit. For example with regards to intoxicating drinks we have been told that there is more harm in it than good. Clearly from most of the posts on the FGM thread the performing of this hideous act can cause mutilation, infections and God knows whatelse. I do not know what advantage there is to it but clearly there is more harm. So I cannot understand why anyone would even say that it is �optional�. On the other hand there is clear evidence even from the medical point of view that the male practise is done for the sake of personal hygiene and to prevent disease. It is just as removing unwanted hair from the body for the sake of hygiene and there is no harm from it. When a person argues as has been the case that if it is done on the male why not on the female, my question is the female gives birth, do you also give birth? No the two are not the same!


My �madhab� is mainstream Islam and I do not divide and attach myself to any sect giving it special recognition. As Muslims we are commanded to accept only the Quran without questioning and everything else is open to question, enquiry and criticism. Even the great caliph Umar (RA) openly accepted criticism and said that those who criticised him were his friends as they saved him from the hell fire by allowing him to correct himself.


3. Elsewhere on the forum you have asked why Muslims flock to the so called scholars?


This is because some people like to take the shortcut. Instead of reading and understanding the Quran, they flock to scholars and in some cases it is impossible to reason with them. The value they place on the words of the scholars is unfortunately extremely high and because they do not seek to understand the meaning of the Quran there is a lot of ignorance. It is the same as in Christianity. Some churches have accepted homosexuality and some have gone to the extent of the ordinations of gay priests. But the Christians who have read the Bible and know that God forbids these acts have simply moved away from that Church, whilst others believe whatever the priests say.


4. On another thread someone has asked why many non-Muslims think all Muslims are terrorists?


Sometime  back I too would have defended myself when anything negative is told about Muslims. Allah has told us in the Quran to ponder upon His signs. Whilst many Muslims have died since S11 because of the attacks of the coalition in Iraq, Afghanistan etc, many many more have also died in the Tsunami, the floods and the earthquakes. The number of people killed in Turkey, Iran, Aceh, Pakistan etc, make me reflect. Allah has said in the Quran that whatever wrath befalls us we bring it upon ourselves.


Islam and Muslims are two different issues. While Islam is beautiful and perfect unfortunately many of those who are born into it take it for granted and believe they are the chosen people. They live in the west yet are very quick at hurling criticism at western practises. In fact the laws of the western nations are more in line with Islam than many so called Islamic countries. The leaders of many of these nations are more humble than Muslim leaders. We have too many Saddams. Give a person some authority and he behaves like a dictator. Muslim countries abound in corruption and arrogance and suppression is common. Iniquity is common. Though we have received the Book, we do not follow it as it should be followed. Allah has promised that if we did not He would replace us by a people who would follow. And that is exactly what is happening today. Many non-Muslims are becoming Muslims after reading and fully understanding Islam. Many are even taking the steps of spreading the truth to other Muslims by teaching them the difference between right and wrong. Yes, I am one of those dejected by the natural disasters that Muslims have brought upon themselves today and pray that they seek His guidance which is the Only Guidance.


Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 17 October 2005 at 1:00am
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

regarding female circumcision, i will leave the issue and not respond to it as i expect others to do so. I will state though you have made a number of inccorect asumptions regarding benefit and harm and have not understood why it is wajib in the shafii madhhab or what the role of legal principles/maxims is, something that is the cornerstone of most islamic law. Have you seen why circumcision for men is wajibwhile reading the Quran and Sunnah? if yes you have also seen why it is wajib for women according to the shafii madhhab, a courtesy in the hanafi madhhab and a sunnah in the hanbali madhhab which ibn taymiyah was.

My �madhab� is mainstream Islam and I do not divide and attach myself to any sect giving it special recognition. As Muslims we are commanded to accept only the Quran without questioning and everything else is open to question, enquiry and criticism.

Traditional Islam has been and will always be with the the Sunni Madhhabs, most islamic khalifats and rullers followed them. The last Khalifah on earth was that of the ottoman empire they followed the hanafi madhhab. You need to study islamic history to get a clear picture of what traditional islam is, today you are not taught it anywhere so i cant expect you to know it. I advise you to please read the first article i gave a link to this talks about the history of the madhhabs and what they are.

This is because some people like to take the shortcut. Instead of reading and understanding the Quran, they flock to scholars and in some cases it is impossible to reason with them. The value they place on the words of the scholars is unfortunately extremely high and because they do not seek to understand the meaning of the Quran there is a lot of ignorance.

no sister this is not correct, although living in australia i can see how you can have this view. Most Scholars here are not highly qualified indaviduals and would barely rate a mention when compared to a real scholar. the law i am quoting to you has been codified and with out change so it is a traditional law not something new and not something from ignorant people. People who do not follow a madhhab are taking a shortcut as you put it since you can not expect every person to have the same depth of knowledge as a scholar or take into considiration the same things as scholars do when making a rulling. would you say you have gained the same amount of knowledge by reading the Quran your self as say when you sit with a scholar to explain it to you.

It is the same as in Christianity. Some churches have accepted homosexuality and some have gone to the extent of the ordinations of gay priests. But the Christians who have read the Bible and know that God forbids these acts have simply moved away from that Church, whilst others believe whatever the priests say.

We are not talking about changing the law of Allah, this is not corect to even think of a true scholar. The great scholars of Islam combined knowldge with piety and humbelness many of whom were awliayh (saints) of allah, Imam Nawawi was one such indavidual. these were key figures in islam not your local neighbourhood shaykh.

assalamu alaikum

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

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