my muslim wife drinks alkohol
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Topic: my muslim wife drinks alkohol
Posted By: artorhysa
Subject: my muslim wife drinks alkohol
Date Posted: 13 December 2013 at 1:01pm
Es selam alejkum, I'm Albanian muslim, living in Kosovo (Southeast Europe). I married with my wife before 10 years. We are parents of two children and we have very nice life - elhamdulilah. In my country majority of population are muslim, but very " liberal" - people drink alkohol, couples get together before getting married, etc.
Before 5 years or so I started practising Islam, and this year I did Hajj. My 'only' problem ist that my wife, although muslim and prays before slepping the shahadet, she is not quite sharing same enlightment and momentum. She works as professor, have her salary and she drinks wine at home. one night, before 10 days, she worked till late in the kitchen ans as she came to sleep, her alcohol smell disturbed me so much, that I sad her and went to the guest room. since that night we slept in different rooms. Yesterday night, as we prepared something in house, i heard again her alcohol small and I sad to my wife wife that she stinks - a intensive discussion sparkled:
her complaining that I was drinking as well before few years and me complaining that drinking alcohol is bad for her and prohibited by Allah. lSt thing I sad to her was: dont push me to give you an ultimtum. I also sad to my wife that if she pushes me to choose between Allah and her I will choose to please Allah - meaning probably divorcing her
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In all other matters my wife is Ok, good mother to our kids, great houswife and very committed in her profession.
When I think of divorcing her, my only problem i that our children 6 and 9 could suffer and eventually such an action could also push my wife away from religion. please advise.
thank you.
Posted By: abuayisha
Date Posted: 14 December 2013 at 6:58am
We ask Allah, Most High, to bless you to continue your good momentum and keep you away from alcohol. May He also give you patience with your wife's drinking, and perhaps in the coming years you will take her to hajj as well, and she will share the same enlightenment you have achieved. Be kind to her and a good example, and allow her to overcome this sin and cultural practice with your help and assistance.
Posted By: NABA
Date Posted: 15 December 2013 at 1:20am
Through Quran try to bring out fear of Allah in her the verse ch 5 v 90 to her in which Allah forbids alcohol.Allah says in ch 8 v 29 that fear of Allah enables an individual to distinguish between good and bad.
Posted By: honeto
Date Posted: 16 December 2013 at 12:53pm
Salam brother,
you are right, some times it is better to go slow, but be firm. First, get yourself in a strong position about this issue seeking help and strength from Allah before taking any steps.
Being a professor, she might like you talk and reason with her. But be patient as you mentioned the issue of kids is a greater one and some times it can be a matter of choice, one problem or two?
Be good to her, and when you pray do dua and ask Allah to help you and help her.
Also you have a bigger responsibility on you to educate your children about Islam, making sure that they get to understand Islam, and what is haram and what is halal. Living an example can help them copy you and what you do. As always, your job is to convey the message, it is up to the other person to take it or leave it. But for children until they are adult, you are responsible what they do, so pay attention to their up bringing and what they do. You will only be judged for your part, so do your part well and do dua to Allah for your and your family's success.
May Allah help us all.
------------- The friends of God will certainly have nothing to fear, nor will they be grieved. Al Quran 10:62
Posted By: artorhysa
Date Posted: 24 December 2013 at 2:34am
Salam and thanks to all of you for your advice's.
Posted By: Dikt8r
Date Posted: 05 October 2019 at 4:02pm
Are you still married? What happened to your eife’s drinking issue? If solved - how did u?