When Innocent Dies
All praise belongs to Allah Who enjoined Islamic Ummah to carry out
jihaad, and peace and blessings be to our beloved Messenger Muhammad
s.a.w. who fought and destroyed the disbelievers.
كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْقِتَالُ وَ هُوَ كُرْهٌ لَكُمْ وَ عَسَى أَنْ
تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَ هُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ وَ عَسَى أَنْ تُحِبُّوا شَىْئًا
وَ هُوَ شَرٌّ لَكُمْ وَ اللهُ يَعْلَمُ وَ أَنْتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ
Fighting is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it
may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a
thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.
�Baqara�, surah #216.
Today is 21st robiul awwal, 1435 which is 22nd of January, 2014
according to Christian Era. The winter has arrived to Mirali town of
North Waziristan, Pakistan. The weather differs from that of in Central
Asia significantly � nights are slightly chilly and days are its
opposite. If you wear the clothing you were wearing during the night you
may start to sweat. In addition, the ammunition bags full of bullets
and hand grenades which suits well on every mujaheed makes one almost
evaporate. The leaves have fallen from the trees, but the fields of
grain substitute them in greenness.
The mujaheeds are seen on motorcycles and cars hurrying from one defense
point to another to carry out the orders, while local people are also
engaged in their personal problems� Some of them are rushing to leave
the area with their families, and some of them are busy with gathering
and evacuating their merchandise from the bazaar area. In short,
everybody is busy.
Asr prayer time has arrived and the call of adhan is heard. Deputy ameer
entered the place of mujaheeds where I am working. Once he greeted
everybody with Islamic greeting, he approached me and emphasized the
importance of reporting what had happened in Mirali with truth to the
Islamic Ummah. Verily, he said the right thing. If the mujaheeds don�t
take the pen themselves and inform the truth, the kuffar and murtads
(disbelievers and apostates) will say whatever nonsense they have and
spread the falsehood. As one of the uzbek poets say:
Tarixni yoz qalamim siyoh bilan, qon bilan.
Sen yozmasang yozarlar seni qora nom bilan.
(Inform history, my pen, write!
Use the ink, with blood you cite.
Unless you write they inscribe, With evil name they describe!)
Thus, I took my computer which was neglected for some time in the corner
together with the weapons and ammunition bag and went to another place
where I could connect to the internet. I walked through fields for some
time. The sun was almost touching the horizon and the night was
gradually embracing the sky. While I was doing my daily evening azkar
(evening remembrance of Allah) within myself, I looked around and
watched the surrounding area.
Mirali has dramatically changed in very short period of time. Before, we
could hear the sounds of children playing around, some of them send up
kites while others play cricket. Now, only memories of ten-year-old boy
whose lifeless body with one hand missing was lying on the ground come
to my mind�
Local people have emigrated from many places of the area and it was
tranquil all around. The interesting thing was that it was this
tranquility which was making me worry. Of course, the noise coming from
pilotless drone was the exception. I intentionally chose the route
further from my house. My family together with other families in the
risky areas was evacuated.
18th robiul awwal, 1435 (19.01.2014 CE). Not long after we performed
noon prayer, two fighter helicopters of Pakistan apostate army which
were responsible for the security of the curfew suddenly came down and
started to shoot the homes of peaceful local Muslims and muhajirs with
machine gun and rockets.
First target of these apostates were the houses of muhajirs where
several women and children under age of seven live. The rocket launched
from one of the helicopters destroyed the entrance of the house. Being
unsatisfied with this, the helicopter turned again to the house and
started shooting the frightened women and children with high caliber
machine gun. As a result nine or ten-year-old child belonging to Dawr
tribe of Wazirs became shahid because of the debris of the rocket. He
was coming from bazaar and bring some food stuffs for his family. The
debris hit him from his chest and one of his hands was missing. As I was
watching this dreadful situation, I thought about his worried mother
who sent him to the market to bring some food stuff. Meanwhile, one of
our mujahid brothers came from half-fallen house with two infants,
five-year-old child and his wife.
We immediately started to evacuate women and children from the market
area. At that moment, these pakistani dogs came again and shot the
houses of local people with machine gun. As a result, one of Pashto
woman was killed with her child. There was a panic among the local
muslims who were trading in the market and were running because of
fright. Some of them drove their cars carelessly, and hit some of the
Pakistan apostate army which was hit by Allah and His soldiers some
weeks ago started to move again, so mujahids consisting of muhajirs and
ansars began establish themselves in the frontal lines. Three
helicopters of apostates came again during the asr time and bombarded
the market area with rockets and machine guns. Alhamdulillah, Allah swt
protected the mujahids and there wasn�t any casualty. Even some mujahids
prayed asr in the corners while the helicopters were just above their
heads. Meanwhile, the mujahids were ready to repel the attack and
waiting for the murtad soldiers who were hiding in their military camps.
They probably became aware of this, so none of them came out from the
In Maghrib prayer time, the helicopters came again and shoot two or
three shops with rockets and returned to their base. You may shoot for
now, and inshaAllah we will get you along with your atomic bombs as the
war booty!
In the evening the murtads reported from radio that �Significant number
of terrorists, mostly from uzbeks, were killed and this is as a revenge
for the suicide bombing in Bannu� (at that time, casualties were only
from local muslims). The interesting thing is that one group carries
out the operation, and these �revenger�s takes the revenge from another.
No! Tahrik Taliban Pakistan carried out this operation as the revenge
for your killing the women and children, your ruling by British laws and
many betrayals and mischiefs. And today�s trespassing was just the
continuation of your crimes!
In short, mujahids took control of each roads coming from the camp.
Being frightened to come out, these pakistani murtad soldiers bombed
several houses with fighter jets at night (19th of robiul awwal). As a
result, five mujahids of Afghan origin become martyred from our side.
Plus, the house of one of our mujahids was leveled and his wife and
two-year-old daughter became shahid. But, he was saved by the mujahids
who immediately came for help. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi roji�un.
This kind of war tactics of Pakistani dogs reminds us the jews of
Palestine who destroy the houses of mujahids killing their wives and
children. This apostates punished the innocents of Mirali because of the
martyrdom operation in Bannu which is 30 kilometers away. This is
inshaAllah last operation of Pakistan Army, and this murtad government
will we thrown to the dustbin of the history. Muslims started to realize
that apostate governments are more dangerous than America. These
casualties of women and children will not affect and discourage the
believers who sternly believe in Allah and the Last Day and hope for the
Jannah and the Pleasure of Allah.
Alhamdulillah, after this unhappiness Allah swt bestowed his Mercy upon
Muslims and now some jamaahs of ansars and muhajirs started to cooperate
and control the movement of the enemy. Mujahids from other regions of
Pakistan took revenge for the loss of their brothers and carried out
several martyrdom operation in Baluchistan, Peshawar, Rawalpindi and
Islamabad. As a result hundreds of military were annihilated and many
more were injured. Allahu Akbar!
وَ لَوْ يَشَاءُ اللهُ لَانْتَصَرَ مِنْهُمْ وَ لَكِنْ لِيَبْلُوَ
بَعْضَكُمْ بِبَعْضٍ وَ الَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ فَلَنْ
يَضِلَّ أَعْمَالَهُمْ
Thus, and had Allah so willed, He could have taken vengeance against
them;--but (He lets you struggle) so as to test with one another. But
those who are killed in the way of Allah, He will never let their deeds
be lost.
�Muhammad�, from ayah #4.
Abu Ibraheem
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