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Sighting Possibilities for Shawwal 1426

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Topic: Sighting Possibilities for Shawwal 1426
Posted By: rami
Subject: Sighting Possibilities for Shawwal 1426
Date Posted: 01 November 2005 at 10:15pm
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

assalamu alaikum

The following is used to indicate where in the world the moon can be seen from, it must still be seen by human eye as shariah law states.

Sighting Possibilities for Shawwal 1426

Eid-al-Fitr: The Astronomical New Moon is on Wednesday, November 2, 2005, at 1:25 Universal Time, i.e. November 1, 8:25pm Eastern Standard Time - or 5:25pm Pacific Standard Time. On November 2, the moon would be about 24 hours old on West Coast of USA and still not visible even by telescopes, because the moon will be in Southern Hemisphere. It could be seen in South America and possibly with aided eye (Binocular/telescope) in South Africa. Although it may be possible to see a moon in perfect conditions in some South American countries like Chile, it is highly unlikely, because the moon is setting in less than 25 minutes after the sunset (in Santiago, Chile), and the sky is too bright with the glare of the sun even after 25 minutes. "ISNA accepts sighting within 48 contiguous states of USA and the whole North America is outside all possible visibility curves. So, Eid in North America Eid is expected to be on Friday, November 4, 2005. Similarly, in Europe, Asia, Middle East and Australia, Eid is expected to be on Friday, November 4, 2005, if sighting is the criterion. Visibility curve for November 3 is also given below:

November 2, 2005
LocationMoonset-SunsetAge (Hrs)Angle from SunAltitudeRemarks
Sidney, Australia17 minutes7.04.4�2.4�Impossible even by telescope
New Delhi, India 3 minutes10.76.1�0.0�Impossible even by telescope
Karachi, Pakistan6 minutes11.46.4�0.6�Impossible even by telescope
Makkah,Saudi Arab11 minutes13.37.4�1.5�Impossible even by telescope
London England UK-11 minutes15.18.2�-ve�Impossible even by telescope
Miami Florida USA22 minutes21.211.3�3.6�Impossible even by telescope
San Diego CA, USA21 minutes23.512.4�2.9�Impossible even by telescope
Visibility Curve on November 2, 2005

Visibility Curve on November 3, 2005

Click to find out "" target=" - How to Read the Visibility Map "

Remember: If some one claimed sighting at a location and people west of that location (within the visibility parabola) did not see the moon on the same date then that claim is invalid. We have enough scientific knowledge to screen out wrong claims. If we accept any claims from anywhere when people see something and think that it was moon, then I must say that we will be disobaying Allah (SWT) against Surah 2, Ayah 189, "Yas-aloonaka 'anil-Ahillah, qul hiya mawaqeetu linnas-e wal-Hajj," because "Asshamsu wal-qamaru Bi-husbaan" and Ahillah (Crescents) follow that Hiassab. According to Hanifi Fiqh, to establish authenticity of a sighting claim, one man's witness or small number of individuals' claim is not sufficient in clear skies; a large number of witnesses is needed. -

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 01 November 2005 at 10:30pm
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

to give you an idea of how widespread the confusion is over following calenders or moonsighting,

Sydney Eid Dates 1426 - Mosque by Mosque Guide
Mosque or OrganisationEid DateMethodEid Prayer Time
Al Azhar Mosque

Al-Ghazzali CentreThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon SightingN/A
Auburn Gallipoli MosqueThu 3rdPre Determined7:00 am
Auburn Omar Mosque

Green Valley MosqueThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting
GIYC LiverpoolThu 3rdPre Determined8:00 am
Haldon St MusallahThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting
Masjid Fatima Al ZahrahThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting
Blacktown MosqueThu 3rdPre Determined7:00 am
Bonnyrigg MosqueThu 3rdPre Determined6:45 am
Dee Why MosqueThu 3rdPre Determined7:30 am
Nabi Ikram GranvilleThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting
Narwee MusallahThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting
Illawarra MosqueThu 3rdPre Determined7:00 am
Imam Hussain CentreFri 4thVisibility Prediction7:00 am
Lakemba MosqueThu 3rdPre Determined7:00 am
Masjid Daarul ImaanThu 3rdPre Determined8:00am
Minto Mosque

Nepean Mosque

Newcastle MosqueThu 3rdPre Determined8:00 am
Penshurst Mosque

Redfern Mosque

Punchbowl MusallahThu 3rdPre Determined8:00 am
Quakers Hill MusallahThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting9:30 am
Rooty Hill MosqueThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting8:00 am
Rydlemere MosqueThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting
Sefton MosqueThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting8:00 am
Smithfield MosqueThu 3rdPre Determined7:00 am
Surry Hills MosqueThu 3rd or Fri 4thMoon Sighting
Tempe Mosque

Zetland MosqueThu 3rdPre Determined8:00 am
Woodward Park LiverpoolThu 3rdPre Determined7:30 am

the blank spaces are unknown as yet.

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: AhmadJoyia
Date Posted: 02 November 2005 at 10:59am
Nice piece of info at the right time. I appreciate it. May Allah bless you.

Posted By: ak_m_f
Date Posted: 02 November 2005 at 12:51pm


Posted By: AhmadJoyia
Date Posted: 02 November 2005 at 8:14pm
I am highly disappointed to say that the website - has contradicted itself by declaring Eid on Thrusday for North America on one side and making it "impossible" on the other side both on the same webpage. This is totally beyond comprehension. Is there anyone who can clarify this to me?

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 03 November 2005 at 6:00am
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

assalamu alaikum

Torronto is in canada, the above is for sydney mosques only.

br Ahmad can you please quote the information i can not find it on the site. If you are refering to the opening paragraph it is quoting the oposing groups in the USA and not declaring anything at this stage.

remember we are not looking for the new moon but the hilal (very fine cresent) which is seen 1 day after the new moon as the new moon is imposible to see at any time ever.

New Moon

Waxing Crescent

First Quarter

Waxing Gibbous

Full Moon

Waning Gibbous

Last Quarter

Waning Crescent

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: AhmadJoyia
Date Posted: 03 November 2005 at 8:28am

Eid Mubarik! everyone.

Bro Rami, here are the contents of the website

Quote Eid-al-Fitr: The Astronomical New Moon is on Wednesday, November 2, 2005, at 1:25 Universal Time, i.e. November 1, 8:25pm Eastern Standard Time - or 5:25pm Pacific Standard Time. On November 2, the moon would be about 24 hours old on West Coast of USA and still not visible even by telescopes, because the moon will be in Southern Hemisphere. It could be seen in South America (with difficulty by naked eye) and possibly in South Africa (with aided eye - Binocular/telescope). Although it may be possible to see a moon in perfect conditions in some South American countries like Chile, it is highly unlikely, because the moon is setting in less than 25 minutes after the sunset (in Santiago, Chile), and the sky is too bright with the glare of the sun even after 25 minutes. "ISNA accepts sighting within 48 contiguous states of USA and the whole North America is outside all possible visibility curves. So, Eid in North America Eid is expected to be on Friday, November 4, 2005.

Though, I could have been wrong of understanding b/w new moon and the halal, as what you have indicated, had this categorcial prediction of having Eid on Friday, Nov 4, 2005 had not been mentioned. It is this statement (highlighted and bold) that contradicts their declaration of Eid on Thrusday. Isn't it?

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 03 November 2005 at 6:48pm
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

Where have they stated that Eid is on thursday?

it is a confucing statment as they are not clear on terms.

the following is from - U.S. Naval Observatory they have said the new moon will be on Nov 2 ie the Wed making the hilal (fine cresent) on thursday and Eid on Friday. - - 

2005 Phases of the Moon

Universal Time


d h m d h m d h m d h m

JAN. 3 17 46
JAN. 10 12 03 JAN. 17 6 57 JAN. 25 10 32 FEB. 2 7 27
FEB. 8 22 28 FEB. 16 0 16 FEB. 24 4 54 MAR. 3 17 36
MAR. 10 9 10 MAR. 17 19 19 MAR. 25 20 58 APR. 2 0 50
APR. 8 20 32 APR. 16 14 37 APR. 24 10 06 MAY 1 6 24
MAY 8 8 45 MAY 16 8 56 MAY 23 20 18 MAY 30 11 47
JUNE 6 21 55 JUNE 15 1 22 JUNE 22 4 14 JUNE 28 18 23
JULY 6 12 02 JULY 14 15 20 JULY 21 11 00 JULY 28 3 19
AUG. 5 3 05 AUG. 13 2 38 AUG. 19 17 53 AUG. 26 15 18
SEPT. 3 18 45 SEPT. 11 11 37 SEPT. 18 2 01 SEPT. 25 6 41
OCT. 3 10 28 OCT. 10 19 01 OCT. 17 12 14 OCT. 25 1 17
NOV. 2 1 24 NOV. 9 1 57 NOV. 16 0 57 NOV. 23 22 11
DEC. 1 15 01 DEC. 8 9 36 DEC. 15 16 15 DEC. 23 19 36
DEC. 31 3 12

you may also like to see here on there site. - - New Moon - The Moon's unilluminated side is facing the Earth. The Moon is not visible (except during a solar eclipse).

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 03 November 2005 at 7:22pm
U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications Department" target="_top">AA Home

Crescent Moon Visibility
and the Islamic Calendar


The Islamic calendar is based on lunar months, which begin when the thin crescent Moon is actually sighted in the western sky after sunset within a day or so after New Moon. The ancient Hebrew calendar was also based on actual lunar crescent sightings, although the modern Hebrew calendar is calculated.

The 12 months of the Islamic calendar are: Muharram, Safar, Rabi'a I, Rabi'a II, Jumada I, Jumada II, Rajab, Sha'ban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhu al-Q'adah, Dhu al-Hijjah. Since 12 lunar months are, on average, 11 days shorter than the (Gregorian) civil year, the Islamic year shifts earlier in each civil year by about this amount. The count of years for the Islamic calendar begins in 622 CE; specificaly, 1 Muharram 1 AH corresponds to 16 July 622 CE (Julian calendar).

A tabular Islamic calendar has been established for some non-religious purposes in which the lengths of the months alternate between 29 and 30 days; in leap years an extra day is added to the last month, Dhu al-Hijjah. This calendar consists of a 30-year cycle in which 11 of the 30 years are leap years. Civil dates corresponding to important Islamic dates in this tabular calendar are:

Islamic New Year 1425 - 2004 February 22
First day of Ramadan - 2004 October 15
Islamic New Year 1426 - 2005 February 10
First day of Ramadan - 2005 October 4
Islamic New Year 1427 - 2006 January 31
First day of Ramadan - 2006 September 24
Islamic New Year 1428 - 2007 January 20
First day of Ramadan - 2007 September 13
The Islamic dates begin at sunset on the previous evening and end at sunset on the date listed above. These dates may or may not correspond to the evenings on which the crescent Moon is first visible, and it is the visibility of the crescent Moon that determines when the religious observance begins. The Moon's visibility at these times varies with location; generally, the visibility increases to the west, and locations in the tropics are favored over those in middle or high latitudes.

The visibility of the lunar crescent as a function of the Moon's "age" - the time counted from New Moon - is obviously of great importance to Muslims. The date and time of each New Moon can be computed exactly (see, for example, - Phases of the Moon in Data Services) but the time that the Moon first becomes visible after the New Moon depends on many factors and cannot be predicted with certainty. In the first two days after New Moon, the young crescent Moon appears very low in the western sky after sunset, and must be viewed through bright twilight. It sets shortly after sunset. The sighting of the lunar crescent within one day of New Moon is usually difficult. The crescent at this time is quite thin, has a low surface brightness, and can easily be lost in the twilight. Generally, the lunar crescent will become visible to suitably-located, experienced observers with good sky conditions about one day after New Moon. However, the time that the crescent actually becomes visible varies quite a bit from one month to another. The record for an early sighting of a lunar crescent, with a telescope, is 12.1 hours after New Moon; for naked-eye sightings, the record is 15.5 hours from New Moon. These are exceptional observations and crescent sightings this early in the lunar month should not be expected as the norm. For Islamic calendar purposes, the sighting must be made with the unaided eye.

Obviously, the visibility of the young lunar crescent depends on sky conditions and the location, experience, and preparation of the observer. Generally, low latitude and high altitude observers who know exactly where and when to look will be favored. For observers at mid-northern latitudes, months near the spring equinox are also favored, because the ecliptic makes a relatively steep angle to the western horizon at sunset during these months (tending to make the Moon's altitude greater).

If we ignore local conditions for the moment, and visualize the problem from outside the Earth's atmosphere, the size and brightness of the lunar crescent depend on only one astronomical quantity - the elongation of the Moon from the Sun, which is the apparent angular distance between their centers. For this reason the elongation has also been called the arc of light. If we know the value of the elongation at any instant, we can immediately compute the width of the crescent.

What is the value of the elongation when the Moon's age is one day? It varies, depending on several factors:

(1) The elongation at New Moon. The Moon can pass directly in front of the Sun at New Moon (when a solar eclipse will occur) or can pass as far as five degrees away. That is, the Moon can start the month with an elongation ranging from zero to five degrees. A minor complicating factor involves the definition of New Moon in the almanacs. Astronomical New Moon is defined to occur when the Sun and Moon have the same geocentric ecliptic longitude, which may not occur precisely when the Sun and Moon are closest together in the sky.

(2) The speed of the Moon in its orbit. The Moon's orbit is elliptical, and its speed is greatest when it is near perigee, least near apogee. If perigee occurs near New Moon, the Moon will appear to be moving away from the Sun in the sky at a greater than average rate.

(3) The distance of the Moon. Again, because of its elliptical orbit, the distance of the Moon varies, so even if the Moon moved with a constant speed, its angular motion as viewed from the Earth would be greater when the Moon is near perigee.

(4) The location of the observer. If the observer is located in the tropics such that the one-day-old-Moon is observed just before it sets, its elongation as seen by the observer will be about a degree less than that seen by a fictitious observer at the center of the Earth, which is the basis for most almanac calculations. This decrease in observed elongation is less for observers at middle or high latitudes (although other geometric factors are less favorable for these observers).

Factors (2) and (3) are linked by Kepler's second law, which predicts that the angular speed of the Moon as seen from the Earth will vary by about 22%. If we combine all these factors we find that geocentric elongation of the Moon from the Sun at an age of one day can vary between about 10 and 15 degrees.

This large range of possible elongations in the one-day-old Moon is critical, because at this time the width of the crescent is increasing with the square of the elongation, and the surface brightness of the crescent is also rapidly increasing. Some of the earliest reliable sightings of the crescent occur near elongations of around 10 degrees. Obviously, simply specifying the age of the Moon cannot tell the whole story. Of course, the elongation of the Moon does not tell the full story, either. But, of the two parameters, the elongation is a much more reliable parameter to use as a starting point in assessing the lunar crescent visibility at any given date and time.

The prediction of the first sighting of the early crescent Moon is an interesting problem because it simultaneously involves a number of highly non-linear effects. Stated in less technical language, a lot of things are changing very rapidly. Effects to be considered are the geometry of the Sun, Moon, and horizon; the width and surface brightness of the crescent; the absorption of the Moon's light and the scattering of the Sun's light in the Earth's atmosphere; and the physiology of human vision. The problem has a rich literature. Some modern astronomical references are:

Schaefer, B. E., 1988: "Visibility of the Lunar Crescent", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 29, pp. 511-523.

Schaefer, B. E., Ahmad, I. A., Doggett, L. E., 1993: "Records for Young Moon Sightings", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 34, pp. 53-56.

Ilyas, M., 1994: "Lunar Crescent Visibility Criterion and Islamic Calendar", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 35, pp. 425-461.

Doggett, L. E., Schaefer, B. E., 1994: "Lunar Crescent Visibility", Icarus, Vol. 107, pp. 388-403.

M. B. Pepin, 1996: "In Quest of the Youngest Moon", Sky & Telescope, December 1996, pp. 104-106." target="_top - Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office computes and distributes predictions of lunar crescent visibility. The" target="_top - Astronomical Calendar by Guy Ottewell (published annually by Furman University, Greenville, SC) includes good diagrams of the positions of young and old Moons during the year (drawn for the eastern U.S.) and an explanation of the factors affecting their visibility.

Related information on these web pages includes: - Phases of the Moon and Percent of the Moon Illuminated (definitions) in FAQ - Phases of the Moon in Data Services - Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day in Data Services

- G. H. Kaplan" target="_top - Disclaimer for external links.

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: AhmadJoyia
Date Posted: 04 November 2005 at 7:36am
Thanks bro rami for your detailed reply. Here is the confusion when the website states the possible date of eid on Thrusday for many countries including USA "

Thursday, November 3, 2005:

  1. Algeria (after 30 days of Ramadan)
  2. Austria
  3. Bahrain (Followed S. Arabia)
  4. Egypt (after 30 days of Ramadan)
  5. Germany
  6. Indonesia
  7. Iraq (Claim of Sighting)
  8. Jordan (Followed S. Arabia)
  9. Kenia (Claim of Sighting)
  10. Kuwait (Followed S. Arabia)
  11. Lebanon (Followed S. Arabia)
  12. Malysia
  13. Mauritania (Followed S. Arabia)
  14. Norway
  15. Oman (Claim of Sighting)
  16. Palestine (Followed S. Arabia)
  17. Qatar (Followed S. Arabia)
  18. Russia
  19. S. Arabia (after 30 days of Ramadan)
  20. Slovakia
  21. Somalia (Claim of Sighting)
  22. Syria (after 30 days of Ramadan)
  23. Turkey
  24. UAE (Followed S. Arabia)
  25. UK (also on Friday)
  26. Ukrain
  27. USA (also on Friday)
  28. Yemen (Claim of Sighting) "

Here is the link for this -

under the heading of "OFFICIAL 1st Day of Shawwal in Different Countries"


Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 04 November 2005 at 11:11pm
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

assalamu alaikum

You have misunderstood what that list is supoesed to say br. It is not telling us when eid will be rather it is telling us on what day various countries held eid.

notice how next to many countries it say also on thursday or friday, this is to show that one group in that country held it on thursday while others held it on friday. other countries have a commnent on what method they used to find out what day eid is.

Basicaly it is a record of what occured in every country this year.

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: AhmadJoyia
Date Posted: 05 November 2005 at 9:43am
Oh, I see. Probably you are right. In the mean time, I have asked our Islamic center to ask ISNA to provide explanation of their choice of decision for having eid on Thrusday based on "flimsy" evidence as asserted by this website. ISNA only acknowldges a "disagreement" among the experts but never explains to defend their choice of preference in response to the rebutal on this website. Hopefully, they shall find a better methodology for their decisions. Inshallah. May Allah bless us all. Amin.

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 07 November 2005 at 10:43pm
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

the picture below is a good example of why there are conflicting reports of the cresent sighting. The picture on the left is a magnafication of the one on the right.

its not just a matter of honesty genuine mistakes are made easily.

user posted image

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 18 November 2005 at 11:55pm
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

assalamu alaikum

the following statment was made to australian muslims living in sydney which is why there is a constant refrence to Al-Ghazali center. I am posting it here becouse it discusses the moon sighting situation from all angles religious as well as scientific.

the original document can be found - here .

Ramadhan Statement for the Muslim Community
An Al-Ghazzali Centre Awareness Paper, � 1426.

In the name of Allah, The Source of Mercy, The Merciful. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated, �I heard Allah's Messenger (The blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) saying, �When you see the crescent (of Ramadhan), start fasting, and when you see the crescent (of the month of Shawwal), stop fasting; and if the sky is
overcast (and you can't see it) then regard the month of Ramadan as of 30 day. Bukhari 3:30:1900.

Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated, �Allah's Messenger (The blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said, �The month (can be) 29 nights and do not fast till you see the moon, and if the sky is overcast, then complete Sha'ban as thirty days�.Bukhari 3:30:1907.


Al-Ghazzali Centre for Islamic Sciences & Human Development considers the sighting of the moon as an important and integral responsibility upon Muslims, Fardal-Kifaya, in establishing Fast in the Blessed month of Ramadhan. Whilst we are aware of the numerous positions held by different communities, al-Ghazzali Centre does not intend to add or refute the practices of others. The aim of this Statement is for Muslims who are seeking accurate information about the controversy, and act decisively on the matter with a clear conscience, to have the facts available to them.

We make the following statements of fact:

1. One of the unfortunate issues plaguing our community is the issue of moon-sighting. This controversy revolves around determining what is the optimal criterion for establishing the commencement and completion of Ramadhan. Al-Ghazzali Centre holds to the revival and transmission of traditional Islamic knowledge as a universally
applicable System. We also recognise the validity of local moon sighting within a country (based on Ikhtilaful Matali� and Ittihadul Matali� positions of Fiqh), as well as the choice to separate sighting due to regional time zones. Therefore Al-Ghazzali Centre recognises the moon sighting from anywhere in Australia confirmed by credible Muslim witnesses.

2. We acknowledge that astronomical calculations cannot be used as valid means for determining our Islamic dates. However, we do feel that scientific astronomical calculations, based on Islamic stipulated conditions, can act as a beneficial guide as to when it is possible, or impossible, to sight the crescent moon.

This report provides a brief statement based on the Sunnah as well as scientific data which supports the Sunnah, to clarify the following, pertaining particularly for the year 2005:

i) A brief information on the theology of observing the moon to establish the month of Ramadhan as opposed to pre-determined calendars or statement to commence;

ii) why any pre-determined statement by any organisation in Australia, or calendars asserting that 1st of Ramadhan commences on 5th October, ahead of moon sighting for the year 2005 is incorrect, technically and ethically;

iii) The correct date to commence observing the crescent is 4th October, 2004, NOT 3rd October.


The argument on the matter is simply twofold- sighting the moon physically or to use predetermined scientific calculations to determine the months, and so indeed Ramadhan. The argument for scientific pre-determination often is reduced to the assertion that because Allah
has Willed the ability of humans to calculate such matters, using science, we should accept this proposition. This statement is usually backed by another assertion that observation was the best methodology at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace and blessings of Allah, and that they did not have the knowledge or ability as humans have now. Al-Ghazzali Centre holds a different view, supported by a majority of Traditional Scholars
throughout the world who reject pre-determined calculations. We do not aim to cause any conflict in the community, however, we do not back away from the clear evidences available that pre-determination of the moon crescent appearance was never intended in the first place, neither by Allah, The Creator, nor His Messenger.

2.1 Qur�anic Evidence

The first evidence we rely on is based on the Qur�an. The holistic understanding of this evidence is commonly used in Fiqh for numerous other rulings, which are acceptable practice- Qiyas, or analogical deduction. In fact, the assertion that pre-determination is acceptable is also based on this tool of Ijtihaad.

The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights the month (of Ramadan i.e. is present at his home, witnessing the crescent), he must observe Saum (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Saum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Allah intends for you ease,
and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Him for having guided you so that you may
be grateful to Him. Qur�an[2:185]

The critical term in this verse is �faman shahida minkum as-shahara�, which means to the effect �those from you who have witnessed the month�. This verse has also been suggested to mean �those who are present at their home�. The meaning is still pointed towards presence and witnessing the month.

The argument is usually used to suggest that this �witnessing� can occur via pre-determined calculations, given that we have technologically advanced to calculate the phases of the moon. It will be articulated later, why this is incorrect in seeking to understand the objective of this verse.

The root meaning of the critical term �shahida� refers to a witnessing which takes part in a physical form, as a form of proof. Scholars of Arabic Grammar agree on this by unanimous consensus. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, who was the first man to
collect Arabic words and elaborate its meaning, also clearly holds this view. Khalil, who used ibn Abbas�s collection to formulate the world�s first dictionary in any language (this of course being in Arabic), published this fact in his works, � �Ayn�. Scholars who study Grammar
consider this work to be the most authoritative in understanding the depths of meaning of Arabic words. �Shahada� cannot happen in a simulated manner. It has to occur in a physical form as a form of proof. Of course, the result of �shahida�, i.e., the witnessing can be
recorded, and this should not be misunderstood with the witnessing itself. Therefore, it is clear in this verse, that some form of witnessing is required to establish the presence of the month of Ramadhan (this also applies to all lunar months for Muslims, which al-Ghazzali Centre undertakes and records on a monthly basis 


Having established that a form of witnessing is required to establish fasting, it is important to eliminate the possibility of the acceptance of calculation as a means to establish it. The Qur�an is the Word of Allah. Allah is All-Aware of the progresses human beings will undergo, including the ability to pre-determine moon phases. The term �moon phases� is specifically used here, because that is what human beings can establish� not the visibility of the actual crescent. Even today, it is not possible for science to predict visibility of the crescentthe
criteria by which all Scholars agree that the Islamic months are established based on the Prophetic Tradition. In other words, it is not the moon phases that Islamic Tradition calls for, but for the observation of the moon crescent. We will return to the technical basis of this, in the later parts of this report.

The pre-determination is based on calculations. And the fact is that Allah, The Wise, has used the term �to calculate� in the Qur�an. This specific information is paramount and essential to come to a holistic understanding and acceptance of the fact that if Allah, The Wise, wanted calculated pre-determination as a means to establish fasting or the months, this would have been clearly stated in the Qur�an and the Prophetic Tradition, by the use of the term referring to calculation. It was nothing new, nor anything impossible for Allah to have revealed it to the Messenger of Allah .

Allah revealed in the Qur�an:

The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses, calculated with measured out stages for each. Qur�an[55:5]

The key term in this verse is �bihusbaan�, its root extraction from �hasaba�. This word is of particular significance, since it means �to calculate�. This alone is clear evidence that Allah revealed to His Messenger , the concept of astronomical calculations, yet Allah limited the

method of establishing the commencement of fasting through observation of the crescent as proof. Furthermore, Allah has revealed quantitative calculations in the Qur�an. An example of this is
the laws of inheritance. History is clear that such calculations were not only new for the people of Arabia, but an unknown territory for the world. Numerals with fractions, as well as the quantum zero, was established or refined from the laws of inheritance revealed in the
Qur�an itself. Allah is the Creator of heavens and earth, and all that exists in it. If the phases of the moon were of importance and the determining factor, and if there was no requirement to sight or
observe the actual crescent, the Qur�an is evidence that such a directive would have been revealed for Muslims to fulfil their obligations to Allah. The language of the Qur�an on this matter is literal, and there is no room for the possibility of metaphorical interpretations. In fact, it would be counter to a very basic Principle of Islamic Law and Methodology, that the literal meaning must be given precedence unless there is clear evidence to suggest a
metaphorical meaning. To do so would be what is referred to in Fiqh as �shaadh� or �odd� of that person. Allah has not left ambiguity or interpretative injunctions on Muslims as a method to perfect their Deen.

2.2 Evidence from Prophetic Tradition

Whilst the Qur�anic evidence should suffice, it is always helpful to see how the Messenger of Allah , actually manifested those injunctions in reality. The two opening Ahadeeth quoted at the beginning of this Statement, is sufficient evidence to confirm the Qur�anic evidence. The critical words in those ahadeeth are �ra�aitum� or its derivates, which specifically mean �to look� or �to observe�. As a side note, this word is very different from another common word denoting watching- �nadhara� or �to see�. To look or observe, �ra�aitum�, means to pay attention in the observation. To see something, �nadhara�, as the root derivative, means that one sees something in passing or can decipher something.

In addition, �ra�aitum� has no synonymous meaning with calculation. It has clear relevance to the concept of observation.

Further, and most importantly, the Hadeeth does not allude to the �birth� of the new moon, normally referred to as �conjunction�, nor the day after. In fact it suggests that these two days of uncertainty can be left out from the establishment of the month. If the accuracy of the moon phase was of any importance, it is quite clear, knowing the complex nature of some of Islamic rulings, this would have been clearly mentioned. To the contrary, the Messenger of Allah, , mentioned the earliest possible observation of the moon crescent itself, not the moon phases. The calendars however indicate information of the birth of the new moon, which is entirely different in meaning as well as to the statement of the Messenger of Allah .
The Arabic word referred to in the Ahadeeth is �Hilal�. It refers particularly to the crescent, not the new moon. The Hadeeth requires of us to sight the crescent, not the new moon. Calendars and pre-determined statements can only refer to the new moon with any accuracy, not the crescent. It is clear from this matter alone, that the crescent must be observed, and not pre-determining the new moon.

These Ahadeeth also confirm that there is no reference to, nor any allusion to the phases of the moon, but purely to the observation of the crescent. They further confirm that Ramadhan is bound by the observation of the crescent for its commencement AND completion, where the days of fasting may validly vary from 29 to 30 days. There is absolutely no doubt in relation to this fact.


Al-Ghazzali Centre is aware that many calendars assert the date for
1st Ramadhan to be 5th October. Calendars do play a beneficial role, in that they provide a general guide to when we are expected to seek the crescent. But they are not definitive, nor is any statement declaring a date prior to the actual sighting. This section of the report aims to highlight the error in asserting such a statement, and why 5th October is problematic at the very least. Al-Ghazzali Centre also emphasises, however, that only by coincidence Ramadhan is mostl
likely to commence on 5th October.

Al-Ghazzali Centre urges the Muslim community in Australia to abstain from fasting from the 5th October, based on the predetermined statement. This, however, could be acceptable ONLY after actual sighting of a crescent on the evening of 4th October. This inaccuracy is not based on whether calendar-based pre-determination is possible, but on reality of scientific facts that the proposed pre-determined date is incorrect in the first place. In order to conclude how the pre-determined date of 5th October is incorrect, one needs to
compare scientific facts about the moon alongside observed data. Below, both are published as part of Al-Ghazzali Centre�s actual and verified record of the data.

3.1 Observation of the Moon Data

[The table and following section 4 been taken out as i could not copy them corectly but they can be viewd in the original document - here]



Al-Ghazzali Centre concludes the following points based on scientific and Islamic evidences:

i) The pre-determined date to commence Ramadhan on 5th October, cannot be established prior to the event itself, and so is incorrect;

ii) It is incorrect to state that 4th October is 30th Sha�ban. This poses two factual problems. Firstly that 29th Sha�ban is on 3rd October, which is scientifically incorrect. Secondly, based on the moon age calculation, 5th October can be the 30th Sha�ban, and so the 1st Ramadhan could be on the 6th. The calendar, on this basis, incorrectly suggests that Sha�ban could have 31 days� which is Islamically incorrect.

iii) The correct date to observe the crescent is 4th October in Australia. For a live hourly update of the crescent moonsighting for this Ramadhan, visit [no longer available].
We pray to Allah to grant the Muslims ease during the month of Ramadhan through their fasting. We ask Allah to forgive us for any shortcomings and errors, and to give success to those seeking to participate in authentic principles of Islam. Peace and blessings of Allah upon His Beloved Prophet.

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: AhmadJoyia
Date Posted: 21 November 2005 at 1:03pm

The following is the response of ISNA to my question (of course through our Islamic Center) for making decision for Eid ul Fitr. I agree with them.


11- 4-05

Idul Fitr on Thursday, November 3, 2005:
The Decision Process
By Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi
Chairman of the Fiqh Council of North America

Some people have asked us to give some details about the process that the Fiqh Council and National Shura used to make the decision about the Idul Fitr to be on Thursday, November 3, 2005. Our statement about Id decision was short because of the time constrains. We were not able to arrive at the decision before sunset in the Pacific Time zone, the teleconference lasted for one hour so as to allow sufficient discussion and there were a lot of persons and communities waiting for a word so as to prepare for Id the following days. However, here are the details for those who want to know how we reached to the decision.

The decision was based on the local moon sighting reports in accordance with the current criteria approved by the decision making bodies. The criteria say:

On Wednesday, November 2, 2005, ISNA received several moon sighting reports from various parts of United States. A total of 9 reports from five different cities were received.
i. Jacksonville, Florida: Two Muslims testified that they saw the Hilal. The persons were confirmed as trustworthy by the local Imams.
ii. Chicago, Illinois: One of three male members of a family testified that they all saw the Hilal. They are known Muslims members of the community and are considered trustworthy.
iii. Amityville, New York: One Muslim testified that he saw the Hilal.
iv. Phoenix, Arizona: Three Muslim, one Imam and two members of the community testified that they saw the Hilal.
v. Tucson, Arizona: Mr. Jim Stamm who regularly watches Hilals reported that he saw the Hilal through his telescope.

Our astronomy consultants: Dr. Muhib Durrani and Dr. Ahmad Salamah spoke to the witnesses and took the details of their observations. Dr. Khalid Shaukat was not willing to speak to any witness as his position was that there was no sighting possible.

At 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) a teleconference took place. Following members of the Fiqh Council, National Shura and Astronomy Consultants participated in the conference call:
i. Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, Chairman of the Fiqh Council
ii. Shaikh Muhammad Nur Abdullah, Vice Chair of the Fiqh Council and President of ISNA
iii. Dr. Adam El-Sheikh, Executive Director of the Fiqh Council
iv. Dr. Jamal Badawi, Member of the Executive Board of the Fiqh Council
v. Dr. Ihsan Bagby, Member of the Executive Board of the Fiqh Council and President of MANA
vi. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah, Member of the Fiqh Council
vii. Imam Abdur Rahman Khan, Imam of the Islamic Foundation, Villa Park, Illinois
viii. Dr. Syed Syeed, Secretary General of ISNA
ix. Dr. Zaheeruddin, Representative of ICNA
x. Imam Pasha, Representative of Imam W.D. Muhammad
xi. Mr. Kareem Irfan, Representative of the Islamic Council of Chicago
xii. Dr. Khalid Shaukat, Astronomy Consultant
xiii. Dr. Mohib Durrani, Astronomy Consultant
xiv. Dr. Ahmad Salamah, Astronomy Consultant

After the opening of the meeting, the Chairman of the Fiqh Council asked the astronomy consultants to report their findings after their conversations with the witnesses. The consultants agreed that the reports of the witnesses from New York, Chicago and Jacksonville were not acceptable because they failed to meet the scientific data available as to the location, shape and timings of crescent that evening. Dr. Durrani and Dr. Salamah also reported their discussions with the witnesses in Phoenix, Arizona. Both of them indicated that they would not rule out the Phoenix sightings. Dr. Khalid Shaukat disagreed. When Dr. Khalid Shaukat was asked whether he talked to any witnesses, his answer was, �no.� Dr. Salamah was asked how he could accept these naked eye testimonies when it was said earlier that it was impossible. His answer was that he never said that it was impossible. He reminded us that he sent his email about a month ago informing us that if there were any sightings he would not reject them outright. Other members agreed receiving this information from Dr. Salamah. Dr. Durrani expressed his total surprise at the positional accuracy of the sighting reports from the Phoenix witnesses. He told us that their description of Hilal�s location, shape and timings all meet the expected positional astronomical data. He told us that he was willing to accept these sightings even though they were against his earlier predictions. His position was that the actual sighting data was empirical and could be revised.

Dr. Durrani also informed the participants about the telescopic sighting of Mr. Jim Stamm. Mr. Stamm was very cooperative and even allowed some Muslims to be at his site to observe the Hilal from his telescope. However, the Muslim observers failed to see the Hilal from the telescope. The Fiqh Council was thankful to Mr. Stamm for his cooperation and considered his report, not as a Hilal witness, but as supportive evidence. It was discussed that why other Muslim observers were not able to see the Hilal from his telescope and the answer was given that it might be because of their lack of experience. Dr. Durrani told us that Mr. Stamm was a respectable and honorable person. He would not try to mislead us knowingly.

It was well known to all participants that the age of moon was almost 24 hours at the sunset in Pacific coast and it set that evening about 21 minutes after sunset. Thus after due deliberation over the astronomical information, the sighting reports and the agreed upon criteria (as mentioned above) Dr. Jamal Badawi expressed that according to his opinion, the sighting reports did not contradict any �indisputable astronomical information� as it is mentioned in our criteria. Majority of our astronomy consultants were willing to accept Phoenix sightings. Hence we should announce Idul Fitr to be on Thursday, November 3, 2005 according to our present criteria.

All Fiqh Council members unanimously accepted this resolution. Imam Pasha representing Imam W.D. Muhammad expressed his reservation. He told us that Imam Muhammad had already announced the Id to be on Friday, November 4, 2005. We informed him that the Shura required that no announcement should be made before the decision of this body.

Most participants accepted the decision. Dr. Shaukat abstained. Dr. Zaheeruddin said that he would inform ICNA President and would leave the decision to him.

The Meeting concluded at 10:00 P.M. Easter Standard time. We pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta�la to accept our humble service and forgive us if we have made any mistakes. We tried our best to reach the right decision.

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 21 November 2005 at 11:57pm

Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

Alahamdulillah it seems to be a sincere effort and not simply based of reading calender.

Some Questions need to be asked though, what scientific data where they working from which told them that sighting the new moon on this day was a posibilty and reports would be acceptable by scientific standards, they do not provide any scientific data to back up the claims they are making and it seems to be only based of reports from indaviduals, refer back to my photo of the moon and you will see how it is very easy to confuse matters.

All scientific data that i have seen from three indapendant bodies the - US Naval Observatory , - HM Nautical Almanac Office (British Navy, The previous new moon occurred on 2005 November 02), and - say the new moon was on november 2nd.

I dont think it would be reasnoble to claim collusion on this matter. Claculating the new moon is something that is done with accuracy as it is always in space running its orbit but when you would like to predict where it can be seen from down here on earth looking up to space the calculations become very inaccurate and can not be done with certainty, facters like the angle of the light from the sun hiting the moon as well as the relative closeness of the moon to the sun at the time of setting are things that change on a regular basis and it would be like trying to predict the wheather.

This is not so for the new moon as you are calculating it based on the moon moving through space no need to factor in where it can be seen, this is pointed out in the Quran by Allah.

So when three indapendant bodies all say the new moon is on november the second based on exact scientific data that is not a small matter which can be dismissed by statments like "we took our brothers words that they saw the moon".

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 22 November 2005 at 12:05am
bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

sighting was very much devided.

The official first day of Shawwal in the USA is divided once more between Fiqh Council of North Amrica and many other organizations.

Thursday, 3rd Nov, 2005

  1. Fiqh Council of North Amrica
  2. Most Mosques of Greater Washington/Baltimore Area
Friday, 4th Nov, 2005
  1. - CFCO
  2. Chicago Sunni Muslim Society
  3. ICNA Canada
  4. Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
  5. Islamic Foundation of Toronto
  6. - Islamic organizations of Sistanig
  7. - Islamic Education Center of Houston
  8. Islamic Education Center of Potomac
  9. - Jamat-e-Ahle Sunnat North America (JASNA)
  10. Jami'yyatul Ulama Canada
  11. Majlis as-Shura of Philadelphia
  12. - North American Islamic Foundation, Herndon, VA
  13. - North American Ulema Council
  14. - The Hilal Committee of Greater Toronto Area ) - a body representing 71 mosques
  15. - The Khoei Foundation
  16. - Zaytuna Institute (Imam Zaid Shakir)

Rasul Allah (sallah llahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord" and whoever knows his Lord has been given His gnosis and nearness.

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