There is that continuous struggle between good and evil as the world states but in the underlined theme its between Christianity and Islam. There are books written based on the struggles on Christianity and Islam looking at Muhammad and Jesus, The Cross and the Crescent, the Crusades and the Jihad. Even in video games there is a game I used to play on the computer called Medieval (oops I may have missspelled that) Total War which allows you to choose between variosu factions: Franks, Egyptians, Turks etc and places you on a mapo where you fight to conqueror all of the known Europe and some of the far east (until you battle the Mongols).
All these depictions rather present the struggles of humanity on a grand scale and its always seemingly drawing us back to the religious theme. You know most Evangelical Christians believe that those who are not on "God's" side that is Jesus most are going to hell. They say that because we do not believe in Jesus and that we (Muslims) believe in a corrupt Qur'an made by Satan as they say, we are the enemy and that the War of Terror is underlined as the war between "Good and Evil" or "God and Evil."
I must be different I guess. I have no sect I associate with myself no standard Masjid (Mosque) I attend save the one I normally go to which I don't considered my standard one as I would go anywhere else. I'm not like my brethren in my local Muslim-Student Association because some of them are slightly hardcore. But it appears as people we are all struggling for one thing and whatever that thing is we are motivated to find it.
It's unfortunate that in today's age religion takes over as the core theme of our society which, is not wrong especially when we are propa gating the belief in the Creator of the Universe, but in the extreme sense we do so at the expense of others. The true Faith of Islam teaches fairness and fair justices to all of humankind. One thing that some Muslims may miss is that without even propogating Islam, even with kindness alone one can propogate the message of Islam. I'm not talking kindness to other Muslims I mean kindness to all of life forms!
In this day and age I'm more kinder to non-Muslims than Muslims and the reason for that is because usually when religion comes up they ask me: What are you? And I tell them I'm Muslim and they're like really? For how long? How did you get into that? etc. The long discussion turns into inquiry and thus my propagating Islam. I very much dislike talking about my faith as it is my faith but if someone inquires I love to discuss it because it is their choice to inquire about Islam. I love when others make free choices rather forced choices.
In getting back to the topic these are simple elements inc ombating the so-called battle of good and evil stigma. There is no battle. The battle is within all of the human species. The problem is we dont see each other as a species but rather a class of people. I see Muslims here and abroad calling each other sinners and some Muslims calling others non-believers Kufr etc and some Chtistians calling Muslims Mohammadans terrorist etc. Some Jews calling Muslims terrorist etc Sikhs back and forth /Hindus back and forth. I don'y say Buddhist because of all the known religious faiths they are the most quiet and patient.
How sad that Islam teaches patience and the only religion now that reflects that is Buddhism followers. To defeat this monsterous enemy we must enjoin ourselves in the spiritual recginition of God's word which is the Qur'an and we must allow ourselves to constantly remind our souls that it is the good things we must do. So how can Good fight with Good? This is the formula to fight the stigma.