Child of Light
Though some try to hide or stiffle the light we are all a Child of Light!
I believe the hardest thing as adults is accepting we have problems and reaching out to trained, qualified counselors and support groups to learn new and better coping strategies so our light truely can shine. Not just when we are trying to impress others.
We have to impress those most important to us ourselves and our families and sometimes depression or a history of self abuse, being abused emotionally, physically or sexually can make us act out in strange ways when coping with the stresses of life, family, work or relationships in general.
Getting trained, qualified therapy was part of the healing journey for me and my family and finally I feel a little closer to being 75% better.
This could not have happened without the unending support of family and friends. The Out reach agencies and Mental Health team that worked with me.
I hope and pray that you will let your light shine for yourself and your family as much as you let it shine for others.
There is hope and we are that hope.
If you are mistreating anyone they are praying you will learn to be kinder and nicer to them and to do this you need to admit to a trained Doctor, Counselor that you are abusive, self abusive or being abused and get the debriefing and therapy you need to become a better person and let your light shine even brighter than before.
Be a Hero let your light shine!
Get the therapy and counseling you need or your family needs so your and their light can shine brightly for the whole world to see!
Leave a lasting legacy of Peace not grief!
Love and Best wishes for this Christmas season and the year and years ahead!
Salam Alaikoam
God Bless You
Anne Marie Elderkin Habibi
------------- Judgement day passes in the moment we decide something needs attention & we take positive action. Then there will be a great sorting out of people into groups, Inspired by Surah 99 Ayat 1-8