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I would Like to marry practicing sister inshallah

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Topic: I would Like to marry practicing sister inshallah
Posted By: mujeebaamer
Subject: I would Like to marry practicing sister inshallah
Date Posted: 20 May 2015 at 1:19am
Assalamualikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

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Looking forward to marry a born muslim sister or a revert sister who is striving to learn n follow islam (inshallah I will support in everyway I can)
I am now looking for half of my deen/my better half/my wife with the same intentions as me and who will cooperate with me inshallah and will be with me here and hereafter inshallah. Girl who is religious(including practicing abaya/burkha and hijab - by saying this what i mean is that even if she is not following some of these she should atlest have an intention of practicing these with a clean heart to get close to Allah and we can work towards it insahllah) , beautiful(good looking very fair) and educated(any bachelors and above). Age 18-25 Height 5'3" - 5'6", fair/very fair. Should balance deen and duniya. She should be away from all the shirk n bidath. Away from dargahs. I expect her to be following deen, offering all salah, observing fast, practicing hijab, honest, kind hearted, helping poor and needy and being respectful, respecting, loving and caring elders and children with humble character and having patience and total faith in Allah that everything happens with the will of Allah. She should respect and care my family and her family too. She neither should have pride nor be self-centered. She should be fun loving, humorous/cute with smile all the time(this is also a hasanah/good deed). She should be the one my family and her family is proud of and others want to have honest and humble character like her.It seems to be little too hard to find someone with all the above qualities but with Allah everything is possible, he is the one who does everything and I have total faith in him. Also no one is 100% perfect and one may not have all the qualities mentioned above but as long as she have some of those and have pure intention to inshallah work towards the rest of the good qualities then she can be my ideal match inshallah. By saying that I don't want to be harsh and fires her but I am expecting is atleast she has intentions of practicing above mentions qualities soon and I will support her in ever way I can inshallah. We can always help each other in pleasing Allah. If it sounds like you then please contact me. Inshallah Allah will help me find the best.

Alhamdulillah I offer all salah daily. Me and my family are away from all the shirk and bidath. We believe in Allah that he is the only one and he is the doer of every thing and He is the only one whom we can ask everything.I am mujeebaamer jeimyaall .Alhamdulillah I have done MS in Australia. I finished my B. Tech in Hyderabad and then cameto Melbourne, Australia to peruse my Masters in IT. By the grace of Allah after finishing my studies I started working as a Software Quality Engineer. Alhamdulillah I recently got my Australian citizenship.

I am fun loving and easy going person with in the limits of Islam. I don't like music.I am a MUSLIM SUNNI that's it. I don't distinguish myself as sunnah jamat, ehle sunnat or tableegi though i frequently attend islamic lectures, talks and classes. In a nut shell i want to be connected with allah following his commands, Quran and sunnah without any shirk or biddat and to gain more knowledge from available resources.

Jazakallahu khair

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