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Topic: "O Allah, destroy the accursed Jews"
Posted By: Ron Webb
Subject: "O Allah, destroy the accursed Jews"
Date Posted: 10 February 2017 at 7:27am
Below is supposedly a prayer recited by Imam Sayed AlGhitawi at the Al Andalous Islamic Center in Montreal a few days ago.  It was reported by CIJ News, a new source obviously dedicated to Jewish propaganda.  The story is being picked up by all the standard anti-Muslim media, but so far no response from Muslims.

Can someone please tell me if this is an accurate translation?  Also, is this a standard Muslim prayer, or is the Imam speaking for himself here? --

O Allah, give victory to our brothers who engage in Jihad for Your sake in everywhere, O Lord of the Worlds

O Allah, give victory to our brothers who engage in Jihad in Palestine

O Allah, connect to their hearts

O Allah, make their feet firm

O Allah, make their feet firm

O Allah, give them victory over their enemy

O Allah, destroy the accursed Jews

O Allah, show us the black day you inflict on them

O Allah, show us the wonders of your power and ability inflicted on them, O the most Merciful

O Allah, show us how you do to them what you did to [the peoples] of ʿĀd and Thamud [ancient peoples that perished by Allah because they didn�t heed the warnings of the prophets]

O Allah, show us how you do them what you did to [the people] of ʿĀd and Thamud

O Allah, rain down on them rain of stones made of Sigil stones, O Lord of the Worlds

O Allah, rain down on them rain of stones made of Sigil stones, O the most Merciful

O Allah, make their children orphans and their women widows -

Addeenul �Aql � Religion is intellect.

Posted By: DavidC
Date Posted: 10 February 2017 at 2:30pm
What are Sigil stones?

Who were Ad and Thamud?

Christian; Wesleyan M.Div.

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