Dear Hans Fredrick.
I'm always of the belief that you should never join any organization unless you are absolutely sure and that you believe absolutely its tenants. However philosophically there are some things about Islam that I question and others I downright disagree with. In the following I'll list my issues as well as my reasons for believing in them:
1) If you're a person of another religious belief you're doomed to hell.
(Yes, the most capable of creating humans including this universe is only Allah. we are God's creatures, meaning we must obey God's commands. The analogy is, we have parents but don't want to follow their rules, especially if you don't acknowledge your parents, will you get praise or punishment?)
-It's hard for me to believe that if someone chooses another faith other than Islam as the Qur'an states "it will not be accepted of him." With so many interpretations of Islam and fiqh how does one grasp the correct truth of it all when there are various interpretations of eschatology? Furthermore, it is hard to believe that God takes an absolutist position to disregard a non-Muslim moral person and condemn them to hell fire.
(All the Prophets and Apostles only worship one God (monotheism). You can imagine if there are many God, of course they will fight for power, then what will our situation be?)
2) I don't want to pray 5 times a day as if I'm performing a chore
(You do not know the secrets behind the prayer 5 times, if you've already known, you will seriously do it.)
-I often think when I perform the ritual of prayer I don't want it to feel as if I'm doing a chore. I want the feeling that I'm getting closer to God.
(Among the most powerful temptations of Satan is when we will pray because he will tempt us to be his friend in hell like the promise of the devil when cursed by Allah from heaven.)
3) I often feel the greater Muslim community still deals with racism however many believe it is not sufficient enough to warrant a global response.
(In Islamic teachings do not recognize racism. Please don't see the behavior of some Muslims but study the teachings of Islam because heaven is only for those who fear (taqwa) to Allah.)
-If been in mosques and Jummah prayers where it seems it is often segregated by country and ethnicity.
(In Islamic teachings do not recognize caste, discrimination, racism.)