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Food shortages

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Category: Politics
Forum Name: Conspiracy Theories
Forum Description: Theories that may or maynot bear relevance
Printed Date: 02 March 2025 at 6:48am
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Topic: Food shortages
Posted By: Blackangel
Subject: Food shortages
Date Posted: 25 August 2021 at 6:19pm
I've read a few internet stories about issues with the food supply chain- the most notable being British McDonalds running out of milkshakes across the UK. I've read America is having such problems as well. It's like austerity. If one country needed it fair enough but it was global phenomenon... What are they up to?

Edit. I've read a few more articles predicting shortages at Christmas time - if they can predict it why can't they get proactive and resolve the supply chain issue's??. 

Posted By: Blackangel
Date Posted: 10 September 2021 at 8:18pm
BBC news reporting a Co2 shortage that could hit food supplies.its a big supply issue. Ocado foods said it had limited stock of some frozen items because of Co2 shortages. The food and drink federation stressed the UK was not going to run out of food but there would be major concerns over supply to supermarkets and other food outlets. As was said if they can predict it then why can't they resolve it?

Gas prices up 250% since January and predicted food shortages. What's the big idea? I don't like to seem conspiratorial- is the great reset the engineered collapse of industrialised society?


Posted By: Blackangel
Date Posted: 16 November 2021 at 5:07pm
Alleged global shortages of fertilizer which could cause reduced crop yield and consequences like heightened food prices

Posted By: Blackangel
Date Posted: 18 May 2022 at 11:29am
According to the bank of  of England there will be a chance of apocalyptic starvation in Britain. Perhaps best to germinate giant seeds to ensure continuity of supply. A land army (like WW2) of prisoners volunteers and the millitary to ensure there is enough food and continuity of supply

Please Be proactive not remedial. 

The debate of seaweed fertiliser is still relevant. As was said I put 1.5 ml of liquid fertilizer (max 5ml) in 5 liters of water containing 5ml of seaweed fertiliser and got nutrient burn on my giant strawberries. I guess that demonstrates the nutrient uptake capability of seaweed fertiliser

The price of gas has caused the price of traditional fertiliser to go up which in turn will cause food poverty. Seaweed is abundant & free. From memory seaweed fertiliser utilises a different chemical mechanism to fertilize plants unlike traditional fertilisers

 More EXPEDITIOUS research required-. That said it is the growing season. My polite advice is to plant giant seeds getting ready for summer and perhaps mobilise a land army

Please and subjectively--Proactively build desalination plants to water hydroponics in places like Africa.The world's largest pipeline is 8707km long. Please don't say you can't have hydroponics in places like Africa as the Saudis proved that you can farm in desert arena's via hydroponic cultivation 

As was said politely please turn Africa into the bread basket of earth via hydroponic cultivation.

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